example usage: 'Accepts ' - means this entity accepts waste water. example usage: 'Accepts ' - means this entity accepts waste water. "Accepts" = "Godtar"; setting for disabling sudden lightning flashes "AccessibilitySetting__Flashes" = "Slå av blinking (f.eks. lyn)"; title of accessibility settings (disable flashes, etc.) "AccessibilitySetting__Title" = "Tilgjengelighet"; title of a setting to change currently active display title of a setting to change currently active display display means monitor essentially "ActiveDisplay_Setting" = "Aktiv monitor"; Tooltip on "Mods available" label file shown in the details panel of the load & save window "AddableMods__Tooltip" = "AddableMods__Tooltip"; could not place a building / machine as it collides with another one called {0}, example: 'Collision with shipyard' "AdditionError__CollisionWith" = "kolliderer med {0}"; could not place entity due overlap with a terrain designation "AdditionError__DesignationOverlap" = "overlapper med terreng"; {0} is a name of product, for instance injection pump can't be placed on the ground as there is some existing deposit of oil or water "AdditionError__HasDeposit" = "Kan ikke plasseres på toppen av eksisterende deponi ({0})"; could not place entity due to invalid height, {0} and {1} are integers specifying min and max height could not place entity due to invalid height, {0} and {1} are integers specifying min and max height "AdditionError__InvalidHeight" = "Ugyldig plasserings høyde, må plasseres mellom høyde {0} og {1} (inkludert)."; could not place a building as some part needs to be in the ocean (e.g. ship depot) could not place a building as some part needs to be in the ocean (e.g. ship depot) "AdditionError__NeedsOcean" = "Noen deler må være i havet"; {0} is a name of product, for instance oil pump can't be placed on the ground as there is no deposit of oil "AdditionError__NoDeposit" = "AdditionError__NoDeposit"; could not place a paint / decal as the terrain does not contain a surface that can be painted "AdditionError__NotASurface" = "AdditionError__NotASurface"; could not place a farm as the terrain is not farmable could not place a farm as the terrain is not farmable "AdditionError__NotFarmable" = "Deler av jorden er ikke dyrkbar"; could not place a tree as the terrain is not fertile "AdditionError__NotFertile" = "Deler av jorden er ikke fruktbar"; could not place a building outside a predefined slot (e.g. shipyard module) "AdditionError__NotInSlot" = "Må plasseres på en markert plass"; could not place a building because the terrain is not stable enough (for example landfill) "AdditionError__NotStable" = "Deler av grunnen er ikke stabil"; could not place a building as it has ocean access blocked "AdditionError__OceanBlocked" = "Tilgang til havet er blokkert."; could not place entity due blocked ocean access by an entity, {0} is entity name could not place entity due blocked ocean access by an entity, {0} is entity name "AdditionError__OceanBlockedBy" = "Hav tilgang er blokkert av '{0}' Riv enhet for å oppheve blokkringen som gir tilgang eller er reservert av havneareal."; could not place entity due blocked ocean access by terrain, {0} a positive integer "AdditionError__OceanBlockedByTerrain" = "AdditionError__OceanBlockedByTerrain"; could not place a building as it can't be placed in the ocean could not place a building as it can't be placed in the ocean "AdditionError__OceanNotAllowed" = "Kan ikke plasseres i havet"; could not place a building as it is outside of buildable area of the game (outside of the map) could not place a building as something was in the way (building, tree) "AdditionError__OutsideOfMap" = "Utenfor utbyggbart område"; could not place a building as something was in the way (building, tree) could not place a building as something was in the way (building, tree) "AdditionError__SomethingInWay" = "Noe er i veien"; could not place entity due terrain being too high "AdditionError__TerrainTooHigh" = "Terreng er for høyt"; could not place entity due terrain being too low "AdditionError__TerrainTooLow" = "Terrenget er for lavt"; shown when player is trying to build a pump on top of a deposit, {0} is a thickness of a deposit required to place it (how deep it has to go), {1} is the current thickness "AdditionError__ThinDeposit" = "Trenger løsmasser på bakken med tykkelse minst: {0}, nåværende tykkelse: {1}"; could not place a tree as it is too close to another "AdditionError__TooCloseToOtherTree" = "For nært et annet tre"; could not place a building because it already exists and only one is allowed in the game could not place a building because it already exists and only one is allowed in the game "AdditionError__Unique" = "Bygningen er unik og eksisterer allerede"; Warning that a lift's port may be too high to connect to a transport. "AdditionWarning__HighLift" = "AdditionWarning__HighLift"; title of a window that enables to install a new ship part title of a window that enables to install a new ship part "AddNewShipPart" = "Legg til ny del"; title of a panel that enables to adopt population from a village, the adopted population will join player's island title of a panel that enables to adopt population from a village, the adopted population will join player's island "AdoptPops__Title" = "Adopter befolkning"; tooltip of a panel that enables to adopt population from a village, the adopted population will join player's island tooltip of a panel that enables to adopt population from a village, the adopted population will join player's island "AdoptPops__Tooltip" = "Innbyggere i denne bosetningen som er villige til å flytte til din øy. Dette antallet etterfylles over tid, frem til maks antall innbyggere er oppnådd. Kapasitet og etterfyllingshastighet påvirkes av ditt rykte. Noen bosetninger har ikke denne muligheten."; button to adopt population from a village, example: 'Adopt 10 pops' "AdoptPopsAction" = "Adopter {0} innbygger"; short description of a machine "AirSeparator__desc" = "Utfører en kryogen destillasjonsprosess ved temperaturer som når -200 ° C for å separere atmosfærisk luft i hovedkomponentene - oksygen og nitrogen."; name of a machine name of a machine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_separation "AirSeparator__name" = "Luftutskiller"; Map description Map description "AlphaStaticIslandMap__desc" = "Kart fra alfa versjonen. Ett balansert kart som passer for nye spillere, og de som ønsker å slappe av. Du starter på havnivå og har tilgang til alle resurser fra starten av. Start området har godt med plass til å bygge ut kolonien din. Senere kan du bygge ramper til de to andre platåene, slik at du kan utvide fabrikkene og gruvene dine."; Map name Map name "AlphaStaticIslandMap__name" = "Nyhavn"; represents number of people in a settlement, example '2 pops' (keep it short) "AmountOfPops" = "{0} innbygger"; people who work somewhere. example: '1 worker', '2 workers' - keep it short! people who work somewhere. example: '1 worker', '2 workers' - keep it short! "AmountOfWorkers" = "{0} arbeider"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "AnaerobicDigester__desc" = "Utfører en prosess der mikroorganismer bryter ned biologisk nedbrytbart materiale i fravær av oksygen for å produsere drivstoff og gjødsel."; name of a machine name of a machine "AnaerobicDigester__name" = "Bioreaktor"; tooltip for a button that enables to move animals between farms tooltip for a button that enables to move animals between farms "AnimalFarm_AddAnimals_Tooltip" = "Flytter dyr fra andre gårder til denne"; button to pause natural increase of animals in this farm "AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Title" = "Stopp vekst"; tooltip "AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Tooltip" = "Stopper den naturlige økningen av antall dyr på denne gården."; title of a button that enables to remove animals from a farm (by moving them into another farm, not killing) title of a button that enables to remove animals from a farm (by moving them into another farm, not killing) "AnimalFarm_RemoveAllAnimals" = "Fjern alt"; tooltip for a button that enables to move animals between farms "AnimalFarm_RemoveAnimals_Tooltip" = "Omplasserer dyr som er på denne gården til andre gårder"; title of a panel showing animals in this farm title of a panel showing animals in this farm "AnimalFarm_Title" = "Dyr"; "AnimalFarm_TitleTooltip" = "AnimalFarm_TitleTooltip"; notification notification "AnimalFarmMissingFood__name" = "{entity}: Ikke nok mat"; notification notification "AnimalFarmMissingWater__name" = "{entity}: Ikke nok vann"; see more details in AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip see more details in AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip "AnimalSlaughtering__Title" = "Aktivere slakting"; "AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip" = "AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip"; anti-aliasing mode, {0} is number of samples, for example 'x8' "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Msaa" = "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Msaa"; anti-aliasing mode, {0} is number of samples, for example 'x8' "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__MsaaShort" = "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__MsaaShort"; rendering setting name "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Name" = "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Name"; anti-aliasing mode "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Smaa" = "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Smaa"; anti-aliasing mode "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__SmaaShort" = "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__SmaaShort"; button to apply changes "ApplyChanges" = "ApplyChanges"; confirmation shown when applying keybinding changes when conflicts are present "ApplyChangesConflictPrompt" = "ApplyChangesConflictPrompt"; text shown next to an entity that is used as a source of a configuration to be copied. Keep short. "ApplySettingsFrom" = "ApplySettingsFrom"; short description of a machine name of a machine "ArcFurnace__desc" = "Smelter metaller med en kraftig elektrisk lysbue. Lysbuen blir laget ved hjelp av strøm og grafittanoder som på grunn av den høye temperaturen blir brukt opp over tid og må skiftes. Vær oppmerksom på at lysbueovnen bruker en betydelig mengde strøm. Det vil være høflig å varsle ditt lokale kraftverk før du slår den på."; name of a machine name of a machine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_arc_furnace "ArcFurnace__name" = "Lysbueovn"; short description of a machine name of a machine "ArcFurnace2__desc" = "Denne ovnen har et kjølesystem som hjelper med å trygt nå høyere temperaturer. Dette sørger for økt produksjon og muligheten til å gjenbruke noe av overskuddsvarmen, men den vil og bruke mer strøm."; name of a machine name of a machine "ArcFurnace2__name" = "Lysbueovn II"; Formats a numerical land area value of an island. Example of use: '2.1 km²' "Area_Value" = "Area_Value"; notification "AreasWithoutForestryTowers__name" = "AreasWithoutForestryTowers__name"; notification notification "AreasWithoutTowers__name" = "Det er noen gruvedesignasjoner utenfor gruvetårn området"; Map description "ArmageddonMap__desc" = "ArmageddonMap__desc"; Map name "ArmageddonMap__name" = "ArmageddonMap__name"; value of armor, e.g. `armor: 40` value of armor, e.g. `armor: 40` "Armor" = "Panser"; name: ship part upgrade name: ship part upgrade "ArmorT1__name" = "Panserplater"; name: ship part upgrade name: ship part upgrade "ArmorT2__name" = "Panserplater II"; description of a machine short description of a machine "AssemblyElectrified__desc" = "Elektrifisert samlebåndsproduksjon som er raskere og kan produsere mer avanserte produkter."; name of a machine name of a machine "AssemblyElectrified__name" = "Fabrikk (elektrisk)"; name of a machine name of a machine "AssemblyElectrifiedT2__name" = "Fabrikk II (elektrisk)"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "AssemblyManual__desc" = "Manuell fabrikk som produserer grunnleggende produkter."; name of a machine name of a machine "AssemblyManual__name" = "Fabrikk (manuell)"; description of a machine "AssemblyRoboticT1__desc" = "Robotmontering som er raskere og kan produsere mer avanserte produkter."; name of a machine name of a machine it's an Assembler that uses Robotic Machinery to assemble things (upgrade from electric version) "AssemblyRoboticT1__name" = "Fabrikk (robotisk)"; name of a machine name of a machine it's an Assembler that uses Robotic Machinery to assemble things (upgrade from electric version) "AssemblyRoboticT2__name" = "Fabrikk (robotisk) II"; tooltip that explains what excavators do when assigned to a mine tower tooltip that explains excavator assignment to a mine tower "AssignedExcavators__MineTower_Title" = "Tildelte gravemaskiner vil automatisk begynne å grave i alle gruvene som disponeres av dette tårnet. Ikke glem og også tildele lastebiler til gravemaskinene slik at de får tømt skuffen sin."; title of a panel that enables to assign excavators to a building title of a panel that enables to assign excavators to a building "AssignedExcavators__Title" = "Tildelte gravemaskiner"; shown when they are no routes assigned "AssignedForLogistics__Empty" = "Ingen ruter tildelt"; "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipForestryTower" = "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipForestryTower"; "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipFuelStation" = "Gjør det mulig å tildele tankbiler på denne stasjonen til individuelle gruvetårn."; "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipGeneral" = "Konfigurerer dedikerte eksportruter for lastebiler. Når dette lageret er satt til å eksportere til et annet lager (B), vil lastebiler kun eksportere produkter til det lageret (B). Ingen annen ikke-tilordnet lagring eller maskin vil kunne eksportere fra denne lagringen. Dette påvirker ikke importen. Rutetildelinger påvirker ikke eventuelle tilkoblede transportører eller rør. Lagring kan også tilordnes et gruvekontrolltårn."; {0} - mine control tower "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipMineTower" = "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipMineTower"; "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipForestryTower" = "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipForestryTower"; "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipGeneral" = "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipGeneral"; "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipMineTower" = "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipMineTower"; example: 'assigned to Tree harvesting' example: 'assigned to Tree harvesting' "AssignedTo" = "Tilordnet til {0}"; tooltip that explains what tree harvesters do when assigned to a forestry tower "AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title" = "AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title"; title of a panel that enables to assign tree planters to a building "AssignedTreeHarvesters__Title" = "AssignedTreeHarvesters__Title"; tooltip that explains what tree planters do when assigned to a forestry tower "AssignedTreePlanters__ForestryTower_Title" = "AssignedTreePlanters__ForestryTower_Title"; title of a panel that enables to assign tree planters to a building "AssignedTreePlanters__Title" = "AssignedTreePlanters__Title"; tooltip that explains what trucks do when assigned to a general building (e.g. storage) tooltip that explains trucks assignment to a fuel station "AssignedTrucks__Building_Tooltip" = "Tildelte kjøretøy transporterer varer kun for denne bygningen. Dette betyr at denne bygningen må være enten sender eller mottaker av alle varene dette kjøretøyet frakter. Dette kan kombineres med rutetildeling for å utvikle dedikerte distribusjonsnettverk."; tooltip that explains what trucks do when assigned to a fuel station tooltip that explains trucks assignment to a fuel station "AssignedTrucks__FuelStation_Tooltip" = "Tildelte lastebiler vil automatisk fylle drivstoff på alle gravemaskiner og skogsmaskiner i nærheten."; tooltip that explains what trucks do when assigned to a mine tower tooltip that explains trucks assignment to a mine tower "AssignedTrucks__MineTower_Tooltip" = "Tilordnede lastebiler betjener automatisk alle gravemaskinene som er tilordnet dette tårnet."; title of a panel that enables to assign trucks to a building title of a panel that enables to assign trucks to a building "AssignedTrucks__Title" = "Tildelte lastebiler"; tooltip that explains what trucks do when assigned to a tree harvesting vehicle tooltip that explains trucks assignment to a tree harvesting vehicle "AssignedTrucks__TreeHarvester_Tooltip" = "Tildelte lastebiler vil følge denne hogstmaskinen som vil laste dem med trær. Lastebilene vil levere treverket til fabrikken og så returnere til hogstmaskinen."; PLEASE keep very short (not longer than English is). More info in AssignedTrucksEnforce__Tooltip title of a panel that enables to assign trucks to a building "AssignedTrucksEnforce__Title" = "Godtar kun tildelte"; tooltip that explains trucks assignment to a mine tower "AssignedTrucksEnforce__Tooltip" = "Når dette er aktivert kan bare kjøretøy som er tildelt bygningen hente eller levere varer her."; tooltip "AssignVehicleBtn__NotAvailable" = "AssignVehicleBtn__NotAvailable"; tooltip "AssignVehicleBtn__Tooltip" = "AssignVehicleBtn__Tooltip"; label for ambient sounds volume slider used with a setting that requires restart. Example: 'Scale (restart required)' "AudioEffectsVolume__Ambient" = "Omgivelseslyder (f.eks. Vær)"; label for a volume slider that controls a group of effects volumes such as user interface, entities, etc. label for a volume slider that controls a group of effects volumes such as user interface, entities, etc. "AudioEffectsVolume__EffectsGroup" = "Lydnivå på effekter"; label for entities volume slider used with a setting that requires restart. Example: 'Scale (restart required)' "AudioEffectsVolume__Entities" = "Enheter (f.eks. maskiner, kjøretøy)"; label for master volume of the game something is turned off - e.g. autosave: off "AudioEffectsVolume__Master" = "Hovedvolum"; label for music volume slider label for music volume slider "AudioEffectsVolume__Music" = "Lydnivå for musikk"; label for user interface volume slider used with a setting that requires restart. Example: 'Scale (restart required)' "AudioEffectsVolume__UI" = "Brukergrensesnitt"; title of audio settings title of audio settings "AudioSettings_Title" = "Lyd"; title for autosave interval (how often should we autosave the game for the player - e.g. 'every 10 minutes' title for autosave interval (how often should we autosave the game for the player - e.g. 'every 10 minutes' "Autosave__Interval" = "Autolagringsintervall"; how often should we autosave, example: 'Every 10 minutes' how often should we autosave, example: 'Every 10 minutes' "Autosave__Interval_Minutes" = "Hvert {0} minutt"; list of vehicles that available to be assigned to some buildings list of vehicles that available to be assigned to some buildings "AvailableToAssign" = "Tilgjengelig for tildeling"; label of a panel that shows an average monthly production (keep it short) label of a panel that shows an average monthly production (keep it short) "AverageProduction" = "Gj.sn. produksjon"; average damage average damage "AvgDamage" = "Gj.sn. skader"; rendering setting name "BackgroundFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name" = "BackgroundFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name"; short description of a machine "BakingUnit__desc" = "BakingUnit__desc"; name of a machine "BakingUnit__name" = "Bakeri"; title for a table showing latest transactions for a loan balance "Balance_LatestTransactions" = "Balance_LatestTransactions"; title of a panel that configures in / out priorities for a balancer "BalancerPrioritization__Title" = "Prioritering"; "BalancerPrioritization__Tooltip" = "Du kan velge hvilke porter du vil prioritere. Hvis du aktiverer utgangsprioritering, vil alle produkter fra alle innganger først bli forsøkt sendt ut via den prioriterte porten. Hvis den porten ikke kan godta flere produkter, vil den andre ikke-prioriterte porten bli brukt. Inngangsprioritering fungerer på en lignende måte."; "BalancerRatios__Inputs" = "Behold strengt jevne innganger"; "BalancerRatios__Outputs" = "Behold strengt jevne utganger"; title for balancer ratios configuration "BalancerRatios__Title" = "Jevne I/O -forhold"; "BalancerRatios__Tooltip" = "Du kan velge å tvinge strengt jevnt input/output produktforhold. Hvis du aktiverer et strengt utgangsforhold, sendes produktene jevnt ut til begge utgangsportene. Hvis en port ikke kan godta flere produkter, stopper utgangen til porten frigjøres. Inndata strengt forhold fungerer på en lignende måte."; name name "BarrierCorner__name" = "Barriere (hjørne)"; name name "BarrierCross__name" = "Barriere (kryss)"; name name "BarrierEnd__name" = "Barriere (ende)"; description of barrier wall description of barrier wall "BarrierStraight1__desc" = "Barriere som hindrer kjøretøy tilgang."; name name "BarrierStraight1__name" = "Barriere (rett)"; name name "BarrierTee__name" = "Barriere (t-kryss)"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "BasicDieselDistiller__desc" = "Tillater destillasjon av lavkvalitets bensin, men det er ganske ineffektivt og produserer mye avfall."; name of a machine name of a machine "BasicDieselDistiller__name" = "Enkel destillator"; name: title of a server rack in a datacenter (rack is just a set of servers assembled together). name: title of a server rack in a datacenter (rack is just a set of servers assembled together). "BasicServerRack__name" = "Enkel reol"; amount of damage the player / enemy did to enemy / player amount of damage the player / enemy did to enemy / player "BattleResult__DamageDone" = "Skade utført: {0}"; title showing that the player was defeated in a battle title showing that the player was defeated in a battle "BattleResult__Defeat" = "Du tapte!"; title of player's ship in battle stats title of player's ship in battle stats "BattleResult__ShipTitle" = "Skipet vårt"; title showing that the player won a battle title showing that the player won a battle "BattleResult__Victory" = "Du vant!"; abstract value that helps to determine how capable a ship is in a battle abstract value that helps to determine how capable a ship is in a battle "BattleScore" = "Kamppoeng"; Map description "BeachStaticIslandMap__desc" = "BeachStaticIslandMap__desc"; Map name "BeachStaticIslandMap__name" = "Stranden"; short description short description "Beacon__desc" = "Sterkt lys hjelper andre flyktninger med å finne øyen din og bli med deg."; building or machine building or machine "Beacon__name" = "Fyrtårn"; displayed in beacon when there is no more refugees available "Beacon__NoMoreRefugees" = "Beacon__NoMoreRefugees"; "Beacon__Notice" = "Merk: aktiv fremgang blir tilbakestilt hvis signallyset blir avbrutt"; example: 'Expecting 12 refugees in less than: 2 months' example: 'Expecting 12 refugees in less than: 2 months' "Beacon__Status" = "Forventer {0} flyktning om mindre enn:"; {0} = Beacon, {1} = Power generator, {2} - Unity "BeaconTip" = "BeaconTip"; disclaimer explaining localization is performed by the community and may not be complete "BestEffortLocalized" = "BestEffortLocalized"; "BirchTree__desc" = "BirchTree__desc"; "BirchTreeDry__desc" = "BirchTreeDry__desc"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Base__name" = "Base"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Disease__name" = "Sykdom"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Edicts__name" = "Påbud"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Health__name" = "Helse"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Radiation__name" = "Stråling"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Starvation__name" = "Sult"; tooltip to inform the player that there are backup files of the blueprint library located in the same folder as the main file "Blueprint__NumberOfBackups" = "Blueprint__NumberOfBackups"; tooltip of a button that allows to export a blueprint "Blueprint_ExportToStringTooltip" = "Blueprint_ExportToStringTooltip"; tooltip for a button that allows to add a new blueprint via selection "Blueprint_NewFromSelectionTooltip" = "Blueprint_NewFromSelectionTooltip"; tooltip for a button that allows to add a new blueprint via string "Blueprint_NewFromStringTooltip" = "Blueprint_NewFromStringTooltip"; tooltip of a button that creates a new folder "Blueprint_PlaceItTooltip" = "Blueprint_PlaceItTooltip"; tooltip explaining that some content in the currently selected blueprint is not available. "BlueprintContentMissing__Info" = "BlueprintContentMissing__Info"; title that is followed by a list of content that is missing in the current blueprint "BlueprintContentMissing__ListTitle" = "BlueprintContentMissing__ListTitle"; title of a button that deletes a blueprint or folder "BlueprintDelete__Action" = "BlueprintDelete__Action"; confirmation text of a dialog to delete a blueprint "BlueprintDelete__Confirmation" = "BlueprintDelete__Confirmation"; tooltip of a button that deletes a blueprint or folder "BlueprintDelete__Tooltip" = "BlueprintDelete__Tooltip"; status explaining that the blueprint library failed to save (keep short) "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackup" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackup"; tooltip for blueprint library backup save failure "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackupTooltip" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackupTooltip"; status explaining that the blueprint library failed to load (keep short) "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoad" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoad"; tooltip explaining that the blueprint library failed to load "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoadOnFormat" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoadOnFormat"; tooltip explaining that the blueprint library failed to load "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoadOnPermission" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoadOnPermission"; status explaining that the blueprint library failed to save (keep short) "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToSave" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToSave"; tooltip for blueprint library save failure "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToSaveTooltip" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToSaveTooltip"; status explaining that the blueprint library was saved / loaded successfully (keep short) "BlueprintLibStatus__Synchronized" = "BlueprintLibStatus__Synchronized"; "BlueprintProtosLocked__CanDowngrade" = "BlueprintProtosLocked__CanDowngrade"; "BlueprintProtosLocked__NotAvailable" = "BlueprintProtosLocked__NotAvailable"; title of a window containing blueprints "Blueprints" = "Blueprints"; message explaining there needs to be a building operational in order to use blueprints. The building name is provided via '{0}'. "Blueprints_BuildingRequired" = "Blueprints_BuildingRequired"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "BoilerCoal__desc" = "Produserer høytrykksdamp ved å brenne kull som koker vann."; name of a machine name of a machine "BoilerCoal__name" = "Kokekjele"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "BoilerElectric__desc" = "Produserer høytrykksdamp med kokende vann. Egentlig en gigantisk vannkoker. Men anbefales ikke til tilberedning av te."; name of a machine name of a machine "BoilerElectric__name" = "Elektrisk kokekjele"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "BoilerGas__desc" = "Produserer høytrykksdamp ved å brenne kull som koker vann."; name of a machine name of a machine "BoilerGas__name" = "Kokekjele"; removes current active unity boost applied to a machine' removes current active unity boost applied to a machine' "BoostMachine__Disable" = "Fjern boost"; button that enables continuous machine boost that costs button that enables continuous machine boost that costs "BoostMachine__Enable" = "Forsterk"; tooltip that explains what machine unity boost does' "BoostMachine__Tooltip" = "Dobler gjennomstrømningen mens du bruker Unity. Ignorerer også strømkravet"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Bricks_TerrainSurface__name" = "Bricks_TerrainSurface__name"; short description of a machine "BricksMaker__desc" = "BricksMaker__desc"; name of a machine "BricksMaker__name" = "BricksMaker__name"; name name: ship part upgrade "BridgeT1__name" = "Skipsbro"; short description short description "BridgeT2__desc" = "Tilbyr avanserte radarfunksjoner."; name name: ship part upgrade "BridgeT2__name" = "Skipsbro II"; short description short description "BridgeT3__desc" = "Tilbyr avanserte radarfunksjoner."; name name: ship part upgrade "BridgeT3__name" = "Skipsbro III"; text for a goal, {0} and {2} are machine/building names, {1} is a product "buildAndEnsureDeliveriesTo" = "buildAndEnsureDeliveriesTo"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "buildingsCategory__name" = "Bygninger"; name: toolbar category name "buildingsForVehiclesCategory__name" = "Bygninger (for kjøretøy)"; category for key bindings used during build mode (when players builds / places stuff on the ground) "BuildMode" = "Bygg"; short description of a machine "Burner__desc" = "Fjerner fast søppel ved å brenne det"; name of a machine "Burner__name" = "Burner__name"; category for key bindings affecting camera "Camera" = "Camera"; title for vertical field of view "CameraSettings__Fov" = "CameraSettings__Fov"; title for camera settings "CameraSettings__Title" = "CameraSettings__Title"; button to cancel something in the progress (construction for instance) button to cancel something in the progress (construction for instance) "Cancel" = "Avbryt"; notification "CannotDeliverFromMineTower__name" = "CannotDeliverFromMineTower__name"; shown when edict cannot be activated because captain office is not working - lack of employees or power or something "CaptainOfficeNotAvailable" = "CaptainOfficeNotAvailable"; name "CaptainOfficeT1__name" = "CaptainOfficeT1__name"; name "CaptainOfficeT2__name" = "CaptainOfficeT2__name"; tooltip for a button that allows to discard truck's cargo "Cargo__DiscardTooltip" = "Cargo__DiscardTooltip"; cargo depot description cargo depot description "CargoDepotBase__desc" = "Når det er bygget, kan et reparert lasteskip legge til kai her og overføre lasten via lastemoduler."; notification notification "CargoDepotHasNoModule__name" = "Lastedepot har ingen modul tilgjengelig"; notification notification "CargoDepotHasNoShip__name" = "Lastedepot har ikke noe lasteskip"; notification "CargoDepotModuleContractNotMatching__name" = "CargoDepotModuleContractNotMatching__name"; building or machine building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of gas and liquid products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleFluidT1__name" = "Væskemodul (S)"; building or machine building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of gas and liquid products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleFluidT2__name" = "Væskemodul (M)"; building or machine building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of gas and liquid products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleFluidT3__name" = "Væskemodul (L)"; building or machine building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of loose products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleLooseT1__name" = "Løsmasse modul (S)"; building or machine building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of loose products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleLooseT2__name" = "Løsmasse modul (M)"; building or machine building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of loose products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleLooseT3__name" = "Løsmasse modul (L)"; notification notification "CargoDepotModuleNoProductAssigned__name" = "Ingen produkter tilordnet lastemodulen"; building or machine building or machine "CargoDepotModuleUnitT1__name" = "Enhetsmodul (S)"; building or machine building or machine "CargoDepotModuleUnitT2__name" = "Enhetsmodul (M)"; building or machine "CargoDepotModuleUnitT3__name" = "CargoDepotModuleUnitT3__name"; general name for cargo depot, should match to names in CargoDepotT1 and CargoDepotT2 "CargoDepotName" = "Lastedepot"; title of a panel showing current exported product icon & its quantity stored in a cargo depot module "CargoDepotProduct__ExportTitle" = "CargoDepotProduct__ExportTitle"; title of a panel showing current imported product icon & its quantity stored in a cargo depot module "CargoDepotProduct__ImportTitle" = "CargoDepotProduct__ImportTitle"; building or machine building or machine "CargoDepotT1__name" = "Lastedepot (2)"; building or machine building or machine "CargoDepotT2__name" = "Lastedepot (4)"; building or machine "CargoDepotT3__name" = "CargoDepotT3__name"; building or machine "CargoDepotT4__name" = "CargoDepotT4__name"; title of a button to assign the currently selected cargo depot with a contract (will open a contract picker UI after click) "CargoDepotWizard__AssignContract" = "CargoDepotWizard__AssignContract"; title of a button to assign the currently selected cargo depot with a product to import (will open a product picker UI after click) "CargoDepotWizard__ImportProducts" = "CargoDepotWizard__ImportProducts"; title of a selection dialog where player decides how their cargo depot should operate. Used as this: How would you like to use this depot? Button1: Import product | Button2: Assign a contract "CargoDepotWizard__Title" = "CargoDepotWizard__Title"; tooltip of a selection dialog where player decides how their cargo depot should operate. "CargoDepotWizard__Tooltip" = "CargoDepotWizard__Tooltip"; cargo depot module description, {0} is e.g. '50%' cargo depot module description, {0} is e.g. '50%' "CargoModuleFluid__descUpgraded" = "Lastemodul for overføring av flytende materialer (for eksempel olje). Den kan bygges i en hvilken som helst tom spalte i et lastedepot. Laster ut lasten {0} raskere sammenlignet med grunnmodulen."; cargo depot module description cargo depot module description "CargoModuleFluidCommon__desc" = "Lastemodul for overføring av flytende materialer (for eksempel olje). Kan bygges i et hvilket som helst tomt spor i et lastedepot."; cargo depot module description, {0} is e.g. '50%' cargo depot module description, {0} is e.g. '50%' "CargoModuleLoose__descUpgraded" = "Lastemodul for overføring av løsmasser (for eksempel bauxitt). Den kan bygges i en hvilken som helst tom spalte i et lastedepot. Laster ut lasten {0} raskere sammenlignet med grunnmodulen."; cargo depot module description cargo depot module description "CargoModuleLooseCommon__desc" = "Lastemodul for overføring av løsmasser (for eksempel bauksitt). Kan bygges i et hvilket som helst tomt spor i et lastedepot."; cargo depot module description, {0} is e.g. '50%' "CargoModuleUnit__descUpgraded" = "CargoModuleUnit__descUpgraded"; cargo depot module description "CargoModuleUnitCommon__desc" = "CargoModuleUnitCommon__desc"; cargo ship status explaining why it is docked cargo ship status explaining why it is docked "CargoShip__NoModulesBuilt" = "Ingen lastemoduler bygget."; cargo ship status explaining why it is docked cargo ship status explaining why it is docked "CargoShip__NotEnoughToPickUp" = "Venter til det er nok last å hente."; cargo ship status explaining why it is docked cargo ship status explaining why it is docked "CargoShip__NothingToPickUp" = "Det er ingenting å hente."; cargo ship status explaining why it is docked cargo ship status explaining why it is docked "CargoShip__ShipIsBeingUnloaded" = "Skipet losses."; toggle to enable fuel saving option for current cargo ship, more info in CargoShip_FuelSaver__Tooltip "CargoShip_FuelSaver__Toggle" = "CargoShip_FuelSaver__Toggle"; {0} is replace with e.g. 50%, {1} is replaced with e.g. 30% "CargoShip_FuelSaver__Tooltip" = "CargoShip_FuelSaver__Tooltip"; title of a panel that enables to configure journey parameters for current cargo ship "CargoShip_JourneyOptions" = "CargoShip_JourneyOptions"; prefix for view that shows how long it takes for a cargo ship to go for cargo and come back "CargoShip_TripDuration" = "CargoShip_TripDuration"; tooltip for CargoShip_TripDuration "CargoShip_TripDuration__Tooltip" = "CargoShip_TripDuration__Tooltip"; reason why 'ship depart now' action is not available - general category, specific reason was not given "CargoShipCannotDepartNow__General" = "CargoShipCannotDepartNow__General"; reason why 'ship depart now' action is not available "CargoShipCannotDepartNow__WasRequested" = "CargoShipCannotDepartNow__WasRequested"; notification "CargoShipContractLacksUpoints__name" = "CargoShipContractLacksUpoints__name"; more info on this in CargoShipDepartNow__Tooltip "CargoShipDepartNow__Action" = "CargoShipDepartNow__Action"; tooltip for button that enables the player to send cargo ship for products now instead of waiting once ship can arrive fully loaded "CargoShipDepartNow__Tooltip" = "CargoShipDepartNow__Tooltip"; notification notification "CargoShipMissingFuel__name" = "Lasteskipet har lite drivstoff"; explains what something like this '1/2' means explains what something like this '1/2' means "CargoShipsLimitTooltip" = "Antall tilgjengelige skip (reparerte) / antall oppdagede skip."; description of a cargo ship description of a cargo ship "CargoShipT1__desc" = "Lasteskipet reiser automatisk når det er tilstrekkelig last å hente på verdenskartet. Hver tur skipet foretar har en fast kostnad i drivstoff som er basert på størrelsen på skipet. Større skip har ett mer effektivt forbruk av drivstoff (de blir oppgradert automatisk når varelageret oppgraderes). Skipet behøver ikke å bli tildelt individuelle gruver / oljerigger da det vil plukke opp last automatisk. Skipet kan transportere flere typer produkter samtidig, og vil sørge for at alle blir forsynt (det vil reise hver gang noen av produktene trenger å transporteres)."; ship name ship name "CargoShipT1__name" = "Lasteskip"; ship name ship name "CargoShipT2__name" = "Lasteskip"; ship name "CargoShipT3__name" = "CargoShipT3__name"; ship name "CargoShipT4__name" = "CargoShipT4__name"; name name "CargoShipWreckCost1__name" = "Skadet lasteskip"; title for panel that shows cargo stored / transported title for panel that shows cargo stored / transported "CargoTitle" = "Last"; description of a machine short description of a machine "Caster__desc" = "Støper smeltet materiale til plater."; name of a machine name of a machine "Caster__name" = "Metall støper"; description of a machine short description of a machine "CasterCooled__desc" = "Støper smeltede materialer i plater. Denne bruker også vannkjøling for å øke hastigheten på prosessen."; name of a machine name of a machine "CasterCooled__name" = "Avkjølet Støper"; name of a machine name of a machine "CasterCooledT2__name" = "Avkjølet metallstøper II"; name of a machine name of a machine "CasterT2__name" = "Metallstøper II"; Confirmation prompt shown when saving difficulty changes. {0} will be a time duration, such as "10 years" "ChangeHistory__ConfirmPrompt" = "ChangeHistory__ConfirmPrompt"; Title of the confirmation dialog shown when saving difficulty changes "ChangeHistory__ConfirmTitle" = "ChangeHistory__ConfirmTitle"; Label shown on the change history tab of the difficulty settings window when no changes have yet been made "ChangeHistory__EmptyLabel" = "ChangeHistory__EmptyLabel"; Label for the change history tab of the difficulty settings window, {0} is the integer number of changes present "ChangeHistory__Title" = "ChangeHistory__Title"; shows number of characters in a string, e.g. '1254 chars' "CharactersCount" = "CharactersCount"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "CharcoalMaker__desc" = "Bruker trær for å lage kull, men det er ganske ineffektivt."; name of a machine name of a machine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charcoal_burner "CharcoalMaker__name" = "Kull fabrikk"; description of a machine short description of a machine "ChemicalPlant__desc" = "Bruker trær for å lage kull, men det er ganske ineffektivt."; name of a machine name of a machine "ChemicalPlant__name" = "Kull fabrikk"; name of a machine "ChemicalPlant2__name" = "ChemicalPlant2__name"; short description "ChickenFarm__desc" = "ChickenFarm__desc"; name "ChickenFarm__name" = "ChickenFarm__name"; more info in ClearSurface__Tooltip "ClearSurface__Title" = "ClearSurface__Title"; "ClearSurface__Tooltip" = "ClearSurface__Tooltip"; tooltip explaining that click opens a tutorial, example use: alt + click to learn more "ClickToLearnMore" = "ClickToLearnMore"; title of a tool that is used to copy settings from one machine to another. Please keep this short! title of a tool that is used to copy already existing buildings and machines. Please keep this very short! "CloneTool" = "Klon"; button to close a dialog "Close" = "Close"; name: describes the current weather name: describes the current weather "CloudyWeather__name" = "Skyete"; name "CoalMine__name" = "CoalMine__name"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Cobblestone_TerrainSurface__name" = "Cobblestone_TerrainSurface__name"; button to view the captain of industry community site "COIHub" = "COIHub"; "Cold__desc" = "Cold__desc"; name name "Cold__name" = "Kaldt"; Action to collect / claim a reward. Keep short "Collect" = "Collect"; label of a panel showing how much waste was collected from the attached settlement so far "Collected" = "Collected"; short description of a machine "Compactor__desc" = "Compactor__desc"; name of a machine "Compactor__name" = "Compactor__name"; Computing power in peta-flops Computing power in peta-flops "Computing__PFlop" = "{0} PFlops"; super short suffix used for PFlops (peta flops), example use: '24 PF', please keep short like this "Computing__PFlop_short" = "Computing__PFlop_short"; Computing power in terra-flops Computing power in terra-flops "Computing__TFlop" = "{0} TFlops"; super short suffix used for TFlops (terra flops), example use: '24 TF', please keep short like this "Computing__TFlop_short" = "Computing__TFlop_short"; explains what something like '5 / 10 TFlops | 24' means, so it explains that 5 is the total demand for computing, 10 is the current production and 20 is the maximal theoretical production capacity. "ComputingDisplayTooltip" = "ComputingDisplayTooltip"; title of a window that shows computing production & demands "ComputingStats" = "ComputingStats"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "ConcreteMixer__desc" = "Kraftig mikser som lager betong."; name of a machine name of a machine "ConcreteMixer__name" = "Betongblander"; description of a machine "ConcreteMixerT2__desc" = "Kraftig mikser som lager betong. Gir også alternative oppskrifter på betong."; name of a machine name of a machine "ConcreteMixerT2__name" = "Betongblander II"; name of a machine name of a machine "ConcreteMixerT3__name" = "Betongblander III"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "ConcreteReinforced_TerrainSurface__name" = "ConcreteReinforced_TerrainSurface__name"; used as: '[wrench icon] Mods', keep it short! button to load the game from the currently selected save file while also selecting which mods to load "ConfigureMods_Action" = "ConfigureMods_Action"; Warning shown above the enable mod checkboxes in the new load nad save window "ConfigureMods_Warning" = "ConfigureMods_Warning"; button used to confirm great news (like discovery of something) button used to confirm great news (like discovery of something) "ConfirmGreatNews" = "Huura!"; used in a tooltip to list all the other key-bindings that conflict with the hovered one "ConflictsWith" = "ConflictsWith"; name "ConiferForest__name" = "ConiferForest__name"; title of a panel showing a construction progress title of a panel showing a construction progress "ConstrType_Constructing" = "Konstrueres"; title of a panel showing a construction progress that is paused "ConstrType_ConstructionPaused" = "ConstrType_ConstructionPaused"; title of a panel showing a deconstruction progress title of a panel showing a deconstruction progress "ConstrType_Deconstructing" = "Dekonstruerer"; title of a panel showing a deconstruction progress that is paused "ConstrType_DeconstructionPaused" = "ConstrType_DeconstructionPaused"; title of a panel showing an upgrade progress title of a panel showing an upgrade progress "ConstrType_PreparingUpgrade" = "Forbereder oppgradering"; title of a panel showing an upgrade progress title of a panel showing an upgrade progress "ConstrType_Upgrading" = "Oppgraderer"; label for construction cost of buildings, after it there are product icons with numbers showing the