Context English Arabic
SurfaceDecalsCat_Lines__name Lines & arrows
SurfaceDecalsCat_LinesDouble__name Double lines
SurfaceDecalsCat_Symbols__name Symbols
TechnologyBlueprints__desc Enables to create, import and use blueprints.
TechnologyBlueprints__name Blueprints
TechnologyCanolaSeeds__name Canola seeds
TechnologyCargoShip__desc We need to discover a cargo ship in the world map to understand how to design this building.
TechnologyCargoShip__name Cargo ship technology
TechnologyCornSeeds__name Corn seeds
TechnologyCropRotation__desc Enables to set up crop rotation for farms. Can be used to increase farm's yield.
TechnologyCropRotation__name Crop rotation
TechnologyCustomRoutes__desc Enables to manually assign buildings to each other to set up routes that trucks will follow. Supported by storage, {0}. Also enables to assign trucks to individual storages.
TechnologyCustomRoutes__name Custom routes
TechnologyCustomSurfaces__desc Allows laying down custom surfaces, such as concrete, on the ground. Surfaces reduce the maintenance needs of vehicles that drive over them.
TechnologyCustomSurfaces__name Custom surfaces
TechnologyElectronics2__name Electronics II technology
TechnologyFruitSeeds__name Fruit seeds
TechnologyHydrogenCargoShip__name Hydrogen cargo ship
TechnologyMechPowerAutoBalance__desc Once manually enabled for a steam turbine, it prevents it from wasting steam by automatically shutting it off in case there is a large excess of mechanical power on the shaft. Once the power on the shaft gets low, the turbine gets restarted. However restarts are not instant so shaft should be accompanied with a mechanical power storage to achieve stable supply of energy.
TechnologyMechPowerAutoBalance__name Turbine control