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ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__BtnTooltip IMPORTANT: It might be required to perform this action multiple times.
ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button Recover ocean access
ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Title Area recovery
ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Tooltip The docking area is blocked and prevents the ship to operate. You can use the button below to automatically remove accidental material deposits. This action costs Unity and it might be required to perform it multiple times. In case the area is blocked by other structure such as dock or pump, you need to demolish it yourself.
ShowInExplorer Show in folder
Shredder__desc Breaks down products into loose form.
Shredder__name Shredder
Skip Skip
SortingPlantBlockedOutput__name {entity}: blocked due to full output
SortingPlantNoProductSet__name {entity} needs to be assigned with products to sort
SourWaterStripper__desc Makes sour water useful by extracting ammonia and sulfur. Sulfur can be turned into acid and used for instance in the production of copper Zužitkovává průmyslovou odpadní vodu tím, že ji přemění na kyselinu. Kyselina se využívá např. při výrobě mědi
SpeedReduced__Machine Speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
SpeedReduced__Vehicle Vehicle speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
SpruceTree__desc Spruce tree
Stacker__desc Dumps material from connected conveyor belts directly on the terrain.
Stacker__name Stacker
StackerProducts__Title What will be dumped here
StartingLocation_Title Starting location
StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip A balanced map. Great for beginners or casual players.
StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip For skilled players who have some experience with the game already. Requires planning and trade-offs.