cost "ConstructionCost" = "ConstructionCost"; status of construction progress - construction is going fine status of construction progress - construction is going fine "ConstructionState__InProgress" = "Jobber"; status of construction progress - construction was paused status of construction progress - construction was paused "ConstructionState__Paused" = "Pauset"; status of construction progress - construction is ready status of construction progress - construction is ready "ConstructionState__Ready" = "Klar"; status of construction progress - blocked until more materials is delivered status of construction progress - blocked until more materials is delivered "ConstructionState__WaitingForDelivery" = "Venter på materiallevering"; status of deconstruction progress - blocked until material is removed status of deconstruction progress - blocked until material is removed "ConstructionState__WaitingForRemoval" = "Venter på fjerning av materialer"; "ConsumedLastMonth" = "Forbruk forrige måned"; "ConsumedThisMonth" = "Forbruk denne måned"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "ConsumerElectronicsConsumptionIncrease__desc" = "ConsumerElectronicsConsumptionIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "ConsumerElectronicsConsumptionIncrease__name" = "ConsumerElectronicsConsumptionIncrease__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "ConsumerElectronicsNeed__name" = "ConsumerElectronicsNeed__name"; text for a checkbox, keep short. More info on this in ConsumeSurplusPower__Tooltip "ConsumeSurplusPower__Toggle" = "ConsumeSurplusPower__Toggle"; option for electricity consumption for machines and buildings "ConsumeSurplusPower__Tooltip" = "ConsumeSurplusPower__Tooltip"; "Consumption" = "Forbruk"; button to request to continue some operation button to request to continue some operation "Continue" = "Fortsette"; {0} will be replaced with the title of a button that provides mods configuration "ContinueDisabled__NeedsModConfig" = "ContinueDisabled__NeedsModConfig"; button to assign a contract to a specific cargo depot "Contract__Assign" = "Contract__Assign"; button to establish a contract (make it active), something like opening a trade route. Important, keep it short! "Contract__Establish" = "Contract__Establish"; tooltip explaining a button that establishes a new contract "Contract__EstablishTooltip" = "Contract__EstablishTooltip"; Used in statistics to denote Unity fees for contracts that are calculated from products that were exchanged "Contract__ExchangeCost" = "Contract__ExchangeCost"; Used in statistics to denote monthly Unity fees for contracts "Contract__MonthlyCost" = "Contract__MonthlyCost"; button to unassign a contract from a cargo depot "Contract__Unassign" = "Contract__Unassign"; Shown when player tries to assign a contract to a depot that has a module with product stored that is not compatible with the contract. "ContractAssignCheck__IncompatibleProduct" = "ContractAssignCheck__IncompatibleProduct"; Shown when player tries to assign a contract to a depot that has some modules built that are not compatible with that contract "ContractAssignCheck__ModuleNotSupported" = "ContractAssignCheck__ModuleNotSupported"; title of a panel showing the currently assigned contract to a selected cargo depot module (do not mix with established contracts) "ContractAssigned__Title" = "ContractAssigned__Title"; tooltip of a panel showing the currently assigned contract to a selected cargo depot module "ContractAssigned__Tooltip" = "ContractAssigned__Tooltip"; tooltip explaining why the current contract cannot be canceled "ContractCancelStatus__IsAssigned" = "ContractCancelStatus__IsAssigned"; tooltip explaining why the current contract cannot be established - because some of its traded products is not researched yet "ContractCancelStatus__ProductNotResearched" = "ContractCancelStatus__ProductNotResearched"; "Contracts__NoneEstablished" = "Contracts__NoneEstablished"; prefix for a dropdown that enables to select the size of a cargo ship, by size we mean the number of cargo modules it has. Example usage: Ship size: <4 modules> "Contracts__ShipSize" = "Contracts__ShipSize"; used as an item in a dropdown list to select the number of cargo modules a ship has. Example usage: Ship size: <4 modules> "Contracts__ShipSizeModules" = "Contracts__ShipSizeModules"; title of a panel listing contracts that are available - either globally or in a settlement. "Contracts__Title" = "Contracts__Title"; tooltip for contracts "Contracts__Tooltip" = "Contracts__Tooltip"; title of controls (key-bindings & mouse) settings title of controls (key-bindings & mouse) settings "ControlsSettings_Title" = "Kontroller"; description of a machine "CoolingTowerT1__desc" = "CoolingTowerT1__desc"; name of a machine "CoolingTowerT1__name" = "CoolingTowerT1__name"; name of a machine name of a machine "CoolingTowerT2__name" = "Kjøletårn"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "CopperElectrolysis__desc" = "Renser kobber ved elektrolytisk raffinering til over 99,95% renhet."; name of a machine name of a machine "CopperElectrolysis__name" = "Kobberelektrolyse"; tooltip "CopySettings__Tooltip" = "CopySettings__Tooltip"; title of a button to copy string into the clipboard "CopyString__Action" = "CopyString__Action"; text shown after a string was successfully copied to the clipboard "CopyString__Success" = "CopyString__Success"; tooltip "CopyString__Tooltip" = "CopyString__Tooltip"; title of a tool that is used to copy already existing buildings and machines. Please keep this short! "CopyTool" = "CopyTool"; tooltip "CopyTool__NoCopyTooltip" = "CopyTool__NoCopyTooltip"; tooltip "CopyTool__Tooltip" = "CopyTool__Tooltip"; title of settings affecting costs (construction, research), consumption of resources, etc. "Costs" = "Costs"; Map description "CraterStaticIslandMap__desc" = "CraterStaticIslandMap__desc"; Map name "CraterStaticIslandMap__name" = "CraterStaticIslandMap__name"; button to open credits of the game "Credits" = "Credits"; name "Crop_Canola__name" = "Crop_Canola__name"; name "Crop_Corn__name" = "Crop_Corn__name"; shows estimated harvest for a farm, example use: 'Estimate: 28 in 4 months', {0} is an integer specifying product quantity, and {1} is number of months like '4 months' shows how many months is left to harvest the current crop "Crop_DurationLeft" = "Innhøsting om {0} måned"; tooltip tooltip "Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip" = "Varighet igjen for å høste denne avlingen så lenge det er nok vann. Ellers vil det oppstå forsinkelser."; name "Crop_Flowers__name" = "Crop_Flowers__name"; name "Crop_Fruits__name" = "Crop_Fruits__name"; name "Crop_GreenManure__name" = "Crop_GreenManure__name"; name: title of an item in the crop rotation schedule where actually no crop gets planted but instead the field is left to rest for few months "Crop_NoCrop__name" = "Crop_NoCrop__name"; name "Crop_Poppy__name" = "Crop_Poppy__name"; name "Crop_Potato__name" = "Crop_Potato__name"; name "Crop_Soybeans__name" = "Crop_Soybeans__name"; name "Crop_SugarCane__name" = "Crop_SugarCane__name"; name "Crop_TreeSapling__name" = "Crop_TreeSapling__name"; name "Crop_Vegetables__name" = "Crop_Vegetables__name"; name "Crop_Wheat__name" = "Crop_Wheat__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification "CropCouldNotBeStored__name" = "Gård: Kunne ikke lagre alt {0} etter høsting"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "CropDiedNoFertility__name" = "CropDiedNoFertility__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification Example: "Farm: Corn lost due to lack of workers" "CropDiedNoMaintenance__name" = "Gård: {0} tapt på grunn av mangel på arbeidere"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification Example "Farm: Corn lost due to lack of water" "CropDiedNoWater__name" = "Gård: {0} tapt på grunn av vannmangel"; button to harvests the current crop ASAP instead of waiting for harvest time "CropHarvestNow__Action" = "CropHarvestNow__Action"; tooltip "CropHarvestNow__Tooltip" = "CropHarvestNow__Tooltip"; button that opens a window with statistics from the last crop harvest, keep it short! "CropHarvestStats__Open" = "CropHarvestStats__Open"; title of a window with statistics from the last crop harvest "CropHarvestStats__Title" = "CropHarvestStats__Title"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification Example: "Farm: Corn lacks workers" "CropLacksMaintenance__name" = "Gård: {0} mangler arbeidere"; example use: '1 month without water. Crop will survive up to 2 months', {0} and {1} are for example '1 month', '2 months', etc. crop is delayed (did not have enough water to grow), {0} is always >= 2 "CropOverdue" = "Forsinket med {0} måneder"; tooltip tooltip "CropOverdue__Tooltip" = "Total akkumulert forsinkelse der avlingen ikke vokste på grunn av vannmangel. Dette er vanligvis greit for tidlige gårder og avlinger med lav vannfølsomhet. Imidlertid kan mer sensitive avlinger tørke ut."; error message shown when player tries to plant a crop that requires greenhouse in order to grow but player has just an ordinary farm "CropRequiresGreenhouse" = "CropRequiresGreenhouse"; title for farm's crop schedule title for farm's crop schedule "CropSchedule" = "Avlingsplan"; tooltip explaining crop schedule tooltip explaining crop schedule "CropSchedule__Tooltip" = "Hver gård kan settes opp med en vekstplan for opp til 4 sesonger. Avlingen vil bli dyrket i rekkefølge fra venstre til høyre, eventuelle manglende avlinger hoppes automatisk over. For eksempel, for å sette opp en avling med to rotasjoner, velg to avlinger i timeplanen og la alt annet være tomt. Avling kan være viktig for gårdens fruktbarhet."; tooltip explaining what a skip button in crop schedule does tooltip explaining what a skip button in crop schedule does "CropScheduleSkip__Tooltip" = "Avlingsplan"; crop died out due to lack of fertility "CropState__DeadNoFertility" = "CropState__DeadNoFertility"; crop died out due to lack of workers - no one cared about the crop crop died out due to lack of workers - no one cared about the crop "CropState__DeadNoMaintenance" = "Døde: ingen arbeidere"; crop died out due to lack of water crop died out due to lack of water "CropState__DeadNoWater" = "Død: ingen vann"; crop is being removed so it can be replaced with a different one crop is being removed so it can be replaced with a different one "CropState__RemovedForChange" = "Fjernet for endring"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that harvest was delayed due to lack of water, {0} is replaced with string like '4 months'. "CropStats__DelayedDueToWater" = "CropStats__DelayedDueToWater"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that farm produced {0} less quantity due to premature harvest (as requested by the player) "CropStats__LessDueEarlyHarvest" = "CropStats__LessDueEarlyHarvest"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that farm produced {0} less quantity due to lack of fertility "CropStats__LessDueToFertility" = "CropStats__LessDueToFertility"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that farm produced {0} less quantity due to lack of water "CropStats__LessDueToWater" = "CropStats__LessDueToWater"; item in crop harvest stats showing the total duration without the crop was without water, {0} is replaced with string like '4 months'. "CropStats__MonthsWithoutWater" = "CropStats__MonthsWithoutWater"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that farm produced {0} more quantity thanks to extra bonus "CropStats__MoreDueToBonus" = "CropStats__MoreDueToBonus"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that farm produced {0} more quantity thanks to extra fertility "CropStats__MoreDueToFertility" = "CropStats__MoreDueToFertility"; explaining that crop is not planted yet as the farm has low fertility "CropWaiting__Fertility" = "CropWaiting__Fertility"; explaining that crop is not planted yet but reason is unknown "CropWaiting__NoReason" = "CropWaiting__NoReason"; explaining that crop is not planted yet as the farm's soil is dry and needs water "CropWaiting__Water" = "CropWaiting__Water"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification Example: "Farm: Corn will dry out due to lack of water" "CropWillDrySoon__name" = "Farm: {0} vil tørke ut på grunn av mangel på vann"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "Crusher__desc" = "Knuser malm i mer finkornede materialer slik at de kan brukes i avansert prosessering."; name of a machine name of a machine "Crusher__name" = "Knuser"; short description of a machine "CrusherLarge__desc" = "CrusherLarge__desc"; name of a machine "CrusherLarge__name" = "CrusherLarge__name"; Map description "CurlandMap__desc" = "CurlandMap__desc"; map name, this name is join of curly + island, this island is a curly line in a shape of letter G "CurlandMap__name" = "CurlandMap__name"; info text showing that there is an active disease in the settlement and its properties. Example use: 'Months left: 4 | Mortality: 1.5%' "CurrentDisease__Info" = "CurrentDisease__Info"; explaining that there is no disease active "CurrentDisease__NoDisease" = "CurrentDisease__NoDisease"; title of a panel showing current disease (sickness) in the settlement "CurrentDisease__Title" = "CurrentDisease__Title"; tooltip "CurrentDisease__Tooltip" = "CurrentDisease__Tooltip"; title of a panel that shows current research that is in progress title of a panel that shows current research that is in progress "CurrentResearch" = "Nåværende forskning"; Label shown instead of configuration options in the new game flow indicating the step is optional "CustomizeDifficulty__Description" = "CustomizeDifficulty__Description"; Title above non-core maps on the map selection tab of the new game window "CustomMaps__Title" = "CustomMaps__Title"; title of a tool that is used to cut & paste already existing buildings and machines. Please keep this short! "CutTool" = "CutTool"; tooltip "CutTool__Tooltip" = "CutTool__Tooltip"; example: The ship (damaged) example: The ship (damaged) "DamagedSuffix" = "{0} (skadet)"; short description "DataCenter__desc" = "DataCenter__desc"; building or machine building or machine "DataCenter__name" = "Datasenter"; {0} will be an integer year number "DateYear__Label" = "DateYear__Label"; opens a panel that allows to paint decals onto surfaces "Decals_Paint" = "Decals_Paint"; tooltip for a button that decreases priority for the current recipe by moving it lower in the list. Keep short. "DecreasePriority" = "DecreasePriority"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "DefaultConcrete_TerrainSurface__name" = "DefaultConcrete_TerrainSurface__name"; Confirmation button shown under the delete save button on press, {0} is name of the file to be deleted "DeleteSave__Confirm" = "DeleteSave__Confirm"; {0} is name of the file that could not be deleted {0} is name of the file that could not be deleted "DeleteSave__FailMessage" = "Oops! Kunne ikke slette {0}!"; {0} is name of the file that was deleted {0} is name of the file that was deleted "DeleteSave__SuccessMessage" = "Det lagrede spillet {0} ble slettet."; tooltip "DeleteTool__EntireTransport" = "DeleteTool__EntireTransport"; tooltip "DeleteTool__QuickRemoveTooltip" = "DeleteTool__QuickRemoveTooltip"; tooltip "DeleteTool__Tooltip" = "DeleteTool__Tooltip"; "Demand" = "Demand"; title of a tool that is used to mark buildings and machines for removal. Please keep this short! title of a tool that is used to mark buildings and machines for removal. Please keep this very short! "Demolish" = "Rive"; title/tooltip of a button that opens dumping designation tool "Designation__Dumping" = "Designation__Dumping"; title/tooltip of a button that opens forestry designation tool "Designation__Forestry" = "Designation__Forestry"; title/tooltip of a button that opens leveling designation tool "Designation__Leveling" = "Designation__Leveling"; title/tooltip of a button that opens mining designation tool "Designation__Mining" = "Designation__Mining"; title/tooltip of a button that opens tree harvesting designation tool "Designation__TreeHarvesting" = "Designation__TreeHarvesting"; shown when designation is at invalid position shown when designation is at invalid position "DesignationError__Invalid" = "Ugyldig posisjon."; player can click & drag with their mouse to removes existing designation player can click & drag with their mouse to removes existing designation "DesignationRemovalTooltip" = "Høyreklikk og dra for å fjerne eksisterende designasjoner"; category for key bindings affecting designations "Designations" = "Designations"; shown when player is trying to paint lines outside of hard surface area "DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal" = "DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal"; shown when dumping designation is not yet mineable due to its edges being too deep shown when mining designation is not contained by any mine tower area and cannot be mined. "DesignationWarning__CannotStartDumping" = "Må forvaltes av et gruvetårnområde."; shown when forestry designation is not usable due to terrain not being fertile "DesignationWarning__CannotStartForestry" = "DesignationWarning__CannotStartForestry"; shown when leveling designation is not yet usable due to its edges being too high/deep "DesignationWarning__CannotStartLeveling" = "DesignationWarning__CannotStartLeveling"; shown when mining designation is not yet mineable due to its edges being too deep shown when mining designation is not contained by any mine tower area and cannot be mined. "DesignationWarning__CannotStartMining" = "Må forvaltes av et gruvetårnområde."; shown when forestry designation is not contained by any forestry tower area and cannot be forested. "DesignationWarning__NoForestryTower" = "DesignationWarning__NoForestryTower"; shown when mining designation is not contained by any mine tower area and cannot be mined. shown when mining designation is not contained by any mine tower area and cannot be mined. "DesignationWarning__NoTower" = "Må forvaltes av et gruvetårnområde."; short description short description "DieselGenerator__desc" = "Brenner diesel for å skape strøm."; name name "DieselGenerator__name" = "Dieselaggregat"; short description "DieselGeneratorT2__desc" = "DieselGeneratorT2__desc"; name "DieselGeneratorT2__name" = "DieselGeneratorT2__name"; example: 'Difficulty: Hard' example: 'Difficulty: Hard' "Difficulty" = "Vanskelighetsgrad: {0}"; Difficulty impact on construction "DifficultyConstruction__Easy" = "DifficultyConstruction__Easy"; Difficulty impact on construction "DifficultyConstruction__Hard" = "DifficultyConstruction__Hard"; Difficulty impact on contracts & loans "DifficultyContracts__Easy" = "DifficultyContracts__Easy"; Difficulty impact on contracts & loans "DifficultyContracts__Hard" = "DifficultyContracts__Hard"; Difficulty impact on contracts & loans "DifficultyContracts__Normal" = "DifficultyContracts__Normal"; Difficulty impact on disease "DifficultyDisease__Easy" = "DifficultyDisease__Easy"; Difficulty impact on disease "DifficultyDisease__Hard" = "DifficultyDisease__Hard"; Difficulty impact on disease "DifficultyDisease__Normal" = "DifficultyDisease__Normal"; Difficulty impact on food consumption "DifficultyFood__Easy" = "DifficultyFood__Easy"; Difficulty impact on food consumption "DifficultyFood__Hard" = "DifficultyFood__Hard"; Difficulty impact on food consumption "DifficultyFood__Normal" = "DifficultyFood__Normal"; Difficulty impact on fuel consumption "DifficultyFuel__Easy" = "DifficultyFuel__Easy"; Difficulty impact on fuel consumption "DifficultyFuel__Hard" = "DifficultyFuel__Hard"; Difficulty impact on fuel consumption "DifficultyFuel__Normal" = "DifficultyFuel__Normal"; Difficulty impact on aggreculture "DifficultyGrowth__Easy" = "DifficultyGrowth__Easy"; Difficulty impact on aggreculture "DifficultyGrowth__Hard" = "DifficultyGrowth__Hard"; Difficulty impact on aggreculture "DifficultyGrowth__Normal" = "DifficultyGrowth__Normal"; Difficulty impact on maintenance consumption "DifficultyMaintenance__Easy" = "DifficultyMaintenance__Easy"; Difficulty impact on maintenance consumption "DifficultyMaintenance__Hard" = "DifficultyMaintenance__Hard"; Difficulty impact on maintenance consumption "DifficultyMaintenance__Normal" = "DifficultyMaintenance__Normal"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyMining__Easy" = "DifficultyMining__Easy"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyMining__Hard" = "DifficultyMining__Hard"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyMining__Normal" = "DifficultyMining__Normal"; Difficulty impact on pollution "DifficultyPollution__Easy" = "DifficultyPollution__Easy"; Difficulty impact on pollution "DifficultyPollution__Hard" = "DifficultyPollution__Hard"; Difficulty impact on pollution "DifficultyPollution__Normal" = "DifficultyPollution__Normal"; Difficulty impact on rainfall "DifficultyRainfall__Easy" = "DifficultyRainfall__Easy"; Difficulty impact on rainfall "DifficultyRainfall__Hard" = "DifficultyRainfall__Hard"; Difficulty impact on rainfall "DifficultyRainfall__Normal" = "DifficultyRainfall__Normal"; Difficulty impact on research "DifficultyResearch__Easy" = "DifficultyResearch__Easy"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyResearch__Hard" = "DifficultyResearch__Hard"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyResearch__Normal" = "DifficultyResearch__Normal"; Notification shown on successful save of game difficulty settings "DifficultySettingsSaved" = "DifficultySettingsSaved"; Difficulty impact on unity generation "DifficultyUnity__Easy" = "DifficultyUnity__Easy"; Difficulty impact on unity generation "DifficultyUnity__Hard" = "DifficultyUnity__Hard"; Difficulty impact on unity generation "DifficultyUnity__Normal" = "DifficultyUnity__Normal"; a difficulty option where machines / vehicles slow down and after a while stop instead of stopping abruptly when they run out of something (power) "DiffOption__GraduallyStops" = "DiffOption__GraduallyStops"; a difficulty option where ships can run on unity if out of fuel "DiffOption__RunsOnUnity" = "DiffOption__RunsOnUnity"; a difficulty option where machines / vehicles slow down instead of stopping when out of something (power, fuel) "DiffOption__SlowsDown" = "DiffOption__SlowsDown"; a difficulty option where machines / vehicles stop when out of something (power, fuel) "DiffOption__StopsWorking" = "DiffOption__StopsWorking"; {0} = Dirt "DigDirtTip" = "DigDirtTip"; used when some option is disabled used when some option is disabled "Disabled" = "Deaktivert"; button to discard / destroy all products "DiscardAllProducts__Action" = "DiscardAllProducts__Action"; {0} - title of a product to discard, e.g. Coal "DiscardAllProducts__Confirmation" = "DiscardAllProducts__Confirmation"; "DiscardAllProducts__NotSupported" = "DiscardAllProducts__NotSupported"; button to discard changes "DiscardChanges" = "DiscardChanges"; explains the player what they need to do in order to get access to some technology "DiscoverOnWorldMap__desc" = "DiscoverOnWorldMap__desc"; disease "Disease1__name" = "Disease1__name"; disease severity, this is the lowest severity 1/5, {0} is disease name "DiseaseSeverity__1" = "DiseaseSeverity__1"; disease severity, this is second lowest severity 2/5, {0} is disease name "DiseaseSeverity__2" = "DiseaseSeverity__2"; disease severity, this is third lowest severity, 3/5, {0} is disease name "DiseaseSeverity__3" = "DiseaseSeverity__3"; disease severity, this is second highest severity 4/5, {0} is disease name "DiseaseSeverity__4" = "DiseaseSeverity__4"; disease severity, this is the highest severity 5/5, {0} is disease name "DiseaseSeverity__5" = "DiseaseSeverity__5"; button to dismiss a dialog button to dismiss a dialog "Dismiss" = "Lukk"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "DistillationTowerT1__desc" = "Inngangspunktet for avansert oljebehandling. Separerer olje i to komponenter for ytterligere bearbeiding til nyttige ressurser."; name of a machine name of a machine "DistillationTowerT1__name" = "Tung destillasjon I"; description of a distillation tower short description of a machine "DistillationTowerT2__desc" = "Inngangspunktet for avansert oljebehandling. Separerer olje i to komponenter for ytterligere bearbeiding til nyttige ressurser."; name of a machine name of a machine "DistillationTowerT2__name" = "Tung destillasjon II"; name of a machine name of a machine "DistillationTowerT3__name" = "Destillasjonslys"; Downloadable content label shown in the details panel of the load & save window "Dlc__Detail" = "Dlc__Detail"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "docksCategory__name" = "Lastekaier"; label for a checkbox to toggle to avoid seeing some dialog again "DoNotShowAgain" = "DoNotShowAgain"; tooltip explaining dumping height selection "DropDepth__OrderingExplanation" = "DropDepth__OrderingExplanation"; explains that there are currently no products selected for dumping "DumpingFilter__Empty" = "Ingenting får lov å dumpes"; title of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain dumping designations managed by a mine tower area tooltip of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain designations managed by a mine tower area "DumpingFilter__Title" = "Hva kan dumpes her"; tooltip of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain designations managed by a mine tower area "DumpingFilter__Tooltip" = "Konfigurerer hvilke materialer som tillates dumpet på betegnelsene som administreres her."; title of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain "DumpingFilterGlobal__Title" = "DumpingFilterGlobal__Title"; tooltip of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain designations managed by a mine tower area "DumpingFilterGlobal__Tooltip" = "DumpingFilterGlobal__Tooltip"; shown next to a material that can be dumped only on designations that are managed by mine control tower that has such a product allowed for dumping in its dumping filter. Other option is to change the global dumping filter. "DumpInMineTowerOnly" = "DumpInMineTowerOnly"; title of a panel that enabled to configure the depth offset a stacker should dump to "DumpOffset" = "DumpOffset"; title of settings affecting economy - loans, contracts "Economy" = "Economy"; name "EdictCategory_Industry__name" = "EdictCategory_Industry__name"; name "EdictCategory_Population__name" = "EdictCategory_Population__name"; Explanation shown when some edict could not be activated due to low health "EdictReason__HealthLow" = "EdictReason__HealthLow"; Explanation shown when some edict could not be activated due to full housing (e.g. makes no sense to increase pop growth when housing is full) "EdictReason__HousingFull" = "EdictReason__HousingFull"; shown when edict cannot be activated as it requires more advanced captain office "EdictRequiresAdvancedOffice" = "EdictRequiresAdvancedOffice"; Electricity in giga-watts "Electricity__Gw" = "Electricity__Gw"; Electricity in kilo-watts Electricity in kilo-watts "Electricity__Kw" = "{0} KW"; Electricity in mega-watts "Electricity__Mw" = "Electricity__Mw"; explains what something like '5 / 10 Kw | 20 kw' means, so it explains that 5 is the total demand for power, 10 is the current production and 20 is the maximum power output that can be produced if needed. "ElectricityDisplayTooltip" = "ElectricityDisplayTooltip"; title of a window that shows electricity production & demands title of a window that shows electricity production & demands "ElectricityStats" = "Elektrisitetsstatestikk"; description of a machine short description of a machine "Electrolyzer__desc" = "Nedbryter et produkt til enklere stoffer ved å føre en elektrisk strøm gjennom det."; name of a machine name of a machine Performer water electrolysis to split it to oxygen and hydrogen. "Electrolyzer__name" = "Elektrolysator"; name of a machine "ElectrolyzerT2__name" = "ElectrolyzerT2__name"; shown when entity has no products (e.g. when transport is empty) shown when entity has no products (e.g. when transport is empty) "Empty" = "Tom"; used when some option is enabled used when some option is enabled "Enabled" = "Aktivert"; name of a toggle button that turns on/off mods name of a toggle button that turns on / off the error reporting "EnableMods__ToggleLabel" = "Send feilrapporter"; tooltip that explains what mods do and their potential danger "EnableMods__Tooltip" = "Du kan velge å tvinge strengt jevnt input/output produktforhold. Hvis du aktiverer et strengt utgangsforhold, sendes produktene jevnt ut til begge utgangsportene. Hvis en port ikke kan godta flere produkter, stopper utgangen til porten frigjøres. Inndata strengt forhold fungerer på en lignende måte."; enemy ship(s) enemy ship(s) "Enemy" = "Fiende"; name name "EngineT1__name" = "Skipsmotor"; short description short description "EngineT2__desc" = "Øker fart og rekkevidde på skipet."; name name "EngineT2__name" = "Skipsmotor II"; short description short description "EngineT3__desc" = "Øker fart og rekkevidde på skipet."; name name "EngineT3__name" = "Skipsmotor III"; example: 'breakdown chance: 20%' example: 'breakdown chance: 20%' "EntityBreakdownChance" = "sjanse for sammenbrudd: {0}"; notification "EntityCannotBeReached__name" = "EntityCannotBeReached__name"; "EntityCannotBeReachedDesc" = "EntityCannotBeReachedDesc"; tooltip for the computing consumption status in machine / building inspector tooltip for the computing consumption status in machine inspector. "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip" = "Data forbrukes når den er i drift"; tooltip for the computing consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__Consuming" = "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__Consuming"; tooltip for the computing consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming" = "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming"; tooltip for the computing consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough" = "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough"; tooltip for the computing production status in machine / building inspector tooltip for the computing production status in machine inspector "EntityComputingProductionTooltip" = "Data generert når den er operativ"; tooltip for the electricity consumption status in machine / building inspector tooltip for the electricity consumption status in machine inspector "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip" = "Elektrisitet forbukes under drift"; tooltip for the electricity consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__Consuming" = "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__Consuming"; tooltip for the electricity consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming" = "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming"; tooltip for the electricity consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough" = "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough"; tooltip for the electricity production status in power generator inspector "EntityElectricityProductionTooltip" = "Maksimal strømproduksjon generert"; notification "EntityMayCollapseUnevenTerrain__name" = "EntityMayCollapseUnevenTerrain__name"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip" = "Månedlig Unity forbruk"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__Consuming" = "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__Consuming"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotConsuming" = "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotConsuming"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotEnough" = "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotEnough"; tooltip that explains quick repair action "EntityRepair__Tooltip" = "Rask nødreparasjon som koster Unity"; title of a panel that shows the current status of a vehicle, ship or machine "EntityStatus" = "Status"; status of a nuclear reactor (temperature exceeded operational threshold) (keep it short!) storage is full - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus___NuclearReactor_Overheated" = "Fult lager"; animal farm has no animals, so it's empty has nothing to do "EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoAnimals" = "EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoAnimals"; animal farm is missing food to feed its animals "EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoFood" = "EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoFood"; status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Broken" = "Ødelagt"; something is being cleared out (e.g. dry crop) - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Clearing" = "Tømmes"; status of a datacenter, can't work as player did not add any servers into it (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Datacenter_NoServers" = "EntityStatus__Datacenter_NoServers"; farm is doing fine and growing something (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Farm_Growing" = "Gror"; farm's fertility is too low (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Farm_LowFertility" = "Lav fruktbarhet"; farm has no crop selected, so it can't work (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Farm_NoCrop" = "Ingen avling valgt"; farm lack water so can't work (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Farm_NoWater" = "Ingen vann"; blocked as output is full - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__FullOutput" = "Utgang full"; storage is full - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__FullStorage" = "Fult lager"; status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Idle" = "Uvirksom"; status of a machine that cannot continue because its placement is invalid (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__InvalidPlacement" = "EntityStatus__InvalidPlacement"; not enough electricity - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__LowPower" = "Lav strøm"; status of a selected data center when it lacks coolant (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__MissingCoolant" = "EntityStatus__MissingCoolant"; status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__MissingInput" = "Input mangler"; selected entity can't work as it is lacking fuel (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NeedsFuel" = "Trenger drivstoff"; not enough computing from datacenter - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NoComputing" = "Ingen databehandling"; means that vehicle has no jobs to do "EntityStatus__NoJobs" = "Ingen oppdrag"; machine can't work as no recipe is selected - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NoRecipe" = "Ingen oppskrift"; not connected to mechanical shaft (keep it short!) not enough Unity to run this entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NoShaft" = "Ingen Unity"; transport is not connected - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NotConnected" = "Ikke tilkoblet"; not enough Unity to run this entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NoUnity" = "Ingen Unity"; status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NoWorkers" = "Ingen arbeidere"; status for ore sorter when it got stuck with some products but still can sort others (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__PartiallyStuck" = "EntityStatus__PartiallyStuck"; status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Paused" = "Pauset"; status of a research lab when the current research is too advanced and the lab can't research it (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__ResearchTooAdvanced" = "EntityStatus__ResearchTooAdvanced"; shown when entity such as mine has run out of a deposit to mine machine can't work as no recipe is selected - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__ResourceDepleted" = "Ingen oppskrift"; ship is arriving from the world (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_Arriving" = "Ankommer"; ship is departing to the world (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_Departing" = "Avreise"; ship is docked at the shipyard (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_Docked" = "Forankret"; ship is exploring a location (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_Exploring" = "Utforsker"; ship is in battle (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_InBattle" = "EntityStatus__Ship_InBattle"; ship is traveling somewhere (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_Moving" = "Beveger seg"; ship is waiting for orders (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_NoOrders" = "Ingen oppdrag"; status of a selected entity, means that it is waiting to more input products in order to work (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__WaitingForProducts" = "EntityStatus__WaitingForProducts"; prefix for list of products missing in a machine, used like this: 'Products missing: iron ore, coal' "EntityStatus__WaitingForProductsTooltip" = "EntityStatus__WaitingForProductsTooltip"; all cool! - Status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Working" = "Operativ"; {0} is utilization, example: 'Working (20%)' - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) {0} is utilization, example: 'Working (20%)' - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__WorkingPartially" = "Operativ ({0})"; button that toggles navigation overlay, keep short "EntityToggleNavigationOverlay" = "EntityToggleNavigationOverlay"; explanation of what navigation overlay toggle does "EntityToggleNavigationOverlay__Tooltip" = "EntityToggleNavigationOverlay__Tooltip"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows the number of required workers in a machine / building' "EntityWorkersNeededTooltip" = "Antall arbeidere som trengs"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows the number of required workers in a machine / building' "EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_Assigned" = "EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_Assigned"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows the number of required workers in a machine / building' "EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_NotAssigned" = "EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_NotAssigned"; Label for a button to copy an error message "Error__Copy" = "Error__Copy"; Label for a button shown on error notifications to view more details "Error__View" = "Error__View"; name of a toggle button that turns on / off the error reporting title for setting that configures error reporting "ErrorReporting__Title" = "Feilrapportering"; tooltip that explains what is error reporting "ErrorReporting__Tooltip" = "Tillater oss å sende anonyme rapporter om feil som oppstår under spillingen din. Dette hjelper oss med å oppdage problemer raskt og gjøre spillet bedre for alle."; text explaining that there are no contracts established currently and that the player might want to establish some, followed by GoToContracts button "EstablishedContracts__NoneInfo" = "EstablishedContracts__NoneInfo"; title of a panel listing all the contracts that player established. Established in this context means that player has ongoing trade deals / trade routes for these contracts that cost monthly unity. So it has a stronger meaning then just having them unlocked. "EstablishedContracts__Title" = "EstablishedContracts__Title"; tooltip for EstablishedContracts__Title "EstablishedContracts__Tooltip" = "EstablishedContracts__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing an estimate of water yield for rainwater harvester "EstimatedWaterYieldTitle" = "EstimatedWaterYieldTitle"; short description of a machine "EvaporationPond__desc" = "Produserer salt ved å fordampe restvann fra saltlake."; name of a machine "EvaporationPond__name" = "Fordampingsdam"; short description of a machine "EvaporationPondHeated__desc" = "Produserer salt ved å fordampe restvann fra saltlake. Prosessen akselereres ved å bruke et sett med elektriske varmeovner."; name of a machine "EvaporationPondHeated__name" = "Fordampingsdam (oppvarmet)"; notification "ExcavatorHasNoValidTruck__name" = "ExcavatorHasNoValidTruck__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=6 "ExcavatorT1__desc" = "ExcavatorT1__desc"; vehicle "ExcavatorT1__name" = "ExcavatorT1__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=18 "ExcavatorT2__desc" = "ExcavatorT2__desc"; vehicle "ExcavatorT2__name" = "ExcavatorT2__name"; vehicle "ExcavatorT2H__name" = "ExcavatorT2H__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=60 "ExcavatorT3__desc" = "ExcavatorT3__desc"; vehicle "ExcavatorT3__name" = "ExcavatorT3__name"; vehicle "ExcavatorT3H__name" = "ExcavatorT3H__name"; {0} is a number, used like for instance '75%' "ExhaustScrubber__desc" = "ExhaustScrubber__desc"; name of a machine name of a machine "ExhaustScrubber__name" = "Metall støper"; exits the current gameplay session back to game's main menu "ExitToMainMenu" = "Gå ut til hovedmenyen"; example: 'Our ship has discovered Settlement!' example: 'Our ship has discovered Settlement!' "ExplorationResult__Entity" = "Skipet vårt har oppdaget {0}!"; "ExplorationResult__Loot" = "Fant litt bytte!"; "ExplorationResult__Nothing" = "Ingenting funnet!"; "ExplorationResult__Title" = "Område utforsket!"; title of a dialog that allows to export blueprint into a string "ExportBlueprint__Title" = "ExportBlueprint__Title"; title of a panel that configures truck's export priority - keep it short! title of a panel that configures truck's export priority - keep it short! "ExportPriority" = "Export"; tooltip tooltip "ExportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip" = "Kjøretøysprioritet for fjerning av lagret drivstoff."; tooltip for export of cargo stored in shipyard tooltip for export of cargo stored in shipyard "ExportPriority__ShipyardCargo" = "Kjøretøysprioritet for fjerning av lagrede varer."; tooltip tooltip "ExportPriority__StorageTooltip" = "Kjøretøysprioritet for fjerning av lagrede produkter."; title of a panel configuring custom export routes for trucks "ExportRoutesTitle" = "ExportRoutesTitle"; title of settings affecting game failures, outages "FailureOutages" = "FailureOutages"; title of a panel showing the currently planted crop (can be only one per farm). "Farm_PlantedCrop" = "Avling plantet"; tooltip explaining average farm production rate tooltip "FarmAvgProduction__Tooltip" = "Estimert gjennomsnittlig produksjon per måned basert på gjeldende fruktbarhet. Forsinkelser på grunn av mangel på vann er ikke inkludert i dette estimatet. Imidlertid er ekstra tid påført avlinger lagt til bare for fruktbarhet inkludert. For å se hvor mye mat som trengs, sjekk forbruksrapporten for matmarkedet."; title of a window providing farm crop selection "FarmCropSelector" = "Valg av avling"; shorter version of FarmFertilityTitle used in recipes that affect fertility title for farm fertility panel "FarmFertility" = "Fruktbarhet"; more info in FarmFertility__EquilibriumTooltip, example use: 'Fertility equilibrium: 40%' "FarmFertility__Equilibrium" = "FarmFertility__Equilibrium"; describes fertility equilibrium "FarmFertility__EquilibriumTooltip" = "FarmFertility__EquilibriumTooltip"; describes percentage with which farm's fertility gets naturally replenished (without fertilizer or other player's actions) "FarmFertility__NaturalReplenish" = "FarmFertility__NaturalReplenish"; describes natural fertility replenish rate display "FarmFertility__NaturalReplenishTooltip" = "FarmFertility__NaturalReplenishTooltip"; more info in FarmFertility__NeedTooltip, example use: 'Fertility needed: 4% / 60' "FarmFertility__Need" = "FarmFertility__Need"; tooltip explaining farm fertility need display "FarmFertility__NeedTooltip" = "FarmFertility__NeedTooltip"; target fertilization on farm, example use: 'TARGET: 120%'. Please keep capitalized if you can and keep this super short. "FarmFertility__Target" = "FarmFertility__Target"; tooltip explaining farm fertility "FarmFertility__Tooltip" = "Noen avlinger reduserer gårdens fruktbarhet etter hver høst. Fruktbarhet er prosentandel som brukes på den siste avlingen for å bestemme utbyttet. Så med 50% fruktbarhet blir det bare 50% utbytte. Fruktbarhet kan fylles opp ved å dyrke grønn gjødsel eller ved å gi gjødsel. Å dyrke de samme avlingene etter hverandre øker fruktbarhetsforbruket. Dermed er det fordelaktig å rotere avlinger."; explains to the fertility consumed by currently planted crop is increased because player is not rotating crops (is planting the same crop multiple times) "FarmFertilityPenaltyNoRotation" = "FarmFertilityPenaltyNoRotation"; title for farm fertility panel "FarmFertilityTitle" = "FarmFertilityTitle"; describes fertilizer to fertility conversion, example use: '1 fertilizer -> 1%' "FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversion" = "FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversion"; describes fertilizer to fertility conversion "FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversionTooltip" = "FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversionTooltip"; describes