Context English Danish
AlphaStaticIslandMap__desc A balanced map, great for new or casual players. The starting location offers easy access to all resources and plenty of space to build a large factory. Later on, create ramps to the higher platforms to scale up industrial and mining operations.

This is the first and oldest map in Captain of Industry. It was first available in a closed-alpha build in October of 2021. Back then, it was the only playable map in the game.
Bane fra Alpha versionen. Det er en balanceret bane, der egner sig godt til afslappede og nye spillere. Du starter på den laveste platform og starter med alle de ressourcer du har lyst til. Det indledende areal du får tildelt har masser af plads til opbevaringsbygninger ved havnen. Senere hen er det en god idé at bygge ramper til de nye platforme, for at skalere din produktion.
AssignedTrucksEnforce__Title Accept assigned only Tildelte gravemaskiner
Blueprint_NewFromStringTooltip Add a new blueprint by pasting text from a clipboard.
BasicDieselDistiller__desc Allows distillation of low-grade diesel but it is quite inefficient and produces a lot of waste. Tillader destillation af lavkvalitets benzin, men det er ret ineffektivt og producerer meget affald.
Zipper_IoPortShape_Pipe__desc Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports. Tillader distribution og prioritering af produkter mellem dens 2 indgange og udgange
FarmT1__desc Allows growing various crops. Can be used for food production. This farm depends on rain only. To supply water from external source it needs to be upgraded. Allows growing various crops. Can be used for food production. This farm depends on rain only. To supply water from external source it needs to be upgraded.
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipForestryTower Allows to assign storage units for export of wooden logs that are cut by tree harvesters assigned to this tower. If at least one storage unit is assigned, wood will be delivered only to assigned units and nowhere else.
ErrorReporting__Tooltip Allows us to send anonymous reports of errors that occur during your gameplay. This helps us to discover issues quickly and make the game better for everyone. Allows us to send anonymous reports of errors that occur during your gameplay. This helps us to discover issues quickly and make the game better for everyone.
CargoShipCannotDepartNow__WasRequested Already requested
AudioEffectsVolume__Ambient Ambient sounds (e.g. weather) Omgivende lyde (f.eks. Vejr)
AnaerobicDigester__name Anaerobic digester Anaerob rådnetank
ApplyChanges Apply changes Anvend ændringer
BlueprintDelete__Confirmation Are you sure you want to delete '{0}'? This cannot be undone.
DiscardAllProducts__Confirmation Are you sure you want to permanently discard all the {0} stored here?
ArmageddonMap__name Armageddon
AssemblyElectrified__desc Assembly line that is faster and can produce more advanced products. Elektrificeret samlebånd, som er hurtigere og kan producere flere avancerede produkter.
AssemblyManual__desc Assembly line that produces basic products. Manuelt samlebånd som kan producere basale produkter.
Contract__Assign Assign
ContractAssigned__Title Assigned contract
AssignedExcavators__MineTower_Title Assigned excavators will automatically mine all the mining designations managed by this tower. Don't forget to also assign some trucks so the excavators can unload their shovel. Tildelte gravemaskiner vil automatisk udvinde alle de minedriftsområder der administreres af dette tårn. Husk at tilføje lastbiler, så gravemaskinerne kan tømme deres skovl.