Context English Danish
BackgroundFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in background
BakingUnit__desc Bakes organic products such as bread.
BakingUnit__name Baking unit
Balance_LatestTransactions Latest transactions
BarrierCorner__name Barrier (corner)
BarrierCross__name Barrier (cross)
BarrierEnd__name Barrier (ending)
BarrierStraight1__desc Barrier that blocks vehicle access.
BarrierStraight1__name Barrier (straight)
BarrierTee__name Barrier (tee)
BasicServerRack__name Basic rack
BattleResult__DamageDone Damage done: {0}
Beacon__NoMoreRefugees No more refugees available!
BeaconTip {0} enables you to bring more people to your island and get more workers. It needs a constant supply of power from a {1}. And running the {0} requires {2}. Refugees who find you via {0} will also bring extra resources with them. Also make sure you have enough housing for new refugees as <bc>homelessness</bc> can negatively affect {2}.
BestEffortLocalized Please note that localizations are currently done by our amazing community and we provide them on best-effort basis.
BirchTree__desc Birch tree
BirchTreeDry__desc Birch tree (dry)
Blueprint__NumberOfBackups {0} backup file located in the same directory
Blueprint_ExportToStringTooltip Export currently selected blueprint or folder as a string into the clipboard.
Blueprint_NewFromSelectionTooltip Create a new blueprint by selecting an area of existing structures.