maximum achievable fertilization of current fertilizer, example use: 'Max fertilization: 100%' "FarmFertilizer__MaxFertility" = "FarmFertilizer__MaxFertility"; describes maximum fertilization target "FarmFertilizer__MaxFertilityTooltip" = "FarmFertilizer__MaxFertilityTooltip"; title for farm's stored fertilizer "FarmFertilizer__Title" = "FarmFertilizer__Title"; describes fertilizers function and storage "FarmFertilizer__Tooltip" = "FarmFertilizer__Tooltip"; button to open overview window of all the existing fertilizers, keep short "FarmFertilizersOverview__Open" = "FarmFertilizersOverview__Open"; title of a window showing overview of all the existing fertilizers "FarmFertilizersOverview__Title" = "FarmFertilizersOverview__Title"; title for farm irrigation tank "FarmIrrigation__Title" = "FarmIrrigation__Title"; tooltip explaining farm irrigation "FarmIrrigation__Tooltip" = "FarmIrrigation__Tooltip"; info text that points the player to click the plus button to plant new crop and start growing something in the farm "FarmPlantCropHelp" = "FarmPlantCropHelp"; short description "FarmT1__desc" = "Tillater dyrking av forskjellige avlinger. Kan brukes til matproduksjon. Denne gården er bare avhengig av regn. For å levere vann fra ekstern kilde må det oppgraderes."; name "FarmT1__name" = "Gård"; short description "FarmT2__desc" = "Jorde med vanningsanlegg som kan kobles til en vann- eller gjødselkilde. Det kan være nyttig?"; name "FarmT2__name" = "Jorde med vanningsanlegg"; example values: {0}=30%, {1}=15% short description "FarmT3__desc" = "Har 20% høyere avling sammenlignet med basis gården."; name "FarmT3__name" = "Drivhus"; name "FarmT4__name" = "Drivhus II"; title showing average water need of the farm "FarmWater__AvgNeed" = "FarmWater__AvgNeed"; title of a panel showing the current soil water level (how well is the farm watered) "FarmWater__Title" = "FarmWater__Title"; tooltip explaining how water works on farms "FarmWater__Tooltip" = "FarmWater__Tooltip"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "FarmYieldIncrease__desc" = "FarmYieldIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "FarmYieldIncrease__name" = "FarmYieldIncrease__name"; example usage of {0}: 'provide up to 12 MW of electricity' "FastBreederReactor__desc" = "FastBreederReactor__desc"; name "FastBreederReactor__name" = "FastBreederReactor__name"; short description of a machine "FermentationTank__desc" = "FermentationTank__desc"; name of a machine "FermentationTank__name" = "FermentationTank__name"; shows a location of a file, {0} is replaced with the location "FileLocation" = "FileLocation"; caption for a table header displaying file sizes "FileSize_Title" = "FileSize_Title"; "FirTree__desc" = "FirTree__desc"; short description of a machine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_flare "Flare__desc" = "Kan brenne brennbare væsker og gasser, men produserer forurensning."; name of a machine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_flare "Flare__name" = "Bluss"; description of transport short description "FlatConveyorFormattedFirst__desc" = "Tillater sortering av produkter."; description of transport, '{0} times' used as '2 times' for instance. "FlatConveyorFormattedNext__desc" = "FlatConveyorFormattedNext__desc"; short description: small machine that allows sorting of products short description When there are multiple different products on a transport, this machine can filter some of them to its dedicated output port. "FlatConveyorSorter__desc" = "Tillater sortering av produkter."; name: small machine that allows sorting of products short description "FlatConveyorSorter__name" = "Tillater sortering av produkter."; name "FlatConveyorT1__name" = "Gård"; name "FlatConveyorT2__name" = "Jorde med vanningsanlegg"; name "FlatConveyorT3__name" = "Drivhus"; name: default name of the main ship name "Fleet__name" = "Flåte"; tooltip "FlipShortcut__Tooltip" = "FlipShortcut__Tooltip"; description of flywheel, {0} = '120 MW-seconds' "Flywheel__desc" = "Flywheel__desc"; name name "Flywheel__name" = "Flåte"; tooltip for a button that enables vehicle camera following "FollowVehicleTooltip" = "FollowVehicleTooltip"; title of a panel showing information about food in a settlement "Food" = "Food"; number of food categories satisfied, example use: '2 categories' "FoodCategoriesSatisfied" = "FoodCategoriesSatisfied"; name "FoodCategory_Carbs__name" = "FoodCategory_Carbs__name"; name "FoodCategory_Protein__name" = "FoodCategory_Protein__name"; name "FoodCategory_Treats__name" = "FoodCategory_Treats__name"; name "FoodCategory_Vitamins__name" = "FoodCategory_Vitamins__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "FoodConsumptionIncrease__desc" = "Matforbruket økes med {0}"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. name: policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. This is a policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "FoodConsumptionIncrease__name" = "Mye mat"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "FoodConsumptionReduction__desc" = "Matforbruket reduseres med {0}"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% This is a policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "FoodConsumptionReduction__name" = "Matforbruket reduseres med {0}"; used as information for a food item, example use: '1 [icon of food] feeds 14 people / month' "FoodFeedInfo" = "FoodFeedInfo"; tooltip for a food category that informs that players might receive health bonus for it, if they provide it "FoodHealth__CategoryTooltip" = "FoodHealth__CategoryTooltip"; title of a panel showing information about health bonus from the food provided to the settlement "FoodHealth__Title" = "FoodHealth__Title"; tooltip "FoodHealth__Tooltip" = "FoodHealth__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing information about food in the currently selected settlement "FoodInSettlement__Title" = "FoodInSettlement__Title"; tooltip "FoodInSettlement__Tooltip" = "FoodInSettlement__Tooltip"; tooltip "FoodLeftMainPanel__Tooltip" = "FoodLeftMainPanel__Tooltip"; short description of a machine "FoodMill__desc" = "FoodMill__desc"; name of a machine "FoodMill__name" = "FoodMill__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "FoodNeed__name" = "Mat"; short description of a machine "FoodProcessor__desc" = "FoodProcessor__desc"; name of a machine "FoodProcessor__name" = "FoodProcessor__name"; title of a panel displaying a food supply (keep it short) title of a panel displaying a food supply (keep it short) "FoodSupplyTitle" = "Matforsyning"; this tooltip is for a panel that shows food supply in a single settlement this tooltip is for a panel that shows food supply in a single settlement "FoodSupplyTitle__TooltipForSettlement" = "Dette er matforsyningen som er tilgjengelig for denne landsbyen, basert på summen av den lagrede maten i alle tilkoblede matmarkeder."; Description of forestry tower. "ForestryTower__desc" = "ForestryTower__desc"; name "ForestryTower__name" = "ForestryTower__name"; option for FpsLimitOption__NoLimit "FpsLimitOption__NoLimit" = "FpsLimitOption__NoLimit"; option for FpsLimitOption__VSync1 "FpsLimitOption__VSync1" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync1"; tooltip for FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip "FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip"; option for FpsLimitOption__VSync2 "FpsLimitOption__VSync2" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync2"; tooltip for FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip "FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip"; title for fuel information (keep it general, no diesel references) title for fuel information (keep it general, no diesel references) "Fuel" = "Drivstoff"; title of a panel that shows amount of stored fuel (keep it as general fuel) list of vehicles that available to be assigned to some buildings "FuelAvailable" = "Tilgjengelig for tildeling"; keep it as general fuel keep it as general fuel "FuelForShip__Title" = "Drivstoff til skip"; tooltip explaining what a skip button in crop schedule does "FuelForShip__Tooltip" = "Avlingsplan"; how much a cargo ship consumes per single journey for cargo. used as '10 / per a single journey' how much a cargo ship consumes per single journey for cargo. used as '10 / per a single journey' "FuelPerJourneySuffix" = "per enkelt reise"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "FuelReduction__desc" = "Matforbruket reduseres med {0}"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. name "FuelReduction__name" = "Flåte"; building or machine "FuelStationHydrogenT1__name" = "FuelStationHydrogenT1__name"; notification name of a machine "FuelStationNotConnected__name" = "Filtreringsstasjon"; notification name of a machine "FuelStationOutOfFuel__name" = "Filtreringsstasjon"; {0} is a number, used like for instance '75%' "FuelStationT1__desc" = "Filtrerer {0}% av forurensningene fra varme avgasser og omdanner dem til mer nyttige ressurser."; building or machine name of a machine "FuelStationT1__name" = "Gjæringstank"; advanced fuel station description {0} is a number, used like for instance '75%' "FuelStationT2__desc" = "Filtrerer {0}% av forurensningene fra varme avgasser og omdanner dem til mer nyttige ressurser."; building or machine name of a machine "FuelStationT2__name" = "Gjæringstank"; building or machine name of a machine "FuelStationT3__name" = "Gjæringstank"; title of a panel that shows the state of a fuel tank of vehicle or ship (keep it as general fuel) title of a panel that shows the state of a fuel tank of vehicle or ship (keep it as general fuel) "FuelTank_Title" = "Drivstofftank"; name: ship part upgrade name "FuelTankT1__name" = "Gård"; Label above the game name column in the load & save; game is a set of save files in one session / folder "Game__Title" = "Game__Title"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff" = "GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ComputingLow" = "GameDiff__ComputingLow"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ConstructionCostsDiff" = "GameDiff__ConstructionCostsDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__ConstructionCostsDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__ConstructionCostsDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ConsumerBroken" = "GameDiff__ConsumerBroken"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund" = "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__DiseaseMortalityDiff" = "GameDiff__DiseaseMortalityDiff"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ExtraContractsProfit" = "GameDiff__ExtraContractsProfit"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__ExtraContractsProfit_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__ExtraContractsProfit_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ExtraStartingMaterial" = "GameDiff__ExtraStartingMaterial"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__ExtraStartingMaterial_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__ExtraStartingMaterial_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__FarmsYieldDiff" = "GameDiff__FarmsYieldDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__FarmsYieldDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__FarmsYieldDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__FuelConsumptionDiff" = "GameDiff__FuelConsumptionDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__FuelConsumptionDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__FuelConsumptionDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__GroundwaterPumpLow" = "GameDiff__GroundwaterPumpLow"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__LoansDifficulty" = "GameDiff__LoansDifficulty"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__MaintenanceDiff" = "GameDiff__MaintenanceDiff"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__OreSorting" = "GameDiff__OreSorting"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__OreSorting_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__OreSorting_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__PollutionDiff" = "GameDiff__PollutionDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__PollutionDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__PollutionDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__PowerLow" = "GameDiff__PowerLow"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__PowerSetting" = "GameDiff__PowerSetting"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. {0} - PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways, {1} - PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan "GameDiff__PowerSetting_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__PowerSetting_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff" = "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__QuickRepair" = "GameDiff__QuickRepair"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__RainYieldDiff" = "GameDiff__RainYieldDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__RainYieldDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__RainYieldDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff" = "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ResourceMiningDiff" = "GameDiff__ResourceMiningDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__ResourceMiningDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__ResourceMiningDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__SettlementConsumptionDiff" = "GameDiff__SettlementConsumptionDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__SettlementConsumptionDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__SettlementConsumptionDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ShipsNoFuel" = "GameDiff__ShipsNoFuel"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff" = "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__Starvation" = "GameDiff__Starvation"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__TreesGrowthDiff" = "GameDiff__TreesGrowthDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__TreesGrowthDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__TreesGrowthDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff" = "GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__VehiclesNoFuel" = "GameDiff__VehiclesNoFuel"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__WeatherDifficulty" = "GameDiff__WeatherDifficulty"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__WorldMinesNoUnity" = "GameDiff__WorldMinesNoUnity"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__WorldMinesReservesDiff" = "GameDiff__WorldMinesReservesDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__WorldMinesReservesDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__WorldMinesReservesDiff_Tooltip"; description of difficulty setting (this is hard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__AdmiralDescription" = "GameDifficulty__AdmiralDescription"; clear description of difficulty setting (this is hard difficulty) clear description of game difficulty setting (this is hard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__AdmiralExplanation" = "For experienced players only"; title of game difficulty setting (this is hard difficulty) title of game difficulty setting (this is hard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__AdmiralTitle" = "Admiral"; title of a custom game difficulty setting, in this setting the player can customize many game settings individually title of a custom game difficulty setting "GameDifficulty__CustomTitle" = "Egendefinert"; description of game difficulty setting (this is easy difficulty) "GameDifficulty__EasyDescription" = "GameDifficulty__EasyDescription"; clear description of game difficulty setting (this is easy difficulty) clear description of game difficulty setting (this is easy difficulty) "GameDifficulty__EasyExplanation" = "For new players who want a smooth sail"; title of game difficulty setting (this is easy difficulty) title of game difficulty setting (this is easy difficulty) "GameDifficulty__EasyTitle" = "Sailor"; description of game difficulty setting (this is standard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__NormalDescription" = "GameDifficulty__NormalDescription"; clear description of game difficulty setting (this is standard difficulty) clear description of game difficulty setting (this is standard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__NormalExplanation" = "For new or returning players who seek some adventure"; title of game difficulty setting (this is standard difficulty) title of game difficulty setting (this is standard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__NormalTitle" = "Captain"; rendering setting name "GameFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name" = "GameFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name"; message when game initialization failed on generic failure message when game initialization failed on generic failure "GameInitFail" = "Vi beklager, men oppstart av spillet feilet. Vennligst send oss en detaljert rapport."; message when game initialization failed likely due to an installed mod "GameInitFail__Mod" = "GameInitFail__Mod"; message when game initialization failed doe to out-of-memory error "GameInitFail__OutOrMemory" = "GameInitFail__OutOrMemory"; Title for group of related game mechanics in the new game flow "GameMechanic__Casual" = "GameMechanic__Casual"; Title for the challenge group of game mechanics in the new game flow "GameMechanic__Challenges" = "GameMechanic__Challenges"; Title for group of related game mechanics in the new game flow "GameMechanic__Realism" = "GameMechanic__Realism"; title of the game over message "GameOver__Message" = "GameOver__Message"; title of the game over message "GameOver__Title" = "GameOver__Title"; shown when save file cannot be loaded. Example: 'Cannot load someFile' "GameSaveLoad__CannotLoadFile" = "GameSaveLoad__CannotLoadFile"; shown when save file cannot be created. {0} is file path, {1} is error message "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile" = "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile"; shown when save file cannot be created. {0} is file path, {1} is error message "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile_Crash" = "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile_Crash"; message when game failed to load due to missing save file "GameSaveLoad__MissingFile" = "GameSaveLoad__MissingFile"; message when game failed to load due to missing mod message when game failed to load due to missing mod "GameSaveLoad__MissingMod" = "Could not load the given save file as it was missing a mod '{0}' (version {1}, type '{2}')."; explains to the player how they can get older version of this game to load an older save file. "GameSaveLoad__SwitchSteamVersion" = "GameSaveLoad__SwitchSteamVersion"; message when game failed to load due to save version being too new message when game failed to load due to save version being too new "GameSaveLoad__VersionTooHigh" = "Kunne ikke laste det lagrede spillet da det var lagret med en nyere version av spillet ({0}) enn den som nå støttes ({0})."; message when game failed to load due to save version being too old message when game failed to load due to save version being too old "GameSaveLoad__VersionTooLow" = "Kunne ikke laste det lagrede spillet da det ble lagret med en eldre version av spillet ({0}) som ikke lengre støttes."; label for game seed, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_seed label for game seed, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_seed "GameSeed" = "Game seed"; tooltip explaining how is seed used in the game tooltip explaining how soil water level works "GameSeed__Tooltip" = "Hver avling trenger vann for å vokse og vann fylles opp under regnet. Senere kan gårdene oppgraderes med et vanningsanlegg som kan levere vann når som helst. Hvis det ikke er vann i lange perioder, kan avlingen tørke og dø uten å produsere mat. Hver avling kan ha forskjellige vannkrav. Avlinger med lav vannfølsomhet kan overleve uten vann, mens andre avlinger kanskje ikke gjør det."; category for key bindings affecting game speed "GameSpeed" = "GameSpeed"; short description of a machine "GasInjectionPump__desc" = "GasInjectionPump__desc"; pump name "GasInjectionPump__name" = "GasInjectionPump__name"; Time in a game shown in the details panel of the load & save window "GateTime__Detail" = "GateTime__Detail"; title of a panel showing general information about a settlement, things like services, number of occupants, etc. "General" = "General"; category for general key bindings "GeneralShortcuts" = "GeneralShortcuts"; short description of a machine short description "GlassMakerT1__desc" = "Støper smeltet glass til glassplater"; name of a machine name of a machine "GlassMakerT1__name" = "Medisin produksjon"; short description of a machine short description "GlassMakerT2__desc" = "Jorde med vanningsanlegg som kan kobles til en vann- eller gjødselkilde. Det kan være nyttig?"; name of a machine name of a machine "GlassMakerT2__name" = "Medisin produksjon"; title of a panel that shows global maintenance status title for balancer ratios configuration "GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Title" = "Jevne I/O -forhold"; title of a panel that shows global maintenance status "GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Tooltip" = "Du kan velge å tvinge strengt jevnt input/output produktforhold. Hvis du aktiverer et strengt utgangsforhold, sendes produktene jevnt ut til begge utgangsportene. Hvis en port ikke kan godta flere produkter, stopper utgangen til porten frigjøres. Inndata strengt forhold fungerer på en lignende måte."; used to show stats of the global maintenance need, e.g. 'Global need: 40 / month' used to show stats of the global maintenance need, e.g. 'Global need: 40 / month' "GlobalNeedPrefix" = "Global need:"; goal text, {0} - name of edict (e.g. fuel saver), {1} - Captain office "Goal__ActivateEdict" = "Goal__ActivateEdict"; title for set of goals "Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name" = "Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name"; goal text, {0} = assembly, {1} = construction parts "Goal__AnotherCpAssembly" = "Goal__AnotherCpAssembly"; goal text, {0} - (0/2), {1} - Tree harvester "Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester" = "Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester"; goal text, {0} - fuel station, {1} - name of storage, {2} - diesel "Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation" = "Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__Build" = "Goal__Build"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__BuildAndConnect" = "Goal__BuildAndConnect"; text for a goal, {0}, {1} - machine / building names "Goal__BuildAndConnect2" = "Goal__BuildAndConnect2"; text for a goal, {0}, {1}, {2} - machine / building names "Goal__BuildAndConnect3" = "Goal__BuildAndConnect3"; text for a goal, {0}, {1} - machine / building names "Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe" = "Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe"; text for a goal, {0} and {2} are machine/building names, {1} is a product "Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom" = "Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__BuildAnother" = "Goal__BuildAnother"; title for set of goals "Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name" = "Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name"; goal text, {0} - cargo dock, {1} - fluid module "Goal__BuildCargoDock" = "Goal__BuildCargoDock"; goal text, {0} - storage name, {1} - coal, {2} - boiler, {3} - conveyor belt "Goal__BuildCoalStorage" = "Goal__BuildCoalStorage"; goal text, {0} - storage, {1} - diesel, {2} - distiller "Goal__BuildDieselStorage" = "Goal__BuildDieselStorage"; goal text, {0} - farm "Goal__BuildFarm" = "Goal__BuildFarm"; goal text, {0} - fuel station, {1} - name of storage, {2} - diesel "Goal__BuildFuelStation" = "Goal__BuildFuelStation"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with the name of a housing unit "Goal__BuildHousing" = "Goal__BuildHousing"; goal text, {0} - waste dump, {1} - waste water "Goal__BuildLiquidDump" = "Goal__BuildLiquidDump"; goal text, {0} oil pump, {1} basic distiller "Goal__BuildOilPump" = "Goal__BuildOilPump"; goal text "Goal__BuildPowerGenerator" = "Goal__BuildPowerGenerator"; title for set of goals "Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name" = "Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name" = "Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name"; goal text, {0} - name of storage, {1} - blast furnace, {2} - conveyor belt, {3} - name of product "Goal__BuildSlagStorage2" = "Goal__BuildSlagStorage2"; goal text, {0} - turbine, {1} - power generator, {2} - steam, {3} - boiler "Goal__BuildSteamTurbine" = "Goal__BuildSteamTurbine"; goal text, {0} - storage, {1} - product name "Goal__BuildStorage" = "Goal__BuildStorage"; goal text "Goal__BuildWasteCollection" = "Goal__BuildWasteCollection"; text for a goal, example use: 'Construct new Excavator' "Goal__ConstructVehicle" = "Goal__ConstructVehicle"; title for set of goals "Goal__ConveyorBelts__name" = "Goal__ConveyorBelts__name"; goal text "Goal__Conveyors" = "Goal__Conveyors"; title for set of goals "Goal__CopperProduction__name" = "Goal__CopperProduction__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__CpIProduction__name" = "Goal__CpIProduction__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__CrudeOilImport__name" = "Goal__CrudeOilImport__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with name of product (e.g. slag) "Goal__DesignateDumping" = "Goal__DesignateDumping"; goal text, {0} - diesel "Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage" = "Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage"; title for set of goals "Goal__DiscoverOilRig__name" = "Goal__DiscoverOilRig__name"; text for a goal to dump a loose product (on the ground), {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Dump" = "Goal__Dump"; text for a goal to dump a liquid product (into ocean), {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__DumpLiquid" = "Goal__DumpLiquid"; goal text, {0} replaced with ore name such as limestone or iron ore "Goal__EstablishMine" = "Goal__EstablishMine"; goal text "Goal__ExploreWithShip" = "Goal__ExploreWithShip"; title for set of goals "Goal__ExploreWithShip__name" = "Goal__ExploreWithShip__name"; goal text, {0} - name of storage, {1} - slag "Goal__ExportFromSlagStorage" = "Goal__ExportFromSlagStorage"; goal text, {0} - product name, {1} - storage "Goal__FillStorage" = "Goal__FillStorage"; goal text, {0} - Light oil, {1} - Flare "Goal__FlareOff" = "Goal__FlareOff"; title for set of goals "Goal__FoodProduction__name" = "Goal__FoodProduction__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__FoodProduction2__name" = "Goal__FoodProduction2__name"; text for a goal, example with replacements: 'Build a Mine control tower near iron ore deposit, assign Excavator and Pickup to it and set up mining designations.' "Goal__ForTower" = "Goal__ForTower"; title for set of goals "Goal__FuelStation__name" = "Goal__FuelStation__name"; goal text "Goal__GrowPotatoes" = "Goal__GrowPotatoes"; goal text "Goal__HarvestTrees" = "Goal__HarvestTrees"; goal text, {0} - cargo ship, {1} - oil, {2} - oil rig "Goal__ImportCrudeOil" = "Goal__ImportCrudeOil"; goal text, {0} - storage name, {1} - coal "Goal__ImportToCoalStorage" = "Goal__ImportToCoalStorage"; title for set of goals "Goal__IronOreMining__name" = "Goal__IronOreMining__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__IronProduction__name" = "Goal__IronProduction__name"; goal text "Goal__LoadCrew" = "Goal__LoadCrew"; title for set of goals "Goal__Maintenance__name" = "Goal__Maintenance__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Mine" = "Goal__Mine"; title for set of goals "Goal__MineCoal__name" = "Goal__MineCoal__name"; goal text, {0} - beacon "Goal__PauseBeacon" = "Goal__PauseBeacon"; title for set of goals "Goal__PauseBeacon__name" = "Goal__PauseBeacon__name"; goal text, {0} - coal maker, {1} - wood "Goal__PauseCoalMaker" = "Goal__PauseCoalMaker"; title for set of goals "Goal__PopulationGrowth__name" = "Goal__PopulationGrowth__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__PowerFromCoal__name" = "Goal__PowerFromCoal__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Process" = "Goal__Process"; goal text, {0} - blast furnace, {1} - metal caster, {2} smoke stack "Goal__ProcessCopperOre" = "Goal__ProcessCopperOre"; goal text "Goal__ProcessIron" = "Goal__ProcessIron"; title for set of goals "Goal__ProcessIronOre__name" = "Goal__ProcessIronOre__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Produce" = "Goal__Produce"; goal text, {0}, {1} - name of assembly, {2} - name of construction parts II "Goal__ProduceCp2" = "Goal__ProduceCp2"; goal text, {0} - lab equipment, {1} - assembly "Goal__ProduceLabEquipment" = "Goal__ProduceLabEquipment"; text for a goal, {0} - iron scrap, {1} - radio station "Goal__ProduceScrap" = "Goal__ProduceScrap"; goal text, {0} replaced with fuel name - diesel "Goal__RefuelShip" = "Goal__RefuelShip"; goal text, {0} - cargo ship "Goal__RepairCargoShip" = "Goal__RepairCargoShip"; goal text, {0} - oil rig "Goal__RepairOilRig" = "Goal__RepairOilRig"; goal text "Goal__RepairShip" = "Goal__RepairShip"; goal text, {0} replaced with Shipyard "Goal__RepairShipyard" = "Goal__RepairShipyard"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a node to research "Goal__Research" = "Goal__Research"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__ResearchAndBuild" = "Goal__ResearchAndBuild"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade" = "Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade"; title for set of goals "Goal__RubberProduction__name" = "Goal__RubberProduction__name"; goal text, {0} - assembly, {1} - construction parts "Goal__SelectCpRecipe" = "Goal__SelectCpRecipe"; title for set of goals "Goal__SettlementWater__name" = "Goal__SettlementWater__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupBricks__name" = "Goal__SetupBricks__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupCp2__name" = "Goal__SetupCp2__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupDiesel__name" = "Goal__SetupDiesel__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupTradings__name" = "Goal__SetupTradings__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupVehicleParts__name" = "Goal__SetupVehicleParts__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__StartProducing" = "Goal__StartProducing"; title for set of goals "Goal__StockpileDiesel__name" = "Goal__StockpileDiesel__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__StockpileProducts__name" = "Goal__StockpileProducts__name"; goal text, {0} - bricks, {1} - iron "Goal__Trade" = "Goal__Trade"; goal text, {0} - Diesel, {1} - Medium oil "Goal__UseMediumOil" = "Goal__UseMediumOil"; text for a goal "Goal__WaitForRefugees" = "Goal__WaitForRefugees"; title for set of goals "Goal__WasteDumping__name" = "Goal__WasteDumping__name"; goal text, {0} - oil rig "Goal__WorldMine" = "Goal__WorldMine"; tooltip explaining that the current goal is long-term "Goal_TakeTime" = "Goal_TakeTime"; title of a button that shows / hides goals that are already completed "GoalShowCompleted__Action" = "GoalShowCompleted__Action"; title of a button that shows / hides goals that are locked (not available yet) "GoalShowLocked__Action" = "GoalShowLocked__Action"; title of a button that enables to skip the current goal / objective "GoalSkip__Action" = "GoalSkip__Action"; confirmation text of a dialog to skip a goal "GoalSkip__Confirmation" = "GoalSkip__Confirmation"; {0} = Maintenance depot "GoalTip__Maintenance" = "GoalTip__Maintenance"; "GoalTip_ActivateRecipe" = "GoalTip_ActivateRecipe"; "GoalTip_BeltsMotivation" = "GoalTip_BeltsMotivation"; "GoalTip_BuildMore" = "GoalTip_BuildMore"; "GoalTip_BuildNearShore" = "GoalTip_BuildNearShore"; {0} = liquid dump, {1} = distiller "GoalTip_ConnectWasteWithPipe" = "GoalTip_ConnectWasteWithPipe"; {0} = storage, {1} = off, {2} = vehicle import "GoalTip_DisableTruckImport" = "GoalTip_DisableTruckImport"; {0} = Shipyard "GoalTip_RefuelShip" = "GoalTip_RefuelShip"; {0} = iron ore "GoalTip_ReorderRecipes" = "GoalTip_ReorderRecipes"; button to go back (e.g. to close a window) button to go back (e.g. to close a window) "GoBack" = "Tilbake"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Gold_TerrainSurface__name" = "Gold_TerrainSurface__name"; Map description "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__desc" = "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__desc"; Map name "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__name" = "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__name"; name of a machine name of a machine "GoldFurnace__name" = "Lysbueovn"; Button to advance to the next step or tab in a wizard "GoNext" = "GoNext"; tooltip of a button that allows the player to manually order vehicle to go somewhere "GoTo__Tooltip" = "GoTo__Tooltip"; button that takes player a window that shows contracts overview "GoToContracts" = "GoToContracts"; tooltip tooltip "GroundReserveTooltip__Groundwater" = "Shows the overall status of the reserve of groundwater. Groundwater is replenished during rain and can temporarily run out if pumped out too much."; tooltip tooltip "GroundReserveTooltip__Oil" = "Shows the overall status of the ground reserve of crude oil in this deposit. This is a limited resource. We need to find a new one before we deplete it. Long-term source of crude oil needs to be found in the world map."; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "GrowthPause__desc" = "GrowthPause__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "GrowthPause__name" = "GrowthPause__name"; name: ship part upgrade building or machine "Gun0__name" = "Fyrtårn"; name: ship part upgrade name "Gun1__name" = "Skipsmotor"; name: ship part upgrade name of a machine "Gun1Rear__name" = "Knuser"; name: ship part upgrade name "Gun2__name" = "Skipsmotor II"; name: ship part upgrade name of a machine "Gun2Rear__name" = "Knuser"; name: ship part upgrade name "Gun3__name" = "Skipsmotor III"; name: ship part upgrade name of a machine "Gun3Rear__name" = "Knuser"; "HeadquartersT1__desc" = "HeadquartersT1__desc"; example use 'Also adds +100% increase in quick trade volume' "HeadquartersT1__QuickTrade__desc" = "HeadquartersT1__QuickTrade__desc"; title of a panel showing health overview or statistics of people on the island "Health" = "Health"; tooltip "Health__Tooltip" = "Health__Tooltip"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "HealthBonus__desc" = "HealthBonus__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "HealthBonus__name" = "HealthBonus__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "HealthCareNeed__name" = "HealthCareNeed__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_AirPollution__name" = "HealthPointsCat_AirPollution__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionShips__name" = "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionShips__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionVehicles__name" = "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionVehicles__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Base__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Base__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Disease__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Disease__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Edicts__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Edicts__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Food__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Food__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Healthcare__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Healthcare__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_LandfillPollution__name" = "HealthPointsCat_LandfillPollution__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_WasteInSettlement__name" = "HealthPointsCat_WasteInSettlement__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_WaterPollution__name" = "HealthPointsCat_WaterPollution__name"; name: describes the current weather name: describes the current weather "HeavyRainWeather__name" = "Skyete"; amount of hit points amount of hit points "HitPoints" = "Hit points"; notification name of a machine "Homeless__name" = "Kokekjele"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated name "HomelessLeft__name" = "Flåte"; short description "Hospital__desc" = "Hospital__desc"; name "Hospital__name" = "Hospital__name"; tooltip for Hospital_MortalityReduction "Hospital_InputsTooltip" = "Hospital_InputsTooltip"; shows a mortality reduction provided by a hospital, example use: 'Morality reduction: 1.5%' "Hospital_MortalityReduction" = "Hospital_MortalityReduction"; tooltip for Hospital_MortalityReduction "Hospital_MortalityReductionTooltip" = "Hospital_MortalityReductionTooltip"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__desc" = "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__name" = "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "HouseholdAppliancesNeed__name" = "HouseholdAppliancesNeed__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__desc" = "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__name" = "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "HouseholdGoodsNeed__name" = "Mat"; housing description, for instance {0}=60 "Housing__desc" = "Housing__desc"; building or machine name of a machine "Housing__name" = "Kjøletårn"; explaining how settlement housing can be placed "Housing_AttachmentDesc__desc" = "Housing_AttachmentDesc__desc"; label of a chart showing total housing capacity "HousingCap" = "HousingCap"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "housingCategory__name" = "Bygninger"; title of a panel that lists all the increases of settlement services demands title of a panel that lists all the increases of settlement services demands "HousingDemandIncrease" = "Increased demands"; tooltip tooltip "HousingDemandIncrease__Tooltip" = "Housing has increased demands on top of its regular consumption. This is typical for more advanced tiers of housing."; housing description, for instance {0}=120 "HousingT2__desc" = "HousingT2__desc"; building or machine name: ship part upgrade "HousingT2__name" = "Skipsbro II"; building or machine name: ship part upgrade "HousingT3__name" = "Skipsbro III"; title of a panel listing unity bonus of a housing title of a panel listing unity bonus of a housing "HousingUnityBonus" = "Unity bonus"; tooltip tooltip of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain designations managed by a mine tower area "HousingUnityBonus__Tooltip" = "Konfigurerer hvilke materialer som tillates dumpet på betegnelsene som administreres her."; short description of a machine short description "HydroCrackerT1__desc" = "Tillater dyrking av forskjellige avlinger. Kan brukes til matproduksjon. Denne gården er bare avhengig av regn. For å levere vann fra ekstern kilde må det oppgraderes."; name of a machine name: ship part upgrade "HydroCrackerT1__name" = "Panser plater"; name of a machine name of a machine "HydrogenReformer__name" = "Hydrogen reformer"; "ImportantAnnouncementTitle" = "ImportantAnnouncementTitle"; message shown when blueprint string failed to import "ImportBlueprint__Fail" = "ImportBlueprint__Fail"; message shown when blueprint was successfully imported "ImportBlueprint__Success" = "ImportBlueprint__Success"; title of a dialog that allows to import blueprint from a string "ImportBlueprint__Title" = "ImportBlueprint__Title"; title of a panel that configures truck's import priority - keep it short! title of a panel that configures truck's import priority - keep it short! "ImportPriority" = "Import"; tooltip tooltip "ImportPriority__ShipCargoTooltip" = "Truck priority for deliveries of materials that are requested to be loaded onto the ship."; tooltip tooltip explaining farm fertility "ImportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip" = "Noen avlinger reduserer gårdens fruktbarhet etter hver høst. Fruktbarhet er prosentandel som brukes på den siste avlingen for å bestemme utbyttet. Så med 50% fruktbarhet blir det bare 50% utbytte. Fruktbarhet kan fylles opp ved å dyrke grønn gjødsel eller ved å gi gjødsel. Å dyrke de samme avlingene etter hverandre øker fruktbarhetsforbruket. Dermed er det fordelaktig å rotere avlinger."; tooltip tooltip that explains quick repair action "ImportPriority__ShipRepairTooltip" = "Rask nødreparasjon som koster Unity"; tooltip tooltip explaining farm fertility "ImportPriority__StorageTooltip" = "Noen avlinger reduserer gårdens fruktbarhet etter hver høst. Fruktbarhet er prosentandel som brukes på den siste avlingen for å bestemme utbyttet. Så med 50% fruktbarhet blir det bare 50% utbytte. Fruktbarhet kan fylles opp ved å dyrke grønn gjødsel eller ved å gi gjødsel. Å dyrke de samme avlingene etter hverandre øker fruktbarhetsforbruket. Dermed er det fordelaktig å rotere avlinger."; toggle button title, more info in ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip "ImportRoutesEnforce__Title" = "ImportRoutesEnforce__Title"; tooltip "ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip" = "ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip"; title of a panel configuring custom import routes for trucks "ImportRoutesTitle" = "ImportRoutesTitle"; short description of a machine "IncinerationPlant__desc" = "IncinerationPlant__desc"; name of a machine "IncinerationPlant__name" = "IncinerationPlant__name"; button that prioritizes actions for a selected entity (e.g. prioritize construction) - keep it short button that prioritizes actions for a selected entity (e.g. prioritize construction) - keep it short "IncreasedPriority__Action" = "Priority"; tooltip tooltip for the electricity consumption status in machine inspector "IncreasedPriority__ConstructionTooltip" = "Elektrisitet forbukes under drift"; tooltip for a button that increases priority for the current recipe by moving it higher in the list. Keep short. "IncreasePriority" = "IncreasePriority"; tooltip "IndividualFoodSupply__Tooltip" = "IndividualFoodSupply__Tooltip"; description of a machine short description of a machine "IndustrialMixer__desc" = "Kraftig mikser som lager betong."; name of a machine name of a machine "IndustrialMixer__name" = "Betongblander"; name of a machine "IndustrialMixerT2__name" = "IndustrialMixerT2__name"; short description "InfectionDisease__desc" = "InfectionDisease__desc"; name "InfectionDisease__name" = "InfectionDisease__name"; explains that settlement has the current disease because its waste collection is poor "InfectionDisease_Reason" = "InfectionDisease_Reason"; allows trucks to deliver materials allows trucks to deliver materials "Input__Enable" = "Enable input"; temporarily disables any material deliveries temporarily disables any material deliveries "Input__Pause" = "Pause input"; title of a panel listing all the inputs of some machine / building title of a panel listing all the inputs of some machine / building "InputsTitle" = "Inputs"; Map description "InsulaMortis__desc" = "InsulaMortis__desc"; map name, this name means 'Island of death' in latin. If your language uses similar alphabet to latin, no need to translate this "InsulaMortis__name" = "InsulaMortis__name"; notification "InvalidExportRoute__name" = "InvalidExportRoute__name"; "InvalidExportRouteSuffix" = "InvalidExportRouteSuffix"; notification "InvalidImportRoute__name" = "InvalidImportRoute__name"; "InvalidImportRouteSuffix" = "InvalidImportRouteSuffix"; Short label for input, keep it short! "IoLabel__IN" = "IoLabel__IN"; Short label for output, keep it short! "IoLabel__OUT" = "IoLabel__OUT"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the easiest one) "IslandMapDifficulty__Easy" = "IslandMapDifficulty__Easy"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__EasyTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__EasyTooltip"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__Hard" = "IslandMapDifficulty__Hard"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__HardTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__HardTooltip"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the hardest one) "IslandMapDifficulty__Insane" = "IslandMapDifficulty__Insane"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__InsaneTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__InsaneTooltip"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__Medium" = "IslandMapDifficulty__Medium"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__MediumTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__MediumTooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ApplyChanges__label" = "Kb_ApplyChanges__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ClearDesignation__label" = "Kb_ClearDesignation__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Hold