Context English Czech
RightClickToRemove Right click to remove
RotateShortcut__Tooltip Press the shortcut key to rotate clock-wise
RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip Recycling this building provides you with useful materials which will be automatically transported by trucks where needed (e.g. {0} will be delivered to a {1}).
RunOnLowFuel__Action Run on low fuel
RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip The ship will depart even with insufficient fuel, but the journey will take longer and cost Unity.
Save__FailureMessage Failed to save the game!
Save__Title Save
Saved__Detail Saved
SaveName__Label Name your save
SelectFuel_Title Select fuel
SelectMods_Title Select mods to include in the game
SelectOption Select...
SettlementRecyclablesModule__descToFormat Collects recyclables from the attached settlement. Recyclables are generated only from products that you provide to the settlement (e.g. {0}). If a settlement does not have this module built, all recyclables end up in general waste.
ShipAutoReturn__Toggle Automatically return home
ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip The ship will automatically return back from the world map if it has no available locations to explore.
ShipCantVisit__TooFar Location is too far
ShipFuelReduction__desc Cargo ship fuel consumption reduced by {0}
ShipFuelReduction__name Ships fuel saver
ShipFuelSwitch__InProgress Replacement is in progress. Click to cancel.
ShipFuelSwitch__InUse The selected fuel is already in use.