The supporter edition is for players who want to support our small indie game studio MaFi Games and help us to continue and scale our work on Captain of Industry. This pack was created for our generous backers who pledged towards the development of the game before it was released here on Steam. We understand that many people missed this opportunity, so we decided to offer this upgrade for everyone. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, and as a small "thank you" we've prepared a few exclusive items for you to enjoy! Signed co-founders, Marek and Filip
De supporteditie is voor spelers die onze kleine indie-gamestudio MaFi Games willen ondersteunen en ons willen helpen ons werk aan Captain of Industry voort te zetten en op te schalen. Dit pakket is gemaakt voor onze gulle donateurs die de makers beloofde aan de ontwikkeling van het spel mee te werken en te steunen voordat het hier op Steam werd uitgebracht. We begrijpen dat veel mensen deze kans hebben gemist, daarom hebben we besloten deze upgrade voor iedereen aan te bieden. We zijn ongelooflijk dankbaar voor jullie voortdurende steun, en als een klein "dankjewel" hebben we een paar exclusieve items voor jullie klaargezet om van te genieten! Ondertekende medeoprichters, Marek en Filip
The supporter edition is for players who want to support our small indie game studio MaFi Games and help us to continue and scale our work on Captain of Industry. This pack was created for our generous backers who pledged towards the development of the game before it was released here on Steam. We understand that many people missed this opportunity, so we decided to offer this upgrade for everyone. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, and as a small "thank you" we've prepared a few exclusive items for you to enjoy! Signed co-founders, Marek and Filip
Signed co-founders,
Marek and Filip
Ondertekende medeoprichters,
Marek en Filip