while copying structures to exclude copying their configuration "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__label" = "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Copy without configuration "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__tooltip" = "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_DecreaseGameSpeed__label" = "Kb_DecreaseGameSpeed__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_DeleteEntireTransport__label" = "Kb_DeleteEntireTransport__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_DeleteWithQuickRemove__label" = "Kb_DeleteWithQuickRemove__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Flip__label" = "Kb_Flip__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_FreeLookMode__label" = "Kb_FreeLookMode__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_IncreaseGameSpeed__label" = "Kb_IncreaseGameSpeed__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition1__label" = "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition1__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition2__label" = "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition2__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition3__label" = "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition3__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_LiftSnapping__label" = "Kb_LiftSnapping__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_LowerDown__label" = "Kb_LowerDown__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveDown__label" = "Kb_MoveDown__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveLeft__label" = "Kb_MoveLeft__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveRight__label" = "Kb_MoveRight__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveUp__label" = "Kb_MoveUp__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PanCamera__label" = "Kb_PanCamera__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PanSpeedBoost__label" = "Kb_PanSpeedBoost__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PauseGame__label" = "Kb_PauseGame__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Hold to make the pause tool to only pause things instead of automatically toggling pause. "Kb_PauseMore__label" = "Kb_PauseMore__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Pause only "Kb_PauseMore__tooltip" = "Kb_PauseMore__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PhotoModeRotation__label" = "Kb_PhotoModeRotation__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PhotoModeTakePicture__label" = "Kb_PhotoModeTakePicture__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PlaceMultiple__label" = "Kb_PlaceMultiple__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PrimaryAction__label" = "Kb_PrimaryAction__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_RaiseUp__label" = "Kb_RaiseUp__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Redo__label" = "Kb_Redo__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Rotate__label" = "Kb_Rotate__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_RotateClockwise__label" = "Kb_RotateClockwise__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_RotateCounterClockwise__label" = "Kb_RotateCounterClockwise__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SaveCameraPosition1__label" = "Kb_SaveCameraPosition1__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SaveCameraPosition2__label" = "Kb_SaveCameraPosition2__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SaveCameraPosition3__label" = "Kb_SaveCameraPosition3__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Search__label" = "Kb_Search__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_SecondaryAction__label" = "Kb_SecondaryAction__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo0__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo0__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo1__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo1__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo2__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo2__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo3__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo3__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleBlueprints__label" = "Kb_ToggleBlueprints__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCaptainsOffice__label" = "Kb_ToggleCaptainsOffice__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCloneConfigTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleCloneConfigTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleConsole__label" = "Kb_ToggleConsole__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCopyTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleCopyTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCutTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleCutTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleDeleteTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleDeleteTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleDumpingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleDumpingTool__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Will also insta-copy on press while you are hovering over an entity "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Copy (insta-copy) "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__tooltip" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__tooltip"; label for a key-binding that does: Will also insta-cut on press while you are hovering over an entity "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Cut (insta-cut) "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__tooltip" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleLevelingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleLevelingTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleMap__label" = "Kb_ToggleMap__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleMiningTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleMiningTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePauseTool__label" = "Kb_TogglePauseTool__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Photo mode allows taking high-quality screenshots (better quality than default screen-grab). "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__label" = "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Toggle photo mode "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__tooltip" = "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePlanningMode__label" = "Kb_TogglePlanningMode__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePricePopup__label" = "Kb_TogglePricePopup__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePropsRemovalTool__label" = "Kb_TogglePropsRemovalTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleRecipesBook__label" = "Kb_ToggleRecipesBook__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleResearchWindow__label" = "Kb_ToggleResearchWindow__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleResVis__label" = "Kb_ToggleResVis__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleStats__label" = "Kb_ToggleStats__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleSurfacingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleSurfacingTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTradePanel__label" = "Kb_ToggleTradePanel__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTransportMenu__label" = "Kb_ToggleTransportMenu__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTreeHarvestingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleTreeHarvestingTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTutorials__label" = "Kb_ToggleTutorials__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleUnityTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleUnityTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleUpgradeTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleUpgradeTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportNoTurn__label" = "Kb_TransportNoTurn__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportPortsBlocking__label" = "Kb_TransportPortsBlocking__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportSnapping__label" = "Kb_TransportSnapping__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportTieBreak__label" = "Kb_TransportTieBreak__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Undo__label" = "Kb_Undo__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ZoomIn__label" = "Kb_ZoomIn__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ZoomOut__label" = "Kb_ZoomOut__label"; shown next to right click icon to indicate how to edit keybindings "KeybindingHowToClear" = "KeybindingHowToClear"; shown next to left click icon to indicate how to edit keybindings "KeybindingHowToEdit" = "KeybindingHowToEdit"; notification notification "LabCannotResearchHigherTech__name" = "Current research is too advanced for our lab"; notification "LabMissingInputProducts__name" = "LabMissingInputProducts__name"; research lab is missing input products "LabStatus__MissingInput" = "LabStatus__MissingInput"; name: toolbar category name "landmarksCategory__name" = "landmarksCategory__name"; description of ground water pump short description of a machine "LandWaterPump__desc" = "Støper smeltet materiale til plater."; pump name name of a machine "LandWaterPump__name" = "Metall støper"; label for a dropdown that provides language setting for the game label for a dropdown that provides language setting for the game "Language" = "Språk"; used to show what was the difference of maintenance in last month, e.g. 'Last month change: +20' "LastDelta" = "LastDelta"; "LastMonthUnityChanges__Title" = "Last month changes"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "LastMonthUnityChanges__Tooltip" = "Månedlig Unity forbruk"; Number of rocket launches shown in the details panel of the load & save window "Launches__Detail" = "Launches__Detail"; title of a buffer showing the state of fuel in launchpad's attached rocket "LaunchPad_FuelTitle" = "LaunchPad_FuelTitle"; option to toggle to launch rockets automatically when they are ready "LaunchPad_Launch__AutoStart" = "LaunchPad_Launch__AutoStart"; Shown at then end of countdown when rocket lifts off "LaunchPad_Launch__LiftOff" = "LaunchPad_Launch__LiftOff"; starts countdown and launches the current rocket "LaunchPad_Launch__Start" = "LaunchPad_Launch__Start"; title of a panel to control rocket launch "LaunchPad_Launch__Title" = "LaunchPad_Launch__Title"; title of a panel showing unity given per rocket launch "LaunchPad_UnityPerLaunch" = "LaunchPad_UnityPerLaunch"; title of a water storage buffer in a launch pad, this water is used during launch to suppress vibrations and strong sound waves. "LaunchPad_WaterBufferTitle" = "LaunchPad_WaterBufferTitle"; title of an overview that shows resources layers on top of the island terrain. Please keep this very short! title of an overview that shows resources layers on top of the island terrain. Please keep this very short! "Layers" = "Layers"; small machine connected to transport belts that allows moving products vertically "LiftFlat__desc" = "LiftFlat__desc"; small machine that allows raising / lowering units of solid products vertically "LiftFlat__name" = "LiftFlat__name"; small machine connected to transport belts that allows moving products vertically "LiftLoose__desc" = "LiftLoose__desc"; small machine that allows raising / lowering loose products vertically "LiftLoose__name" = "LiftLoose__name"; name "LimestoneMine__name" = "LimestoneMine__name"; button to load the game from the currently selected save file button to load the game from the currently selected save file "Load_Action" = "Last"; title of a window that that enables to load existing save files title for panel that shows cargo stored / transported "Load_Title" = "Last"; Error shown for corrupt or invalid files "LoadDisabled__Corrupted" = "LoadDisabled__Corrupted"; tooltip "LoadDisabled__Error" = "LoadDisabled__Error"; tooltip "LoadDisabled__ModsMissing" = "LoadDisabled__ModsMissing"; {0} will be replaced with 'Settings' (Settings_Title) "LoadDisabled__ModsNotEnabled" = "LoadDisabled__ModsNotEnabled"; status explaining that something is just being loaded (e.g. blueprint library) "LoadInProgress" = "LoadInProgress"; Button that allows player to borrow products via loan. "Loan_Borrow__Action" = "Loan_Borrow__Action"; Tooltip for a button that accepts a loan "Loan_Borrow__Tooltip" = "Loan_Borrow__Tooltip"; used as 'Borrow: [text field to type how much quantity]' "Loan_BorrowFieldLabel" = "Loan_BorrowFieldLabel"; Arbitrary sore showing trust worthiness of the player with regards to loans "Loan_CreditScore" = "Loan_CreditScore"; Tooltip for loans credit score "Loan_CreditScore__Tooltip" = "Loan_CreditScore__Tooltip"; how much player owes, used as: 'debt: 100' "Loan_Debt" = "Loan_Debt"; Tooltip for loan duration "Loan_DurationTooltip" = "Loan_DurationTooltip"; Loan fee, how much extra needs to be paid when taking a loan "Loan_Fee" = "Loan_Fee"; Tooltip for loan fee "Loan_Fee__Tooltip" = "Loan_Fee__Tooltip"; Loan interest rate "Loan_InterestRate" = "Loan_InterestRate"; Tooltip for loan interest rate "Loan_InterestRate__Tooltip" = "Loan_InterestRate__Tooltip"; Total interest paid on the current loan so far plus extra interest added to the existing debt (used as label to show the quantity). "Loan_InterestSoFar" = "Loan_InterestSoFar"; total lifetime interest player might pay for the current loan "Loan_LifetimeInterest" = "Loan_LifetimeInterest"; Maximum number of loans, keep short, please :) "Loan_MaxLoans" = "Loan_MaxLoans"; Tooltip for maximum number of loans "Loan_MaxLoans__Tooltip" = "Loan_MaxLoans__Tooltip"; Tooltip for maximum borrowable amount "Loan_MaxToBorrowTooltip" = "Loan_MaxToBorrowTooltip"; Loan volume multiplier, keep short, please :) "Loan_Multiplier" = "Loan_Multiplier"; Tooltip for loan volume multiplier "Loan_Multiplier__Tooltip" = "Loan_Multiplier__Tooltip"; Title of a panel showing the option to take a new loan. "Loan_NewLoan" = "Loan_NewLoan"; used as: 'Next payment: [date]', keep short. Note: Player pays in products not in money. "Loan_NextPayment" = "Loan_NextPayment"; tooltip explaining how payments are being paid "Loan_NextPayment__Tooltip" = "Loan_NextPayment__Tooltip"; preposition indicating a duration within which an action occurs. used as: 'Loan_NextPayment: [X product_icon] in [20 days]'. "Loan_NextPaymentIn" = "Loan_NextPaymentIn"; "Loan_NotAvailable__LowProduction" = "Loan_NotAvailable__LowProduction"; "Loan_NotAvailable__MaxLoans" = "Loan_NotAvailable__MaxLoans"; {0} is replaced with quantity value (number) "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityHigh" = "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityHigh"; {0} is replaced with quantity value (number) "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityLow" = "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityLow"; Shown next to a loan that is overdue (player is behind with payments) "Loan_Overdue" = "Loan_Overdue"; Shown when a product buffer is not accepting any products at the moment. "Loan_PaymentBuffer__Closed" = "Loan_PaymentBuffer__Closed"; example use: 'Repayment buffer opens 6 months before each payment. This one opens in 30 days.' "Loan_PaymentBuffer__ClosedTooltip" = "Loan_PaymentBuffer__ClosedTooltip"; tooltip for payment buffer import priority "Loan_PaymentBuffer__PriorityToggle" = "Loan_PaymentBuffer__PriorityToggle"; title of panel showing list of active loan payments buffer in trade dock, more context in Loan_PaymentBuffers__Tooltip "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Title" = "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Title"; "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Tooltip" = "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Tooltip"; see Loan_PayPerYear__part2, used like this: 'Pay [X product_icon] each year for the duration of: [number of years dropdown]' "Loan_PayPerYear__part1" = "Loan_PayPerYear__part1"; see Loan_PayPerYear__part1, used like this: 'Pay [X product_icon] each year for the duration of: [number of years dropdown]' "Loan_PayPerYear__part2" = "Loan_PayPerYear__part2"; Tooltip explaining where lent products will end up "Loan_ProductsDeliveryTooltip" = "Loan_ProductsDeliveryTooltip"; The remaining lifetime interest to be paid on a loan (used as label to show the quantity). "Loan_RemainingInterest" = "Loan_RemainingInterest"; button to repay part of a loan (player pays with products, not with money) "Loan_Repay__Action" = "Loan_Repay__Action"; tooltip shown when player does not enter a valid number "Loan_Repay__InvalidQuantity" = "Loan_Repay__InvalidQuantity"; tooltip explaining that player does not have enough of products to make a loan payment "Loan_Repay__LackOfProducts" = "Loan_Repay__LackOfProducts"; tooltip "Loan_Repay__Tooltip" = "Loan_Repay__Tooltip"; the date this loan started, used as 'start date: [date]' "Loan_StartDate" = "Loan_StartDate"; The starting balance of this loan, used as 'Starting loan: 500' "Loan_StartingLoan" = "Loan_StartingLoan"; used as: '10 Years | Left', to explain how many years until loan is repaid. "Loan_TimeLeft" = "Loan_TimeLeft"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "LoanPaymentDelayed__name" = "LoanPaymentDelayed__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "LoanPaymentFailed__name" = "LoanPaymentFailed__name"; title of a panel showing currently active loans (loans that player has to pay) "Loans_Active" = "Loans_Active"; title of a panel listing all the products the player can borrow from the currently selected world map settlement "Loans_ProductsToLend" = "Loans_ProductsToLend"; title of a window that provides loans to the player (player can borrow products from other settlements) "Loans_Title" = "Loans_Title"; "Loans_Title__Tooltip" = "Loans_Title__Tooltip"; a difficulty option for loans, this is the easiest "LoansSetting__Easy" = "LoansSetting__Easy"; a difficulty option for loans, this is the hardest (although not really severe) "LoansSetting__Hard" = "LoansSetting__Hard"; Example use: 350 km away from our Island "Location_Distance" = "Location_Distance"; example usage: 2 ships with battle score: 280 "Location_EnemyScore" = "Location_EnemyScore"; Example use: This location has Oil rig "Location_HasEntity" = "Location_HasEntity"; shown in a location and explains that player's ship is on its way there "Location_ShipOnWay" = "Location_ShipOnWay"; shown in a detail of a research that is currently not available (locked behind other ones) shown in a detail of a research that is currently not available (locked behind other ones) "Locked" = "Låst"; Amount of time a difficulty setting is locked for, {0} will be a string like "2 years" or "4 months" "LockedFor__Tooltip" = "LockedFor__Tooltip"; rendering setting name "LodBiasRenderingSetting__Name" = "LodBiasRenderingSetting__Name"; keep it short, there is more info in the tooltip for player to understand automatic mode, more info in the tooltip. note: keep it short! "LogisticsControl__Auto" = "Auto"; "LogisticsControl__Auto_InputTooltip" = "Trucks will be allowed to deliver a product. But once the product is successfully received via a conveyor / pipe, trucks will no longer be allowed to deliver it. If the conveyor / pipe gets disconnected afterwards, truck deliveries get restored."; "LogisticsControl__Auto_OutputTooltip" = "Trucks will be allowed to collect a product. But once the product is successfully dispatched via a conveyor / pipe, trucks will no longer be allowed to collect it. If the conveyor / pipe gets disconnected afterwards, truck collections get restored."; title of a panel allowing to configure truck import title of a panel allowing to configure truck import "LogisticsControl__InputTitle" = "Truck import"; tooltip of a panel allowing to configure if trucks can import into the selected machine / building "LogisticsControl__InputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__InputTooltip"; keep it short, there is more info in the tooltip for player to understand more info in the tooltip, note: keep it short! "LogisticsControl__Off" = "Off"; "LogisticsControl__Off_InputTooltip" = "Trucks will NOT be allowed to deliver cargo here."; "LogisticsControl__Off_OutputTooltip" = "Trucks will NOT be allowed to pick up cargo here."; keep it short, there is more info in the tooltip for player to understand more info in the tooltip, note: keep it short! "LogisticsControl__On" = "On"; "LogisticsControl__On_InputTooltip" = "Truck will be allowed to deliver cargo here if possible."; "LogisticsControl__On_OutputTooltip" = "Truck will be allowed to pick up cargo here if possible."; title of a panel allowing to configure truck export title of a panel allowing to configure truck export "LogisticsControl__OutputTitle" = "Truck export"; tooltip of a panel allowing to configure if trucks can export from the selected machine / building "LogisticsControl__OutputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__OutputTooltip"; shows how busy vehicles are, more info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__Busy" = "LogisticsStatus__Busy"; shows how busy vehicles are, more info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__ExtremelyBusy" = "LogisticsStatus__ExtremelyBusy"; shows how busy vehicles are. This status means that logistics is totally fine. More info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__Stable" = "LogisticsStatus__Stable"; tooltip "LogisticsStatus__Tooltip" = "LogisticsStatus__Tooltip"; shows how busy vehicles are, more info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__VeryBusy" = "LogisticsStatus__VeryBusy"; description of transport short description "LooseConveyorFormattedFirst__desc" = "Tillater sortering av produkter."; description of transport, '{0} times' used as '2 times' for instance. "LooseConveyorFormattedNext__desc" = "LooseConveyorFormattedNext__desc"; short description: small machine that allows sorting of products "LooseConveyorSorter__desc" = "LooseConveyorSorter__desc"; name: small machine that allows sorting of products "LooseConveyorSorter__name" = "LooseConveyorSorter__name"; name building or machine "LooseMaterialConveyor__name" = "Datasenter"; name name of a machine "LooseMaterialConveyorT2__name" = "Betongblander II"; name name of a machine "LooseMaterialConveyorT3__name" = "Betongblander III"; title of panel that lists all the loot received by getting new refugees title of panel that lists all the loot received by getting new refugees "LootReceived" = "Loot received"; notification title for farm fertility panel "LowFarmFertility__name" = "Fruktbarhet"; notification "LowFoodSupply__name" = "LowFoodSupply__name"; notification name: describes the current weather "LowGroundwater__name" = "Skyete"; notification "MachineIsBroken__name" = "{entity} er ødelagt fordi det mangler vedlikehold"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "machinesCategory__name" = "Lastekaier"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "machinesElectricityCategory__name" = "Lastekaier"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "machinesFoodCategory__name" = "Lastekaier"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "machinesMetallurgyCategory__name" = "Lastekaier"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "machinesOilCategory__name" = "Lastekaier"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "machinesWaterCategory__name" = "Lastekaier"; example: 'Made in version: 1.0.0' "MadeInVersion" = "MadeInVersion"; button to subscribe for our updates "MailingList" = "MailingList"; short description "Mainframe__desc" = "Mainframe__desc"; name "Mainframe__name" = "Mainframe__name"; title of player's main ship title of player's main ship "MainShipTitle" = "Skipet"; represents general maintenance for machine, vehicle or anything else represents general maintenance for machine, vehicle or anything else "Maintenance" = "Vedlikehold"; tooltip explaining why entity needs to be maintained tooltip explaining why entity needs to be maintained "Maintenance__EntityTooltip" = "Denne enheten trenger regelmessig vedlikehold for å fungere. Se vedlikeholdsdepot for detaljer."; name notification "MaintenanceDepotT0__name" = "Gård: {0} mangler arbeidere"; description of a maintenance depot description of a maintenance depot "MaintenanceDepotT1__desc" = "Converts products into maintenance which is distributed to all machines, buildings, and vehicles that need it. Important as if there is not enough maintenance, vehicles and machines can break down temporarily."; name notification "MaintenanceDepotT1__name" = "Gård: {0} mangler arbeidere"; name notification "MaintenanceDepotT2__name" = "Gård: {0} mangler arbeidere"; name "MaintenanceDepotT3__name" = "MaintenanceDepotT3__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "MaintenanceReduction__desc" = "Matforbruket reduseres med {0}"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. notification "MaintenanceReduction__name" = "Gård: {0} mangler arbeidere"; button that sets the current priority as the default one. IMPORTANT: Keep it very short!! button that sets the current priority as the default one. IMPORTANT: Keep it very short!! "MakeDefault" = "Make default"; tooltip tooltip "MakeDefault__ConstructionTooltip" = "Set this priority to be the default one for all constructions and upgrades."; tooltip tooltip "MakeDefault__DeconstructionTooltip" = "Set this priority to be the default one for all deconstructions."; button to click on to change the area that is managed by the selected tower button to click on to change the area that is managed by the selected mining tower "ManagedArea__EditAction" = "Rediger område"; size of the area managed by the selected mining tower, example 'Managed area: 132m x 142m' size of the area managed by the selected mining tower, example 'Managed area: 132m x 142m' "ManagedArea__Info" = "Administrert område: {0}"; button to click on to change the designation that is managed by the selected forestry tower "ManagedDesignation__EditAction" = "ManagedDesignation__EditAction"; Informs the player that game is being saved (as player requested) "ManualSaveInProgress" = "ManualSaveInProgress"; To show the island map name, used like this: 'Map New Haven "Map" = "Map"; Shows the total flat area of an island. Flat are considered areas that have no cliffs or mountains and can be used for construction. Example of use: 'Flat area 2.1 km²' "MapArea__Flat" = "MapArea__Flat"; Shows the total area of an island (excluding ocean). Example of use: 'Land area 2.1 km²' "MapArea__Land" = "MapArea__Land"; Dimensions of the entire map (including ocean), shown next to "{x} x {y} km" value "MapArea__Total" = "MapArea__Total"; shown when the current map file is probably corrupted. "MapInvalid" = "MapInvalid"; "MapleTree__desc" = "MapleTree__desc"; "MapleTreeDry__desc" = "MapleTreeDry__desc"; Tooltip explaining resources toggle in the map selection screen, {0} replaced with number. "MapResources_EasyToReach_Tooltip" = "MapResources_EasyToReach_Tooltip"; Label for a checkbox in the "Map resources" section of the map selection tab of the new game wizard that toggles preview of resource locations on the map "MapResources_ShowPins" = "MapResources_ShowPins"; Label for a checkbox on the fullscreen map view that toggles preview of resource locations on the map "MapResources_ShowPinsTooltip" = "MapResources_ShowPinsTooltip"; Title shown above the map's resources in the map selection tab of the new game flow "MapResources_Title" = "MapResources_Title"; shows map area, e.g. '1.2 × 1.4 km', use the × character, not a letter x. "MapSize_XY" = "MapSize_XY"; text showing how many matches were found for a search query "MatchesFound" = "MatchesFound"; describes a chart that visualizes maximal production capacity, e.g. for electricity or computing "MaxCapacity" = "MaxCapacity"; max. fire range from all the weapons available max. fire range from all the weapons available "MaxWeaponRange" = "Max. weapon range"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__InfiniteMines" = "Mechanic_Casual__InfiniteMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__LogisticsPower" = "Mechanic_Casual__LogisticsPower"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__Title" = "Mechanic_Casual__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__WorldMines" = "Mechanic_Casual__WorldMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_OreSorting__OreSorting" = "Mechanic_OreSorting__OreSorting"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_OreSorting__Title" = "Mechanic_OreSorting__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__Pumps" = "Mechanic_Realism__Pumps"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__ShipsFuel" = "Mechanic_Realism__ShipsFuel"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__Starvation" = "Mechanic_Realism__Starvation"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__Title" = "Mechanic_Realism__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__VehiclesFuel" = "Mechanic_Realism__VehiclesFuel"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__BrokenConsumers" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__BrokenConsumers"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__LogisticsPower" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__LogisticsPower"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__QuickRepair" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__QuickRepair"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__Title" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__Title"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__Title" = "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__WorldMines" = "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__WorldMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__ExtraMaterials" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__ExtraMaterials"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__InfiniteMines" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__InfiniteMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Refund" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Refund"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Title" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Title"; title for difficulty settings affecting game mechanics "Mechanics" = "Mechanics"; label for auto-balance toggle to shut off steam turbine when there is an excess of mechanical power label for auto-balance toggle to shut off steam turbine when there is an excess of mechanical power "MechPowerGenerator__AutoBalance" = "Auto-balance"; tooltip explaining auto-balancing toggle tooltip explaining auto-balancing toggle "MechPowerGenerator__AutoBalanceTooltip" = "When enabled, the turbine will be automatically paused once the shaft is nearly fully charged to save the input product from being wasted. The production will resume once the shaft's charge gets low. Keep in mind that when turbine starts, it takes it some time to get to the full power."; efficiency title for mech power generators efficiency title for mech power generators "MechPowerGenerator__EfficiencyTitle" = "Efficiency"; efficiency tooltip for mech power generators efficiency tooltip for mech power generators "MechPowerGenerator__EfficiencyTooltip" = "Efficiency is a ratio of produced power over used input. It represents how efficiently is input product converted to mechanical power. If the shaft is overloaded, some produced power will be wasted and efficiency will go down accordingly. There is also loss of efficiency when the machine is starting-up. To avoid startup losses, this machine should run continuously without interruption."; button to leave the menu and continue playing button to request to continue some operation "Menu__Continue" = "Fortsette"; button to edit advanced game difficulty settings in-game "Menu__DifficultySettings" = "Menu__DifficultySettings"; Label for a button that opens game's discord, keep short! "Menu__Discord" = "Menu__Discord"; button to open a window that enables to choose a saved game and load it button to open a window that enables to choose a saved game and load it "Menu__Load" = "Last"; button to click on to open a map editor "Menu__MapEditor" = "Menu__MapEditor"; button to start a new game button to start a new game "Menu__NewGame" = "Nytt spill"; button to click on to open a settings window button to click on to open a settings window "Menu__OpenSettings" = "Innstillinger"; button to open a window that enables to save the current game progress button to open a window that enables to save the current game progress "Menu__Save" = "Lagre"; rendering setting name "MenusFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name" = "MenusFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name"; title of column showing a list of all messages "MessageCenter__MessagesTitle" = "MessageCenter__MessagesTitle"; title of a window containing messages to the player "MessageCenter__Title" = "MessageCenter__Title"; name of tutorial group about food production "MessageGroupFoodProduction__name" = "MessageGroupFoodProduction__name"; name of tutorial group about general topics "MessageGroupGeneral__name" = "MessageGroupGeneral__name"; name of tutorial group for initial tutorials "MessageGroupGettingStarted__name" = "MessageGroupGettingStarted__name"; name of tutorial group about logistics (truck, belts, ships) "MessageGroupLogistics__name" = "MessageGroupLogistics__name"; name of tutorial group about settlements "MessageGroupSettlement__name" = "MessageGroupSettlement__name"; name of tutorial group about terraforming (mining, dumping) "MessageGroupTerraforming__name" = "MessageGroupTerraforming__name"; name of tutorial group about game tools (copy, paste, pause) "MessageGroupTools__name" = "MessageGroupTools__name"; name of messages group for warnings "MessageGroupWarnings__name" = "MessageGroupWarnings__name"; name of tutorial group about world map (world settlements, exploration, ships) "MessageGroupWorld__name" = "MessageGroupWorld__name"; victory message (part 1) "MessageOnVictory__part1" = "MessageOnVictory__part1"; victory message (part 2) "MessageOnVictory__part2" = "MessageOnVictory__part2"; victory message (part 3) "MessageOnVictory__part3" = "MessageOnVictory__part3"; victory message caption "MessageOnVictory__title" = "MessageOnVictory__title"; title of message or tutorial building or machine "MessageWelcome__name" = "Fyrtårn"; "MessageWelcome__part1" = "Captain, we have just docked!"; {0} = Construction parts "MessageWelcome__part2V2" = "MessageWelcome__part2V2"; "MessageWelcome__part3V2" = "MessageWelcome__part3V2"; {0} = Research Lab "MessageWelcome__part4V2" = "MessageWelcome__part4V2"; {0} = Trading Dock "MessageWelcome__part5" = "MessageWelcome__part5"; "MessageWelcome__part6" = "MessageWelcome__part6"; Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Metal_TerrainSurface" = "Metal_TerrainSurface"; description of a machine. For the curious ones :) => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8Qav3vIv9s "MicrochipMachine__desc" = "MicrochipMachine__desc"; name of a machine notification "MicrochipMachine__name" = "Lasteskipet har lite drivstoff"; name of a machine "MicrochipMachineT2__name" = "MicrochipMachineT2__name"; short description short description of a machine "MineTower__desc" = "Øker vann effektiviteten til kraftstasjoner ved å gjenvinne litt av dampen tilbake til vann."; building or machine name of a machine "MineTower__name" = "Kjøletårn"; explains that there are currently no products selected in the notification filter "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Empty" = "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Empty"; title of a panel that configures notification filter. If a truck has a product which is in this filter and cannot deliver it, we show a notification "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Title" = "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Title"; tooltip of a panel that configures notification filter. If a truck has product in this filter assigned and cannot deliver it, we show a notification "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Tooltip" = "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Tooltip"; title of a panel that sets what material should be prioritized by an excavator when mining title of a panel that configures in / out priorities for a balancer "MiningPriority__Title" = "Prioritering"; tooltip "MiningPriority__Tooltip" = "Du kan velge hvilke porter du vil prioritere. Hvis du aktiverer utgangsprioritering, vil alle produkter fra alle innganger først bli forsøkt sendt ut via den prioriterte porten. Hvis den porten ikke kan godta flere produkter, vil den andre ikke-prioriterte porten bli brukt. Inngangsprioritering fungerer på en lignende måte."; small box that allows splitting and merging of transports small box that allows splitting and merging of transports "MiniZip_all" = "Connector"; title of other / misc settings title of audio settings "MiscellaneousSettings_Title" = "Lyd"; Tooltip shown for missing mods in the details panel of the load & save window "ModMissing__Tooltip" = "ModMissing__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing list of available mods that are not yet used in the current save file "ModsAvailable__Title" = "ModsAvailable__Title"; tooltip "ModsAvailable__Tooltip" = "ModsAvailable__Tooltip"; List of mods required to load the selected save file shown in the details panel of the load & save window "ModsInSave__Detail" = "ModsInSave__Detail"; tooltip "ModsInSave__Tooltip" = "ModsInSave__Tooltip"; description of transport short description "MoltenConveyorFormattedFirst__desc" = "Tillater sortering av produkter."; name name "MoltenMetalChannel__name" = "Molten channel"; explains how long is 1 month. E.g. '*1 months = 60' explains how long is 1 month. E.g. '*1 months = 60' "MonthDurationLegend" = "Høsting om {0} måned"; Power (electric or mechanical) in mega-watt-seconds. Similar unit to kWh (kilo-watt-hour) but larger. Power (electric or mechanical) in mega-watt-seconds. Similar unit to kWh (kilo-watt-hour) but larger. "MwSec__Unit" = "{0} MW-seconds"; title of settings affecting nature - trees, crops growth "Nature" = "Nature"; tooltip suffix that explains that player can navigate through all the results by pressing {0} key "NavigateTo__KeyHint" = "NavigateTo__KeyHint"; tooltip for button that navigates to the next search result "NavigateTo__Next" = "NavigateTo__Next"; tooltip for button that navigates to the previous search result "NavigateTo__Previous" = "NavigateTo__Previous"; e.g. 'Needs: 40 / month' e.g. 'Needs: 40 / month' "Needs" = "Needs:"; {0} = damaged cargo ship "NeedsRepairsDesc__Parametrized" = "NeedsRepairsDesc__Parametrized"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated name of a machine Example: "Blast furnace needs a transport to output exhaust" "NeedsTransportConnected__name" = "Fordampingsdam (oppvarmet)"; placeholder for a title when a new blueprint is created, e.g. 'Blueprint #2' "NewBlueprintTitlePlaceholder" = "NewBlueprintTitlePlaceholder"; title of a panel showing new discovery, e.g. a new technology title of a panel showing new discovery, e.g. a new technology "NewDiscovery" = "New discovery!"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification "NewErrorOccurred__name" = "New error occurred"; tooltip of a button that creates a new folder "NewFolder__Tooltip" = "NewFolder__Tooltip"; placeholder for a title when a new folder is created, e.g. 