setting for disabling sudden lightning flashes "AccessibilitySetting__Flashes" = "AccessibilitySetting__Flashes"; title of a setting to change currently active display display means monitor essentially "ActiveDisplay_Setting" = "ActiveDisplay_Setting"; Tooltip on "Mods available" label file shown in the details panel of the load & save window "AddableMods__Tooltip" = "AddableMods__Tooltip"; could not place a building / machine as it collides with another one called {0}, example: 'Collision with shipyard' "AdditionError__CollisionWith" = "AdditionError__CollisionWith"; could not place entity due overlap with a terrain designation "AdditionError__DesignationOverlap" = "AdditionError__DesignationOverlap"; {0} is a name of product, for instance injection pump can't be placed on the ground as there is some existing deposit of oil or water "AdditionError__HasDeposit" = "AdditionError__HasDeposit"; could not place entity due to invalid height, {0} and {1} are integers specifying min and max height "AdditionError__InvalidHeight" = "AdditionError__InvalidHeight"; could not place a building as some part needs to be in the ocean (e.g. ship depot) "AdditionError__NeedsOcean" = "AdditionError__NeedsOcean"; {0} is a name of product, for instance oil pump can't be placed on the ground as there is no deposit of oil "AdditionError__NoDeposit" = "AdditionError__NoDeposit"; could not place a paint / decal as the terrain does not contain a surface that can be painted "AdditionError__NotASurface" = "AdditionError__NotASurface"; could not place a farm as the terrain is not farmable "AdditionError__NotFarmable" = "AdditionError__NotFarmable"; could not place a tree as the terrain is not fertile "AdditionError__NotFertile" = "AdditionError__NotFertile"; could not place a building outside a predefined slot (e.g. shipyard module) "AdditionError__NotInSlot" = "AdditionError__NotInSlot"; could not place a building because the terrain is not stable enough (for example landfill) "AdditionError__NotStable" = "AdditionError__NotStable"; could not place a building as it has ocean access blocked "AdditionError__OceanBlocked" = "AdditionError__OceanBlocked"; could not place entity due blocked ocean access by an entity, {0} is entity name "AdditionError__OceanBlockedBy" = "AdditionError__OceanBlockedBy"; could not place entity due blocked ocean access by terrain, {0} a positive integer "AdditionError__OceanBlockedByTerrain" = "AdditionError__OceanBlockedByTerrain"; could not place a building as it can't be placed in the ocean "AdditionError__OceanNotAllowed" = "AdditionError__OceanNotAllowed"; could not place a building as it is outside of buildable area of the game (outside of the map) "AdditionError__OutsideOfMap" = "AdditionError__OutsideOfMap"; could not place a building as something was in the way (building, tree) "AdditionError__SomethingInWay" = "AdditionError__SomethingInWay"; could not place entity due terrain being too high "AdditionError__TerrainTooHigh" = "AdditionError__TerrainTooHigh"; could not place entity due terrain being too low "AdditionError__TerrainTooLow" = "AdditionError__TerrainTooLow"; shown when player is trying to build a pump on top of a deposit, {0} is a thickness of a deposit required to place it (how deep it has to go), {1} is the current thickness "AdditionError__ThinDeposit" = "AdditionError__ThinDeposit"; could not place a tree as it is too close to another "AdditionError__TooCloseToOtherTree" = "AdditionError__TooCloseToOtherTree"; could not place a building because it already exists and only one is allowed in the game "AdditionError__Unique" = "AdditionError__Unique"; Warning that a lift's port may be too high to connect to a transport. "AdditionWarning__HighLift" = "AdditionWarning__HighLift"; title of a window that enables to install a new ship part "AddNewShipPart" = "AddNewShipPart"; title of a panel that enables to adopt population from a village, the adopted population will join player's island "AdoptPops__Title" = "AdoptPops__Title"; tooltip of a panel that enables to adopt population from a village, the adopted population will join player's island "AdoptPops__Tooltip" = "AdoptPops__Tooltip"; button to adopt population from a village, example: 'Adopt 10 pops' "AdoptPopsAction" = "AdoptPopsAction"; short description of a machine "AirSeparator__desc" = "AirSeparator__desc"; name of a machine "AirSeparator__name" = "AirSeparator__name"; Map description "AlphaStaticIslandMap__desc" = "AlphaStaticIslandMap__desc"; Map name "AlphaStaticIslandMap__name" = "AlphaStaticIslandMap__name"; represents number of people in a settlement, example '2 pops' (keep it short) "AmountOfPops" = "AmountOfPops"; people who work somewhere. example: '1 worker', '2 workers' - keep it short! "AmountOfWorkers" = "AmountOfWorkers"; short description of a machine "AnaerobicDigester__desc" = "AnaerobicDigester__desc"; name of a machine "AnaerobicDigester__name" = "AnaerobicDigester__name"; tooltip for a button that enables to move animals between farms "AnimalFarm_AddAnimals_Tooltip" = "AnimalFarm_AddAnimals_Tooltip"; button to pause natural increase of animals in this farm "AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Title" = "AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Title"; tooltip "AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Tooltip" = "AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Tooltip"; title of a button that enables to remove animals from a farm (by moving them into another farm, not killing) "AnimalFarm_RemoveAllAnimals" = "AnimalFarm_RemoveAllAnimals"; tooltip for a button that enables to move animals between farms "AnimalFarm_RemoveAnimals_Tooltip" = "AnimalFarm_RemoveAnimals_Tooltip"; title of a panel showing animals in this farm "AnimalFarm_Title" = "AnimalFarm_Title"; "AnimalFarm_TitleTooltip" = "AnimalFarm_TitleTooltip"; notification "AnimalFarmMissingFood__name" = "AnimalFarmMissingFood__name"; notification "AnimalFarmMissingWater__name" = "AnimalFarmMissingWater__name"; see more details in AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip "AnimalSlaughtering__Title" = "AnimalSlaughtering__Title"; "AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip" = "AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip"; anti-aliasing mode, {0} is number of samples, for example 'x8' "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Msaa" = "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Msaa"; anti-aliasing mode, {0} is number of samples, for example 'x8' "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__MsaaShort" = "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__MsaaShort"; rendering setting name "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Name" = "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Name"; anti-aliasing mode "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Smaa" = "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Smaa"; anti-aliasing mode "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__SmaaShort" = "AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__SmaaShort"; button to apply changes "ApplyChanges" = "ApplyChanges"; confirmation shown when applying keybinding changes when conflicts are present "ApplyChangesConflictPrompt" = "ApplyChangesConflictPrompt"; text shown next to an entity that is used as a source of a configuration to be copied. Keep short. "ApplySettingsFrom" = "ApplySettingsFrom"; short description of a machine "ArcFurnace__desc" = "ArcFurnace__desc"; name of a machine "ArcFurnace__name" = "ArcFurnace__name"; short description of a machine "ArcFurnace2__desc" = "ArcFurnace2__desc"; name of a machine "ArcFurnace2__name" = "ArcFurnace2__name"; Formats a numerical land area value of an island. Example of use: '2.1 km²' "Area_Value" = "Area_Value"; notification "AreasWithoutForestryTowers__name" = "AreasWithoutForestryTowers__name"; notification "AreasWithoutTowers__name" = "AreasWithoutTowers__name"; Map description "ArmageddonMap__desc" = "ArmageddonMap__desc"; Map name "ArmageddonMap__name" = "ArmageddonMap__name"; value of armor, e.g. `armor: 40` "Armor" = "Armor"; name: ship part upgrade "ArmorT1__name" = "ArmorT1__name"; name: ship part upgrade "ArmorT2__name" = "ArmorT2__name"; description of a machine "AssemblyElectrified__desc" = "AssemblyElectrified__desc"; name of a machine "AssemblyElectrified__name" = "AssemblyElectrified__name"; name of a machine "AssemblyElectrifiedT2__name" = "AssemblyElectrifiedT2__name"; short description of a machine "AssemblyManual__desc" = "AssemblyManual__desc"; name of a machine "AssemblyManual__name" = "AssemblyManual__name"; description of a machine "AssemblyRoboticT1__desc" = "AssemblyRoboticT1__desc"; name of a machine it's an Assembler that uses Robotic Machinery to assemble things (upgrade from electric version) "AssemblyRoboticT1__name" = "AssemblyRoboticT1__name"; name of a machine it's an Assembler that uses Robotic Machinery to assemble things (upgrade from electric version) "AssemblyRoboticT2__name" = "AssemblyRoboticT2__name"; tooltip that explains what excavators do when assigned to a mine tower "AssignedExcavators__MineTower_Title" = "AssignedExcavators__MineTower_Title"; title of a panel that enables to assign