Context English Danish
LooseConveyorFormattedFirst__desc Transports loose products. Transports loose products.
LooseMaterialConveyor__name U-shape conveyor U-shape conveyor
LooseMaterialConveyorT2__name U-shape conveyor II U-shape conveyor II
LooseMaterialConveyorT3__name U-shape conveyor III U-shape conveyor III
LootReceived Loot received Loot received
LowFarmFertility__name Farm fertility is too low Farm fertility is too low
LowGroundwater__name Groundwater is low Lysbueovn
MachineIsBroken__name Machine is broken as it lacks maintenance Machine is broken as it lacks maintenance
machinesCategory__name General machines General machines
machinesElectricityCategory__name Power production Power production
machinesFoodCategory__name Food production Food production
machinesMetallurgyCategory__name Metallurgy & smelting Metallurgy & smelting
machinesOilCategory__name Crude oil refining Crude oil refining
machinesWaterCategory__name Water extraction & processing Water extraction & processing
MainShipTitle The ship The ship
Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance
Maintenance__EntityTooltip This entity needs regular maintenance to function. See maintenance depot for details. This entity needs regular maintenance to function. See maintenance depot for details.
MaintenanceDepotT0__name Maintenance depot (basic) Maintenance depot (basic)
MaintenanceDepotT1__desc Converts products into maintenance which is distributed to all machines, buildings, and vehicles that need it. Important as if there is not enough maintenance, vehicles and machines can break down temporarily. Converts products into maintenance which is distributed to all machines, buildings, and vehicles that need it. Important as if there is not enough maintenance, vehicles and machines can break down temporarily.
MaintenanceDepotT1__name Maintenance depot Maintenance depot