'New folder #2' "NewFolderTitlePlaceholder" = "NewFolderTitlePlaceholder"; In new game wizard. Title of the tab where you configure game options "NewGameWizard__Customization" = "NewGameWizard__Customization"; In new game wizard. Title of a panel that enables to configure game difficulty In new game wizard. Title of a panel that enables to configure game difficulty "NewGameWizard__Difficulty" = "Game difficulty"; In new game wizard. Label for the game name entry field "NewGameWizard__GameName" = "NewGameWizard__GameName"; Shown when we fail to write a testing save file to a save folder before starting the new game "NewGameWizard__GameName__FailedToWrite" = "NewGameWizard__GameName__FailedToWrite"; In new game wizard. Warning shown next to the game name entry field when the name is already used "NewGameWizard__GameName__InUse" = "NewGameWizard__GameName__InUse"; In new game wizard. Warning shown next to the game name entry field when the name contains invalid characters. "NewGameWizard__GameName__InvalidChars" = "NewGameWizard__GameName__InvalidChars"; Button that launches a new game Button that launches a new game "NewGameWizard__Launch" = "Launch new game"; In new game wizard. Title of a panel that enables to pick a map and configure it In new game wizard. Title of a panel that enables to pick a map and configure it "NewGameWizard__MapSelection" = "Map selection"; In new game wizard. Title of the tab where you configure optional game meachanics "NewGameWizard__Mechanics" = "NewGameWizard__Mechanics"; Title of window that enables the player to configure and start a new game. Contains several configuration panels. Title of window that enables the player to configure and start a new game. Contains several configuration panels. "NewGameWizard__Title" = "New game"; "NewRefugees" = "Population increased!"; "NewRefugees__Beacon" = "Refugees joined our island! Good job, beacon!"; notification notification "NoAvailableMineDesignInTowerArea__name" = "No designations available to be mined in mine tower area"; notification name "NoCropToGrow__name" = "Korn"; notification "NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name" = "NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name"; status shown when there is a research in progress but no lab is available (keep it short!) status shown when there is a research in progress but no lab is available (keep it short!) "NoLabAvailable" = "No lab available"; notification name of a machine "NoMineDesignInTowerArea__name" = "Kjøletårn"; used for items in a list that have no value, often used to unset something used for items in a list that have no value, often used to unset something "None" = "None"; Message shown in empty dropdowns "NoOptions" = "NoOptions"; notification "NoProductAssignedToEntity__name" = "NoProductAssignedToEntity__name"; notification name of a machine Example: Blast furnace has no recipe selected "NoRecipeSelected__name" = "Elektrisk kokekjele"; status shown when there is no research active (keep it short!) status shown when there is no research active (keep it short!) "NoResearchSelected" = "No research selected"; example: 'Groundwater pump has no resource to extract' example: 'Groundwater pump has no resource to extract' "NoResourceToExtract__name" = "{entity} has no resource to extract"; notification notification "NotEnoughFuelToRefuel__name" = "Not enough fuel to refuel a vehicle"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification Example: "Not enough Maintenance I" or "Not enough Maintenance II" "NotEnoughMaintenance__name" = "Gård: {0} tapt på grunn av mangel på arbeidere"; notification name of a machine "NotEnoughPower__name" = "Kjøletårn"; notification name This is displayed when the accumulated unity that the player has gets to 0 but there are some demands for it on regular basis (e.g. active oil rig that needs 1 every month). "NotEnoughUpoints__name" = "Skipsmotor II"; notification notification "NotEnoughUpointsForEntity__name" = "{entity} has not enough Unity"; notification name of a machine "NotEnoughWorkers__name" = "Kjøletårn"; shown when nothing is found for a search query. "NothingFound" = "NothingFound"; shown when nothing is found for a given search query where {0} is the search query. "NothingFoundFor" = "NothingFoundFor"; notification text when new world map location is explored "Notification__LocationExplored" = "Notification__LocationExplored"; notification text when refugees arrive to the island "Notification__NewRefugees" = "Notification__NewRefugees"; notification text when research is completed, {0} is research name "Notification__ResearchComplete" = "Notification__ResearchComplete"; notification text when player's ship gets into a battle (with pirates ships) "Notification__ShipInBattle" = "Notification__ShipInBattle"; mute notifications audio "Notifications__Mute" = "Notifications__Mute"; explains that there are no new notifications "Notifications__NoNew" = "Notifications__NoNew"; unmute notifications audio "Notifications__Unmute" = "Notifications__Unmute"; Toggles whether the player should get notified in case the farm has no space in its output to store harvested crop and has to throw it away. "NotifyIfFarmBufferFull" = "NotifyIfFarmBufferFull"; text of a toggle button for a low reserve notification on a ground water pump or oil pump. "NotifyOnLowReserve" = "NotifyOnLowReserve"; notification "NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name" = "NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name"; notification "NoTreesToHarvest__name" = "NoTreesToHarvest__name"; notification "NoTruckAssignedToTreeHarvester__name" = "NoTruckAssignedToTreeHarvester__name"; "NoVehicleDepotAvailable" = "NoVehicleDepotAvailable"; shown in a vehicle assignment panel in case there are no vehicles assigned shown in a vehicle assignment panel in case there are no vehicles assigned "NoVehiclesAssigned" = "No vehicles assigned"; short description "NoWaterDisease__desc" = "NoWaterDisease__desc"; name "NoWaterDisease__name" = "NoWaterDisease__name"; explains that settlement has the current disease due to its low water supply "NoWaterDisease_Reason" = "NoWaterDisease_Reason"; title of a checkbox that enables auto regulation of nuclear reactor, more explained in NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle" = "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle"; "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip" = "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip"; example usage of {0}: 'provide up to 12 MW of electricity' example usage of {0}: 'provide up to 12 MW of electricity' "NuclearReactor__desc" = "Dette er en seriøs gruvemaskin med maksimal kapasitet bøtte av {0}! Den er for høy, og den kan ikke gå under transport, bruk ramper for å krysse dem."; tooltip explaining that a reactor can't be upgraded while it's running "NuclearReactor__DisableBeforeUpgrade" = "NuclearReactor__DisableBeforeUpgrade"; title of a panel that shows status of emergency cooling buffers, see tooltip to get better context title of a panel that shows status of emergency cooling buffers, see tooltip to get better context "NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTitle" = "Emergency cooling"; "NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTooltip" = "Emergency cooling is deployed in case the reactor starts to overheat, and that typically happens when water is not supplied fast enough to be converted into steam. Emergency cooling is not mandatory but is highly advised as it provides extra protection and helps to avoid any potential overheating."; title of panel showing info about fuel enrichment in nuclear reactor "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTitle" = "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTitle"; title of panel showing info about fuel enrichment in nuclear reactor "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTooltip" = "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTooltip"; suffix for NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip in case the current reactor releases radiation on meltdown "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelNoRadiationSuffix" = "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelNoRadiationSuffix"; suffix for NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip in case the current reactor releases radiation on meltdown "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelRadiationSuffix" = "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelRadiationSuffix"; title of a section that shows reactor heat, see tooltip to get better context title of a section that shows reactor heat, see tooltip to get better context "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTitle" = "Reactor heat"; tooltip explaining how soil water level works "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip" = "Hver avling trenger vann for å vokse og vann fylles opp under regnet. Senere kan gårdene oppgraderes med et vanningsanlegg som kan levere vann når som helst. Hvis det ikke er vann i lange perioder, kan avlingen tørke og dø uten å produsere mat. Hver avling kan ha forskjellige vannkrav. Avlinger med lav vannfølsomhet kan overleve uten vann, mens andre avlinger kanskje ikke gjør det."; name vehicle "NuclearReactor__name" = "Gravemaskin"; explanation of nuclear reactor state when it has low maintenance explanation of nuclear reactor state when it has low maintenance "NuclearReactor__NotEnoughMaintenance" = "WARNING: Nuclear reactor cannot start if it is not well maintained. Increase maintenance in order to safely start it."; explanation of nuclear reactor overheating state explanation of nuclear reactor overheating state "NuclearReactor__Overheated" = "WARNING: Nuclear reactor was critically overheated and is shutting down. Depending on severity, this may cause loss of loaded fuel, damage to the building (loss of maintenance), and leak of radioactivity."; title of a slider that shows power level setting of nuclear reactor, see tooltip to get better context title of a slider that shows power level setting of nuclear reactor, see tooltip to get better context "NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTitle" = "Power level"; tooltip explaining how soil water level works "NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTooltip" = "Hver avling trenger vann for å vokse og vann fylles opp under regnet. Senere kan gårdene oppgraderes med et vanningsanlegg som kan levere vann når som helst. Hvis det ikke er vann i lange perioder, kan avlingen tørke og dø uten å produsere mat. Hver avling kan ha forskjellige vannkrav. Avlinger med lav vannfølsomhet kan overleve uten vann, mens andre avlinger kanskje ikke gjør det."; notification notification "NuclearReactorInMeltdown__name" = "Nuclear reactor reached critical temperature and is shutting down!"; shows the minimum number of fuel required in the reactor in order for it to work, used like this: 'At least 16 units of fuel required to operate' "NuclearReactorRods__MinRequired" = "NuclearReactorRods__MinRequired"; title of a panel that shows status of fuel stored in the reactor "NuclearReactorRods__StatusTitle" = "NuclearReactorRods__StatusTitle"; tooltip explaining how fuel works in a reactor "NuclearReactorRods__Tooltip" = "NuclearReactorRods__Tooltip"; example usage of {0}: 'provide up to 12 MW of electricity' "NuclearReactorT2__desc" = "NuclearReactorT2__desc"; name "NuclearReactorT2__name" = "NuclearReactorT2__name"; short description of a machine "NuclearReprocessingPlant__desc" = "NuclearReprocessingPlant__desc"; name of a machine "NuclearReprocessingPlant__name" = "NuclearReprocessingPlant__name"; short description short description of a machine "NuclearWasteStorage__desc" = "Utfører en kryogen destillasjonsprosess ved temperaturer som når -200 ° C for å separere atmosfærisk luft i hovedkomponentene - oksygen og nitrogen."; name name of a machine "NuclearWasteStorage__name" = "Luftutskiller"; example: '1 day', '2 days' "NumberOfDays" = "NumberOfDays"; example: '1 month', '2 months' example: '1 month', '2 months' "NumberOfMonths" = "{0} month"; e.g. 1 settlement, 2 settlements e.g. 1 settlement, 2 settlements "NumberOfSettlements" = "{0} settlement"; example: '1 year', '2 years' "NumberOfYears" = "NumberOfYears"; "OakTree__desc" = "OakTree__desc"; "OakTreeDry__desc" = "OakTreeDry__desc"; title of a panel showing the current population size on the island or in a settlement and amount of housing available. tooltip of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain designations managed by a mine tower area "Occupants__Title" = "Hva kan dumpes her"; this tooltip is for a panel showing occupants on the whole island this tooltip is for a panel showing occupants on the whole island "Occupants__TooltipForIsland" = "Current population size in all the settlements on the island and their available housing capacity. Exceeding the capacity leads to an overcrowded island which comes with a monthly Unity penalty."; this tooltip is for a panel showing occupants in a single settlement this tooltip is for a panel showing occupants in a single settlement "Occupants__TooltipForSettlement" = "Current population size in this settlement and its available housing capacity. To see the whole island's population, go to the island overview."; notification "OceanAccessBlocked__name" = "OceanAccessBlocked__name"; title for ocean quality setting "OceanRenderingQuality" = "OceanRenderingQuality"; short description: {0} is an integer specifying max height such as '10' short description of a machine "OceanWaterPumpLarge__desc" = "Larger pump that can overcome taller cliffs but requires more power to run."; name name of a machine "OceanWaterPumpLarge__name" = "Seawater pump (L)"; short description: {0} is an integer specifying max height such as '5' short description "OceanWaterPumpT1__desc" = "Tillater dyrking av forskjellige avlinger. Kan brukes til matproduksjon. Denne gården er bare avhengig av regn. For å levere vann fra ekstern kilde må det oppgraderes."; name "OceanWaterPumpT1__name" = "Gård"; something is turned off - e.g. autosave: off something is turned off - e.g. autosave: off "Off_Option" = "Off"; short description of a machine vehicle description, for instance {0}=20,{1}=2 "OilPump__desc" = "Stor industriell lastebil med maksimal kapasitet på {0}. De kan gå under samlebånd og rør hvis de er i høyden {1} eller høyere."; pump name vehicle "OilPump__name" = "Lastebil"; short description short description of a machine "OilRigCost1__desc" = "Støper smeltet materiale til plater."; name name of a machine "OilRigCost1__name" = "Metall støper"; used as for instance: / month used as for instance: / month "OneMonth" = "month"; In new game wizard. Label on a button to open the CoI Hub community website "OpenCoIHub" = "OpenCoIHub"; button to click on to open a research window, shown when some research is in progress "OpenResearch_Action" = "OpenResearch_Action"; Button to open statistics for a particular product "OpenStats" = "OpenStats"; action to open a window with a tutorial (shown as a tooltip of an icon button) "OpenTutorial" = "OpenTutorial"; checkbox to enable vehicles to refuel at this building checkbox to enable vehicles to refuel at this building "Option_AllowRefuelInEntity" = "Allow any vehicle to refuel here"; a difficulty option where pumps reduce their throughput when out of groundwater instead of stopping entirely "Option_ReducesThroughput" = "Option_ReducesThroughput"; configuration option that sets something to be unlimited (e.g. oil reserve). "Option_Unlimited" = "Option_Unlimited"; title for options (to configure machine or building) title for options (to configure machine or building) "Options" = "Options"; used as value in configuration, example usage: 'Fuel consumption: 20% increased' "OptionValIncreased" = "OptionValIncreased"; example usages: '-4 meters' or '+1 meter' example usages: '-4 meters' or '+1 meter' "OptionValMeters" = "{0} meter"; used as value in configuration, example usage: 'Fuel consumption: 20% reduced' "OptionValReduced" = "OptionValReduced"; used as value in configuration. Config can be -10% or +20% but if it is +0% we use 'Standard'. Example: 'Fuel consumption: Standard' used as value in configuration. Config can be -10% or +20% but if it is +0% we use 'Standard'. Example: 'Fuel consumption: Standard' "OptionValStandard" = "Standard"; title for a panel that can order a vehicle to do something (scrap, assign) title for a panel that can order a vehicle to do something (scrap, assign) "Orders" = "Orders"; more info in OreSorting_AllowedProducts__Tooltip "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Title" = "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Title"; {0} - replaced with mine tower "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Tooltip"; tooltip for toggle in ore sorting plant to set to notify if plant can't no longer work due to its output being blocked "OreSorter_BlockedAlert__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_BlockedAlert__Tooltip"; title of a container showing all the mixed input products waiting to be sorted in the sorting plant "OreSorter_InputTitle" = "OreSorter_InputTitle"; note: this will never be used in singular form, usually number will be around 8 products "OreSorter_LimitReached" = "OreSorter_LimitReached"; toggle in ore sorting plant, more info in OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Toggle" = "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Toggle"; tooltip for toggle in ore sorting plant "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip"; tooltip "OreSorter_ProductBlocked__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_ProductBlocked__Tooltip"; Call to action for player to select products to sort in ore sorting plant "OreSorter_SelectProducts" = "OreSorter_SelectProducts"; short description "OreSortingPlantT1__desc" = "OreSortingPlantT1__desc"; name "OreSortingPlantT1__name" = "OreSortingPlantT1__name"; tooltip for a dropdown that allows to select machine's output port for a particular product "OutputPort__Tooltip" = "OutputPort__Tooltip"; title of a panel listing all the outputs of some machine / building title of a panel listing all the outputs of some machine / building "OutputsTitle" = "Outputs"; more information in OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip "OutputThisProductOnly" = "OutputThisProductOnly"; tooltip "OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip" = "OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip"; toggles visibility of mining & dumping designations toggles visibility of mining & dumping designations "Overlays__Designations" = "Mining & dumping"; toggles visibility of grid on terrain "Overlays__Grid" = "Overlays__Grid"; title to panel that highlights individual resources like coal, iron ore. title fo panel that highlights individual resources like coal, iron ore. "Overlays__Resources" = "Resources"; title for window that shows overlays like resources, designations. title for balancer ratios configuration "Overlays__Title" = "Jevne I/O -forhold"; highlights trees that are prioritized for harvest highlights trees that are prioritized for harvest "Overlays__Trees" = "Tree harvesting"; button to overwrite an already existing save file button to overwrite an already existing save file "OverwriteSave__Action" = "Overwrite"; Confirm prompt to overwrite an existing save file, {0} is name of the file to overwrite "OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt" = "OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt"; title of panel that shows all the owned vehicles title of panel that shows all the owned vehicles "OwnedVehicles" = "Owned"; description of a machine short description of a machine "OxygenFurnace__desc" = "Kan brenne brennbare væsker og gasser, men produserer forurensning."; name of a machine name of a machine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_oxygen_steelmaking "OxygenFurnace__name" = "Lysbueovn"; name of a machine "OxygenFurnaceT2__name" = "OxygenFurnaceT2__name"; "PalmTree__desc" = "PalmTree__desc"; explained in PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip "PartialTrucksToggle" = "PartialTrucksToggle"; tooltip "PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip" = "PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip"; title for particle quality setting "ParticlesRenderingQuality" = "ParticlesRenderingQuality"; title of a button to paste string from the clipboard "PasteString__Action" = "PasteString__Action"; tooltip "PasteString__Tooltip" = "PasteString__Tooltip"; button to open patch notes and title of a window with patch notes as well button to open patch notes and title of a window with patch notes as well "PatchNotes" = "Patch notes"; title of a window that shows new patch notes since the last time the player played the game "PatchNotes__New" = "PatchNotes__New"; button to request to pause some operation (not the game itself) button to request to pause some operation (not the game itself) "Pause" = "Pause"; displayed on the screen when the game is paused displayed on the screen when the game is paused "Paused" = "Paused"; title of a tool that is used to pause / unpause machines and vehicle title of a tool that is used to pause / unpause machines and vehicle "PauseTool" = "Pause tool"; tooltip "PauseTool__PauseOnlyTooltip" = "PauseTool__PauseOnlyTooltip"; tooltip "PauseTool__Tooltip" = "PauseTool__Tooltip"; used to show how much something costs per a single ship's journey, used like this for instance: 2 Unity / journey. "PerJourneySuffix" = "PerJourneySuffix"; category for key-bindings used in photo-mode (photo mode allows players to control the camera in a different way and to take nice screenshots) "PhotoMode" = "PhotoMode"; description of transport description of transport "PipeFormattedFirst__desc" = "Transports liquids and gasses."; description of transport, '{0} times' used as '2 times' for instance. "PipeFormattedNext__desc" = "PipeFormattedNext__desc"; name name: ship part upgrade "PipeT1__name" = "Skipsbro"; name name: ship part upgrade "PipeT2__name" = "Skipsbro II"; name name: ship part upgrade "PipeT3__name" = "Skipsbro III"; tooltip "PlaceMultipleTooltip" = "PlaceMultipleTooltip"; "PlaceSurface__Tooltip" = "PlaceSurface__Tooltip"; title of a button that enabled or disables a planning mode (mode in which buildings are not built immediately) "PlanningMode" = "PlanningMode"; label showing that planning mode is currently enabled, should be reasonably short "PlanningModeActive__Title" = "PlanningModeActive__Title"; tooltip "PlanningModeActive__Tooltip" = "PlanningModeActive__Tooltip"; title for pollution "Pollution" = "Forbruk"; name of a machine "PolymerizationPlant__name" = "Fordampingsdam"; title for population growth information / stats title for population growth information / stats "PopGrowth" = "Population growth"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=1.5% policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=1.5% "PopsBoostT1__desc" = "PopsBoostT1__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. building or machine "PopsBoostT1__name" = "Lastedepot (2)"; used like this: In quarantine: 20 pops, shown below PopsCannotWorkTitle "PopsCannotWork__Quarantine" = "PopsCannotWork__Quarantine"; used like this: Starving: 20 pops, shown below PopsCannotWorkTitle "PopsCannotWork__Starving" = "PopsCannotWork__Starving"; title to explain that some people can't work, followed by a list of reasons with number of people "PopsCannotWorkTitle" = "PopsCannotWorkTitle"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=1.5% "PopsEviction__desc" = "PopsEviction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "PopsEviction__name" = "PopsEviction__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. example values: {0}=15%, {1}=20% "PopsQuarantine__desc" = "PopsQuarantine__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "PopsQuarantine__name" = "PopsQuarantine__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "PopsStarvedToDeath__name" = "PopsStarvedToDeath__name"; notification "PopsStarving__name" = "PopsStarving__name"; tooltip explaining that people can't be adopted from the world settlement because there are no people available "PopsToAdoptNotAvailable" = "PopsToAdoptNotAvailable"; title for population title for population "Population" = "Population"; title of a panel showing statistics for population increase / decrease and diseases. "PopulationGrowth__Title" = "Område utforsket!"; tooltip "PopulationGrowth__Tooltip" = "Varighet igjen for å høste denne avlingen så lenge det er nok vann. Ellers vil det oppstå forsinkelser."; button that opens a window that shows the global population overview button that opens a window that shows the global population overview "PopulationOverview__OpenAction" = "Open population overview"; title of a window that shows the global population overview "PopulationOverview__Title" = "Område utforsket!"; title of settings affecting electricity "Power" = "Power"; tooltip explaining how power production priority assignment works tooltip explaining how power production priority assignment works "PowerGenerationPriorityTooltip" = "Priority for electricity generation. In case there is a surplus of power, a generator with higher priority (a lower number) will generate power while the ones with lower priority will be on standby."; tooltip describing how electricity generation works tooltip describing how electricity generation works "PowerGenerator__AutoScalingTooltip" = "Power production is automatically scaled based on current demand. Electricity that is not needed is not generated. Note that production efficiency might be lower when the generator is not running on 100% capacity."; example: 'Utilization: 20%' "PowerGenerator__Utilization" = "PowerGenerator__Utilization"; short description short description "PowerGeneratorT1__desc" = "Brenner diesel for å skape strøm."; name name "PowerGeneratorT1__name" = "Dieselaggregat"; short description short description "PowerGeneratorT2__desc" = "Brenner diesel for å skape strøm."; name name "PowerGeneratorT2__name" = "Dieselaggregat"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "PowerNeed__name" = "Mat"; if set, belts will always require power otherwise won't work "PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways" = "PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways"; if set, belts will consume power if available "PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan" = "PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan"; if set, belts will never consumer power "PowerSetting__DoNotConsume" = "PowerSetting__DoNotConsume"; title of a panel that enabled to configure a priority or title of a button that toggle priority title of a panel that enabled to configure a priority "Priority" = "Priority"; tooltip tooltip for the electricity consumption status in machine inspector "Priority__ConstructionTooltip" = "Elektrisitet forbukes under drift"; tooltip tooltip for the electricity production status in power generator inspector "Priority__DeconstructionTooltip" = "Maksimal strømproduksjon generert"; suffix added into each priority tooltip suffix added into each priority tooltip "Priority__OrderingExplanation" = "The lower the number the higher the priority."; tooltip tooltip that explains quick repair action "PriorityGeneral__Tooltip" = "Rask nødreparasjon som koster Unity"; tooltip tooltip "PriorityGeneral__TooltipWithCargo" = "General priority for workers assignment, electricity, maintenance and Unity consumption. Also determines priority for products delivery and removal when using trucks."; "ProducedLastMonth" = "Forbruk forrige måned"; "ProducedThisMonth" = "Forbruk denne måned"; fluid product fluid product "Product_Acid__name" = "Acid"; fluid product fluid product "Product_Ammonia__name" = "Ammonia"; name: unit product "Product_Anesthetics__name" = "Product_Anesthetics__name"; name: loose product "Product_AnimalFeed__name" = "Product_AnimalFeed__name"; name: unit product "Product_Antibiotics__name" = "Product_Antibiotics__name"; name: loose product "Product_Biomass__name" = "Product_Biomass__name"; liquid content to be enriched in a fast breeder reactor, placed to wrap the reactor core as blanket, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breeder_reactor#Breeder_reactor_concepts "Product_BlanketFuel__name" = "Product_BlanketFuel__name"; see more in Product_BlanketFuel "Product_BlanketFuelEnriched__name" = "Product_BlanketFuelEnriched__name"; name: unit product "Product_Bread__name" = "Product_Bread__name"; name: unit product "Product_Bricks__name" = "Product_Bricks__name"; fluid product name of a machine "Product_Brine__name" = "Lysbueovn"; name: loose product "Product_BrokenGlass__name" = "Product_BrokenGlass__name"; name: unit product "Product_Cake__name" = "Product_Cake__name"; name: loose product "Product_Canola__name" = "Product_Canola__name"; fluid product fluid product "Product_CarbonDioxide__name" = "Carbon dioxide"; name: virtual product "Product_CargoShip__name" = "Product_CargoShip__name"; name: unit product building or machine "Product_Cement__name" = "Datasenter"; name: virtual product "Product_Chicken__name" = "Product_Chicken__name"; name: a chicken body with removed limbs and feathers, ready to be butchered "Product_ChickenCarcass__name" = "Product_ChickenCarcass__name"; fluid product notification "Product_ChilledWater__name" = "Gård: {0} tapt på grunn av vannmangel"; fluid product fluid product "Product_Chlorine__name" = "Chlorine"; name: loose product loose product "Product_Coal__name" = "Coal"; name: loose product "Product_Compost__name" = "Product_Compost__name"; name: unit product name of a machine "Product_ConcreteSlab__name" = "Betongblander"; name: unit product status of construction progress - construction was paused "Product_ConstructionParts__name" = "Pauset"; name: unit product status of construction progress - construction was paused "Product_ConstructionParts2__name" = "Pauset"; name: unit product status of construction progress - construction was paused "Product_ConstructionParts3__name" = "Pauset"; name: unit product status of construction progress - construction was paused "Product_ConstructionParts4__name" = "Pauset"; name: unit product "Product_ConsumerElectronics__name" = "Product_ConsumerElectronics__name"; fluid product "Product_CookingOil__name" = "Product_CookingOil__name"; name: unit product name of a machine "Product_Copper__name" = "Knuser"; name: loose product loose product "Product_CopperOre__name" = "Copper ore"; name: loose product loose product "Product_CopperOreCrushed__name" = "Copper ore crushed"; name: loose product "Product_CopperScrap__name" = "Product_CopperScrap__name"; name: unit product "Product_CopperScrapPressed__name" = "Product_CopperScrapPressed__name"; liquid fuel for a fast breeder reactor that goes into its core, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breeder_reactor#Breeder_reactor_concepts "Product_CoreFuel__name" = "Product_CoreFuel__name"; result of Product_CoreFuel after it was used in nuclear reactor, but this still gets filtered and reprocessed back to some Product_CoreFuel, so it is not entirely spent yet "Product_CoreFuelDirty__name" = "Product_CoreFuelDirty__name"; name: loose product "Product_Corn__name" = "Product_Corn__name"; fluid product "Product_CornMash__name" = "Product_CornMash__name"; fluid product fluid product "Product_CrudeOil__name" = "Crude oil"; fluid product name of a machine "Product_Diesel__name" = "Knuser"; name: loose product name of a machine "Product_Dirt__name" = "Kokekjele"; name: unit product "Product_Disinfectant__name" = "Product_Disinfectant__name"; name: unit product "Product_Eggs__name" = "Product_Eggs__name"; name: unit product name of a machine "Product_Electronics__name" = "Elektrisk kokekjele"; name: unit product name of a machine "Product_Electronics2__name" = "Elektrisk kokekjele"; name: unit product "Product_Electronics3__name" = "Product_Electronics3__name"; fluid product "Product_Ethanol__name" = "Product_Ethanol__name"; fluid product fluid product "Product_Exhaust__name" = "Exhaust"; fluid product name of a machine "Product_Fertilizer__name" = "Gjødsel synthesizer"; fluid product "Product_Fertilizer2__name" = "Product_Fertilizer2__name"; fluid product "Product_FertilizerOrganic__name" = "Product_FertilizerOrganic__name"; name: loose product name of a machine "Product_FilterMedia__name" = "Gjødsel synthesizer"; name: waste from nuclear fission "Product_FissionProduct__name" = "Product_FissionProduct__name"; name: unit product "Product_Flour__name" = "Product_Flour__name"; name: unit product "Product_Flowers__name" = "Product_Flowers__name"; name: unit product "Product_FoodPack__name" = "Product_FoodPack__name"; name: unit product "Product_Fruit__name" = "Product_Fruit__name"; fluid product fluid product "Product_FuelGas__name" = "Fuel gas"; name: unit product unit product "Product_Glass__name" = "Glass"; name: loose product loose product "Product_GlassMix__name" = "Glass mix"; name: unit product name of a machine "Product_Gold__name" = "Avkjølet Støper"; name: loose product loose product "Product_GoldOre__name" = "Gold ore"; name: loose product loose product "Product_GoldOreConcentrate__name" = "Gold ore concentrate"; name: loose product loose product "Product_GoldOreCrushed__name" = "Gold ore crushed"; name: loose product loose product "Product_GoldOrePowder__name" = "Gold ore powder"; name: loose product "Product_GoldScrap__name" = "Product_GoldScrap__name"; name: unit product "Product_GoldScrapPressed__name" = "Product_GoldScrapPressed__name"; name: unit product unit product "Product_Graphite__name" = "Graphite"; name: loose product name of a machine "Product_Gravel__name" = "Lysbueovn"; fluid product fluid product "Product_HeavyOil__name" = "Heavy oil"; name: unit product "Product_HouseholdAppliances__name" = "Product_HouseholdAppliances__name"; name: unit product unit product "Product_HouseholdGoods__name" = "Household goods"; fluid product fluid product "Product_Hydrogen__name" = "Hydrogen"; fluid product "Product_HydrogenFluoride__name" = "Product_HydrogenFluoride__name"; name: unit product unit product "Product_ImpureCopper__name" = "Impure copper"; name: unit product building or machine "Product_Iron__name" = "Fyrtårn"; name: loose product loose product "Product_IronOre__name" = "Iron ore"; name: loose product loose product "Product_IronOreCrushed__name" = "Iron ore crushed"; name: loose product "Product_IronScrap__name" = "Product_IronScrap__name"; name: unit product "Product_IronScrapPressed__name" = "Product_IronScrapPressed__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment__name" = "Product_LabEquipment__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment2__name" = "Product_LabEquipment2__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment3__name" = "Product_LabEquipment3__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment4__name" = "Product_LabEquipment4__name"; fluid product fluid product "Product_LightOil__name" = "Light oil"; name: loose product loose product "Product_Limestone__name" = "Limestone"; name: loose product "Product_ManufacturedSand__name" = "Product_ManufacturedSand__name"; name: unit product "Product_Meat__name" = "Product_Meat__name"; name: loose product "Product_MeatTrimmings__name" = "Product_MeatTrimmings__name"; name: unit product "Product_MechanicalParts__name" = "Product_MechanicalParts__name"; name: unit product "Product_MedicalEquipment__name" = "Product_MedicalEquipment__name"; name: unit product "Product_MedicalSupplies__name" = "Product_MedicalSupplies__name"; name: unit product "Product_MedicalSupplies2__name" = "Product_MedicalSupplies2__name"; name: unit product "Product_MedicalSupplies3__name" = "Product_MedicalSupplies3__name"; fluid product fluid product "Product_MediumOil__name" = "Medium oil"; name: unit product unit product "Product_Microchips__name" = "Microchips"; name: unit product unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage1A__name" = "Microchips stage 1 a"; name: unit product unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage1B__name" = "Microchips stage 1 b"; name: unit product unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage1C__name" = "Microchips stage 1 c"; name: unit product unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage2A__name" = "Microchips stage 2 a"; name: unit product unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage2B__name" = "Microchips stage 2 b"; name: unit product unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage2C__name" = "Microchips stage 2 c"; name: unit product unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage3A__name" = "Microchips stage 3 a"; name: unit product unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage3B__name" = "Microchips stage 3 b"; name: unit product unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage3C__name" = "Microchips stage 3 c"; name: unit product unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage4A__name" = "Microchips stage 4 a"; name: unit product unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage4B__name" = "Microchips stage 4 b"; molten product molten product "Product_MoltenCopper__name" = "Molten copper"; molten product molten product "Product_MoltenGlass__name" = "Molten glass"; molten product molten product "Product_MoltenIron__name" = "Molten iron"; molten product molten product "Product_MoltenSilicon__name" = "Molten silicon"; molten product molten product "Product_MoltenSteel__name" = "Molten steel"; name: unit product "Product_Morphine__name" = "Product_Morphine__name"; name: special type of fuel for nuclear reactor called MOX, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOX_fuel "Product_MoxRod__name" = "Product_MoxRod__name"; fluid product fluid product "Product_Naphtha__name" = "Naphtha"; fluid product notification "Product_Nitrogen__name" = "{entity} er ødelagt fordi det mangler vedlikehold"; fluid product fluid product "Product_Oxygen__name" = "Oxygen"; name: unit product "Product_Paper__name" = "Product_Paper__name"; name: unit product unit product "Product_PCB__name" = "PCB"; name: unit product unit product "Product_Plastic__name" = "Plastic"; name: unit product "Product_Plutonium__name" = "Product_Plutonium__name"; name: high purity polycrystalline form of silicon, keep short unit product "Product_PolySilicon__name" = "Silicon (poly)"; name: loose product "Product_Poppy__name" = "Product_Poppy__name"; name: loose product "Product_Potato__name" = "Product_Potato__name"; name: loose product loose product "Product_Quartz__name" = "Quartz"; name: loose product "Product_QuartzCrushed__name" = "Product_QuartzCrushed__name"; name: loose product "Product_Recyclables__name" = "Product_Recyclables__name"; name: unit product "Product_RecyclablesPressed__name" = "Product_RecyclablesPressed__name"; name: nuclear waste that is no longer radioactive (was retired and can be recycled) "Product_RetiredWaste__name" = "Product_RetiredWaste__name"; name: loose product vehicle "Product_Rock__name" = "Lastebil"; name: unit product name of a machine "Product_Rubber__name" = "Knuser"; name: loose product vehicle "Product_Salt__name" = "Pickup"; name: loose product loose product "Product_Sand__name" = "Sand"; name: unit product "Product_Sausage__name" = "Product_Sausage__name"; fluid product name of a machine "Product_Seawater__name" = "Luftutskiller"; name: unit product "Product_Server__name" = "Product_Server__name"; name: unit product unit product "Product_SiliconWafer__name" = "Silicon wafer"; name: by-product of smelting ores in furnace loose product "Product_Slag__name" = "Slag"; name: loose product name of a machine "Product_SlagCrushed__name" = "Knuser"; name: loose product loose product "Product_Sludge__name" = "Sludge"; name: unit product "Product_Snack__name" = "Product_Snack__name"; name: unit product vehicle "Product_SolarCell__name" = "Pickup"; name: unit product "Product_SolarCellMono__name" = "Product_SolarCellMono__name"; fluid product notification "Product_SourWater__name" = "Gård: {0} tapt på grunn av vannmangel"; name: loose product "Product_Soybean__name" = "Product_Soybean__name"; name: spent nuclear fuel, radioactive, keep short notification "Product_SpentFuel__name" = "Lasteskipet har lite drivstoff"; name: spent nuclear fuel called MOX, radioactive, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOX_fuel "Product_SpentMox__name" = "Product_SpentMox__name"; fluid product fluid product This is a steam that has such a low pressure that it is consider depleted (no longer useful). So this is a product, it's not a notification that some machine ran out of steam. It goes like this steam hi > steam lo > steam depleted "Product_SteamDepleted__name" = "Steam depleted"; high pressure steam, keep short! fluid product High pressure steam. "Product_SteamHi__name" = "Steam hi"; low pressure steam, keep short! fluid product Low pressure steam. "Product_SteamLP__name" = "Steam lo"; super pressure steam (more pressure than high press steam), keep short! "Product_SteamSp__name" = "Product_SteamSp__name"; name: unit product name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "Product_Steel__name" = "Mat"; name: loose product name of a machine "Product_Sugar__name" = "Medisin produksjon"; name: loose product "Product_SugarCane__name" = "Product_SugarCane__name"; name: loose product loose product "Product_Sulfur__name" = "Sulfur"; name: unit product "Product_Tofu__name" = "Product_Tofu__name"; fluid product fluid product "Product_ToxicSlurry__name" = "Toxic slurry"; name: unit product "Product_TreeSapling__name" = "Product_TreeSapling__name"; name: loose product "Product_UraniumDepleted__name" = "Product_UraniumDepleted__name"; name: unit product "Product_UraniumEnriched__name" = "Product_UraniumEnriched__name"; name: unit product "Product_UraniumEnriched20__name" = "Product_UraniumEnriched20__name"; name: loose product loose product "Product_UraniumOre__name" = "Uranium ore"; name: loose product loose product "Product_UraniumOreCrushed__name" = "Uranium ore crushed"; name: Recycled uranium created from partially spent fuel "Product_UraniumReprocessed__name" = "Product_UraniumReprocessed__name"; name: unit product unit product "Product_UraniumRod__name" = "Uranium rod"; name: unit product "Product_Vegetables__name" = "Product_Vegetables__name"; name: unit product "Product_VehicleParts__name" = "Product_VehicleParts__name"; name: unit product "Product_VehicleParts2__name" = "Product_VehicleParts2__name"; name: unit product "Product_VehicleParts3__name" = "Product_VehicleParts3__name"; name: virtual product name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_Computing__name" = "Computing"; name: virtual product name of a machine "Product_Virtual_Electricity__name" = "Elektrisk kokekjele"; name name "Product_Virtual_Groundwater__name" = "Groundwater"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_Heat__name" = "Product_Virtual_Heat__name"; name: virtual product notification "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT1__name" = "Gård: {0} mangler arbeidere"; name: virtual product notification "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT2__name" = "Gård: {0} mangler arbeidere"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT3__name" = "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT3__name"; name: virtual product name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_MechPower__name" = "Mechanical power"; name: virtual product name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_PollutedAir__name" = "Air pollution"; name: virtual product name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_PollutedWater__name" = "Water pollution"; abstract points that player gains for taking good care of people and making sure they are well, people unite and pull together, and player gains unity, 'togetherness' virtual & abstract currency expressing how people 'pull together' to achieve higher goals "Product_Virtual_Upoints__name" = "Unity"; name: loose product "Product_Waste__name" = "Product_Waste__name"; name: unit product "Product_WastePressed__name" = "Product_WastePressed__name"; fluid product name: describes the current weather "Product_WasteWater__name" = "Skyete"; fluid product notification "Product_Water__name" = "Gård: {0} tapt på grunn av vannmangel"; name: loose product "Product_Wheat__name" = "Product_Wheat__name"; name: unit product unit product "Product_Wood__name" = "Wood"; name: loose product "Product_Woodchips__name" = "Product_Woodchips__name"; name: uranium concentrate powder (U3O8), yellow color, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellowcake "Product_Yellowcake__name" = "Product_Yellowcake__name"; label of a panel that shows an average monthly production (keep it short) "Production" = "Gj.sn. produksjon"; title of a panel showing estimates of quantities required to produce some quantity of a product "ProductionCostEstimate" = "ProductionCostEstimate"; list of products list of products "Products" = "Products"; title of a window that enables to select a product from multiple ones title of a window that enables to select a product from multiple ones "ProductSelectorTitle" = "Select a product"; lists products that are filtered in the sorter into its special output port lists products that are filtered in the sorter into its special output port "ProductsToFilter" = "Products to filter"; "ProductsToFilter__None" = "No products set to be filtered"; title of a tool that is used to remove debris such as stone, bushes and stumps. "PropsRemovalTool" = "PropsRemovalTool"; tooltip "PropsRemovalTool__Tooltip" = "PropsRemovalTool__Tooltip"; example usage: 'Provides ' - means this entity provides coal. example usage: 'Provides ' - means this entity provides coal. "Provides" = "Provides"; text for a checkbox, keep short. More info on this in ConsumeSurplusPower__Tooltip "ProvideSurplusPower__Toggle" = "ProvideSurplusPower__Toggle"; option for electricity consumption for machines and buildings "ProvideSurplusPower__Tooltip" = "ProvideSurplusPower__Tooltip"; rendering preset name for 2nd best option "QualityPreset__HighQuality" = "QualityPreset__HighQuality"; rendering preset name for the worst quality but highest performance "QualityPreset__LowQuality" = "QualityPreset__LowQuality"; rendering preset name for the 2nd worst quality but balanced performance "QualityPreset__MediumQuality" = "QualityPreset__MediumQuality"; rendering preset name for best rendering option "QualityPreset__UltraQuality" = "QualityPreset__UltraQuality"; shows some quantity per month, e.g. '4 / month' "QuantityPerMonth" = "QuantityPerMonth"; name name "QuartzMine__name" = "Bauksittgruve"; button to instantly deliver some materials for unity button to instantly deliver something for unity "QuickBuild__Action" = "Quick deliver"; error popup shown when quick delivery is not allowed "QuickBuild__NotAllowed" = "QuickBuild__NotAllowed"; tooltip that explains quick deliver for unity tooltip of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain designations managed by a mine tower area "QuickBuild__Tooltip" = "Konfigurerer hvilke materialer som tillates dumpet på betegnelsene som administreres her."; button to instantly remove some materials something for unity "QuickRemove__Action" = "QuickRemove__Action"; tooltip that explains quick remove for unity "QuickRemove__Tooltip" = "QuickRemove__Tooltip"; exits the game entirely (back to windows) exits the game entirely (back to windows) "QuitGame" = "Quit"; shown when player click a button to quit the game shown when player click a button to quit the game "QuitGame__ConfirmationQuestion" = "Are you sure you want to quit? Unsaved progress will get lost."; range of a ship radar range of a ship radar "RadarRange" = "Radar range"; tooltip "RadiationLevel__Tooltip" = "RadiationLevel__Tooltip"; short description short description of a machine "RainwaterHarvester__desc" = "Støper smeltet materiale til plater."; building or machine building or machine "RainwaterHarvester__name" = "Regnvannsamler"; name: describes the current weather name: describes the current weather "RainyWeather__name" = "Skyete"; title that is displayed above a list of recipes (a recipe is what a machine performs) title that is displayed above a list of recipes (a recipe is what a machine performs) "Recipes" = "Recipes"; title that is displayed above a list of new recipes in a research node title that is displayed above a list of new recipes in a research node "Recipes__New" = "New recipes"; "RecipesBook__OpenHint" = "RecipesBook__OpenHint"; Title of a window that shows all the recipes in the game. Recipes are used in machines for production. "RecipesBook__Title" = "RecipesBook__Title"; button to recover stuck vehicle, see 'RecoverVehicle__Tooltip' for more details on what this does "RecoverVehicle__Action" = "RecoverVehicle__Action"; vehicle recovery button tooltip "RecoverVehicle__Tooltip" = "RecoverVehicle__Tooltip"; shows recycling efficiency, more details on this in tooltip "RecyclingEfficiency__Title" = "RecyclingEfficiency__Title"; "RecyclingEfficiency__Tooltip" = "RecyclingEfficiency__Tooltip"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "RecyclingIncrease__desc" = "RecyclingIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "RecyclingIncrease__name" = "RecyclingIncrease__name"; description of research that increases recycling efficiency by {0} percent "RecyclingRatioIncrease" = "RecyclingRatioIncrease"; a difficulty option where player gets a full (100%) refund when deconstructing something "RefundOption__Full" = "RefundOption__Full"; a difficulty option where player gets only a partial refund when deconstructing something "RefundOption__Partial" = "RefundOption__Partial"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows "RelativeTime_Days" = "RelativeTime_Days"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows "RelativeTime_Hours" = "RelativeTime_Hours"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows. {0} is a positive integer "RelativeTime_Minutes" = "RelativeTime_Minutes"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows. {0} is a positive integer "RelativeTime_Seconds" = "RelativeTime_Seconds"; trying to remove a building that is not allowed to be removed (e.g. shipyard) trying to remove a building that is not allowed to be removed (e.g. shipyard) "RemovalError__CannotRemove" = "Cannot be removed"; could not demolish a cargo depot as it is transferring cargo right now "RemovalError__DepotMovingCargo" = "RemovalError__DepotMovingCargo"; could not demolish an animal farm as it has animals "RemovalError__FarmHasAnimals" = "RemovalError__FarmHasAnimals"; could not demolish a cargo depot / unassign its product as it has some products stored "RemovalError__HasProductsStored" = "RemovalError__HasProductsStored"; trying to remove a shipyard that can't be removed as it has the ship assigned "RemovalError__HasShipAssigned" = "RemovalError__HasShipAssigned"; could not remove a housing or square as it has a service module attached could not remove a housing as it has a service module attached "RemovalError__HousingHasModuleAttached" = "Cannot remove settlement housing that has some service buildings attached."; could not remove a housing as it would split the settlement into two individual ones could not remove a housing as it would split the settlement into two individual ones "RemovalError__NotContiguous" = "Settlement must remain contiguous"; could not demolish a depot as its modules need to be removed first could not demolish a depot as its modules need to be removed first "RemovalError__RemoveModulesFirst" = "Modules need to be removed first"; could not demolish an abandoned building, it needs to be scrapped for parts could not demolish an abandoned building, it needs to be scrapped for parts "RemovalError__ScrapItFirst" = "Needs to be scrapped"; could not demolish a cargo depot as its ship still has some cargo to unload could not demolish a cargo depot as its ship still has some cargo to unload "RemovalError__ShipHasCargo" = "Ship has cargo"; button to request products removal from a transport (comes with a trash icon as well) button to request products removal from a transport "RemoveProducts" = "Remove products"; button to stop products removal from a conveyor belt "RemoveProducts__Stop" = "RemoveProducts__Stop"; tooltip tooltip "RemoveProducts__Tooltip" = "Estimert gjennomsnittlig produksjon per måned basert på gjeldende fruktbarhet. Forsinkelser på grunn av mangel på vann er ikke inkludert i dette estimatet. Imidlertid er ekstra tid påført avlinger lagt til bare for fruktbarhet inkludert. For å se hvor mye mat som trengs, sjekk forbruksrapporten for matmarkedet."; tooltip for a button that allows to remove products from machine's buffers "RemoveProductsInBuffers__Tooltip" = "RemoveProductsInBuffers__Tooltip"; option for rendering quality setting for the high quality "RenderingQuality__High" = "RenderingQuality__High"; option for rendering quality setting for low quality "RenderingQuality__Low" = "RenderingQuality__Low"; option for rendering quality setting for medium quality "RenderingQuality__Medium" = "RenderingQuality__Medium"; option for rendering quality setting, used when the feature is turned off "RenderingQuality__Off" = "RenderingQuality__Off"; option for rendering quality setting for the very high quality "RenderingQuality__VeryHigh" = "RenderingQuality__VeryHigh"; note added to rendering quality options that are not supported on current hardware "RenderingSetting_NotSupported" = "RenderingSetting_NotSupported"; title for rendering settings "RenderingSetting_Title" = "RenderingSetting_Title"; Label for the rendering quality preset buttons in the settings window "RenderingSettingPreset_Label" = "RenderingSettingPreset_Label"; button to request to repair something button to request to repair something "Repair" = "Repair"; title of a window that enables to replace an existing ship part with a different one title of a window that enables to install a new ship part "ReplaceShipPart" = "Legg til ny del"; tooltip "ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip" = "ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__NoDepot" = "ReplaceVehicle__NoDepot"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__NoVehicleSelected" = "ReplaceVehicle__NoVehicleSelected"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__OnItsWay" = "ReplaceVehicle__OnItsWay"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__WaitingForReplace" = "ReplaceVehicle__WaitingForReplace"; button to open a page to report game issue / bug button to open a page to report game issue / bug "ReportIssue" = "Report issue"; button to donate products to a settlement to increase player's reputation, will be deliver by ship "ReputationIncrease__DonateAction" = "ReputationIncrease__DonateAction"; title of a panel providing an option to increase player's reputation in the current world map settlement "ReputationIncrease__Title" = "ReputationIncrease__Title"; tooltip of a panel providing an option to increase player's reputation in the current world map settlement "ReputationIncrease__Tooltip" = "ReputationIncrease__Tooltip"; text of a panel that enables to donate products to a world map settlement to increase player's reputation, example use 'Increase our reputation to 4' "ReputationIncreaseTitle" = "ReputationIncreaseTitle"; title of a panel that lists requirements of something (e.g. research) title of a panel that lists requirements of something (e.g. research) "Requires" = "Requires"; title or tooltip of a button that opens research tree "Research" = "Research"; ex: 14 / 98, research progress in the details panel of the load & save window "Research__Detail" = "Research__Detail"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__desc" = "Provides extra management of logistics and dumping."