excavators to a building "AssignedExcavators__Title" = "AssignedExcavators__Title"; shown when they are no routes assigned "AssignedForLogistics__Empty" = "AssignedForLogistics__Empty"; "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipForestryTower" = "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipForestryTower"; "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipFuelStation" = "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipFuelStation"; "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipGeneral" = "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipGeneral"; {0} - mine control tower "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipMineTower" = "AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipMineTower"; "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipForestryTower" = "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipForestryTower"; "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipGeneral" = "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipGeneral"; "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipMineTower" = "AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipMineTower"; example: 'assigned to Tree harvesting' "AssignedTo" = "AssignedTo"; tooltip that explains what tree harvesters do when assigned to a forestry tower "AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title" = "AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title"; title of a panel that enables to assign tree planters to a building "AssignedTreeHarvesters__Title" = "AssignedTreeHarvesters__Title"; tooltip that explains what tree planters do when assigned to a forestry tower "AssignedTreePlanters__ForestryTower_Title" = "AssignedTreePlanters__ForestryTower_Title"; title of a panel that enables to assign tree planters to a building "AssignedTreePlanters__Title" = "AssignedTreePlanters__Title"; tooltip that explains what trucks do when assigned to a general building (e.g. storage) "AssignedTrucks__Building_Tooltip" = "AssignedTrucks__Building_Tooltip"; tooltip that explains what trucks do when assigned to a fuel station "AssignedTrucks__FuelStation_Tooltip" = "AssignedTrucks__FuelStation_Tooltip"; tooltip that explains what trucks do when assigned to a mine tower "AssignedTrucks__MineTower_Tooltip" = "AssignedTrucks__MineTower_Tooltip"; title of a panel that enables to assign trucks to a building "AssignedTrucks__Title" = "AssignedTrucks__Title"; tooltip that explains what trucks do when assigned to a tree harvesting vehicle "AssignedTrucks__TreeHarvester_Tooltip" = "AssignedTrucks__TreeHarvester_Tooltip"; PLEASE keep very short (not longer than English is). More info in AssignedTrucksEnforce__Tooltip "AssignedTrucksEnforce__Title" = "AssignedTrucksEnforce__Title"; "AssignedTrucksEnforce__Tooltip" = "AssignedTrucksEnforce__Tooltip"; tooltip "AssignVehicleBtn__NotAvailable" = "AssignVehicleBtn__NotAvailable"; tooltip "AssignVehicleBtn__Tooltip" = "AssignVehicleBtn__Tooltip"; label for ambient sounds volume slider "AudioEffectsVolume__Ambient" = "AudioEffectsVolume__Ambient"; label for a volume slider that controls a group of effects volumes such as user interface, entities, etc. "AudioEffectsVolume__EffectsGroup" = "AudioEffectsVolume__EffectsGroup"; label for entities volume slider "AudioEffectsVolume__Entities" = "AudioEffectsVolume__Entities"; label for master volume of the game "AudioEffectsVolume__Master" = "AudioEffectsVolume__Master"; label for music volume slider "AudioEffectsVolume__Music" = "AudioEffectsVolume__Music"; label for user interface volume slider "AudioEffectsVolume__UI" = "AudioEffectsVolume__UI"; title of audio settings "AudioSettings_Title" = "AudioSettings_Title"; title for autosave interval (how often should we autosave the game for the player - e.g. 'every 10 minutes' "Autosave__Interval" = "Autosave__Interval"; how often should we autosave, example: 'Every 10 minutes' "Autosave__Interval_Minutes" = "Autosave__Interval_Minutes"; list of vehicles that available to be assigned to some buildings "AvailableToAssign" = "AvailableToAssign"; label of a panel that shows an average monthly production (keep it short) "AverageProduction" = "AverageProduction"; average damage "AvgDamage" = "AvgDamage"; rendering setting name "BackgroundFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name" = "BackgroundFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name"; short description of a machine "BakingUnit__desc" = "BakingUnit__desc"; name of a machine "BakingUnit__name" = "BakingUnit__name"; title for a table showing latest transactions for a loan balance "Balance_LatestTransactions" = "Balance_LatestTransactions"; title of a panel that configures in / out priorities for a balancer "BalancerPrioritization__Title" = "BalancerPrioritization__Title"; "BalancerPrioritization__Tooltip" = "BalancerPrioritization__Tooltip"; "BalancerRatios__Inputs" = "BalancerRatios__Inputs"; "BalancerRatios__Outputs" = "BalancerRatios__Outputs"; title for balancer ratios configuration "BalancerRatios__Title" = "BalancerRatios__Title"; "BalancerRatios__Tooltip" = "BalancerRatios__Tooltip"; name "BarrierCorner__name" = "BarrierCorner__name"; name "BarrierCross__name" = "BarrierCross__name"; name "BarrierEnd__name" = "BarrierEnd__name"; description of barrier wall "BarrierStraight1__desc" = "BarrierStraight1__desc"; name "BarrierStraight1__name" = "BarrierStraight1__name"; name "BarrierTee__name" = "BarrierTee__name"; short description of a machine "BasicDieselDistiller__desc" = "BasicDieselDistiller__desc"; name of a machine "BasicDieselDistiller__name" = "BasicDieselDistiller__name"; name: title of a server rack in a datacenter (rack is just a set of servers assembled together). "BasicServerRack__name" = "BasicServerRack__name"; amount of damage the player / enemy did to enemy / player "BattleResult__DamageDone" = "BattleResult__DamageDone"; title showing that the player was defeated in a battle "BattleResult__Defeat" = "BattleResult__Defeat"; title of player's ship in battle stats "BattleResult__ShipTitle" = "BattleResult__ShipTitle"; title showing that the player won a battle "BattleResult__Victory" = "BattleResult__Victory"; abstract value that helps to determine how capable a ship is in a battle "BattleScore" = "BattleScore"; Map description "BeachStaticIslandMap__desc" = "BeachStaticIslandMap__desc"; Map name "BeachStaticIslandMap__name" = "BeachStaticIslandMap__name"; short description "Beacon__desc" = "Beacon__desc"; building or machine "Beacon__name" = "Beacon__name"; displayed in beacon when there is no more refugees available "Beacon__NoMoreRefugees" = "Beacon__NoMoreRefugees"; "Beacon__Notice" = "Beacon__Notice"; example: 'Expecting 12 refugees in less than: 2 months' "Beacon__Status" = "Beacon__Status"; {0} = Beacon, {1} = Power generator, {2} - Unity "BeaconTip" = "BeaconTip"; disclaimer explaining localization is performed by the community and may not be complete "BestEffortLocalized" = "BestEffortLocalized"; "BirchTree__desc" = "BirchTree__desc"; "BirchTreeDry__desc" = "BirchTreeDry__desc"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Base__name" = "BirthRateCategoryCat_Base__name"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Disease__name" = "BirthRateCategoryCat_Disease__name"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Edicts__name" = "BirthRateCategoryCat_Edicts__name"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Health__name" = "BirthRateCategoryCat_Health__name"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Radiation__name" = "BirthRateCategoryCat_Radiation__name"; name "BirthRateCategoryCat_Starvation__name" = "BirthRateCategoryCat_Starvation__name"; tooltip to inform the player that there are backup files of the blueprint library located in the same folder as the main file "Blueprint__NumberOfBackups" = "Blueprint__NumberOfBackups"; tooltip of a button that allows to export a blueprint "Blueprint_ExportToStringTooltip" = "Blueprint_ExportToStringTooltip"; tooltip for a button that allows to add a new blueprint via selection "Blueprint_NewFromSelectionTooltip" = "Blueprint_NewFromSelectionTooltip"; tooltip for a button that allows to add a new blueprint via string "Blueprint_NewFromStringTooltip" = "Blueprint_NewFromStringTooltip"; tooltip of a button that creates a new folder "Blueprint_PlaceItTooltip" = "Blueprint_PlaceItTooltip"; tooltip explaining that some content in the currently selected blueprint is not available. "BlueprintContentMissing__Info" = "BlueprintContentMissing__Info"; title that is followed by a list of content that is missing in the current blueprint "BlueprintContentMissing__ListTitle" = "BlueprintContentMissing__ListTitle"; title of a button that deletes a blueprint or folder "BlueprintDelete__Action" = "BlueprintDelete__Action"; confirmation text of a dialog to delete a blueprint "BlueprintDelete__Confirmation" = "BlueprintDelete__Confirmation"; tooltip of a button that deletes a blueprint or folder "BlueprintDelete__Tooltip" = "BlueprintDelete__Tooltip"; status explaining that the blueprint library failed to save (keep short) "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackup" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackup"; tooltip