Context English Danish
ResearchExhaustFiltration__name Exhaust filtration Exhaust filtration
ResearchFarmingT2__name Irrigated farms Irrigated farms
ResearchFarmingT3__name Greenhouse Greenhouse
ResearchFarmingT4__name Greenhouse II Greenhouse II
ResearchFermentation__name Fermentation
ResearchFertilizers__desc Provides industrial production of chemical fertilizer.
ResearchFertilizers__name Fertilizers
ResearchFoodMarket2__name Food market II
ResearchFoodPacking__desc Enables to pack food in order to sell it via contracts.
ResearchFoodPacking__name Food packing
ResearchFruit__desc Enables to grow & harvest fruit in greenhouses.
ResearchFruit__name Fruit
ResearchFuelStation__desc Tired of excavators going back and forth to refuel? Build this station and assign it some trucks. Tired of excavators going back and forth to refuel? Build this station and assign it some trucks.
ResearchFuelStation__name Fuel station Fuel station
ResearchFuelStation2__name Fuel station II Fuel station II
ResearchFuelStation3__name Fuel station III
ResearchGasCombustion__name Gas combustion Gas combustion
ResearchGlassSmelting__desc Provides glass production. Provides glass production and its usage in household goods.
ResearchGlassSmelting__name Glass making Glass making & goods
ResearchGlassSmeltingT2__name Glass making II Glass making II