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__name" = "Advanced logistics control"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchAdvancedSmelting__desc" = "Provides smelting with higher throughput and increased efficiency for crushed ores."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchAdvancedSmelting__name" = "Advanced smelting"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchArcFurnace2__name" = "ResearchArcFurnace2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree name of a machine "ResearchAssembler3__name" = "Fabrikk (elektrisk)"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBasicComputing__name" = "ResearchBasicComputing__name"; description of a research node in the research tree short description of a machine "ResearchBasicDiesel__desc" = "Tillater destillasjon av lavkvalitets bensin, men det er ganske ineffektivt og produserer mye avfall."; title of a research node in the research tree name of a machine "ResearchBasicDiesel__name" = "Enkel destillator"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBasicFarming__desc" = "Basic farming of potatoes. We just need to hope it will rain."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBasicFarming__name" = "Basic farming"; title of a research node in the research tree building or machine "ResearchBeacon__name" = "Fyrtårn"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBioDiesel__name" = "ResearchBioDiesel__name"; title of a research node in the research tree building or machine "ResearchBiofuel__name" = "Fyrtårn"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBlueprints__name" = "ResearchBlueprints__name"; title of a research node in the research tree name of a machine "ResearchBoilerElectric__name" = "Elektrisk kokekjele"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBricksProduction__name" = "ResearchBricksProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBurner__name" = "ResearchBurner__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCanola__name" = "ResearchCanola__name"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCaptainsOffice__desc" = "Your own office! This is where all the important decision are made."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCaptainsOffice__name" = "Captain's office"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__desc" = "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__name" = "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCarbonDioxideRecycling__name" = "ResearchCarbonDioxideRecycling__name"; description of a research node in the research tree cargo depot description "ResearchCargoDepot__desc" = "Når det er bygget, kan et reparert lasteskip legge til kai her og overføre lasten via lastemoduler."; title of a research node in the research tree building or machine "ResearchCargoDepot__name" = "Lastedepot (2)"; title of a research node in the research tree building or machine "ResearchCargoDepot2__name" = "Lastedepot (4)"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCargoDepot3__name" = "ResearchCargoDepot3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCargoDepot4__name" = "ResearchCargoDepot4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchChemicalPlant__name" = "Chemical plant & fertilizer"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchChemicalPlant2__name" = "ResearchChemicalPlant2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchChickenFarm__name" = "ResearchChickenFarm__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCompactor__name" = "ResearchCompactor__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConcreteAdvanced__name" = "ResearchConcreteAdvanced__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConsumerElectronics__name" = "ResearchConsumerElectronics__name"; description of a research node in the research tree short description "ResearchConveyorBelts__desc" = "Tillater sortering av produkter."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConveyorBelts__name" = "Conveyor belts"; description of a research that provides advanced conveyor belts short description "ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__desc" = "Tillater sortering av produkter."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__name" = "Conveyor belts II"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConveyorBeltsT3__name" = "Conveyor belts III"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConveyorRouting__name" = "Smart conveyor routing"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCopperRefinement__desc" = "Copper electrolysis enables us to reach 99% pure copper. This way we can leverage its properties to the maximum."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCopperRefinement__name" = "Copper refinement"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCopperRefinement2__desc" = "More efficient process of copper refinement using acid."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCopperRefinement2__name" = "Copper refinement II"; description of a research node in the research tree short description "ResearchCornCrop__desc" = "Sterkt lys hjelper andre flyktninger med å finne øyen din og bli med deg."; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchCornCrop__name" = "Korn"; description of a research that provides advanced construction parts description of a research that provides advanced construction parts "ResearchCp2Packing__desc" = "Production of advanced construction parts."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCp2Packing__name" = "Construction II"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCp3Packing__name" = "Construction III"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCp4Packing__name" = "Construction IV"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCpPacking__desc" = "Production of basic construction parts."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCpPacking__name" = "Construction"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCropRotation__name" = "ResearchCropRotation__name"; description of a research node in the research tree short description of a machine "ResearchCrudeOilDistillation__desc" = "Inngangspunktet for avansert oljebehandling. Separerer olje i to komponenter for ytterligere bearbeiding til nyttige ressurser."; title of a research node in the research tree name of a machine "ResearchCrudeOilDistillation__name" = "Tung destillasjon I"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCrusherLarge__name" = "ResearchCrusherLarge__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCustomSurfaces__name" = "ResearchCustomSurfaces__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDatacenter__name" = "ResearchDatacenter__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease__name" = "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease2__name" = "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDieselGeneratorLarge__name" = "ResearchDieselGeneratorLarge__name"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts1__desc" = "Some really useful edicts that you can apply in your office."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts1__name" = "Edicts"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts2__desc" = "Another set of useful edicts."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts2__name" = "Edicts II"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts3__name" = "ResearchEdicts3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts4__name" = "ResearchEdicts4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchElectricity__name" = "ResearchElectricity__name"; title of a research node in the research tree name of a machine "ResearchElectrolysis__name" = "Kobberelektrolyse"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchElectrolysis2__name" = "ResearchElectrolysis2__name"; description of a research of a ship engine upgrade short description "ResearchEngine2__desc" = "Øker fart og rekkevidde på skipet."; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchEngine2__name" = "Skipsmotor II"; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchEngine3__name" = "Skipsmotor III"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchExhaustFiltration__name" = "Exhaust filtration"; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchFarmingT2__name" = "Jorde med vanningsanlegg"; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchFarmingT3__name" = "Drivhus"; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchFarmingT4__name" = "Drivhus II"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFermentation__name" = "ResearchFermentation__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFertilizers__desc" = "ResearchFertilizers__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFertilizers__name" = "ResearchFertilizers__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFoodMarket2__name" = "ResearchFoodMarket2__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFoodPacking__desc" = "ResearchFoodPacking__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFoodPacking__name" = "ResearchFoodPacking__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFruit__desc" = "ResearchFruit__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFruit__name" = "ResearchFruit__name"; description of a research node in the research tree {0} is a number, used like for instance '75%' "ResearchFuelStation__desc" = "Filtrerer {0}% av forurensningene fra varme avgasser og omdanner dem til mer nyttige ressurser."; title of a research node in the research tree name of a machine "ResearchFuelStation__name" = "Gjæringstank"; title of a research node in the research tree name of a machine "ResearchFuelStation2__name" = "Gjæringstank"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFuelStation3__name" = "ResearchFuelStation3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchGasCombustion__name" = "Gas combustion"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchGlassSmelting__desc" = "Provides glass production and its usage in household goods."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchGlassSmelting__name" = "Glass making & goods"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchGlassSmeltingT2__name" = "Glass making II"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchGoldSmelting__name" = "Gold smelting"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHeavyOilCracking__name" = "Heavy oil cracking"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHospital__name" = "ResearchHospital__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHouseholdAppliances__name" = "ResearchHouseholdAppliances__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHouseholdGoods__desc" = "ResearchHouseholdGoods__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHouseholdGoods__name" = "ResearchHouseholdGoods__name"; title of a research node in the research tree building or machine "ResearchHousing2__name" = "Boliger II"; title of a research node in the research tree building or machine "ResearchHousing3__name" = "Boliger III"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHydrogenCell__name" = "ResearchHydrogenCell__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHydrogenReforming__name" = "Hydrogenproduksjon"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchIncinerationPlant__name" = "ResearchIncinerationPlant__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchIndustrialMixerT2__name" = "ResearchIndustrialMixerT2__name"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchIronSmeltingScrap__desc" = "Production of iron from metal scraps."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchIronSmeltingScrap__name" = "Smelting av jern (fra skrap)"; short description "ResearchLab1__desc" = "Tillater dyrking av forskjellige avlinger. Kan brukes til matproduksjon. Denne gården er bare avhengig av regn. For å levere vann fra ekstern kilde må det oppgraderes."; building or machine name "ResearchLab1__name" = "Gård"; description of a research lab short description "ResearchLab2__desc" = "Jorde med vanningsanlegg som kan kobles til en vann- eller gjødselkilde. Det kan være nyttig?"; building or machine name "ResearchLab2__name" = "Forskningslaboratorium II"; building or machine name "ResearchLab3__name" = "Forskningslaboratorium III"; building or machine name "ResearchLab4__name" = "Forskningslaboratorium IV"; building or machine name of a machine "ResearchLab5__name" = "Metall støper"; {0} = Unity "ResearchLabTip" = "ResearchLabTip"; tooltip for a product & quantity that player needs to produce per lifetime "ResearchLocked_LifetimeProduction" = "ResearchLocked_LifetimeProduction"; title of a research node in the research tree notification "ResearchMaintenanceDepot__name" = "Gård: {0} mangler arbeidere"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMechPowerStorage__desc" = "Provides mechanical power storage and turbines auto-balancing capability."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMechPowerStorage__name" = "Mechanical power storage"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMedicalSupplies2__name" = "ResearchMedicalSupplies2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMedicalSupplies3__name" = "ResearchMedicalSupplies3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMicrochipProduction__name" = "Microchip production"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMicrochipProduction2__name" = "ResearchMicrochipProduction2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNaphthaProcessing__name" = "ResearchNaphthaProcessing__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNaphthaReforming__name" = "Naphtha reforming"; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchNuclearReactor__name" = "Dieselaggregat"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNuclearReactor2__name" = "ResearchNuclearReactor2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNuclearReactor3__name" = "ResearchNuclearReactor3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchOrganicFertilizer__name" = "ResearchOrganicFertilizer__name"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransports__desc" = "Pipes are great. Imagine hauling all of that with trucks?"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransports__name" = "Rør"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransportsT2__desc" = "Det viser seg at hvis vi øker rørdiameteren, har den høyere gjennomstrømning."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransportsT2__name" = "Rør II"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransportsT3__desc" = "Nok en økning i gjennomstrømningen."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransportsT3__name" = "Rør III"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPlasticProduction__name" = "Plastic"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPolySiliconProduction__name" = "Silicon"; title of a research node in the research tree notification "ResearchPowerAndMaintenance__name" = "Gård: {0} tapt på grunn av mangel på arbeidere"; description of a research node in the research tree short description "ResearchPowerGeneration2__desc" = "Brenner diesel for å skape strøm."; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchPowerGeneration2__name" = "Dieselaggregat"; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchPowerGeneration3__name" = "Dieselaggregat"; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchPowerGeneration4__name" = "Dieselaggregat"; button to add the current research into the queue button to add the current research into the queue "ResearchQueue__Add" = "Add to queue"; button to remove the current research from the queue button to remove the current research from the queue "ResearchQueue__Remove" = "Remove from queue"; shows what place in the queue a research node has, e.g. 'in queue (3)' shows what place in the queue a research node has, e.g. 'in queue (3)' "ResearchQueue__Status" = "Forventer {0} flyktning om mindre enn:"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecycling__name" = "ResearchRecycling__name"; research node description "ResearchRecyclingEdict__desc" = "ResearchRecyclingEdict__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingEdict__name" = "ResearchRecyclingEdict__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingEdict2__name" = "ResearchRecyclingEdict2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingForSettlement__name" = "ResearchRecyclingForSettlement__name"; {0}=10 "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__desc" = "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__name" = "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__name"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRepairDock__desc" = "Enables to repair the ship dock so we can start working on ship repairs."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRepairDock__name" = "Ship dock repair"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchResearchLab2__name" = "Forskningslaboratorium II"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchResearchLab3__name" = "Forskningslaboratorium III"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchResearchLab4__name" = "Forskningslaboratorium IV"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchResearchLab5__name" = "Research lab V"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRetainingWalls__name" = "ResearchRetainingWalls__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRocketAssemblyAndLaunch__name" = "ResearchRocketAssemblyAndLaunch__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRotaryKilnGas__name" = "ResearchRotaryKilnGas__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRubberProduction__name" = "Syntetisk gummi"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSaltProduction__name" = "Salt production"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSausageProduction__name" = "ResearchSausageProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSettlementDecorations__name" = "ResearchSettlementDecorations__name"; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchSettlementPower__name" = "Dieselaggregat"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSettlementWaste__desc" = "ResearchSettlementWaste__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSettlementWaste__name" = "ResearchSettlementWaste__name"; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchSettlementWater__name" = "Dieselaggregat"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipArmor__desc" = "Our ship will take more hits from enemy's artillery. Our crew is looking forward to test it, huh?"; title of a research node in the research tree name: ship part upgrade "ResearchShipArmor__name" = "Panser plater"; title of a research node in the research tree name: ship part upgrade "ResearchShipArmor2__name" = "Panser plater II"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipFuelTankUpgrade__name" = "Oppgradering av drivstofftank"; description of a research of a ship bridge upgrade description of a research of a ship bridge upgrade "ResearchShipRadar__desc" = "Avansert skipsbro. Inneholder også en bedre radar for utforskning av områder."; title of a research node in the research tree ship name "ResearchShipRadar__name" = "Skipsbro II"; title of a research node in the research tree ship name "ResearchShipRadar2__name" = "Skipsbro III"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipWeapons__desc" = "Once fitted on the ship, we can finally stop running away from every battle."; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchShipWeapons__name" = "Skadet lasteskip"; description of ship weapons description of ship weapons "ResearchShipWeapons2__desc" = "Ship guns that provide increased range and damage."; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchShipWeapons2__name" = "Skadet lasteskip"; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchShipWeapons3__name" = "Skadet lasteskip"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSnacksProduction__name" = "ResearchSnacksProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSolarPanels__name" = "Solcellepaneler"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSolarPanels2__name" = "ResearchSolarPanels2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSoybeanCrop__name" = "ResearchSoybeanCrop__name"; title of a panel that shows current research speed of a research lab "ResearchSpeed__Title" = "ResearchSpeed__Title"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStacker__name" = "ResearchStacker__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStatueOfMaintenance__name" = "ResearchStatueOfMaintenance__name"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSteelSmelting__desc" = "Process to convert iron into more durable steel."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSteelSmelting__name" = "Smelting av stål"; title of a research node in the research tree name "ResearchStorage2__name" = "Lagring II"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStorage3__name" = "ResearchStorage3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStorage4__name" = "ResearchStorage4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStoragesT1__name" = "Storages"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSugarCane__name" = "ResearchSugarCane__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSulfurProcessing__name" = "Sulfur processing"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSuperPressSteam__desc" = "ResearchSuperPressSteam__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSuperPressSteam__name" = "ResearchSuperPressSteam__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTerrainLeveling__name" = "ResearchTerrainLeveling__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchThermalDesalination__name" = "Thermal desalination"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__desc" = "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__name" = "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchThermalStorage__name" = "ResearchThermalStorage__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTombOfCaptains__name" = "ResearchTombOfCaptains__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTools__desc" = "ResearchTools__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTools__name" = "ResearchTools__name"; explains that shipyard cannot be repaired until the player researches how to do it. "ResearchToRepair__Tooltip" = "ResearchToRepair__Tooltip"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTradeDock__name" = "ResearchTradeDock__name"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTransportsBalancing__desc" = "You can already split / merge transports. But this gives you the ability to set input / output priorities and ratios."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTransportsBalancing__name" = "Transports balancing"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTransportsLifts__desc" = "ResearchTransportsLifts__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTransportsLifts__name" = "ResearchTransportsLifts__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTreeHarvester__name" = "Tree harvester"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTreePlanting__name" = "ResearchTreePlanting__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTrucksCapacityEdict__name" = "Trucks overloading edict"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchUndergroundWater__name" = "Groundwater pump"; shows that a new research was unlocked, example: 'Efficient concrete unlocked!' shows that a new research was unlocked, example: 'Efficient concrete unlocked!' "ResearchUnlocked" = "ResearchUnlocked"; label of a panel showing icons of all the new buildings and machines that player unlocked "ResearchUnlocked__NewBuildings" = "ResearchUnlocked__NewBuildings"; label of a panel showing icons of all the new products that player unlocked "ResearchUnlocked__NewProducts" = "ResearchUnlocked__NewProducts"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchUraniumEnrichment__name" = "Uranium enrichment"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVacuumDesalination__desc" = "Enables to utilize depleted steam for desalination."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVacuumDesalination__name" = "Vacuum desalination"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVegetables__desc" = "ResearchVegetables__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVegetables__name" = "ResearchVegetables__name"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAndMining__desc" = "Excavator & mining tower to enable mining raw materials. And more trucks to reinforce our logistics."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAndMining__name" = "Vehicles & mining"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAssembly2__desc" = "ResearchVehicleAssembly2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAssembly2__name" = "Large truck"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAssembly3__name" = "ResearchVehicleAssembly3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAssembly3H__name" = "ResearchVehicleAssembly3H__name"; {0}=25 "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__desc" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__name" = "Vehicles management"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease2__name" = "Vehicles management II"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease3__name" = "Vehicles management III"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease4__name" = "Vehicles management IV"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease5__name" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease5__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease6__name" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease6__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleRamps__name" = "Ramp for vehicles"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchWaterRecovery__name" = "Water recovery"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchWaterTreatment__name" = "Wastewater treatment"; description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchWaterTreatment2__desc" = "A more efficient wastewater treatment process. Some of the waste can also be reused as a source of fuel and fertilizer."; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchWaterTreatment2__name" = "Wastewater treatment II"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchWheatCrop__name" = "Wheat farming"; title of a panel that shows how much is left of a ground deposit resource (oil, groundwater) title of a panel that shows how much is left of a ground deposit resource (oil, groundwater) "ReserveStatus" = "Reserve status"; title for screen resolution setting title for screen resolution setting "Resolution" = "Resolution"; example: 'Groundwater resource is getting low' example: 'Groundwater resource is getting low' "ResourceIsLow__name" = "{0} resource is getting low"; title of settings affecting resources - mining, starting resources "Resources" = "Resources"; used with a setting that requires restart. Example: 'Scale (restart required)' "RestartRequiredSuffix" = "RestartRequiredSuffix"; button to restore defaults "RestoreDefaults" = "RestoreDefaults"; name "RetainingWallCorner__name" = "RetainingWallCorner__name"; name "RetainingWallCross__name" = "RetainingWallCross__name"; Plural title of a structure that holds terrain in place to prevent it from a collapse "RetainingWallsTitle" = "RetainingWallsTitle"; description of retaining wall "RetainingWallStraight1__desc" = "RetainingWallStraight1__desc"; name "RetainingWallStraight1__name" = "RetainingWallStraight1__name"; name "RetainingWallStraight4__name" = "RetainingWallStraight4__name"; name "RetainingWallTee__name" = "RetainingWallTee__name"; informs how much time is left until the current radioactive waste gets converted into nonradioactive waste. Example use: 'Next disposal in: 40 years' "RetiredWaste__NextDisposal" = "RetiredWaste__NextDisposal"; tooltip "RetiredWaste__Tooltip" = "RetiredWaste__Tooltip"; tooltip explaining that mouse right click remove the hovered element "RightClickToRemove" = "RightClickToRemove"; error popup when player tried to destroy rocket assembly depot but the rocket transporter is not parked inside, {0} is 'rocket transporter' "RocketAssemblyDepot__CannotDestroy" = "RocketAssemblyDepot__CannotDestroy"; short description: rocket assembly building description, {0} is launch pad "RocketAssemblyDepot__desc" = "RocketAssemblyDepot__desc"; name name of a machine "RocketAssemblyDepot__name" = "Fabrikk (robotisk) II"; short description "RocketLaunchPad__desc" = "RocketLaunchPad__desc"; name name "RocketLaunchPad__name" = "Rocket launch pad"; name "RockMine__name" = "RockMine__name"; description of a machine short description of a machine "RotaryKiln__desc" = "Produserer høytrykksdamp ved å brenne kull som koker vann."; name of a machine name of a machine "RotaryKiln__name" = "Kokekjele"; name of a machine "RotaryKilnGas__name" = "RotaryKilnGas__name"; tooltip "RotateShortcut__Tooltip" = "RotateShortcut__Tooltip"; short description short description of a machine "Ruins__desc" = "Knuser malm i mer finkornede materialer slik at de kan brukes i avansert prosessering."; building or machine name of a machine "Ruins__name" = "Knuser"; starts recycling a building for metal scraps starts recycling a building for metal scraps "RuinsRecycle__Action" = "Start recycling"; tooltip that explains how building recycling works, {0} - iron scrap, {1} - blast furnace "RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip" = "RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip"; title of a button that allows to spend Unity when a ship is out of fuel. More info in RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip. "RunOnLowFuel__Action" = "RunOnLowFuel__Action"; tooltip for a button "RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip" = "RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip"; Message shown when a save is unsuccessful "Save__FailureMessage" = "Save__FailureMessage"; {0} is name of the file that was saved {0} is name of the file that was saved "Save__SuccessMessage" = "File {0} has been saved!"; Label above the save name column in the load & save windows "Save__Title" = "Save__Title"; button to save the game after the player clicks it button to save the game after the player clicks it "Save_Action" = "Save"; title of a window that that enables to save the current game progress title for panel that shows cargo stored / transported "Save_Title" = "Last"; Label for the date of the save in the details panels of the load & save windows "Saved__Detail" = "Saved__Detail"; a message shown on the screen when save or auto-save is in progress "SaveInProgress" = "SaveInProgress"; note about blueprints "SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote" = "SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote"; {0} - Update 1, {1} - branch name "SaveMigration__Intro" = "SaveMigration__Intro"; Label next to the save name entry box in the save window "SaveName__Label" = "SaveName__Label"; button to click on to create a new save file (shows a new text field where player can type name of the save file) button to click on to create a new save file (shows a new text field where player can type name of the save file) "SaveNew" = "+ New save"; UI scaling option. Example: 'Scale: 120%' UI scaling option. Example: 'Scale: 120%' "Scale" = "Scale"; button to send the current vehicle to a depot to have it scrapped for parts button to send the current vehicle to a depot to have it scrapped for parts "ScrapVehicle__Action" = "Scrap"; vehicle scrap button tooltip "ScrapVehicle__InProgress" = "ScrapVehicle__InProgress"; vehicle scrap button tooltip tooltip explaining crop schedule "ScrapVehicle__Tooltip" = "Hver gård kan settes opp med en vekstplan for opp til 4 sesonger. Avlingen vil bli dyrket i rekkefølge fra venstre til høyre, eventuelle manglende avlinger hoppes automatisk over. For eksempel, for å sette opp en avling med to rotasjoner, velg to avlinger i timeplanen og la alt annet være tomt. Avling kan være viktig for gårdens fruktbarhet."; title of graphical settings (resolution, quality, etc.) title of audio settings "ScreenSetting_Title" = "Lyd"; placeholder used in a search text box placeholder used in a search text box "Search" = "Search"; explains the player what they need to do in order to get access to seeds - wheat seeds, canola seeds etc. "SeedsTech_Description" = "SeedsTech_Description"; title of a panel that allows to select a fuel type for a consumer like a ship for instance "SelectFuel_Title" = "SelectFuel_Title"; Title on the "Select mods" tab of the new game window "SelectMods_Title" = "SelectMods_Title"; Message shown in dropdown buttons when no value is selected "SelectOption" = "SelectOption"; title of a panel that allows to select a vehicle from multiple vehicle types "SelectVehicle_Title" = "SelectVehicle_Title"; title of a panel that enables to manage server racks in data center "ServerRacks__Title" = "ServerRacks__Title"; tooltip in data center "ServerRacks__Tooltip" = "ServerRacks__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing limit of population this building can serve, more details in ServiceLimit__Tooltip "ServiceLimit__Title" = "ServiceLimit__Title"; "ServiceLimit__Tooltip" = "ServiceLimit__Tooltip"; title of the settings window title of audio settings "Settings_Title" = "Lyd"; short description "SettlementBiomassModule__desc" = "SettlementBiomassModule__desc"; name "SettlementBiomassModule__name" = "SettlementBiomassModule__name"; short description "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__desc" = "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__desc"; building or machine "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__name" = "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__name"; short description short description "SettlementFoodModule__desc" = "Provides food for attached settlement. A settlement needs to have at least one food market attached otherwise its population will starve."; name building or machine "SettlementFoodModule__name" = "Food market"; short description "SettlementFoodModuleT2__desc" = "SettlementFoodModuleT2__desc"; name "SettlementFoodModuleT2__name" = "SettlementFoodModuleT2__name"; name "SettlementFountain__name" = "SettlementFountain__name"; notification "SettlementFullOfLandfill__name" = "SettlementFullOfLandfill__name"; notification notification "SettlementHasNoFoodModule__name" = "Lastedepot har ingen modul tilgjengelig"; short description "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__desc" = "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__desc"; building or machine "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__name" = "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__name"; short description short description "SettlementHouseholdGoodsModule__desc" = "Provides household goods for an attached settlement."; building or machine building or machine "SettlementHouseholdGoodsModule__name" = "Household goods module"; notification notification "SettlementIsStarving__name" = "Settlement is starving!"; short description "SettlementLandfillModule__desc" = "SettlementLandfillModule__desc"; name "SettlementLandfillModule__name" = "SettlementLandfillModule__name"; name "SettlementPillar__name" = "SettlementPillar__name"; short description short description "SettlementPowerModule__desc" = "Provides attached settlement with electricity. Providing electricity to a settlement generates extra Unity."; name building or machine "SettlementPowerModule__name" = "Transformer"; {0} can be household goods for instance "SettlementRecyclablesModule__descToFormat" = "SettlementRecyclablesModule__descToFormat"; name "SettlementRecyclablesModule__name" = "SettlementRecyclablesModule__name"; title of a panel showing status of all the services in the settlement or globally title of a panel showing status of all the services in the settlement or globally "SettlementServices" = "Services"; tooltip of a panel that shows status of all the services in the selected settlement "SettlementServices__Tooltip" = "Du kan velge å tvinge strengt jevnt input/output produktforhold. Hvis du aktiverer et strengt utgangsforhold, sendes produktene jevnt ut til begge utgangsportene. Hvis en port ikke kan godta flere produkter, stopper utgangen til porten frigjøres. Inndata strengt forhold fungerer på en lignende måte."; name name "SettlementSmall1__name" = "Flåte"; name "SettlementSquare1__name" = "SettlementSquare1__name"; name "SettlementSquare2__name" = "SettlementSquare2__name"; title of a window showing individual settlement information title of a window showing individual settlement information "SettlementTitle" = "Settlement"; shows the current title of a world map settlement ({0}) and the reputation the player has there, example use: 'Settlement (Reputation 4)' "SettlementTitleWithReputation" = "SettlementTitleWithReputation"; title of a panel showing amount of waste accumulated in a settlement "SettlementWaste__Title" = "SettlementWaste__Title"; tooltip "SettlementWaste__Tooltip" = "SettlementWaste__Tooltip"; short description short description "SettlementWaterModule__desc" = "Provides fresh water for attached settlement and returns waste water that needs to be disposed of."; building or machine building or machine "SettlementWaterModule__name" = "Water facility"; name of a machine Used to extract gold ore concentrate from gold ore powder. "SettlingTank__name" = "Gjæringstank"; rendering setting name "ShadowsQualityRenderingSetting__Name" = "ShadowsQualityRenderingSetting__Name"; name name of a machine "Shaft__name" = "Metall støper"; shaft status, currently showing maximum output percentage shaft status, currently showing maximum output percentage "Shaft__Status" = "Forventer {0} flyktning om mindre enn:"; title for section that shows connected shaft overview title for section that shows connected shaft overview "ShaftOverview" = "Connected shaft"; tooltip explaining shafts, {0} = throughput in MW "ShaftOverview__Tooltip" = "ShaftOverview__Tooltip"; describes the number of shifts per day that pops will work in a mine / oil rig, for instance: '2 shifts' describes the number of shifts per day that pops will work in a mine / oil rig, for instance: '2 shifts' "ShiftsCount" = "{0} shift"; used as: '[checkbox] Auto-repair'. When enabled ship will automatically request its repairs. "ShipAutoRepair__Toggle" = "ShipAutoRepair__Toggle"; tooltip for a checkbox that when enabled requests repairs of the ship anytime it is damaged "ShipAutoRepair__Tooltip" = "ShipAutoRepair__Tooltip"; used as: '[checkbox] Automatically return home'. When enabled ship will automatically return home when there is nothing else to do. "ShipAutoReturn__Toggle" = "ShipAutoReturn__Toggle"; tooltip for ShipAutoReturn__Toggle "ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip" = "ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip"; displayed when the ship has cargo but can't unload it displayed when the ship has cargo but can't unload it "ShipCannotUnload" = "Cannot unload cargo! Shipyard