Context English Danish
ExcavatorT2H__name Excavator
ExcavatorT3H__name Mega excavator
FailureOutages Failures & outages
FarmFertility__NaturalReplenish Natural replenish
FarmFertility__NaturalReplenishTooltip Monthly rate at which the soil fertility replenishes naturally (without fertilizer).The less fertile soil, the higher replenish rate. When soil fertility is above 100%, natural replenishment will be negative and fertility will slowly decrease.
FarmFertility__Need Fertility needed: {0}
FarmFertility__NeedTooltip Amount of extra fertility needed on average (for the current crop rotation) in order to reach target fertility level. This extra fertility needs to be supplied with fertilizer.
FarmFertility__Target TARGET: {0}
FarmFertilityPenaltyNoRotation Fertility consumption is increased due to lack of rotation.
FarmFertilityTitle Soil fertility
FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversion 1 fertilizer -> {0}
FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversionTooltip How much soil fertility is provided by each unit of stored fertilizer.
FarmFertilizer__MaxFertility Max fertilization: {0}
FarmFertilizer__MaxFertilityTooltip Maximum fertilization target achievable with currently stored fertilizer.
FarmFertilizer__Title Stored Fertilizer
FarmFertilizer__Tooltip Fertilizers can be used to artificially increase soil fertility above its natural equilibrium. Some fertilizers can even raise soil fertility above 100%. Use the green slider to set the desired fertilization target. Fertilizer has to be delivered via pipes. When different types of fertilizers are delivered, their properties will be proportionally mixed.
FarmFertilizersOverview__Open Fertilizers overview
FarmFertilizersOverview__Title Fertilizers overview
FarmIrrigation__Title Irrigation tank
FarmIrrigation__Tooltip Amount of stored water ready for irrigation. Farm will automatically start irrigation when soil water level is low. Irrigation will be always off during rain.