Context English Danish
DataCenter__name Data center Data center
DeleteSave__FailMessage Oops! Failed to delete {0}! Oops! Failed to delete {0}!
Demolish Demolish Demolish
DesignationError__Invalid Invalid position. Bygningen er unik og eksisterer allerede
DesignationRemovalTooltip Right click & drag to remove existing designations Right click & drag to remove existing designations
DesignationWarning__CannotStartDumping Cannot start dumping here yet, all the edges are too high above the terrain. Cannot start dumping here yet, all the edges are too high above the terrain.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartMining Cannot start mining here yet, all the edges are too deep below the terrain. Cannot start mining here yet, all the edges are too deep below the terrain.
DesignationWarning__NoTower Must be managed by a mining tower area. Must be managed by a mining tower area.
DieselGenerator__desc Burns diesel to create electricity. Burns diesel to create electricity.
Disabled Disabled Disabled
Dismiss Dismiss Dismiss
DistillationTowerT1__desc The entry point for advanced crude oil processing. Separates oil into two components for additional processing into useful resources. The entry point for advanced crude oil processing. Separates oil into two components for additional processing into useful resources.
DistillationTowerT1__name Distillation (stage I) Distillation (stage I)
DistillationTowerT2__desc Introduces extra distillation step to expand oil processing capabilities. Introduces extra distillation step to expand oil processing capabilities.
DistillationTowerT2__name Distillation (stage II) Distillation (stage II)
DistillationTowerT3__name Distillation (stage III) Distillation (stage III)
docksCategory__name Cargo docks Cargo docks
DumpingFilter__Empty Nothing allowed to be dumped Nothing allowed to be dumped
DumpingFilter__Title What can be dumped here What can be dumped here
DumpingFilter__Tooltip Configures which materials are allowed to be dumped by trucks on the designations that are managed here. Configures which materials are allowed to be dumped on the designations that are managed here.