is full."; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__BeingModified" = "Ship is being modified"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__BeingRepaired" = "Ship is being modified"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__Damaged" = "Ship is too damaged"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__MovingToDock" = "Ship is arriving to the dock."; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__NoAccess" = "Ship has no access"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__NoCrew" = "Not enough crew"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__NoFuel" = "Not enough fuel"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__Ok" = "Request our ship to visit this location"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__OnWay" = "Already present or on its way"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__TooFar" = "ShipCantVisit__TooFar"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated building or machine Example: Ship delivered cargo to oil rig "ShipCargoDelivered__name" = "Lastedepot (2)"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated name of a machine Example: Done loading cargo for oil rig "ShipCargoLoaded__name" = "Avkjølet Støper"; ship crew label ship crew label "ShipCrew" = "Crew"; button to request to load a crew onto the ship button to request to load a crew onto the ship "ShipCrew__Load" = "Load crew"; ship crew tooltip tooltip "ShipCrew__Tooltip" = "Total akkumulert forsinkelse der avlingen ikke vokste på grunn av vannmangel. Dette er vanligvis greit for tidlige gårder og avlinger med lav vannfølsomhet. Imidlertid kan mer sensitive avlinger tørke ut."; button to request to unload the crew from the ship button to request to unload the crew from the ship "ShipCrew__Unload" = "Unload crew"; title of a window that provides ship modifications & upgrades title of a window that provides ship modifications & upgrades "ShipDesigner" = "Ship designer"; shown when modifications cannot proceed because the ship is being repaired shown when modifications cannot proceed because the ship is being repaired "ShipDesigner_ShipBeingRepaired" = "Ship is being repaired!"; shown when modifications cannot proceed because the ship needs repairs first shown when modifications cannot proceed because the ship needs repairs first "ShipDesigner_ShipNeedsRepairs" = "Ship has to be repaired!"; title of a panel that shows button to confirm current modifications of the ship title of a panel that shows button to confirm current modifications of the ship "ShipDesignerConfirmation__Text" = "Proceed with the modifications?"; title of a panel that shows costs & confirmation of pending ship modifications title of a panel that shows costs & confirmation of pending ship modifications "ShipDesignerConfirmation__Title" = "Pending modifications"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "ShipFuelReduction__desc" = "ShipFuelReduction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "ShipFuelReduction__name" = "ShipFuelReduction__name"; ship's fuel replacement is in progress "ShipFuelSwitch__InProgress" = "ShipFuelSwitch__InProgress"; can't switch fuel type for ship as the selected fuel is already in use "ShipFuelSwitch__InUse" = "ShipFuelSwitch__InUse"; "ShipFuelSwitch__MissingMaterials" = "ShipFuelSwitch__MissingMaterials"; can't switch fuel for ship as the ship is busy "ShipFuelSwitch__ShipBusy" = "ShipFuelSwitch__ShipBusy"; "ShipFuelSwitch__Tooltip" = "ShipFuelSwitch__Tooltip"; title of a button that unloads fuel from the ship title of a button that unloads fuel from the ship "ShipFuelUnload" = "Unload fuel"; tooltip of a button that performs this action tooltip of a button that performs this action "ShipFuelUnload__Tooltip" = "Unloads fuel from the ship back into the shipyard."; "ShipHealth__Title" = "Ship health and repair"; tooltip explaining crop schedule "ShipHealth__Tooltip" = "Hver gård kan settes opp med en vekstplan for opp til 4 sesonger. Avlingen vil bli dyrket i rekkefølge fra venstre til høyre, eventuelle manglende avlinger hoppes automatisk over. For eksempel, for å sette opp en avling med to rotasjoner, velg to avlinger i timeplanen og la alt annet være tomt. Avling kan være viktig for gårdens fruktbarhet."; requests to start loading material onto the ship requests to start loading material onto the ship "ShipLoading__Action" = "Start loading the ship"; "ShipLoading__CancelProject" = "ShipLoading__CancelProject"; tooltip tooltip "ShipLoading__Desc" = "List of all the world map locations that are scheduled for repair or upgrade. After you request materials to be loaded, the trucks will fetch all the required products to the shipyard and the shipyard will load them onto the ship. Once all the required materials are loaded, you can send your ship to deliver the cargo to the location so the construction can begin."; "ShipLoading__Done" = "All required cargo loaded! We can send the ship on its way."; "ShipLoading__InProgress" = "Loading required materials ..."; "ShipLoading__NotStarted" = "Click to fetch the required material onto the ship."; lists all the world map repairs and upgrades in progress title for setting that configures error reporting "ShipLoading__Title" = "Feilrapportering"; notification notification Notification that the player gets after ship modifications are done. "ShipModified__name" = "Lasteskipet har lite drivstoff"; notification name of a machine "ShipRepaired__name" = "Bluss"; name: title of ship upgrade slot name: title of ship upgrade slot "ShipSlotGroupArmor__name" = "Armor"; name: title of ship upgrade slot name: ship part upgrade "ShipSlotGroupBridge__name" = "Skipsbro III"; name: title of ship upgrade slot name "ShipSlotGroupEngine__name" = "Skipsmotor II"; name: title of ship upgrade slot name: title of ship upgrade slot "ShipSlotGroupFuelTank__name" = "Fuel tank"; name: title of ship upgrade slot name: title of ship upgrade slot "ShipSlotGroupGunsFront__name" = "Guns (front)"; name: title of ship upgrade slot name: title of ship upgrade slot "ShipSlotGroupGunsRear__name" = "Guns (rear)"; properties / stats of a ship properties / stats of a ship "ShipStats" = "Ship stats"; modifications are being performed modifications are being performed "ShipUpgrade_Performing" = "Performing modifications"; tooltip - modifications are being performed tooltip - modifications are being performed "ShipUpgrade_Performing__Tooltip" = "Modifications are being applied"; modifications are being prepared (e.g. materials are being loaded to the shipyard) modifications are being prepared (e.g. materials are being loaded to the shipyard) "ShipUpgrade_Preparing" = "Preparing modifications"; tooltip - modifications are being prepared (e.g. materials are being loaded to the shipyard) tooltip that explains what is error reporting "ShipUpgrade_Preparing__Tooltip" = "Tillater oss å sende anonyme rapporter om feil som oppstår under spillingen din. Dette hjelper oss med å oppdage problemer raskt og gjøre spillet bedre for alle."; modifications are ready but ship needs to come back so they can be applied modifications are ready but ship needs to come back so they can be applied "ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting" = "Waiting for ship"; tooltip - modifications are ready but ship needs to come back so they can be applied tooltip - modifications are ready but ship needs to come back so they can be applied "ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting__Tooltip" = "Modifications are prepared, waiting for the ship to apply them"; short description short description of a machine "Shipyard__desc" = "Kan brenne brennbare væsker og gasser, men produserer forurensning."; name ship name "Shipyard__name" = "Lasteskip"; short description "Shipyard2__desc" = "Jorde med vanningsanlegg som kan kobles til en vann- eller gjødselkilde. Det kan være nyttig?"; name ship name "Shipyard2__name" = "Lasteskip"; tooltip of a panel showing all the cargo stored in a shipyard tooltip that explains quick repair action "ShipyardCargo__Tooltip" = "Rask nødreparasjon som koster Unity"; shown when the shipyard has too much cargo that it can't keep unloading the ship shown when the shipyard has too much cargo that it can't keep unloading the ship "ShipyardFullMessage" = "Shipyard is overloaded with cargo!"; tooltip explaining full shipyard tooltip explaining crop schedule "ShipyardFullMessage__Tooltip" = "Hver gård kan settes opp med en vekstplan for opp til 4 sesonger. Avlingen vil bli dyrket i rekkefølge fra venstre til høyre, eventuelle manglende avlinger hoppes automatisk over. For eksempel, for å sette opp en avling med to rotasjoner, velg to avlinger i timeplanen og la alt annet være tomt. Avling kan være viktig for gårdens fruktbarhet."; truck will prioritize products remove to keep this building empty truck will prioritize products remove to keep this building empty "ShipyardKeepEmpty" = "Keep empty"; tooltip tooltip "ShipyardKeepEmpty__Tooltip" = "Requests trucks to prioritize unloading of the cargo from the shipyard."; button to set the current shipyard as primary, more is explained in ShipyardMakePrimary__Tooltip "ShipyardMakePrimary" = "ShipyardMakePrimary"; tooltip "ShipyardMakePrimary__Tooltip" = "ShipyardMakePrimary__Tooltip"; tooltip "ShipyardMakePrimary__TooltipInProgress" = "ShipyardMakePrimary__TooltipInProgress"; explains that current action is not available until the shipyard is repaired "ShipyardNeedsRepairs" = "ShipyardNeedsRepairs"; tooltip explaining what ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button does "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__BtnTooltip" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__BtnTooltip"; button that allows recovering ocean access by digging ground "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button"; title for a panel providing option to recover access to shipyard's docking area "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Title" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Title"; tooltip explaining what ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button does "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Tooltip" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Tooltip"; button to open current directory in OS explorer "ShowInExplorer" = "ShowInExplorer"; example: 'show / 60 [clock icon]', when this is on, recipes durations are normalized to some duration (e.g. 60). example: 'show / 60 [clock icon]', when this is on, recipes durations are normalized to some duration (e.g. 60). "ShowPerDuration" = "show"; short description of a machine "Shredder__desc" = "Shredder__desc"; name of a machine "Shredder__name" = "Shredder__name"; short description of a machine "SiliconCrystallizer__desc" = "SiliconCrystallizer__desc"; name of a machine name of a machine "SiliconCrystallizer__name" = "Elektrolysator"; short description of a machine short description "SiliconReactor__desc" = "Brenner diesel for å skape strøm."; name of a machine name "SiliconReactor__name" = "Dieselaggregat"; Action to skip something (e.g. skip a task) "Skip" = "Skip"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "SmeltingFurnaceT1__desc" = "Smelts various materials such as iron or copper. The output is a molten material that needs to be sent via molten channel transport, for instance, into a caster for further processing. Molten materials cannot be transported via trucks."; name of a machine name of a machine "SmeltingFurnaceT1__name" = "Lysbueovn"; short description of a machine short description "SmeltingFurnaceT2__desc" = "Øker fart og rekkevidde på skipet."; name of a machine name of a machine "SmeltingFurnaceT2__name" = "Lysbueovn"; description of a smoke stack short description "SmokeStack__desc" = "Sterkt lys hjelper andre flyktninger med å finne øyen din og bli med deg."; name of a machine building or machine "SmokeStack__name" = "Fyrtårn"; name of a machine "SmokeStackLarge__name" = "SmokeStackLarge__name"; short description short description of a machine "SolarPanel__desc" = "Kan brenne brennbare væsker og gasser, men produserer forurensning."; name name of a machine "SolarPanel__name" = "Bluss"; solar panel description, example use of {0}: 'they provide 25% more energy' "SolarPanelMono__desc" = "SolarPanelMono__desc"; name "SolarPanelMono__name" = "SolarPanelMono__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "SolarPowerIncrease__desc" = "SolarPowerIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "SolarPowerIncrease__name" = "SolarPowerIncrease__name"; notification "SortingPlantBlockedOutput__name" = "SortingPlantBlockedOutput__name"; notification "SortingPlantNoProductSet__name" = "SortingPlantNoProductSet__name"; short description of a machine short description of a machine https://www.pall.co.uk/uk/en/oil-gas/refining/sour-water-stripping.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steam_stripping "SourWaterStripper__desc" = "Kraftig mikser som lager betong."; name of a machine name of a machine https://www.pall.co.uk/uk/en/oil-gas/refining/sour-water-stripping.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steam_stripping "SourWaterStripper__name" = "Betongblander"; example replacements: {0} => 50% "SpeedReduced__Machine" = "SpeedReduced__Machine"; example replacements: {0} => 50% "SpeedReduced__Vehicle" = "SpeedReduced__Vehicle"; "SpruceTree__desc" = "SpruceTree__desc"; short description "Stacker__desc" = "Stacker__desc"; name "Stacker__name" = "Stacker__name"; title of a panel that shows what products are dumped by the stacker "StackerProducts__Title" = "StackerProducts__Title"; shows stage of some building or process, {0} is building or process name, {1} is stage number like 1 or 2 "StageStr" = "StageStr"; Title shown above the starting location description in the map selection tab of the new game flow "StartingLocation_Title" = "StartingLocation_Title"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__InsaneTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__InsaneTooltip"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__MediumTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__MediumTooltip"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the easiest one) "StartingLocationDifficulty_Easy" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Easy"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty_Hard" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Hard"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the hardest one) "StartingLocationDifficulty_Insane" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Insane"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty_Medium" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Medium"; button to click on to open a research window to pick a new research, shown when no research is in progress button to click on to open a research window to pick a new research "StartNewResearch_Action" = "Start new research"; requests to start repairs requests to start repairs "StartRepairs" = "Start repairs"; tooltip tooltip that explains quick repair action "StartRepairs__Tooltip" = "Rask nødreparasjon som koster Unity"; button to start researching the currently selected research node button to start researching the currently selected research node "StartResearch_Action" = "Start research"; "StarvationMode__Death" = "StarvationMode__Death"; "StarvationMode__ReducedWorkers" = "StarvationMode__ReducedWorkers"; title of a window containing statistics title of a window containing statistics "Statistics" = "Statistics"; shown when statistics have no data yet "Stats_NoDataYet" = "Stats_NoDataYet"; statistics category referring to usage of fuel in cargo ships "StatsCat__CargoShips" = "StatsCat__CargoShips"; statistics category referring to usage of fuel in the main player's ship "StatsCat__MainShip" = "StatsCat__MainShip"; statistics category referring to usage of products in power production "StatsCat__PowerProduction" = "StatsCat__PowerProduction"; statistics category referring to usage of fuel in vehicles "StatsCat__Vehicles" = "StatsCat__Vehicles"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product via costs in construction "StatsEntry__Construction" = "StatsEntry__Construction"; label of a chart showing production of a product by getting it back via deconstruction "StatsEntry__Deconstruction" = "StatsEntry__Deconstruction"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product by dumping it (on terrain or into ocean) or disposing it (burning it) "StatsEntry__Dumping" = "StatsEntry__Dumping"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product by exporting it into the world "StatsEntry__Export" = "StatsEntry__Export"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product via farming (e.g. by irrigation) "StatsEntry__Farming" = "StatsEntry__Farming"; label of a chart showing production of a product by importing it from world map "StatsEntry__Import" = "StatsEntry__Import"; label of a chart showing production of a product by mining "StatsEntry__Mining" = "StatsEntry__Mining"; label of a chart showing production of a product by recycling it "StatsEntry__Recycling" = "StatsEntry__Recycling"; label of a chart showing total consumption of a product "StatsEntry__TotalConsumption" = "StatsEntry__TotalConsumption"; label of a chart showing total production of a product "StatsEntry__TotalProduction" = "StatsEntry__TotalProduction"; title of a chart that shows total global quantity of a product in factory / island over time. "StatsEntry__TotalQuantity" = "StatsEntry__TotalQuantity"; statistics category referring to people born on the island "StatsPops__Born" = "StatsPops__Born"; statistics category referring to people lost (people who died / left the island) "StatsPops__Lost" = "StatsPops__Lost"; statistics category referring to people that joined they island as refuges or the player adopted them "StatsPops__Refugees" = "StatsPops__Refugees"; title of a chart that shows quantity statistics of a product over time. "StatsProduct_Quantity" = "StatsProduct_Quantity"; shows stats for the last {0} day "StatsRange__Days" = "StatsRange__Days"; title of a column showing sum of data from previous year "StatsRange__LastYear" = "StatsRange__LastYear"; title of a column showing sum of lifetime data - sum of data for the whole gameplay duration "StatsRange__Lifetime" = "StatsRange__Lifetime"; shows max range of statistics chart shows max range of statistics chart "StatsRange__Max" = "Max"; shows stats for the last {0} month "StatsRange__Months" = "StatsRange__Months"; title of a column showing sum of data from this year "StatsRange__ThisYear" = "StatsRange__ThisYear"; shows stats for the last {0} years shows stats for the last {0} years "StatsRange__Years" = "Last {0} year"; title of a tab that shows breakdown data for some statistics (keep short) "StatsTab__Breakdown" = "StatsTab__Breakdown"; title of a tab that shows a summary chart for some statistics (e.g. power) (keep short) "StatsTab__Chart" = "StatsTab__Chart"; e.g. {0} - '5%', {1} - 'Fuel gas' "StatueOfMaintenance__desc" = "StatueOfMaintenance__desc"; name "StatueOfMaintenance__name" = "StatueOfMaintenance__name"; name "StatueOfMaintenanceGolden__name" = "StatueOfMaintenanceGolden__name"; label of a panel showing current entity status "Status" = "Status"; Some feature or trade in a settlement isn't available because player has a low reputation. An example use: Requires reputation to be at least 1 "Status_LowReputation" = "Status_LowReputation"; Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Stone_TerrainSurface" = "Stone_TerrainSurface"; title of a button that opens a panel with storage alerts setup "StorageAlert__BtnTitle" = "StorageAlert__BtnTitle"; used in the following context '[checkbox] notify if Empty' "StorageAlert__Empty" = "StorageAlert__Empty"; used in the following context '[checkbox] notify if Full' "StorageAlert__Full" = "StorageAlert__Full"; used in the following context '[checkbox] notify if Empty / Full' "StorageAlert__Prefix" = "StorageAlert__Prefix"; building or machine building or machine "StorageFluid__name" = "Fluid storage"; description for storage "StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc" = "StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc"; building or machine building or machine "StorageFluidT2__name" = "Væskemodul (M)"; building or machine "StorageFluidT3__name" = "StorageFluidT3__name"; building or machine "StorageFluidT4__name" = "StorageFluidT4__name"; building or machine name of a machine "StorageLoose__name" = "Avkjølet Støper"; description for storage "StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc" = "StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc"; building or machine building or machine "StorageLooseT2__name" = "Løsmasse modul (M)"; building or machine "StorageLooseT3__name" = "StorageLooseT3__name"; building or machine "StorageLooseT4__name" = "StorageLooseT4__name"; appended at the end of a description to explain that a storage consumes power "StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix" = "StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "storagesCategory__name" = "Lastekaier"; description for storage "StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc" = "StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "StorageSupplyTooHigh__name" = "StorageSupplyTooHigh__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "StorageSupplyTooLow__name" = "StorageSupplyTooLow__name"; building or machine building or machine "StorageUnit__name" = "Datasenter"; building or machine name: ship part upgrade "StorageUnitT2__name" = "Skipsbro II"; building or machine "StorageUnitT3__name" = "StorageUnitT3__name"; building or machine "StorageUnitT4__name" = "StorageUnitT4__name"; explains that player needs to assign a product which they want to convert to heat and back by using a heat storage "StoredHeat__NoProductSelected" = "StoredHeat__NoProductSelected"; Title of a panel that shows total amount of heat in a thermal storage (imagine it as a heat battery) "StoredHeat__Title" = "StoredHeat__Title"; tooltip for a heat bar in a thermal storage "StoredHeat__Tooltip" = "StoredHeat__Tooltip"; tooltip tooltip "StoredProduct__Clear_Tooltip" = "Estimert gjennomsnittlig produksjon per måned basert på gjeldende fruktbarhet. Forsinkelser på grunn av mangel på vann er ikke inkludert i dette estimatet. Imidlertid er ekstra tid påført avlinger lagt til bare for fruktbarhet inkludert. For å se hvor mye mat som trengs, sjekk forbruksrapporten for matmarkedet."; tooltip tooltip "StoredProduct__ClearActive_Tooltip" = "Storage is now being emptied by trucks."; note: keep this short!! - label of a slider that requires the storage to be empty note: keep this short!! - label of a slider that requires the storage to be empty "StoredProduct__KeepEmpty" = "Empty"; note: keep this short!! - label of a slider that requires the storage to be full note: keep this short!! - label of a slider that requires the storage to be full "StoredProduct__KeepFull" = "Keep full"; explains that no product was assigned to a storage so far explains that no product was assigned to a storage so far "StoredProduct__NothingStored" = "No product assigned"; Title of a panel that shows product that is stored in a some entity Title of a panel that shows product that is stored in a some entity "StoredProduct__Title" = "Stored product"; storage tooltip tooltip "StoredProduct__Tooltip" = "Estimert gjennomsnittlig produksjon per måned basert på gjeldende fruktbarhet. Forsinkelser på grunn av mangel på vann er ikke inkludert i dette estimatet. Imidlertid er ekstra tid påført avlinger lagt til bare for fruktbarhet inkludert. For å se hvor mye mat som trengs, sjekk forbruksrapporten for matmarkedet."; world mine tooltip tooltip "StoredProduct__WorldMapTooltip" = "Estimert gjennomsnittlig produksjon per måned basert på gjeldende fruktbarhet. Forsinkelser på grunn av mangel på vann er ikke inkludert i dette estimatet. Imidlertid er ekstra tid påført avlinger lagt til bare for fruktbarhet inkludert. For å se hvor mye mat som trengs, sjekk forbruksrapporten for matmarkedet."; button to open a page for posting suggestions "Suggestions" = "Suggestions"; name name "SulfurMine__name" = "Bauksittgruve"; name: describes the current weather name: describes the current weather "SunnyWeather__name" = "Skyete"; title of a panel that shows products support by a given storage or transport title of a panel that shows products support by a given storage or transport "SupportedProducts" = "Supported products"; title of a panel showing icons of trucks that are supported by this vehicle / compatible with this vehicle. E.g. trucks that are supported by an excavator. As some excavators require small trucks and some require bigger trucks. "SupportedTrucks__Title" = "SupportedTrucks__Title"; Title above maps from the supporter's edition of the game "SupporterMaps__Title" = "SupporterMaps__Title"; name: toolbar category name "surfaceCategory__name" = "surfaceCategory__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Areas__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Areas__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces Contains letters and numbers. "SurfaceDecalsCat_Characters__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Characters__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Hazard__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Hazard__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Lines__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Lines__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_LinesDouble__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_LinesDouble__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Symbols__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Symbols__name"; short description "TechnologyBlueprints__desc" = "TechnologyBlueprints__desc"; name "TechnologyBlueprints__name" = "TechnologyBlueprints__name"; name "TechnologyCanolaSeeds__name" = "TechnologyCanolaSeeds__name"; short description short description "TechnologyCargoShip__desc" = "We need to discover a cargo ship in the world map to understand how to design this building."; name ship name "TechnologyCargoShip__name" = "Lasteskip"; name name "TechnologyCornSeeds__name" = "Corn seeds"; short description "TechnologyCropRotation__desc" = "TechnologyCropRotation__desc"; name "TechnologyCropRotation__name" = "TechnologyCropRotation__name"; {0}=list of buildings "TechnologyCustomRoutes__desc" = "TechnologyCustomRoutes__desc"; name name "TechnologyCustomRoutes__name" = "Custom routes"; short description "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__desc" = "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__desc"; name "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__name" = "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__name"; name "TechnologyElectronics2__name" = "TechnologyElectronics2__name"; name "TechnologyFruitSeeds__name" = "TechnologyFruitSeeds__name"; name "TechnologyHydrogenCargoShip__name" = "TechnologyHydrogenCargoShip__name"; short description short description "TechnologyMechPowerAutoBalance__desc" = "Once manually enabled for a steam turbine, it prevents it from wasting steam by automatically shutting it off in case there is a large excess of mechanical power on the shaft. Once the power on the shaft gets low, the turbine gets restarted. However restarts are not instant so shaft should be accompanied with a mechanical power storage to achieve stable supply of energy."; name name "TechnologyMechPowerAutoBalance__name" = "Turbine control"; name "TechnologyMicrochip__name" = "TechnologyMicrochip__name"; name name "TechnologyNuclearPower__name" = "Nuclear energy"; short description short description "TechnologyOilDrilling__desc" = "We need to discover an oil rig in the world map to obtain this technology."; name name "TechnologyOilDrilling__name" = "Ocean drilling technology"; name "TechnologyPoppySeeds__name" = "TechnologyPoppySeeds__name"; short description "TechnologyRecycling__desc" = "TechnologyRecycling__desc"; name "TechnologyRecycling__name" = "TechnologyRecycling__name"; name name "TechnologyShipRadar__name" = "Radar system"; name name "TechnologyShipRadarT2__name" = "Radar system II"; name "TechnologySoybeansSeeds__name" = "TechnologySoybeansSeeds__name"; name "TechnologySugarCaneSeeds__name" = "TechnologySugarCaneSeeds__name"; short description "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__desc" = "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__desc"; name "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__name" = "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__name"; name "TechnologyWheatSeeds__name" = "TechnologyWheatSeeds__name"; rendering setting name "TerrainDetailsRenderDistance" = "TerrainDetailsRenderDistance"; rendering setting name "TerrainQuality" = "TerrainQuality"; short description: rocket description, {0} is fuel like 'hydrogen' "TestingRocketT0__desc" = "TestingRocketT0__desc"; name "TestingRocketT0__name" = "TestingRocketT0__name"; short description of a machine short description "ThermalDesalinator__desc" = "Brenner diesel for å skape strøm."; name of a machine name "ThermalDesalinator__name" = "Dieselaggregat"; title of a panel with recipe that explains how a thermal storage is charged (with steam to store heat) "ThermalStorage__ChargingRecipeTitle" = "ThermalStorage__ChargingRecipeTitle"; description of a thermal storage "ThermalStorage__desc" = "ThermalStorage__desc"; title of a panel with recipe that explains how a thermal storage is discharged (by using its heat to create steam) "ThermalStorage__DischargingRecipeTitle" = "ThermalStorage__DischargingRecipeTitle"; name "ThermalStorage__name" = "ThermalStorage__name"; "ThisVehicleCannotDriveUnderTransports" = "ThisVehicleCannotDriveUnderTransports"; throughput of something, e.g. 'Throughput: 20%' "ThroughputWithParam" = "ThroughputWithParam"; tip displayed on the loading screen tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__BuildClose" = "Build machines that process mined material closer to mines to save on fuel for trucks."; tip displayed on the loading screen tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__BuildTransports" = "If your logistics network is overwhelmed, build more trucks or connect machines with conveyor belts to relieve it."; tip displayed on the loading screen tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__Diesel" = "Keep an eye on the amount of diesel. If you run out, your trucks and excavators will stop working."; tip displayed on the loading screen tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__Food" = "Make sure you always have enough food otherwise your people will starve."; tip displayed on the loading screen tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__OilRig" = "If you are running out of crude oil on your island, you can explore with your ship for remote oil rigs."; tip displayed on the loading screen, example: 'Tip #2: have fun!' tip displayed on the loading screen, example: 'Tip #2: have fun!' "TipOnLoad__Prefix" = "Tip #{0}: {1}"; tip displayed on the loading screen tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__TransportStraight" = "When building transports, hold SHIFT to only allow straight transports, or hold CTRL for alternative route."; tip displayed on the loading screen tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__TransportUX" = "When building transports, instead of selecting a particular transport from menu, you can initiate transport construction by just hovering and clicking on port arrows or other transports."; tip displayed on the loading screen tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__Unity" = "Unity is generated by settlements when people are well and happy. It is used in many important places but keeping some extra for emergencies is a wise idea."; tip displayed on the loading screen tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__Unity2" = "Unity can be also used for quick-repair of entities, even when maintenance parts are completely missing."; button to flip transport - conveyor belt, pipe, etc. button to flip transport - conveyor belt, pipe, etc. "ToggleDirection" = "Toggle direction"; a description of tomb of captains "TombOfCaptainsStage1__desc" = "TombOfCaptainsStage1__desc"; name of a building "TombOfCaptainsStageFinal__name" = "TombOfCaptainsStageFinal__name"; tooltip "Toolbox__HideCosts" = "Toolbox__HideCosts"; title of a menu containing editing tools such as copy paste or delete. "ToolsTitle" = "ToolsTitle"; title of a last row in a table that serves as a sum, e.g. 'Total 2 Unity' title of a last row in a table that serves as a sum, e.g. 'Total 2 Unity' "Total" = "Total"; label of a chart showing total population "TotalPopulation" = "TotalPopulation"; tooltip shown when player has homeless people on the island "TotalPopulation__HomelessTooltip" = "TotalPopulation__HomelessTooltip"; tooltip explaining total population view "TotalPopulation__Tooltip" = "TotalPopulation__Tooltip"; used like this 'Total settlement need: 40 / month' used like this 'Total settlement need: 40 / month' "TotalSettlementNeed" = "Total settlement need"; used like this 'Total settlement production: 40 / month' used like this 'Total settlement production: 40 / month' "TotalSettlementOutput" = "Total settlement production"; could not place a transport as it the other being connected to it is being destroyed {0} is a name of product, for instance oil pump can't be placed on the ground as there is no deposit of oil "TrAdditionError__BeingDestroyed" = "Det finnes ikke {0} her"; could not place an entity because it is blocked by other entity, {0} = name of blocked entity "TrAdditionError__Blocked" = "TrAdditionError__Blocked"; could not place reverse a transport could not place a building as some part needs to be in the ocean (e.g. ship depot) "TrAdditionError__CannotReverse" = "Noen deler må være i havet"; could not place a transport as its direction could not be resolved could not place a farm as the terrain is not farmable "TrAdditionError__IncompatibleDirection" = "Deler av jorden er ikke dyrkbar"; could not place a transport due to incompatible port at transport end could not place a farm as the terrain is not farmable "TrAdditionError__IncompatiblePortAtEnd" = "Deler av jorden er ikke dyrkbar"; could not place a transport due to incompatible port at transport start could not place a farm as the terrain is not farmable "TrAdditionError__IncompatiblePortAtStart" = "Deler av jorden er ikke dyrkbar"; could not connect a transport could not place a building outside a predefined slot (e.g. shipyard module) "TrAdditionError__InvalidConnection" = "Må plasseres på en markert plass"; generic message for invalid transport could not place a building outside a predefined slot (e.g. shipyard module) "TrAdditionError__InvalidTransport" = "Må plasseres på en markert plass"; generic message for invalid transport split position "TrAdditionError__InvalidTransportCut" = "TrAdditionError__InvalidTransportCut"; could not place a transport because its start and end are connected to the same transport {0} is a name of product, for instance oil pump can't be placed on the ground as there is no deposit of oil "TrAdditionError__Loop" = "Det finnes ikke {0} her"; transport of this type cannot be split/merged could not place a building because it already exists and only one is allowed in the game "TrAdditionError__NoMiniZipper" = "Bygningen er unik og eksisterer allerede"; could not place a transport because of no valid pillars (supports) placement could not place a farm as the terrain is not farmable "TrAdditionError__NoPillars" = "Deler av jorden er ikke dyrkbar"; could not merge a transport due to not being flat could not place a building as the ground is not flat enough "TrAdditionError__NotFlat" = "Bakken er ikke flat nok"; could not find a valid transport to selected position could not place a building as the ground is not flat enough "TrAdditionError__PathNotFound" = "Bakken er ikke flat nok"; could not place a transport because it is self-colliding could not place a building / machine as it collides with another one called {0}, example: 'Collision with shipyard' "TrAdditionError__SelfColliding" = "Kollisjon med {0}"; could not place a transport because of collision with terrain could not place a building / machine as it collides with another one called {0}, example: 'Collision with shipyard' "TrAdditionError__TerrainCollision" = "Kollisjon med {0}"; could not create a connector because it is too close to other connector, {0} is translated name of the connector "TrAdditionError__TooCloseToOtherMiniZipper" = "TrAdditionError__TooCloseToOtherMiniZipper"; could not connect a transport to another one as they don't match could not place a building as the ground is not flat enough "TrAdditionError__TypesNoMatch" = "Bakken er ikke flat nok"; performs a trade with another settlement performs a trade with another settlement "Trade__Action" = "Trade"; displayed when trade action is no longer available displayed when trade action is no longer available "Trade__SoldOut" = "Sold out"; short description "TradeDock__desc" = "TradeDock__desc"; name "TradeDock__name" = "TradeDock__name"; tooltip of a panel showing all the cargo stored in a trade dock "TradeDockCargo__Tooltip" = "TradeDockCargo__Tooltip"; shown after player makes a trade that the products were delivered shown after player makes a trade that the products were delivered "TradeOfferDelivered" = "Products were delivered to our shipyard!"; shown after player makes a trade that the products were delivered "TradeOfferDelivered__Animal" = "TradeOfferDelivered__Animal"; shown after player makes a trade that the products were delivered "TradeOfferDelivered__CargoShip" = "TradeOfferDelivered__CargoShip"; title of a panel that shows trade offer from a world map settlement title of a panel that show trade offer from a world map settlement "TradeOffers" = "Trade offers"; title of a panel that shows trade offer from a world map settlement "TradeOffers__Tooltip" = "TradeOffers__Tooltip"; player can't afford the current trade as it requires more products than they have player can't afford the current trade as it requires more products than they have "TradeStatus__CantAfford" = "You don't have enough products to trade with"; tooltip explaining how trade works tooltip explaining how trade works "TradeStatus__Info" = "We will get products delivered to our shipyard immediately"; tooltip explaining how buying animals works "TradeStatus__Info_Animal" = "TradeStatus__Info_Animal"; tooltip explaining how buying cargo ships works "TradeStatus__Info_CargoShip" = "TradeStatus__Info_CargoShip"; player can't trade an animal (e.g. chicken) as they have no farm where they could place it into, note: players confuse regular farm with animal farm, try to make it clear "TradeStatus__NoSpaceInFarm" = "TradeStatus__NoSpaceInFarm"; player can't trade as they are missing a trade dock building that enables them to trade "TradeStatus__NoTradeDock" = "TradeStatus__NoTradeDock"; player lack unity to afford the current trade or feature not enough Unity to run this entity (keep it short!) "TradeStatus__NoUnity" = "Ingen Unity"; trade is 'sold out' trade is 'sold out' "TradeStatus__SoldOut" = "Sold out - come back later"; player can't trade as their trade dock is not operational "TradeStatus__TradeDockNotOperational" = "TradeStatus__TradeDockNotOperational"; title of a window that provides overview on trading - buying, selling products "TradeTitle" = "TradeTitle"; Button that takes player to a world so they can trade with some village they'd like "TradeWithVillage" = "TradeWithVillage"; title of a panel showing all the products transported by a selected transport title of a panel showing all the products transported by a selected transport "TransportedProducts" = "Transported products"; height of the current transport that is being build - e.g. 