for blueprint library backup save failure "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackupTooltip" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackupTooltip"; status explaining that the blueprint library failed to load (keep short) "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoad" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoad"; tooltip explaining that the blueprint library failed to load "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoadOnFormat" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoadOnFormat"; tooltip explaining that the blueprint library failed to load "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoadOnPermission" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoadOnPermission"; status explaining that the blueprint library failed to save (keep short) "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToSave" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToSave"; tooltip for blueprint library save failure "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToSaveTooltip" = "BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToSaveTooltip"; status explaining that the blueprint library was saved / loaded successfully (keep short) "BlueprintLibStatus__Synchronized" = "BlueprintLibStatus__Synchronized"; "BlueprintProtosLocked__CanDowngrade" = "BlueprintProtosLocked__CanDowngrade"; "BlueprintProtosLocked__NotAvailable" = "BlueprintProtosLocked__NotAvailable"; title of a window containing blueprints "Blueprints" = "Blueprints"; message explaining there needs to be a building operational in order to use blueprints. The building name is provided via '{0}'. "Blueprints_BuildingRequired" = "Blueprints_BuildingRequired"; short description of a machine "BoilerCoal__desc" = "BoilerCoal__desc"; name of a machine "BoilerCoal__name" = "BoilerCoal__name"; short description of a machine "BoilerElectric__desc" = "BoilerElectric__desc"; name of a machine "BoilerElectric__name" = "BoilerElectric__name"; short description of a machine "BoilerGas__desc" = "BoilerGas__desc"; name of a machine "BoilerGas__name" = "BoilerGas__name"; removes current active unity boost applied to a machine' "BoostMachine__Disable" = "BoostMachine__Disable"; button that enables continuous machine boost that costs "BoostMachine__Enable" = "BoostMachine__Enable"; tooltip that explains what machine unity boost does' "BoostMachine__Tooltip" = "BoostMachine__Tooltip"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Bricks_TerrainSurface__name" = "Bricks_TerrainSurface__name"; short description of a machine "BricksMaker__desc" = "BricksMaker__desc"; name of a machine "BricksMaker__name" = "BricksMaker__name"; name "BridgeT1__name" = "BridgeT1__name"; short description "BridgeT2__desc" = "BridgeT2__desc"; name "BridgeT2__name" = "BridgeT2__name"; short description "BridgeT3__desc" = "BridgeT3__desc"; name "BridgeT3__name" = "BridgeT3__name"; text for a goal, {0} and {2} are machine/building names, {1} is a product "buildAndEnsureDeliveriesTo" = "buildAndEnsureDeliveriesTo"; name: toolbar category name "buildingsCategory__name" = "buildingsCategory__name"; name: toolbar category name "buildingsForVehiclesCategory__name" = "buildingsForVehiclesCategory__name"; category for key bindings used during build mode (when players builds / places stuff on the ground) "BuildMode" = "BuildMode"; short description of a machine "Burner__desc" = "Burner__desc"; name of a machine "Burner__name" = "Burner__name"; category for key bindings affecting camera "Camera" = "Camera"; title for vertical field of view "CameraSettings__Fov" = "CameraSettings__Fov"; title for camera settings "CameraSettings__Title" = "CameraSettings__Title"; button to cancel something in the progress (construction for instance) "Cancel" = "Cancel"; notification "CannotDeliverFromMineTower__name" = "CannotDeliverFromMineTower__name"; shown when edict cannot be activated because captain office is not working - lack of employees or power or something "CaptainOfficeNotAvailable" = "CaptainOfficeNotAvailable"; name "CaptainOfficeT1__name" = "CaptainOfficeT1__name"; name "CaptainOfficeT2__name" = "CaptainOfficeT2__name"; tooltip for a button that allows to discard truck's cargo "Cargo__DiscardTooltip" = "Cargo__DiscardTooltip"; cargo depot description "CargoDepotBase__desc" = "CargoDepotBase__desc"; notification "CargoDepotHasNoModule__name" = "CargoDepotHasNoModule__name"; notification "CargoDepotHasNoShip__name" = "CargoDepotHasNoShip__name"; notification "CargoDepotModuleContractNotMatching__name" = "CargoDepotModuleContractNotMatching__name"; building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of gas and liquid products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleFluidT1__name" = "CargoDepotModuleFluidT1__name"; building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of gas and liquid products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleFluidT2__name" = "CargoDepotModuleFluidT2__name"; building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of gas and liquid products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleFluidT3__name" = "CargoDepotModuleFluidT3__name"; building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of loose products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleLooseT1__name" = "CargoDepotModuleLooseT1__name"; building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of loose products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleLooseT2__name" = "CargoDepotModuleLooseT2__name"; building or machine A module that is attached to cargo depot to facilitate unloading of loose products from a cargo ship. "CargoDepotModuleLooseT3__name" = "CargoDepotModuleLooseT3__name"; notification "CargoDepotModuleNoProductAssigned__name" = "CargoDepotModuleNoProductAssigned__name"; building or machine "CargoDepotModuleUnitT1__name" = "CargoDepotModuleUnitT1__name"; building or machine "CargoDepotModuleUnitT2__name" = "CargoDepotModuleUnitT2__name"; building or machine "CargoDepotModuleUnitT3__name" = "CargoDepotModuleUnitT3__name"; general name for cargo depot, should match to names in CargoDepotT1 and CargoDepotT2 "CargoDepotName" = "CargoDepotName"; title of a panel showing current exported product icon & its quantity stored in a cargo depot module "CargoDepotProduct__ExportTitle" = "CargoDepotProduct__ExportTitle"; title of a panel showing current imported product icon & its quantity stored in a cargo depot module "CargoDepotProduct__ImportTitle" = "CargoDepotProduct__ImportTitle"; building or machine "CargoDepotT1__name" = "CargoDepotT1__name"; building or machine "CargoDepotT2__name" = "CargoDepotT2__name"; building or machine "CargoDepotT3__name" = "CargoDepotT3__name"; building or machine "CargoDepotT4__name" = "CargoDepotT4__name"; title of a button to assign the currently selected cargo depot with a contract (will open a contract picker UI after click) "CargoDepotWizard__AssignContract" = "CargoDepotWizard__AssignContract"; title of a button to assign the currently selected cargo depot with a product to import (will open a product picker UI after click) "CargoDepotWizard__ImportProducts" = "CargoDepotWizard__ImportProducts"; title of a selection dialog where player decides how their cargo depot should operate. Used as this: How would you like to use this depot? Button1: Import product | Button2: Assign a contract "CargoDepotWizard__Title" = "CargoDepotWizard__Title"; tooltip of a selection dialog where player decides how their cargo depot should operate. "CargoDepotWizard__Tooltip" = "CargoDepotWizard__Tooltip"; cargo depot module description, {0} is e.g. '50%' "CargoModuleFluid__descUpgraded" = "CargoModuleFluid__descUpgraded"; cargo depot module description "CargoModuleFluidCommon__desc" = "CargoModuleFluidCommon__desc"; cargo depot module description, {0} is e.g. '50%' "CargoModuleLoose__descUpgraded" = "CargoModuleLoose__descUpgraded"; cargo depot module description "CargoModuleLooseCommon__desc" = "CargoModuleLooseCommon__desc"; cargo depot module description, {0} is e.g. '50%' "CargoModuleUnit__descUpgraded" = "CargoModuleUnit__descUpgraded"; cargo depot module description "CargoModuleUnitCommon__desc" = "CargoModuleUnitCommon__desc"; cargo ship status explaining why it is docked "CargoShip__NoModulesBuilt" = "CargoShip__NoModulesBuilt"; cargo ship status explaining why it is docked "CargoShip__NotEnoughToPickUp" = "CargoShip__NotEnoughToPickUp"; cargo ship status explaining why it is docked "CargoShip__NothingToPickUp" = "CargoShip__NothingToPickUp"; cargo ship status explaining why it is docked "CargoShip__ShipIsBeingUnloaded" = "CargoShip__ShipIsBeingUnloaded"; toggle to enable fuel saving option for current cargo ship, more info in CargoShip_FuelSaver__Tooltip "CargoShip_FuelSaver__Toggle" = "CargoShip_FuelSaver__Toggle"; {0} is replace with e.g. 50%, {1} is replaced with e.g. 30% "CargoShip_FuelSaver__Tooltip" = "CargoShip_FuelSaver__Tooltip"; title of a panel that enables to configure journey parameters for current cargo ship "CargoShip_JourneyOptions" = "CargoShip_JourneyOptions"; prefix for view that shows how long it takes for a cargo ship to go for cargo and come back "CargoShip_TripDuration" = "CargoShip_TripDuration"; tooltip for CargoShip_TripDuration "CargoShip_TripDuration__Tooltip" = "CargoShip_TripDuration__Tooltip"; reason why 'ship depart now' action is not available - general category, specific reason was not given "CargoShipCannotDepartNow__General" = "CargoShipCannotDepartNow__General"; reason why 'ship depart now' action is not available "CargoShipCannotDepartNow__WasRequested" = "CargoShipCannotDepartNow__WasRequested"; notification "CargoShipContractLacksUpoints__name" = "CargoShipContractLacksUpoints__name"; more info on this in CargoShipDepartNow__Tooltip "CargoShipDepartNow__Action" = "CargoShipDepartNow__Action"; tooltip for button that enables the player to send cargo ship for products now instead of waiting once ship can arrive fully loaded "CargoShipDepartNow__Tooltip" = "CargoShipDepartNow__Tooltip"; notification "CargoShipMissingFuel__name" = "CargoShipMissingFuel__name"; explains what something like this '1/2' means "CargoShipsLimitTooltip" = "CargoShipsLimitTooltip"; description of a cargo ship "CargoShipT1__desc" = "CargoShipT1__desc"; ship name "CargoShipT1__name" = "CargoShipT1__name"; ship name "CargoShipT2__name" = "CargoShipT2__name"; ship name "CargoShipT3__name" = "CargoShipT3__name"; ship name "CargoShipT4__name" = "CargoShipT4__name"; name "CargoShipWreckCost1__name" = "CargoShipWreckCost1__name"; title for panel that shows cargo stored / transported "CargoTitle" = "CargoTitle"; description of a machine "Caster__desc" = "Caster__desc"; name of a machine "Caster__name" = "Caster__name"; description of a machine "CasterCooled__desc" = "CasterCooled__desc"; name of a machine "CasterCooled__name" = "CasterCooled__name"; name of a machine "CasterCooledT2__name" = "CasterCooledT2__name"; name of a machine "CasterT2__name" = "CasterT2__name"; Confirmation prompt shown when saving difficulty changes. {0} will be a time duration, such as "10 years" "ChangeHistory__ConfirmPrompt" = "ChangeHistory__ConfirmPrompt"; Title of the confirmation dialog shown when saving difficulty changes "ChangeHistory__ConfirmTitle" = "ChangeHistory__ConfirmTitle"; Label shown on the change history tab of the difficulty settings window when no changes have yet been made "ChangeHistory__EmptyLabel" = "ChangeHistory__EmptyLabel"; Label for the change history tab of the difficulty settings window, {0} is the integer number of changes present "ChangeHistory__Title" = "ChangeHistory__Title"; shows number of characters in a string, e.g. '1254 chars' "CharactersCount" = "CharactersCount"; short description of a machine "CharcoalMaker__desc" = "CharcoalMaker__desc"; name of a machine "CharcoalMaker__name" = "CharcoalMaker__name"; description of a machine "ChemicalPlant__desc" = "ChemicalPlant__desc"; name of a machine "ChemicalPlant__name" = "ChemicalPlant__name"; name of a machine "ChemicalPlant2__name" = "ChemicalPlant2__name"; short description "ChickenFarm__desc" = "ChickenFarm__desc"; name "ChickenFarm__name" = "ChickenFarm__name"; more info in ClearSurface__Tooltip "ClearSurface__Title" = "ClearSurface__Title"; "ClearSurface__Tooltip" = "ClearSurface__Tooltip"; tooltip explaining that click opens a tutorial, example use: alt + click to learn more "ClickToLearnMore" = "ClickToLearnMore"; title of a tool that is used to copy settings from one machine to another. Please keep this short! "CloneTool" = "CloneTool"; button to close a dialog "Close" = "Close"; name: describes the current weather "CloudyWeather__name" = "CloudyWeather__name"; name "CoalMine__name" = "CoalMine__name"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Cobblestone_TerrainSurface__name" = "Cobblestone_TerrainSurface__name"; button to view the captain of industry community site "COIHub" = "COIHub"; "Cold__desc" = "Cold__desc"; name "Cold__name" = "Cold__name"; Action to collect / claim a reward. Keep short "Collect" = "Collect"; label of a panel showing how much waste was collected from the attached settlement so far "Collected" = "Collected"; short description of a machine "Compactor__desc" = "Compactor__desc"; name of a machine "Compactor__name" = "Compactor__name"; Computing power in peta-flops "Computing__PFlop" = "Computing__PFlop"; super short suffix used for PFlops (peta flops), example use: '24 PF', please keep short like this "Computing__PFlop_short" = "Computing__PFlop_short"; Computing power in terra-flops "Computing__TFlop" = "Computing__TFlop"; super short suffix used for TFlops (terra flops), example use: '24 TF', please keep short like this "Computing__TFlop_short" = "Computing__TFlop_short"; explains what something like '5 / 10 TFlops | 24' means, so it explains that 5 is the total demand for computing, 10 is the current production and 20 is the maximal theoretical production capacity. "ComputingDisplayTooltip" = "ComputingDisplayTooltip"; title of a window that shows computing production & demands "ComputingStats" = "ComputingStats"; short description of a machine "ConcreteMixer__desc" = "ConcreteMixer__desc"; name of a machine "ConcreteMixer__name" = "ConcreteMixer__name"; description of a machine "ConcreteMixerT2__desc" = "ConcreteMixerT2__desc"; name of a machine "ConcreteMixerT2__name" = "ConcreteMixerT2__name"; name of a machine "ConcreteMixerT3__name" = "ConcreteMixerT3__name"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "ConcreteReinforced_TerrainSurface__name" = "ConcreteReinforced_TerrainSurface__name"; used as: '[wrench icon] Mods', keep it short! button to load the game from the currently selected save file while also selecting which mods to load "ConfigureMods_Action" = "ConfigureMods_Action"; Warning shown above the enable mod checkboxes in the new load nad save window "ConfigureMods_Warning" = "ConfigureMods_Warning"; button used to confirm great news (like discovery of something) "ConfirmGreatNews" = "ConfirmGreatNews"; used in a tooltip to list all the other key-bindings that conflict with the hovered one "ConflictsWith" = "ConflictsWith"; name "ConiferForest__name" = "ConiferForest__name"; title of a panel showing a construction progress "ConstrType_Constructing" = "ConstrType_Constructing"; title of a panel showing a construction progress that is paused "ConstrType_ConstructionPaused" = "ConstrType_ConstructionPaused"; title of a panel showing a deconstruction progress "ConstrType_Deconstructing" = "ConstrType_Deconstructing"; title of a panel showing a deconstruction progress that is paused "ConstrType_DeconstructionPaused" = "ConstrType_DeconstructionPaused"; title of a panel showing an upgrade progress "ConstrType_PreparingUpgrade" = "ConstrType_PreparingUpgrade"; title of a panel showing an upgrade progress "ConstrType_Upgrading" = "ConstrType_Upgrading"; label for construction cost of buildings, after it there are product icons with numbers showing the cost "ConstructionCost" = "ConstructionCost"; status of construction progress - construction is going fine "ConstructionState__InProgress" = "ConstructionState__InProgress"; status of construction progress - construction was paused "ConstructionState__Paused" = "ConstructionState__Paused"; status of construction progress - construction is ready "ConstructionState__Ready" = "ConstructionState__Ready"; status of construction progress - blocked until more materials is delivered "ConstructionState__WaitingForDelivery" = "ConstructionState__WaitingForDelivery"; status of deconstruction progress - blocked until material is removed "ConstructionState__WaitingForRemoval" = "ConstructionState__WaitingForRemoval"; "ConsumedLastMonth" = "ConsumedLastMonth"; "ConsumedThisMonth" = "ConsumedThisMonth"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "ConsumerElectronicsConsumptionIncrease__desc" = "ConsumerElectronicsConsumptionIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "ConsumerElectronicsConsumptionIncrease__name" = "ConsumerElectronicsConsumptionIncrease__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "ConsumerElectronicsNeed__name" = "ConsumerElectronicsNeed__name"; text for a checkbox, keep short. More info on this in ConsumeSurplusPower__Tooltip "ConsumeSurplusPower__Toggle" = "ConsumeSurplusPower__Toggle"; option for electricity consumption for machines and buildings "ConsumeSurplusPower__Tooltip" = "ConsumeSurplusPower__Tooltip"; "Consumption" = "Consumption"; button to request to continue some operation "Continue" = "Continue"; {0} will be replaced with the title of a button that provides mods configuration "ContinueDisabled__NeedsModConfig" = "ContinueDisabled__NeedsModConfig"; button to assign a contract to a specific cargo depot "Contract__Assign" = "Contract__Assign"; button to establish a contract (make it active), something like opening a trade route. Important, keep it short! "Contract__Establish" = "Contract__Establish"; tooltip explaining a button that establishes a new contract "Contract__EstablishTooltip" = "Contract__EstablishTooltip"; Used in statistics to denote Unity fees for contracts that are calculated from products that were exchanged "Contract__ExchangeCost" = "Contract__ExchangeCost"; Used in statistics to denote monthly Unity fees for contracts "Contract__MonthlyCost" = "Contract__MonthlyCost"; button to unassign a contract from a cargo depot "Contract__Unassign" = "Contract__Unassign"; Shown when player tries to assign a contract to a depot that has a module with product stored that is not compatible with the contract. "ContractAssignCheck__IncompatibleProduct" = "ContractAssignCheck__IncompatibleProduct"; Shown when player tries to assign a contract to a depot that has some modules built that are not compatible with that contract "ContractAssignCheck__ModuleNotSupported" = "ContractAssignCheck__ModuleNotSupported"; title of a panel showing the currently assigned contract to a selected cargo depot module (do not mix with established contracts) "ContractAssigned__Title" = "ContractAssigned__Title"; tooltip of a panel showing the currently assigned contract to a selected cargo depot module "ContractAssigned__Tooltip" = "ContractAssigned__Tooltip"; tooltip explaining why the current contract cannot be canceled "ContractCancelStatus__IsAssigned" = "ContractCancelStatus__IsAssigned"; tooltip explaining why the current contract cannot be established - because some of its traded products is not researched yet "ContractCancelStatus__ProductNotResearched" = "ContractCancelStatus__ProductNotResearched"; "Contracts__NoneEstablished" = "Contracts__NoneEstablished"; prefix for a dropdown that enables to select the size of a cargo ship, by size we mean the number of cargo modules it has. Example usage: Ship size: <4 modules> "Contracts__ShipSize" = "Contracts__ShipSize"; used as an item in a dropdown list to select the number of cargo modules a ship has. Example usage: Ship size: <4 modules> "Contracts__ShipSizeModules" = "Contracts__ShipSizeModules"; title of a panel listing contracts that are available - either globally or in a settlement. "Contracts__Title" = "Contracts__Title"; tooltip for contracts "Contracts__Tooltip" = "Contracts__Tooltip"; title of controls (key-bindings & mouse) settings "ControlsSettings_Title" = "ControlsSettings_Title"; description of a machine "CoolingTowerT1__desc" = "CoolingTowerT1__desc"; name of a machine "CoolingTowerT1__name" = "CoolingTowerT1__name"; name of a machine "CoolingTowerT2__name" = "CoolingTowerT2__name"; short description of a machine "CopperElectrolysis__desc" = "CopperElectrolysis__desc"; name of a machine "CopperElectrolysis__name" = "CopperElectrolysis__name"; tooltip "CopySettings__Tooltip" = "CopySettings__Tooltip"; title of a button to copy string into the clipboard "CopyString__Action" = "CopyString__Action"; text shown after a string was successfully copied to the clipboard "CopyString__Success" = "CopyString__Success"; tooltip "CopyString__Tooltip" = "CopyString__Tooltip"; title of a tool that is used to copy already existing buildings and machines. Please keep this short! "CopyTool" = "CopyTool"; tooltip "CopyTool__NoCopyTooltip" = "CopyTool__NoCopyTooltip"; tooltip "CopyTool__Tooltip" = "CopyTool__Tooltip"; title of settings affecting costs (construction, research), consumption of resources, etc. "Costs" = "Costs"; Map description "CraterStaticIslandMap__desc" = "CraterStaticIslandMap__desc"; Map name "CraterStaticIslandMap__name" = "CraterStaticIslandMap__name"; button to open credits of the game "Credits" = "Credits"; name "Crop_Canola__name" = "Crop_Canola__name"; name "Crop_Corn__name" = "Crop_Corn__name"; shows estimated harvest for a farm, example use: 'Estimate: 28 in 4 months', {0} is an integer specifying product quantity, and {1} is number of months like '4 months' "Crop_DurationLeft" = "Crop_DurationLeft"; tooltip "Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip" = "Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip"; name "Crop_Flowers__name" = "Crop_Flowers__name"; name "Crop_Fruits__name" = "Crop_Fruits__name"; name "Crop_GreenManure__name" = "Crop_GreenManure__name"; name: title of an item in the crop rotation schedule where actually no crop gets planted but instead the field is left to rest for few months "Crop_NoCrop__name" = "Crop_NoCrop__name"; name "Crop_Poppy__name" = "Crop_Poppy__name"; name "Crop_Potato__name" = "Crop_Potato__name"; name "Crop_Soybeans__name" = "Crop_Soybeans__name"; name "Crop_SugarCane__name" = "Crop_SugarCane__name"; name "Crop_TreeSapling__name" = "Crop_TreeSapling__name"; name "Crop_Vegetables__name" = "Crop_Vegetables__name"; name "Crop_Wheat__name" = "Crop_Wheat__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "CropCouldNotBeStored__name" = "CropCouldNotBeStored__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "CropDiedNoFertility__name" = "CropDiedNoFertility__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated Example: "Farm: Corn lost due to lack of workers" "CropDiedNoMaintenance__name" = "CropDiedNoMaintenance__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated Example "Farm: Corn lost due to lack of water" "CropDiedNoWater__name" = "CropDiedNoWater__name"; button to harvests the current crop ASAP instead of waiting for harvest time "CropHarvestNow__Action" = "CropHarvestNow__Action"; tooltip "CropHarvestNow__Tooltip" = "CropHarvestNow__Tooltip"; button that opens a window with statistics from the last crop harvest, keep it short! "CropHarvestStats__Open" = "CropHarvestStats__Open"; title of a window with statistics from the last crop harvest "CropHarvestStats__Title" = "CropHarvestStats__Title"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated Example: "Farm: Corn lacks workers" "CropLacksMaintenance__name" = "CropLacksMaintenance__name"; example use: '1 month without water. Crop will survive up to 2 months', {0} and {1} are for example '1 month', '2 months', etc. "CropOverdue" = "CropOverdue"; tooltip "CropOverdue__Tooltip" = "CropOverdue__Tooltip"; error message shown when player tries to plant a crop that requires greenhouse in order to grow but player has just an ordinary farm "CropRequiresGreenhouse" = "CropRequiresGreenhouse"; title for farm's crop schedule "CropSchedule" = "CropSchedule"; tooltip explaining crop schedule "CropSchedule__Tooltip" = "CropSchedule__Tooltip"; tooltip explaining what a skip button in crop schedule does "CropScheduleSkip__Tooltip" = "CropScheduleSkip__Tooltip"; crop died out due to lack of fertility "CropState__DeadNoFertility" = "CropState__DeadNoFertility"; crop died out due to lack of workers - no one cared about the crop "CropState__DeadNoMaintenance" = "CropState__DeadNoMaintenance"; crop died out due to lack of water "CropState__DeadNoWater" = "CropState__DeadNoWater"; crop is being removed so it can be replaced with a different one "CropState__RemovedForChange" = "CropState__RemovedForChange"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that harvest was delayed due to lack of water, {0} is replaced with string like '4 months'. "CropStats__DelayedDueToWater" = "CropStats__DelayedDueToWater"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that farm produced {0} less quantity due to premature harvest (as requested by the player) "CropStats__LessDueEarlyHarvest" = "CropStats__LessDueEarlyHarvest"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that farm produced {0} less quantity due to lack of fertility "CropStats__LessDueToFertility" = "CropStats__LessDueToFertility"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that farm produced {0} less quantity due to lack of water "CropStats__LessDueToWater" = "CropStats__LessDueToWater"; item in crop harvest stats showing the total duration without the crop was without water, {0} is replaced with string like '4 months'. "CropStats__MonthsWithoutWater" = "CropStats__MonthsWithoutWater"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that farm produced {0} more quantity thanks to extra bonus "CropStats__MoreDueToBonus" = "CropStats__MoreDueToBonus"; item in crop harvest stats explaining that farm produced {0} more quantity thanks to extra fertility "CropStats__MoreDueToFertility" = "CropStats__MoreDueToFertility"; explaining that crop is not planted yet as the farm has low fertility "CropWaiting__Fertility" = "CropWaiting__Fertility"; explaining that crop is not planted yet but reason is unknown "CropWaiting__NoReason" = "CropWaiting__NoReason"; explaining that crop is not planted yet as the farm's soil is dry and needs water "CropWaiting__Water" = "CropWaiting__Water"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated Example: "Farm: Corn will dry out due to lack of water" "CropWillDrySoon__name" = "CropWillDrySoon__name"; short description of a machine "Crusher__desc" = "Crusher__desc"; name of a machine "Crusher__name" = "Crusher__name"; short description of a machine "CrusherLarge__desc" = "CrusherLarge__desc"; name of a machine "CrusherLarge__name" = "CrusherLarge__name"; Map description "CurlandMap__desc" = "CurlandMap__desc"; map name, this name is join of curly + island, this island is a curly line in a shape of letter G "CurlandMap__name" = "CurlandMap__name"; info text showing that there is an active disease in the settlement and its properties. Example use: 'Months left: 4 | Mortality: 1.5%' "CurrentDisease__Info" = "CurrentDisease__Info"; explaining that there is no disease active "CurrentDisease__NoDisease" = "CurrentDisease__NoDisease"; title of a panel showing current disease (sickness) in the settlement "CurrentDisease__Title" = "CurrentDisease__Title"; tooltip "CurrentDisease__Tooltip" = "CurrentDisease__Tooltip"; title of a panel that shows current research that is in progress "CurrentResearch" = "CurrentResearch"; Label shown instead of configuration options in the new game flow indicating the step is optional "CustomizeDifficulty__Description" = "CustomizeDifficulty__Description"; Title above non-core maps on the map selection tab of the new game window "CustomMaps__Title" = "CustomMaps__Title"; title of a tool that is used to cut & paste already existing buildings and machines. Please keep this short! "CutTool" = "CutTool"; tooltip "CutTool__Tooltip" = "CutTool__Tooltip"; example: The ship (damaged) "DamagedSuffix" = "DamagedSuffix"; short description "DataCenter__desc" = "DataCenter__desc"; building or machine "DataCenter__name" = "DataCenter__name"; {0} will be an integer year number "DateYear__Label" = "DateYear__Label"; opens a panel that allows to paint decals onto surfaces "Decals_Paint" = "Decals_Paint"; tooltip for a button that decreases priority for the current recipe by moving it lower in the list. Keep short. "DecreasePriority" = "DecreasePriority"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "DefaultConcrete_TerrainSurface__name" = "DefaultConcrete_TerrainSurface__name"; Confirmation button shown under the delete save button on press, {0} is name of the file to be deleted "DeleteSave__Confirm" = "DeleteSave__Confirm"; {0} is name of the file that could not be deleted "DeleteSave__FailMessage" = "DeleteSave__FailMessage"; {0} is name of the file that was deleted "DeleteSave__SuccessMessage" = "DeleteSave__SuccessMessage"; tooltip "DeleteTool__EntireTransport" = "DeleteTool__EntireTransport"; tooltip "DeleteTool__QuickRemoveTooltip" = "DeleteTool__QuickRemoveTooltip"; tooltip "DeleteTool__Tooltip" = "DeleteTool__Tooltip"; "Demand" = "Demand"; title of a tool that is used to mark buildings and machines for removal. Please keep this short! "Demolish" = "Demolish"; title/tooltip of a button that opens dumping designation tool "Designation__Dumping" = "Designation__Dumping"; title/tooltip of a button that opens forestry designation tool "Designation__Forestry" = "Designation__Forestry"; title/tooltip of a button that opens leveling designation tool "Designation__Leveling" = "Designation__Leveling"; title/tooltip of a button that opens mining designation tool "Designation__Mining" = "Designation__Mining"; title/tooltip of a button that opens tree harvesting designation tool "Designation__TreeHarvesting" = "Designation__TreeHarvesting"; shown when designation is at invalid position "DesignationError__Invalid" = "DesignationError__Invalid"; player can click & drag with their mouse to removes existing designation "DesignationRemovalTooltip" = "DesignationRemovalTooltip"; category for key bindings affecting designations "Designations" = "Designations"; shown when player is trying to paint lines outside of hard surface area "DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal" = "DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal"; shown when dumping designation is not yet mineable due to its edges being too deep "DesignationWarning__CannotStartDumping" = "DesignationWarning__CannotStartDumping"; shown when forestry designation is not usable due to terrain not being fertile "DesignationWarning__CannotStartForestry" = "DesignationWarning__CannotStartForestry"; shown when leveling designation is not yet usable due to its edges being too high/deep "DesignationWarning__CannotStartLeveling" = "DesignationWarning__CannotStartLeveling"; shown when mining designation is not yet mineable due to its edges being too deep "DesignationWarning__CannotStartMining" = "DesignationWarning__CannotStartMining"; shown when forestry designation is not contained by any forestry tower area and cannot be forested. "DesignationWarning__NoForestryTower" = "DesignationWarning__NoForestryTower"; shown when mining designation is not contained by any mine tower area and cannot be mined. "DesignationWarning__NoTower" = "DesignationWarning__NoTower"; short description "DieselGenerator__desc" = "DieselGenerator__desc"; name "DieselGenerator__name" = "DieselGenerator__name"; short description "DieselGeneratorT2__desc" = "DieselGeneratorT2__desc"; name "DieselGeneratorT2__name" = "DieselGeneratorT2__name"; example: 'Difficulty: Hard' "Difficulty" = "Difficulty"; Difficulty impact on construction "DifficultyConstruction__Easy" = "DifficultyConstruction__Easy"; Difficulty impact on construction "DifficultyConstruction__Hard" = "DifficultyConstruction__Hard"; Difficulty impact on contracts & loans "DifficultyContracts__Easy" = "DifficultyContracts__Easy"; Difficulty impact on contracts & loans "DifficultyContracts__Hard" = "DifficultyContracts__Hard"; Difficulty impact on contracts & loans "DifficultyContracts__Normal" = "DifficultyContracts__Normal"; Difficulty impact on disease "DifficultyDisease__Easy" = "DifficultyDisease__Easy"; Difficulty impact on disease "DifficultyDisease__Hard" = "DifficultyDisease__Hard"; Difficulty impact on disease "DifficultyDisease__Normal" = "DifficultyDisease__Normal"; Difficulty impact on food consumption "DifficultyFood__Easy" = "DifficultyFood__Easy"; Difficulty impact on food consumption "DifficultyFood__Hard" = "DifficultyFood__Hard"; Difficulty impact on food consumption "DifficultyFood__Normal" = "DifficultyFood__Normal"; Difficulty impact on fuel consumption "DifficultyFuel__Easy" = "DifficultyFuel__Easy"; Difficulty impact on fuel consumption "DifficultyFuel__Hard" = "DifficultyFuel__Hard"; Difficulty impact on fuel consumption "DifficultyFuel__Normal" = "DifficultyFuel__Normal"; Difficulty impact on aggreculture "DifficultyGrowth__Easy" = "DifficultyGrowth__Easy"; Difficulty impact on aggreculture "DifficultyGrowth__Hard" = "DifficultyGrowth__Hard"; Difficulty impact on aggreculture "DifficultyGrowth__Normal" = "DifficultyGrowth__Normal"; Difficulty impact on maintenance consumption "DifficultyMaintenance__Easy" = "DifficultyMaintenance__Easy"; Difficulty impact on maintenance consumption "DifficultyMaintenance__Hard" = "DifficultyMaintenance__Hard"; Difficulty impact on maintenance consumption "DifficultyMaintenance__Normal" = "DifficultyMaintenance__Normal"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyMining__Easy" = "DifficultyMining__Easy"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyMining__Hard" = "DifficultyMining__Hard"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyMining__Normal" = "DifficultyMining__Normal"; Difficulty impact on pollution "DifficultyPollution__Easy" = "DifficultyPollution__Easy"; Difficulty impact on pollution "DifficultyPollution__Hard" = "DifficultyPollution__Hard"; Difficulty impact on pollution "DifficultyPollution__Normal" = "DifficultyPollution__Normal"; Difficulty impact on rainfall "DifficultyRainfall__Easy" = "DifficultyRainfall__Easy"; Difficulty impact on rainfall "DifficultyRainfall__Hard" = "DifficultyRainfall__Hard"; Difficulty impact on rainfall "DifficultyRainfall__Normal" = "DifficultyRainfall__Normal"; Difficulty impact on research "DifficultyResearch__Easy" = "DifficultyResearch__Easy"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyResearch__Hard" = "DifficultyResearch__Hard"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyResearch__Normal" = "DifficultyResearch__Normal"; Notification shown on successful save of game difficulty settings "DifficultySettingsSaved" = "DifficultySettingsSaved"; Difficulty impact on unity generation "DifficultyUnity__Easy" = "DifficultyUnity__Easy"; Difficulty impact on unity generation "DifficultyUnity__Hard" = "DifficultyUnity__Hard"; Difficulty impact on unity generation "DifficultyUnity__Normal" = "DifficultyUnity__Normal"; a difficulty option where machines / vehicles slow down and after a while stop instead of stopping abruptly when they run out of something (power) "DiffOption__GraduallyStops" = "DiffOption__GraduallyStops"; a difficulty option where ships can run on unity if out of fuel "DiffOption__RunsOnUnity" = "DiffOption__RunsOnUnity"; a difficulty option where machines / vehicles slow down instead of stopping when out of something (power, fuel) "DiffOption__SlowsDown" = "DiffOption__SlowsDown"; a difficulty option where machines / vehicles stop when out of something (power, fuel) "DiffOption__StopsWorking" = "DiffOption__StopsWorking"; {0} = Dirt "DigDirtTip" = "DigDirtTip"; used when some option is disabled "Disabled" = "Disabled"; button to discard / destroy all products "DiscardAllProducts__Action" = "DiscardAllProducts__Action"; {0} - title of a product to discard, e.g. Coal "DiscardAllProducts__Confirmation" = "DiscardAllProducts__Confirmation"; "DiscardAllProducts__NotSupported" = "DiscardAllProducts__NotSupported"; button to discard changes "DiscardChanges" = "DiscardChanges"; explains the player what they need to do in order to get access to some technology "DiscoverOnWorldMap__desc" = "DiscoverOnWorldMap__desc"; disease "Disease1__name" = "Disease1__name"; disease severity, this is the lowest severity 1/5, {0} is disease name "DiseaseSeverity__1" = "DiseaseSeverity__1"; disease severity, this is second lowest severity 2/5, {0} is disease name "DiseaseSeverity__2" = "DiseaseSeverity__2"; disease