Context English Czech
ResearchBricksProduction__name Bricks production
Kb_ToggleMiningTool__label Mining designations
Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name Improve slag export
Kb_MoveRight__label Move right
ReplaceVehicle__OnItsWay Vehicle is heading to a vehicle depot to be replaced.
ResearchTerrainLeveling__name Terrain leveling
OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip If enabled, the output port of this storage will output only this product.
ConiferForest__name Conifer forest
Kb_ToggleResVis__label Resources visualization
Kb_ToggleCutTool__label Cut
Product_IronScrapPressed__name Iron scrap pressed
DifficultyFuel__Normal Standard fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships
DifficultyDisease__Easy Milder diseases
NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name {entity} has no tree saplings to plant trees with
AddableMods__Tooltip Check these mods to add them to your save file.
Kb_ToggleMap__label World map
LabStatus__MissingInput Missing input products
Mainframe__name Mainframe computer
LogisticsStatus__Stable Stable
Kb_PhotoModeRotation__label Camera auto-rotation