'Height: 2' "TransportHeightTooltip" = "TransportHeightTooltip"; category for key bindings used during transport build / editing (when players builds / places transports) "TransportMode" = "TransportMode"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "transportsCategory__name" = "Lastekaier"; label showing that transport snapping is currently disabled (we show it as it can confuse players), please be consistent with TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip "TransportSnappingOff__Title" = "TransportSnappingOff__Title"; tooltip, be consistent with TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip "TransportSnappingOff__Tooltip" = "TransportSnappingOff__Tooltip"; short description short description "TransportsPillar__desc" = "Pillar that supports transports."; name name "TransportsPillar__name" = "Pillar"; tooltip "TransportTool__NoTurnTooltip" = "TransportTool__NoTurnTooltip"; tooltip "TransportTool__PortBlockTooltip" = "TransportTool__PortBlockTooltip"; tooltip "TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip" = "TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip"; tooltip "TransportTool__TieBreakTooltip" = "TransportTool__TieBreakTooltip"; explanation how to make transport shorter "TransportTooLong__HowToResolve" = "TransportTooLong__HowToResolve"; notification "TransportTooLong__name" = "TransportTooLong__name"; could not cut transport as it is already being constructed "TrCutError__ConstructionAlreadyStarted" = "TrCutError__ConstructionAlreadyStarted"; short description "TreeHarvesterT1__desc" = "TreeHarvesterT1__desc"; name "TreeHarvesterT1__name" = "TreeHarvesterT1__name"; "TreeHarvesterT2__desc" = "TreeHarvesterT2__desc"; name "TreeHarvesterT2__name" = "TreeHarvesterT2__name"; name "TreeHarvesterT2H__name" = "TreeHarvesterT2H__name"; {0} = 'key binding that open the tool' "TreeHarvesting__part1" = "TreeHarvesting__part1"; {0} = 'Tree harvester' "TreeHarvesting__part2" = "TreeHarvesting__part2"; "TreeHarvesting__part3" = "TreeHarvesting__part3"; "TreePlanterT1__desc" = "TreePlanterT1__desc"; name "TreePlanterT1__name" = "TreePlanterT1__name"; name "TreePlanterT1H__name" = "TreePlanterT1H__name"; explains when trees are going to be cut / harvested, example use: 'Cut after: 4 years' "Trees__CutAfter" = "Trees__CutAfter"; Title of a panel that allows to configure when trees are harvested "Trees__HarvestingOptions" = "Trees__HarvestingOptions"; tooltip "Trees__HarvestingOptionsTooltip" = "Trees__HarvestingOptionsTooltip"; Used to signify trees should not be cut. Tooltip. "Trees__NoCut" = "Trees__NoCut"; description of tree in a build menu "TreesInMenuDescription" = "TreesInMenuDescription"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated name of a machine Example: "Truck cannot deliver coal. No valid destination" "TruckCannotDeliver__name" = "Metall støper"; notification "TruckCannotDeliverMixedCargo__name" = "TruckCannotDeliverMixedCargo__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "TruckCapacityIncrease__desc" = "Matforbruket økes med {0}"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. name: policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "TruckCapacityIncrease__name" = "Mye mat"; notification "TruckHasNoValidExcavator__name" = "TruckHasNoValidExcavator__name"; Tab that contains more insights into jobs done by vehicles and the cargo they exchanged "TrucksAnalytics__Title" = "TrucksAnalytics__Title"; number of jobs done by a vehicle, example use: '1 job', '2 jobs' "TrucksStats__JobsCnt" = "TrucksStats__JobsCnt"; "TrucksStats__OptionGeneral" = "TrucksStats__OptionGeneral"; "TrucksStats__OptionGeneralTooltip" = "TrucksStats__OptionGeneralTooltip"; "TrucksStats__OptionMining" = "TrucksStats__OptionMining"; "TrucksStats__OptionMiningTooltip" = "TrucksStats__OptionMiningTooltip"; "TrucksStats__OptionRefueling" = "TrucksStats__OptionRefueling"; "TrucksStats__OptionRefuelingTooltip" = "TrucksStats__OptionRefuelingTooltip"; Title of a panel showing aggregated overview of products transported by trucks in some selected time period. "TrucksStats__Title" = "TrucksStats__Title"; truck description, for instance {0}=20,{1}=2 "TruckT1__desc" = "TruckT1__desc"; vehicle "TruckT1__name" = "TruckT1__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=20,{1}=2 "TruckT2__desc" = "TruckT2__desc"; vehicle "TruckT2__name" = "TruckT2__name"; vehicle "TruckT2H__name" = "TruckT2H__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3Fluid__desc" = "TruckT3Fluid__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3Fluid__name" = "TruckT3Fluid__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3FluidH__desc" = "TruckT3FluidH__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3FluidH__name" = "TruckT3FluidH__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3Loose__desc" = "TruckT3Loose__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3Loose__name" = "TruckT3Loose__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3LooseH__desc" = "TruckT3LooseH__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3LooseH__name" = "TruckT3LooseH__name"; description of a high pressure turbine description of a high pressure turbine "TurbineHighPress__desc" = "Uses high pressure steam to create mechanical power."; name name "TurbineHighPress__name" = "High-pressure turbine"; name name: ship part upgrade "TurbineHighPressT2__name" = "Skipsbro II"; description of a low pressure turbine description of a low pressure turbine "TurbineLowPress__desc" = "Improves power production efficiency by reusing low pressure steam to create mechanical power."; name name "TurbineLowPress__name" = "Low-pressure turbine"; name name: ship part upgrade "TurbineLowPressT2__name" = "Panser plater II"; description of a super pressure turbine "TurbineSuperPress__desc" = "TurbineSuperPress__desc"; name "TurbineSuperPress__name" = "TurbineSuperPress__name"; title of message or tutorial name: message for player "TutorialOnAdvancedLogistics__name" = "Advanced logistics"; title of message or tutorial ship name "TutorialOnCargoShip__name" = "Lasteskip"; {0} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnCargoShip__part1" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part1"; "TutorialOnCargoShip__part2" = "The number of ships available (repaired) and the number of ships discovered is shown in the top status bar (image below)."; {0} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3a" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3a"; {0} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3b" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3b"; "TutorialOnCargoShip__part4Heading" = "Ship logistics"; "TutorialOnCargoShip__part4V2" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part4V2"; "TutorialOnCargoShip__part5V2" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part5V2"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnCoalPower__name" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__name"; "TutorialOnCoalPower__part1" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part1"; "TutorialOnCoalPower__part2" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part2"; {0} = Flywheel "TutorialOnCoalPower__part3" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part3"; {0} = Flywheel "TutorialOnCoalPower__part4" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part4"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnContracts__name" = "TutorialOnContracts__name"; {0} = Cargo ship "TutorialOnContracts__part1" = "TutorialOnContracts__part1"; {0} = Cargo ship, {1} = Cargo depot, {2} = Food Packs, {3} = Crude Oil "TutorialOnContracts__part2" = "TutorialOnContracts__part2"; {0} = Cargo Ship, {1} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnContracts__part3" = "TutorialOnContracts__part3"; "TutorialOnCopySettings__part1" = "TutorialOnCopySettings__part1"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnCopySettings__part2" = "TutorialOnCopySettings__part2"; "TutorialOnCopyTool__part1" = "TutorialOnCopyTool__part1"; {0}, {1} = shortcut keys "TutorialOnCopyTool__part2" = "TutorialOnCopyTool__part2"; {0} shortcut key "TutorialOnCopyTool__part3" = "TutorialOnCopyTool__part3"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnCrisis__name" = "TutorialOnCrisis__name"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part1" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part1"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part2" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part2"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part2Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part2Heading"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part3" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part3"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part3Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part3Heading"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part4" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part4"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part4Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part4Heading"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part5" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part5"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part5Heading"; {0} - keep full "TutorialOnCrisis__part6V2" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part6V2"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part7a" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part7a"; {0} - Diesel generator "TutorialOnCrisis__part7b" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part7b"; {0} - Unity "TutorialOnCrisis__part8V2" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part8V2"; "TutorialOnCutTool__part1" = "TutorialOnCutTool__part1"; {0}, {1} = shortcut keys "TutorialOnCutTool__part2" = "TutorialOnCutTool__part2"; title of message or tutorial name: message for player "TutorialOnDiesel__name" = "Diesel production"; {0} = diesel, {1} = crude oil, {2} = basic distiller, {3} = oil pump "TutorialOnDiesel2__part1" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part1"; "TutorialOnDiesel2__part2" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part2"; {0} = oil pump, {1} = basic distiller "TutorialOnDiesel2__part3" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part3"; {0} = crude oil "TutorialOnDiesel2__part4" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part4"; {0} = waste water, {1} = exhaust, {2} = Smoke stack, {3} = Liquid dump "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5"; "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5Heading"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnDumping__name" = "TutorialOnDumping__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnFarmFertility__name" = "TutorialOnFarmFertility__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnFarming__name" = "TutorialOnFarming__name"; "TutorialOnFarming__part2" = "TutorialOnFarming__part2"; "TutorialOnFarming__water" = "TutorialOnFarming__water"; "TutorialOnFarming__water2" = "TutorialOnFarming__water2"; "TutorialOnFarming__waterHeading" = "TutorialOnFarming__waterHeading"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers1" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers1"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers2" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers2"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers3" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers3"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizersHeading" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizersHeading"; "TutorialOnFertility__part1" = "TutorialOnFertility__part1"; "TutorialOnFertility__part2" = "TutorialOnFertility__part2"; fertility equilibrium is an established term in the game, e.g. in FarmFertility__Equilibrium, please make sure to use it consistently "TutorialOnFertility__part3" = "TutorialOnFertility__part3"; {0} - replaced with percentage (e.g. 50%), {1} - green manure "TutorialOnFertility__rotation1" = "TutorialOnFertility__rotation1"; "TutorialOnFertility__rotation2" = "TutorialOnFertility__rotation2"; "TutorialOnFertility__rotationHeading" = "TutorialOnFertility__rotationHeading"; title of message or tutorial name of a machine "TutorialOnFurnace__name" = "Lysbueovn"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnHealth__name" = "TutorialOnHealth__name"; "TutorialOnHealth__part1" = "TutorialOnHealth__part1"; "TutorialOnHealth__part2" = "TutorialOnHealth__part2"; "TutorialOnHealth__part2Heading" = "TutorialOnHealth__part2Heading"; "TutorialOnHealth__part3" = "TutorialOnHealth__part3"; "TutorialOnHealth__part3Heading" = "TutorialOnHealth__part3Heading"; "TutorialOnHealth__part4" = "TutorialOnHealth__part4"; "TutorialOnHealth__part5a" = "TutorialOnHealth__part5a"; "TutorialOnHealth__part5b" = "TutorialOnHealth__part5b"; "TutorialOnHealth__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnHealth__part5Heading"; {0} = blast furnace, {1} = iron ore, {2} = iron scrap "TutorialOnIronOre__part1" = "TutorialOnIronOre__part1"; {0} = iron ore, {1} = iron scrap "TutorialOnIronOre__part2" = "TutorialOnIronOre__part2"; {0} = iron ore, {1} = slag, {2} = Blast furnace "TutorialOnIronOre__part3" = "TutorialOnIronOre__part3"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnIronOreSmelting__name" = "TutorialOnIronOreSmelting__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnMaintenance__name" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__name"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnMaintenance__part1" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__part1"; {0} = Maintenance depot "TutorialOnMaintenance__part2" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__part2"; "TutorialOnMaintenance__part3" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__part3"; title of message or tutorial name of a machine "TutorialOnMineTower__name" = "Kjøletårn"; "TutorialOnMining__part1" = "TutorialOnMining__part1"; "TutorialOnMining__part10" = "TutorialOnMining__part10"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part11" = "TutorialOnMining__part11"; "TutorialOnMining__part11Header" = "TutorialOnMining__part11Header"; "TutorialOnMining__part12" = "TutorialOnMining__part12"; "TutorialOnMining__part13" = "TutorialOnMining__part13"; "TutorialOnMining__part13Header" = "TutorialOnMining__part13Header"; {0} = Mine control tower, {1} = Edit area "TutorialOnMining__part2" = "TutorialOnMining__part2"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnMining__part3" = "TutorialOnMining__part3"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part4" = "TutorialOnMining__part4"; "TutorialOnMining__part4Header" = "TutorialOnMining__part4Header"; "TutorialOnMining__part5" = "TutorialOnMining__part5"; {0} = shortcut key, {1} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part6" = "TutorialOnMining__part6"; {0} = shortcut key, {1} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part7" = "TutorialOnMining__part7"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part8" = "TutorialOnMining__part8"; "TutorialOnMining__part9" = "TutorialOnMining__part9"; "TutorialOnPathing__part1" = "TutorialOnPathing__part1"; "TutorialOnPathing__part3" = "TutorialOnPathing__part3"; "TutorialOnPathing__part4" = "TutorialOnPathing__part4"; "TutorialOnPauseTool__part1" = "TutorialOnPauseTool__part1"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnPauseTool__part2" = "TutorialOnPauseTool__part2"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part1" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part1"; {0} - Planning tool, {1} - Planning mode "TutorialOnPlanning__part3V2" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part3V2"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part5Heading"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part6" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part6"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part7" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part7"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__name" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__name"; "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part1" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part1"; "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part2" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part2"; "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part3" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part3"; {0} = Captain’s office "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part4" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part4"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part5" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part5"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part6" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part6"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part7" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part7"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part8" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part8"; "TutorialOnRoutes__part1V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part1V2"; {0} = Mine control tower, {1} = +/-, name of the button, {2} - export routes (ExportRoutesTitle) "TutorialOnRoutes__part2V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part2V2"; {0} - export routes (ExportRoutesTitle), {1} = +/-, name of the button "TutorialOnRoutes__part3V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part3V2"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnRoutes__part4V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part4V2"; {0} = Fuel station, {1} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnRoutes__part7V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part7V2"; "TutorialOnRoutes__part8" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part8"; {0} = Keep full (StoredProduct__KeepFull) "TutorialOnRoutes2__part5V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes2__part5V2"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnRoutes2__part6V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes2__part6V2"; title of message or tutorial name: message for player "TutorialOnShipRepair__name" = "World exploration"; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part1" = "You can use your ship to explore the world map. You can find loot, refugees, oil rigs, and more."; {0} -> key-binding that opens the map, {1} = 'Explore' {0} = key-binding that opens the map, {1} = 'Explore' "TutorialOnShipRepair__part2" = "To start exploring, open the world map ({0}), select a destination, and click {1}. Once the ship arrives, it will start exploring. Exploration takes some time and you will be notified when it is complete."; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part2Heading" = "Exploration"; {0} = Shipyard, {1} = Keep empty (ShipyardKeepEmpty) "TutorialOnShipRepair__part3V2" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part3V2"; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part4Heading" = "Ship range and fuel"; {0} = Shipyard "TutorialOnShipRepair__part4V2" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part4V2"; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part5" = "Some areas may be occupied by enemies or pirates. You cannot pass through these areas or explore them unless you defeat the pirates first. If your ship has no weapons equipped, it will automatically try to escape, otherwise, the battle will start."; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part5Heading" = "Enemies and pirates"; {0} - Shipyard "TutorialOnShipRepair__part6" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part6"; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part6Heading" = "Ship upgrades and weapons"; {0} = Blast furnace, {1} = Metal caster "TutorialOnSmelting__part1" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part1"; {0} = Iron scrap, {1} = Iron ore "TutorialOnSmelting__part2" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part2"; {0} = Blast furnace, {1} = Metal caster, {2} - molten channel "TutorialOnSmelting__part3" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part3"; {0} = Smoke stack, {1} = Blast furnace "TutorialOnSmelting__part4" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part4"; {0} = Coal maker, {1} = Smoke stack, {2} = Blast furnace, {3} = Tree harvesting "TutorialOnSmelting__part6" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part6"; {0} = Iron scrap, {1} = Metal caster "TutorialOnSmelting__part7" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part7"; "TutorialOnStorage__part1" = "TutorialOnStorage__part1"; {0} = blast furnace, {1} = iron ore, {2} = coal "TutorialOnStorage__part2" = "TutorialOnStorage__part2"; {0} = Keep full (StoredProduct__KeepFull) "TutorialOnStorage__part3" = "TutorialOnStorage__part3"; {0} = Slag, {1} = Empty (StoredProduct__KeepEmpty) "TutorialOnStorage__part4" = "TutorialOnStorage__part4"; {0} = Keep full (StoredProduct__KeepFull) "TutorialOnStorage__part5" = "TutorialOnStorage__part5"; "TutorialOnStorage__part6" = "TutorialOnStorage__part6"; {0} = Truck Import (LogisticsControl__InputTitle), {1} = Truck Export (LogisticsControl__OutputTitle) "TutorialOnStorage__part7" = "TutorialOnStorage__part7"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnStoragesAndTransports__name" = "TutorialOnStoragesAndTransports__name"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc1" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc1"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc2" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc2"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc3" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc3"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc4" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc4"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc5" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc5"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part1" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part1"; {0} = Mine control tower, {1} - waste "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10Heading" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10Heading"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part2" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part2"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part3" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part3"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part4" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part4"; {0} = key shortcut, {1} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part5" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part5"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part7" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part7"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8Heading" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8Heading"; {0} = Dirt, {1} = Rock "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9Heading" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9Heading"; title of message or tutorial name: message for player "TutorialOnTransports__name" = "Logistics"; {0} = 2, {1} = Ramp "TutorialOnTransports2__height" = "TutorialOnTransports2__height"; "TutorialOnTransports2__part1" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part1"; {0} = analytics (TrucksAnalytics__Title) "TutorialOnTransports2__part2" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part2"; {0} = technology title "TutorialOnTransports2__part3" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part3"; "TutorialOnTransports2__part4" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part4"; {0} = molten channel, {1} = key-bindings, e.g. E/Q "TutorialOnTransports2__part5" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part5"; {0} = key-binding "TutorialOnTransports2__part7" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part7"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__name" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__name"; "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part1" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part1"; {0} - Forestry Control Tower, {1} - Edit designation, {2} - Mine tower "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part2" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part2"; {0} - Tree planter, {1} - Forestry Control Tower "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part3" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part3"; "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part4" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part4"; {0} - Tree planter "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part5" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part5"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnTrucks__name" = "TutorialOnTrucks__name"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part1" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part1"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part2" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part2"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part3" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part3"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part4" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part4"; {0} = Allow partially loaded trucks (PartialTrucksToggle) "TutorialOnTrucks__part5" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part5"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part6" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part6"; "TutorialOnUnityTool__part1" = "TutorialOnUnityTool__part1"; "TutorialOnUnityTool__part2" = "TutorialOnUnityTool__part2"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnUnityTool__part3" = "TutorialOnUnityTool__part3"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnVehiclesAccessibility__name" = "TutorialOnVehiclesAccessibility__name"; "TutorialOnWalls__part1" = "TutorialOnWalls__part1"; "TutorialOnWalls__part2" = "TutorialOnWalls__part2"; {0} = Retaining walls (RetainingWallsTitle), {1} = number (e.g. 5) "TutorialOnWalls__part3" = "TutorialOnWalls__part3"; {0} = shortcut, {1} = shortcut "TutorialOnWalls__part4" = "TutorialOnWalls__part4"; {0} = number (e.g. 5) "TutorialOnWalls__part5" = "TutorialOnWalls__part5"; {0} = Retaining walls (RetainingWallsTitle) "TutorialOnWalls__part6" = "TutorialOnWalls__part6"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnWasteDumping__name" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__name"; "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part1" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part1"; {0} = waste module "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part2" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part2"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3a" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3a"; {0} = waste module, {1} = dumping tutorial name "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3b" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3b"; "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part4" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part4"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnWorldEntities__name" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__name"; {0} = Start repairs (StartRepairs), {1} = Shipyard "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part1" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part1"; {0} = World map (WorldMap), {1} = production level (WorldMineProductionLvl__Title), {2} = Unity "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part2" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part2"; {0} = Cargo Ship (name of the tutorial) "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part3" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part3"; button to reset tutorial progress, more info in TutorialReset__Tooltip "TutorialReset__Action" = "TutorialReset__Action"; text displayed after tutorial progress gets reset, keep short! "TutorialReset__ResetDone" = "TutorialReset__ResetDone"; title for a button that enables to reset tutorial progress "TutorialReset__Title" = "TutorialReset__Title"; tooltip "TutorialReset__Tooltip" = "TutorialReset__Tooltip"; Description of the tutorials mechanic in the new game flow "Tutorials__Description" = "Tutorials__Description"; Title of the tutorials mechanic in the new game flow "Tutorials__Title" = "Tutorials__Title"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialTreeHarvesting__name" = "TutorialTreeHarvesting__name"; title for user interface settings title of audio settings "UiSettings_Title" = "Lyd"; prefix of a button to unassign a vehicle, example: 'UNASSIGN Mine Tower' assign vehicle to some job, example: 'ASSIGN TO Tree Harvesting' "Unassign" = "Tilordne til"; tooltip explaining what unassign does tooltip explaining what unassign does "Unassign__VehicleTooltip" = "Removes the vehicle from the current assignment."; virtual & abstract currency expressing how people 'pull together' to achieve higher goals "Unity__Tooltip" = "Unity__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing the current global Unity capacity title of a panel showing the current global Unity capacity "UnityCap__Title" = "Unity cap"; tooltip that explains quick repair action "UnityCap__Tooltip" = "Rask nødreparasjon som koster Unity"; example of use: '2.2 Unity / ship', used to denote how much Unity player pays per one full cargo ship to participate in a contract "UnityPerShip" = "UnityPerShip"; virtual & abstract 'currency' expressing how people 'pull together' to achieve higher goals, example: '1 Unity' example: '1 Unity' "UnityStr_Format" = "{0} Unity"; title of a tool that is used to spent unity for things such as quick boost or quick delivery. Please keep this short! "UnityTool" = "UnityTool"; tooltip "UnityTool__Tooltip" = "UnityTool__Tooltip"; title of a panel that lists all the things that player unlocks by a research title of a panel that lists all the things that player unlocks by a research "Unlocks" = "Unlocks"; Group heading for all saves with no game name shown in the game column of the load & save window "UnsortedSaves__Title" = "UnsortedSaves__Title"; "Update1__BlueprintsCopied" = "Update1__BlueprintsCopied"; "Update1__LocationChange" = "Update1__LocationChange"; shows new blueprint files location "Update1__NewBlueprintsLocation" = "Update1__NewBlueprintsLocation"; shows new save files location "Update1__NewSaveLocation" = "Update1__NewSaveLocation"; "Update1__OldLocationStillExists" = "Update1__OldLocationStillExists"; shows old save files location "Update1__OldSaveLocation" = "Update1__OldSaveLocation"; placeholder of a text area for description input "UpdateDescription__Placeholder" = "UpdateDescription__Placeholder"; title of a dialog to update description of a blueprint or blueprint folder "UpdateDescription__Title" = "UpdateDescription__Title"; tooltip of a button to open a dialog to update description of a blueprint or blueprint folder "UpdateDescription__Tooltip" = "UpdateDescription__Tooltip"; button to upgrade something button to upgrade something "Upgrade" = "Upgrade"; explains that upgrade is currently being in progress "UpgradeInProgress" = "UpgradeInProgress"; title of a tool that is used to mass upgrade already existing buildings and machines. Please keep this short! "UpgradeTool" = "UpgradeTool"; tooltip "UpgradeTool__CancelTooltip" = "UpgradeTool__CancelTooltip"; tooltip "UpgradeTool__Tooltip" = "UpgradeTool__Tooltip"; name "UpointsCat_Boost__name" = "UpointsCat_Boost__name"; name "UpointsCat_Contract__name" = "UpointsCat_Contract__name"; name "UpointsCat_ContractEstablish__name" = "UpointsCat_ContractEstablish__name"; name "UpointsCat_Decorations__name" = "UpointsCat_Decorations__name"; name "UpointsCat_Edict__name" = "UpointsCat_Edict__name"; name "UpointsCat_FreeUnity__name" = "UpointsCat_FreeUnity__name"; name "UpointsCat_Health__name" = "UpointsCat_Health__name"; name "UpointsCat_Homeless__name" = "UpointsCat_Homeless__name"; name "UpointsCat_IslandBuildings__name" = "UpointsCat_IslandBuildings__name"; name "UpointsCat_OneTimeActions__name" = "UpointsCat_OneTimeActions__name"; name "UpointsCat_OtherDecorations__name" = "UpointsCat_OtherDecorations__name"; name "UpointsCat_PopsAdoption__name" = "UpointsCat_PopsAdoption__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickBuild__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickBuild__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickRemove__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickRemove__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickRepair__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickRepair__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickTrade__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickTrade__name"; name "UpointsCat_Rockets__name" = "UpointsCat_Rockets__name"; name "UpointsCat_ShipFuel__name" = "UpointsCat_ShipFuel__name"; name "UpointsCat_Starvation__name" = "UpointsCat_Starvation__name"; name "UpointsCat_VehicleRecovery__name" = "UpointsCat_VehicleRecovery__name"; title of category that shows unity given for settlements decorations "UpointsCategory__Decorations" = "UpointsCategory__Decorations"; title of category that shows unity given for settlements decorations "UpointsCategory__DecorationsLong" = "UpointsCategory__DecorationsLong"; name "UpointsStatsCat_Services__name" = "UpointsStatsCat_Services__name"; name "UpointsStatsCat_WorldMapMines__name" = "UpointsStatsCat_WorldMapMines__name"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "UraniumEnrichmentPlant__desc" = "Utilizes a large set of centrifuges to concentrate uranium-235 isotope out of natural uranium (a process called isotope separation). The resulting product is fissile uranium pellets, ready to undergo a chain reaction in a nuclear reactor. The pellets are not radioactive yet and can be handled manually."; name of a machine name of a machine "UraniumEnrichmentPlant__name" = "Enrichment plant"; name name "UraniumMine__name" = "Bauksittgruve"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "VacuumDistillationTower__desc" = "Inngangspunktet for avansert oljebehandling. Separerer olje i to komponenter for ytterligere bearbeiding til nyttige ressurser."; name of a machine name of a machine "VacuumDistillationTower__name" = "Tung destillasjon I"; notification "VehicleGoalStruggling__name" = "VehicleGoalStruggling__name"; notification "VehicleGoalStrugglingCannotGoUnder__name" = "VehicleGoalStrugglingCannotGoUnder__name"; notification "VehicleGoalUnreachable__name" = "VehicleGoalUnreachable__name"; notification "VehicleGoalUnreachableCannotGoUnder__name" = "VehicleGoalUnreachableCannotGoUnder__name"; notification "VehicleIsBroken__name" = "{entity} er ødelagt fordi det mangler vedlikehold"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__DrivingToGoal" = "VehicleJob__DrivingToGoal"; truck job status message when a job is in invalid state "VehicleJob__InvalidState" = "VehicleJob__InvalidState"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__Loading" = "VehicleJob__Loading"; vehicle job status message, vehicle is searching for a path to its destination "VehicleJob__Navigating" = "VehicleJob__Navigating"; truck status when truck is adding / removing a ground surface (e.g. concrete) "VehicleJob__ProcessingSurface" = "VehicleJob__ProcessingSurface"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__SearchingForDesignation" = "VehicleJob__SearchingForDesignation"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__Unloading" = "VehicleJob__Unloading"; vehicles cap increase increase, all caps vehicles cap increase increase, all caps Example: 15 vehicle cap. Meaning: this will increase the global limit of vehicles that the player can have. "VehicleLimitIncrease" = "+{0} VEHICLE CAP"; shown when max number of allowed vehicles was reached and thus a new vehicle can't be built "VehicleLimitReached" = "VehicleLimitReached"; notification name Example: "Truck has no fuel" "VehicleNoFuel__name" = "Flåte"; notification "VehicleNoReachableDesignations__name" = "VehicleNoReachableDesignations__name"; description for vehicle ramps short description of a machine "VehicleRamp__desc" = "Produserer høytrykksdamp ved å brenne kull som koker vann."; name name of a machine "VehicleRamp__name" = "Kokekjele"; name "VehicleRamp2__name" = "VehicleRamp2__name"; name "VehicleRamp3__name" = "VehicleRamp3__name"; vehicle role which means the vehicle will harvest trees vehicle role which means the vehicle will harvest trees "VehicleRole__TreeHarvesting" = "Tree harvesting"; list of vehicles assigned to buildings - fuel station, storage "VehiclesAssignedToBuildings" = "VehiclesAssignedToBuildings"; list of vehicles assigned to mining list of vehicles assigned to mining "VehiclesAssignedToMining" = "Assigned to mining operations"; list of vehicles assigned to tree harvesting "VehiclesAssignedToTreeHarvesting" = "VehiclesAssignedToTreeHarvesting"; description of a machine short description "VehiclesDepot__desc" = "Allows building vehicles such as trucks and excavators."; building or machine name "VehiclesDepot__name" = "Flåte"; building or machine "VehiclesDepotT2__name" = "VehiclesDepotT2__name"; building or machine "VehiclesDepotT3__name" = "VehiclesDepotT3__name"; tooltip "VehiclesLimit__Tooltip" = "VehiclesLimit__Tooltip"; example use: 'vehicles maintenance: -20%' "VehiclesMaintenance" = "VehiclesMaintenance"; window that provides management & overview of all the vehicles window that provides management & overview of all the vehicles "VehiclesManagement" = "Vehicles management"; shows how many drivers are in use for a group of vehicles, {0} = number, e.g. '2 drivers' "VehiclesManagement__Drivers" = "VehiclesManagement__Drivers"; shows how many vehicles are idle, {0} = number, e.g. 'idle: 5' "VehiclesManagement__IdleCount" = "VehiclesManagement__IdleCount"; example: 'Version: alpha 1.0.0' "Version" = "Version"; title of video settings title of audio settings "VideoSettings_Title" = "Lyd"; shown when the UI is waiting for the player to press a key to assign a key-binding "WaitingForKeyPress" = "WaitingForKeyPress"; title of message or tutorial name of a machine "WarningLowDiesel__name" = "Kjøletårn"; "WarningLowDiesel__part1" = "Global supply of diesel is critically low! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt."; {0} = Oil Pump "WarningLowDiesel__part2" = "WarningLowDiesel__part2"; title of message or tutorial notification "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__name" = "Gård: {0} tapt på grunn av mangel på arbeidere"; "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part1" = "Some entities are running out of maintenance and they may start breaking down soon."; {0} = Maintenance depot "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part2" = "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part2"; "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part3" = "In the meantime, you can spend Unity for quick-repair action to fix machines or vehicles that are needed the most."; title of message or tutorial name: message for player "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__name" = "No workers!"; "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part1" = "You have no more free workers on your island. Everyone is already busy working. Some buildings or vehicles will not be able to operate."; {0} = Beacon "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part2" = "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part2"; "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part3" = "In the meantime, you can pause some buildings that you need the least to free up some workers."; "WarningPrefix" = "Warning:"; name: toolbar category name "wasteCategory__name" = "wasteCategory__name"; short description: {0} is an integer specifying max height such as '5' short description of a machine Dumps liquids into the ocean. "WasteDump__desc" = "Støper smeltet materiale til plater."; name name of a machine Dumps liquids into the ocean. "WasteDump__name" = "Metall støper"; "WasteSortingOutputs__Tooltip" = "WasteSortingOutputs__Tooltip"; {0} stands for recyclables product, {1} stands for recycling efficiency (RecyclingEfficiency__Title) "WasteSortingPlant__desc" = "WasteSortingPlant__desc"; name "WasteSortingPlant__name" = "WasteSortingPlant__name"; name of a machine name of a machine Keep datacenter cool by providing chilled water. "WaterChiller__name" = "Avkjølet Støper"; title of a panel that shows the amount of water collected in a rainwater harvester title of a panel that shows the amount of water collected in a rainwater harvester "WaterCollected" = "Water collected"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "WaterConsumptionReduction__desc" = "WaterConsumptionReduction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "WaterConsumptionReduction__name" = "WaterConsumptionReduction__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops name of a machine "WaterNeed__name" = "Metall støper"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "WaterTreatmentPlant__desc" = "Converts not so nice water to nice water. Just don't tell this to the people who drink it."; name of a machine name of a machine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sewage_treatment "WaterTreatmentPlant__name" = "Wastewater treatment"; short description short description of a machine "WaterWell__desc" = "Støper smeltet materiale til plater."; name name of a machine "WaterWell__name" = "Metall støper"; sets weather configuration to be dry sets weather configuration to be dry "WeatherOption_Dry" = "Dry"; sets weather configuration to be less dry than it normally is sets weather configuration to be less dry than it normally is "WeatherOption_LessDry" = "Less dry"; option in WindowMode__Title setting option in WindowMode__Title setting "WindowMode__Option_Borderless" = "Borderless"; option in WindowMode__Title setting option in WindowMode__Title setting "WindowMode__Option_Fullscreen" = "Fullscreen"; option in WindowMode__Title setting option in WindowMode__Title setting "WindowMode__Option_Windowed" = "Windowed"; title for window mode (options are: Fullscreen, Borderless, Windowed) title for window mode (options are: Fullscreen, Borderless, Windowed) "WindowMode__Title" = "Window mode"; category for key bindings to open different windows like research, world-map, etc. "WindowsShortcuts" = "WindowsShortcuts"; used like this '4 workers available' used like this '4 workers available' "Workers__Available" = "available"; used like this '4 workers needed' tooltip that explains the panel that shows the number of required workers in a machine / building' "Workers__Needed" = "Antall arbeidere som trengs"; tooltip "WorkersAvailable__Tooltip" = "WorkersAvailable__Tooltip"; label of a chart showing total workers demand - number of workers needed over time "WorkersDemand" = "WorkersDemand"; title of a panel showing quantities available to pick up by a cargo ship in the world "WorldCargo__Title" = "WorldCargo__Title"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification Example: "Oil rig was fully repaired" "WorldEntityRepaired__name" = "{entity} er ødelagt fordi det mangler vedlikehold"; title of a location in the world map title of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__BeingExplored_Title" = "Exploration in progress!"; description of a location in the world map description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Explored_Desc" = "This was already explored."; title of a location in the world map title of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Explored_Title" = "Fully explored"; description of a location in the world map description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Home_Desc" = "This is our home island!"; title of a location in the world map title of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Home_Title" = "Home island"; description of a location in the world map description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Unknown_Desc" = "We need to explore this!"; title of a location in the world map title of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Unknown_Title" = "Unknown location"; description of a location in the world map description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__UnknownOnWay_Desc" = "Our ship is on way to explore this!"; description of a location in the world map description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Desc" = "There is an enemy that needs to be defeated!"; title of a location in the world map title of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Title" = "Location with enemy"; description of a location in the world map description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__WithEnemyOnWay_Desc" = "Our ship is on her way to the battle!"; button to request ship to visit an already explored location button to request ship to visit an already explored location "WorldLocation_EnemyFound" = "Enemy found"; title for ship orders title for ship orders "WorldLocation_Orders" = "Ship orders"; button to request ship to enter a battle for a location button to request ship to enter a battle for a location "WorldLocation_Orders__Battle" = "Battle"; button to request ship to deliver cargo to the selected location button to request ship to deliver cargo to the selected location "WorldLocation_Orders__DeliverCargo" = "Deliver cargo"; button to request ship to explore a selected location button to request ship to explore a selected location "WorldLocation_Orders__Explore" = "Explore"; button to request ship to return back to the home island button to request ship to return back to the home island "WorldLocation_Orders__GoHome" = "Go home"; button to request ship to load cargo at the selected location button to request ship to load cargo at the selected location "WorldLocation_Orders__LoadCargo" = "Load cargo"; button to request ship to visit an already explored location button to request ship to visit an already explored location "WorldLocation_Orders__Visit" = "Visit"; button to request ship to visit an already explored location button to request ship to visit an already explored location "WorldLocation_StructureFound" = "Structure found"; title/tooltip of a button that opens the world map "WorldMap" = "WorldMap"; description of a world mine, example use: This site mines Coal when assigned with workers. "WorldMine__Desc" = "WorldMine__Desc"; shown when e.g. an oil rig has a production penalty (the output is not just reduced, the non-mined product also gets wasted), example substitutes: {0} => 20% {1} => 12 "WorldMine_ReducedOutput" = "WorldMine_ReducedOutput"; provides estimate on how many years is left to mine in current mine or oil rig, example use 'Years left: 3.5 (estimate)' "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate" = "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate"; tooltip "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate__Tooltip" = "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate__Tooltip"; tooltip for a bar that displays the total reserve left in a deposit. For instance how much uranium is left to extract in a uranium mine. tooltip for a bar that displays the total reserve left in a deposit. For instance how much uranium is left to extract in a uranium mine. "WorldMine_ReserveTooltip" = "Shows the overall status of the reserve available in this deposit. This is a limited resource."; example use: {0} = Oil rig | Mine "WorldMineInfo__NeedsRepair" = "WorldMineInfo__NeedsRepair"; example use: {0} = Oil rig "WorldMineInfo__ProvidesResources" = "WorldMineInfo__ProvidesResources"; production / mining level of an oil rig / mine - more details explained in WorldMineProductionLvl__Tooltip "WorldMineProductionLvl__Title" = "WorldMineProductionLvl__Title"; station can represent an oil rig, mine or forestry "WorldMineProductionLvl__Tooltip" = "WorldMineProductionLvl__Tooltip"; shows the current title of a world map mine ({0}) and the level the mine has, example use: 'Oil rig (Level 4)' "WorldMineTitleWithLevel" = "WorldMineTitleWithLevel"; describes a settlement in the world map describes a settlement in the world map "WorldSettlement_NeutralDesc" = "This is a peaceful settlement we can trade with. We can also invest in their infrastructure to motivate some of their people to join our island."; Map description "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__desc" = "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__desc"; Map name "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__name" = "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__name"; short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__desc" = "Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports."; name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__name" = "Flat balancer"; short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_LooseMaterialConveyor__desc" = "Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports."; name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_LooseMaterialConveyor__name" = "U-shape balancer"; short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_MoltenMetalChannel__desc" = "Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports."; name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_MoltenMetalChannel__name" = "Molten balancer"; short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_Pipe__desc" = "Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports."; name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_Pipe__name" = "Pipe balancer";