Context English Portuguese
LongDescription_9 Research new technologies
Research is a must have! Unlock new buildings and materials and make your factory more efficient. New technologies will change the course of your future. Your factory will grow more efficient and advanced with over 140 technologies to unlock.
LongDescription_12 Get to space!
Research and develop your way to space flight. Launch a rocket as a true test of your settlement’s accomplishments.
LongDescription_11 Explore the world, trade with allies, fight pirates
Repair and upgrade your ship with better engines, armor, and weapons. Explore your surroundings, find refugees, allied settlements to trade with, discover more resources, and be ready for naval battles with pesky pirates!
LongDescription_10 Import and export resources to and from your island
Establish shipping lanes with cargo ships to fill the gaps in your production by bringing in various products such as crude oil, wood, or quartz. While the resources on your island may be limited, the world is not! Later you will be also able to establish shipping contracts with other islands for periodic exchange of goods.
Importa e exporta recursos a partir da tua ilha
Estabelece rotas de navegação com navios de carga de forma a preencher lacunas na tua produção trazendo vários produtos tais como petróleo, madeira ou quartzo. Apesar dos recursos na tua ilha serem limitados, o mundo não é! Posteriormente irás também ser capaz de estabelecer contratos de fornecimento com outras ilhas para troca de bens periódica.