severity, this is third lowest severity, 3/5, {0} is disease name "DiseaseSeverity__3" = "DiseaseSeverity__3"; disease severity, this is second highest severity 4/5, {0} is disease name "DiseaseSeverity__4" = "DiseaseSeverity__4"; disease severity, this is the highest severity 5/5, {0} is disease name "DiseaseSeverity__5" = "DiseaseSeverity__5"; button to dismiss a dialog "Dismiss" = "Dismiss"; short description of a machine "DistillationTowerT1__desc" = "DistillationTowerT1__desc"; name of a machine "DistillationTowerT1__name" = "DistillationTowerT1__name"; description of a distillation tower "DistillationTowerT2__desc" = "DistillationTowerT2__desc"; name of a machine "DistillationTowerT2__name" = "DistillationTowerT2__name"; name of a machine "DistillationTowerT3__name" = "DistillationTowerT3__name"; Downloadable content label shown in the details panel of the load & save window "Dlc__Detail" = "Dlc__Detail"; name: toolbar category name "docksCategory__name" = "docksCategory__name"; label for a checkbox to toggle to avoid seeing some dialog again "DoNotShowAgain" = "DoNotShowAgain"; tooltip explaining dumping height selection "DropDepth__OrderingExplanation" = "DropDepth__OrderingExplanation"; explains that there are currently no products selected for dumping "DumpingFilter__Empty" = "DumpingFilter__Empty"; title of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain dumping designations managed by a mine tower area "DumpingFilter__Title" = "DumpingFilter__Title"; tooltip of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain designations managed by a mine tower area "DumpingFilter__Tooltip" = "DumpingFilter__Tooltip"; title of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain "DumpingFilterGlobal__Title" = "DumpingFilterGlobal__Title"; tooltip of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain designations managed by a mine tower area "DumpingFilterGlobal__Tooltip" = "DumpingFilterGlobal__Tooltip"; shown next to a material that can be dumped only on designations that are managed by mine control tower that has such a product allowed for dumping in its dumping filter. Other option is to change the global dumping filter. "DumpInMineTowerOnly" = "DumpInMineTowerOnly"; title of a panel that enabled to configure the depth offset a stacker should dump to "DumpOffset" = "DumpOffset"; title of settings affecting economy - loans, contracts "Economy" = "Economy"; name "EdictCategory_Industry__name" = "EdictCategory_Industry__name"; name "EdictCategory_Population__name" = "EdictCategory_Population__name"; Explanation shown when some edict could not be activated due to low health "EdictReason__HealthLow" = "EdictReason__HealthLow"; Explanation shown when some edict could not be activated due to full housing (e.g. makes no sense to increase pop growth when housing is full) "EdictReason__HousingFull" = "EdictReason__HousingFull"; shown when edict cannot be activated as it requires more advanced captain office "EdictRequiresAdvancedOffice" = "EdictRequiresAdvancedOffice"; Electricity in giga-watts "Electricity__Gw" = "Electricity__Gw"; Electricity in kilo-watts "Electricity__Kw" = "Electricity__Kw"; Electricity in mega-watts "Electricity__Mw" = "Electricity__Mw"; explains what something like '5 / 10 Kw | 20 kw' means, so it explains that 5 is the total demand for power, 10 is the current production and 20 is the maximum power output that can be produced if needed. "ElectricityDisplayTooltip" = "ElectricityDisplayTooltip"; title of a window that shows electricity production & demands "ElectricityStats" = "ElectricityStats"; description of a machine "Electrolyzer__desc" = "Electrolyzer__desc"; name of a machine Performer water electrolysis to split it to oxygen and hydrogen. "Electrolyzer__name" = "Electrolyzer__name"; name of a machine "ElectrolyzerT2__name" = "ElectrolyzerT2__name"; shown when entity has no products (e.g. when transport is empty) "Empty" = "Empty"; used when some option is enabled "Enabled" = "Enabled"; name of a toggle button that turns on/off mods "EnableMods__ToggleLabel" = "EnableMods__ToggleLabel"; tooltip that explains what mods do and their potential danger "EnableMods__Tooltip" = "EnableMods__Tooltip"; enemy ship(s) "Enemy" = "Enemy"; name "EngineT1__name" = "EngineT1__name"; short description "EngineT2__desc" = "EngineT2__desc"; name "EngineT2__name" = "EngineT2__name"; short description "EngineT3__desc" = "EngineT3__desc"; name "EngineT3__name" = "EngineT3__name"; example: 'breakdown chance: 20%' "EntityBreakdownChance" = "EntityBreakdownChance"; notification "EntityCannotBeReached__name" = "EntityCannotBeReached__name"; "EntityCannotBeReachedDesc" = "EntityCannotBeReachedDesc"; tooltip for the computing consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip" = "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip"; tooltip for the computing consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__Consuming" = "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__Consuming"; tooltip for the computing consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming" = "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming"; tooltip for the computing consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough" = "EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough"; tooltip for the computing production status in machine / building inspector "EntityComputingProductionTooltip" = "EntityComputingProductionTooltip"; tooltip for the electricity consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip" = "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip"; tooltip for the electricity consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__Consuming" = "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__Consuming"; tooltip for the electricity consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming" = "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming"; tooltip for the electricity consumption status in machine / building inspector "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough" = "EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough"; tooltip for the electricity production status in power generator inspector "EntityElectricityProductionTooltip" = "EntityElectricityProductionTooltip"; notification "EntityMayCollapseUnevenTerrain__name" = "EntityMayCollapseUnevenTerrain__name"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip" = "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__Consuming" = "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__Consuming"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotConsuming" = "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotConsuming"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotEnough" = "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotEnough"; tooltip that explains quick repair action "EntityRepair__Tooltip" = "EntityRepair__Tooltip"; title of a panel that shows the current status of a vehicle, ship or machine "EntityStatus" = "EntityStatus"; status of a nuclear reactor (temperature exceeded operational threshold) (keep it short!) "EntityStatus___NuclearReactor_Overheated" = "EntityStatus___NuclearReactor_Overheated"; animal farm has no animals, so it's empty has nothing to do "EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoAnimals" = "EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoAnimals"; animal farm is missing food to feed its animals "EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoFood" = "EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoFood"; status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Broken" = "EntityStatus__Broken"; something is being cleared out (e.g. dry crop) - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Clearing" = "EntityStatus__Clearing"; status of a datacenter, can't work as player did not add any servers into it (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Datacenter_NoServers" = "EntityStatus__Datacenter_NoServers"; farm is doing fine and growing something (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Farm_Growing" = "EntityStatus__Farm_Growing"; farm's fertility is too low (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Farm_LowFertility" = "EntityStatus__Farm_LowFertility"; farm has no crop selected, so it can't work (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Farm_NoCrop" = "EntityStatus__Farm_NoCrop"; farm lack water so can't work (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Farm_NoWater" = "EntityStatus__Farm_NoWater"; blocked as output is full - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__FullOutput" = "EntityStatus__FullOutput"; storage is full - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__FullStorage" = "EntityStatus__FullStorage"; status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Idle" = "EntityStatus__Idle"; status of a machine that cannot continue because its placement is invalid (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__InvalidPlacement" = "EntityStatus__InvalidPlacement"; not enough electricity - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__LowPower" = "EntityStatus__LowPower"; status of a selected data center when it lacks coolant (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__MissingCoolant" = "EntityStatus__MissingCoolant"; status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__MissingInput" = "EntityStatus__MissingInput"; selected entity can't work as it is lacking fuel (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NeedsFuel" = "EntityStatus__NeedsFuel"; not enough computing from datacenter - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NoComputing" = "EntityStatus__NoComputing"; means that vehicle has no jobs to do "EntityStatus__NoJobs" = "EntityStatus__NoJobs"; machine can't work as no recipe is selected - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NoRecipe" = "EntityStatus__NoRecipe"; not connected to mechanical shaft (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NoShaft" = "EntityStatus__NoShaft"; transport is not connected - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NotConnected" = "EntityStatus__NotConnected"; not enough Unity to run this entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NoUnity" = "EntityStatus__NoUnity"; status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__NoWorkers" = "EntityStatus__NoWorkers"; status for ore sorter when it got stuck with some products but still can sort others (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__PartiallyStuck" = "EntityStatus__PartiallyStuck"; status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Paused" = "EntityStatus__Paused"; status of a research lab when the current research is too advanced and the lab can't research it (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__ResearchTooAdvanced" = "EntityStatus__ResearchTooAdvanced"; shown when entity such as mine has run out of a deposit to mine "EntityStatus__ResourceDepleted" = "EntityStatus__ResourceDepleted"; ship is arriving from the world (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_Arriving" = "EntityStatus__Ship_Arriving"; ship is departing to the world (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_Departing" = "EntityStatus__Ship_Departing"; ship is docked at the shipyard (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_Docked" = "EntityStatus__Ship_Docked"; ship is exploring a location (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_Exploring" = "EntityStatus__Ship_Exploring"; ship is in battle (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_InBattle" = "EntityStatus__Ship_InBattle"; ship is traveling somewhere (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_Moving" = "EntityStatus__Ship_Moving"; ship is waiting for orders (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Ship_NoOrders" = "EntityStatus__Ship_NoOrders"; status of a selected entity, means that it is waiting to more input products in order to work (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__WaitingForProducts" = "EntityStatus__WaitingForProducts"; prefix for list of products missing in a machine, used like this: 'Products missing: iron ore, coal' "EntityStatus__WaitingForProductsTooltip" = "EntityStatus__WaitingForProductsTooltip"; all cool! - Status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__Working" = "EntityStatus__Working"; {0} is utilization, example: 'Working (20%)' - status of a selected entity (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__WorkingPartially" = "EntityStatus__WorkingPartially"; button that toggles navigation overlay, keep short "EntityToggleNavigationOverlay" = "EntityToggleNavigationOverlay"; explanation of what navigation overlay toggle does "EntityToggleNavigationOverlay__Tooltip" = "EntityToggleNavigationOverlay__Tooltip"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows the number of required workers in a machine / building' "EntityWorkersNeededTooltip" = "EntityWorkersNeededTooltip"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows the number of required workers in a machine / building' "EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_Assigned" = "EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_Assigned"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows the number of required workers in a machine / building' "EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_NotAssigned" = "EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_NotAssigned"; Label for a button to copy an error message "Error__Copy" = "Error__Copy"; Label for a button shown on error notifications to view more details "Error__View" = "Error__View"; name of a toggle button that turns on / off the error reporting "ErrorReporting__Title" = "ErrorReporting__Title"; tooltip that explains what is error reporting "ErrorReporting__Tooltip" = "ErrorReporting__Tooltip"; text explaining that there are no contracts established currently and that the player might want to establish some, followed by GoToContracts button "EstablishedContracts__NoneInfo" = "EstablishedContracts__NoneInfo"; title of a panel listing all the contracts that player established. Established in this context means that player has ongoing trade deals / trade routes for these contracts that cost monthly unity. So it has a stronger meaning then just having them unlocked. "EstablishedContracts__Title" = "EstablishedContracts__Title"; tooltip for EstablishedContracts__Title "EstablishedContracts__Tooltip" = "EstablishedContracts__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing an estimate of water yield for rainwater harvester "EstimatedWaterYieldTitle" = "EstimatedWaterYieldTitle"; short description of a machine "EvaporationPond__desc" = "EvaporationPond__desc"; name of a machine "EvaporationPond__name" = "EvaporationPond__name"; short description of a machine "EvaporationPondHeated__desc" = "EvaporationPondHeated__desc"; name of a machine "EvaporationPondHeated__name" = "EvaporationPondHeated__name"; notification "ExcavatorHasNoValidTruck__name" = "ExcavatorHasNoValidTruck__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=6 "ExcavatorT1__desc" = "ExcavatorT1__desc"; vehicle "ExcavatorT1__name" = "ExcavatorT1__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=18 "ExcavatorT2__desc" = "ExcavatorT2__desc"; vehicle "ExcavatorT2__name" = "ExcavatorT2__name"; vehicle "ExcavatorT2H__name" = "ExcavatorT2H__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=60 "ExcavatorT3__desc" = "ExcavatorT3__desc"; vehicle "ExcavatorT3__name" = "ExcavatorT3__name"; vehicle "ExcavatorT3H__name" = "ExcavatorT3H__name"; {0} is a number, used like for instance '75%' "ExhaustScrubber__desc" = "ExhaustScrubber__desc"; name of a machine "ExhaustScrubber__name" = "ExhaustScrubber__name"; exits the current gameplay session back to game's main menu "ExitToMainMenu" = "ExitToMainMenu"; example: 'Our ship has discovered Settlement!' "ExplorationResult__Entity" = "ExplorationResult__Entity"; "ExplorationResult__Loot" = "ExplorationResult__Loot"; "ExplorationResult__Nothing" = "ExplorationResult__Nothing"; "ExplorationResult__Title" = "ExplorationResult__Title"; title of a dialog that allows to export blueprint into a string "ExportBlueprint__Title" = "ExportBlueprint__Title"; title of a panel that configures truck's export priority - keep it short! "ExportPriority" = "ExportPriority"; tooltip "ExportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip" = "ExportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip"; tooltip for export of cargo stored in shipyard "ExportPriority__ShipyardCargo" = "ExportPriority__ShipyardCargo"; tooltip "ExportPriority__StorageTooltip" = "ExportPriority__StorageTooltip"; title of a panel configuring custom export routes for trucks "ExportRoutesTitle" = "ExportRoutesTitle"; title of settings affecting game failures, outages "FailureOutages" = "FailureOutages"; title of a panel showing the currently planted crop (can be only one per farm). "Farm_PlantedCrop" = "Farm_PlantedCrop"; tooltip explaining average farm production rate "FarmAvgProduction__Tooltip" = "FarmAvgProduction__Tooltip"; title of a window providing farm crop selection "FarmCropSelector" = "FarmCropSelector"; shorter version of FarmFertilityTitle used in recipes that affect fertility "FarmFertility" = "FarmFertility"; more info in FarmFertility__EquilibriumTooltip, example use: 'Fertility equilibrium: 40%' "FarmFertility__Equilibrium" = "FarmFertility__Equilibrium"; describes fertility equilibrium "FarmFertility__EquilibriumTooltip" = "FarmFertility__EquilibriumTooltip"; describes percentage with which farm's fertility gets naturally replenished (without fertilizer or other player's actions) "FarmFertility__NaturalReplenish" = "FarmFertility__NaturalReplenish"; describes natural fertility replenish rate display "FarmFertility__NaturalReplenishTooltip" = "FarmFertility__NaturalReplenishTooltip"; more info in FarmFertility__NeedTooltip, example use: 'Fertility needed: 4% / 60' "FarmFertility__Need" = "FarmFertility__Need"; tooltip explaining farm fertility need display "FarmFertility__NeedTooltip" = "FarmFertility__NeedTooltip"; target fertilization on farm, example use: 'TARGET: 120%'. Please keep capitalized if you can and keep this super short. "FarmFertility__Target" = "FarmFertility__Target"; tooltip explaining farm fertility "FarmFertility__Tooltip" = "FarmFertility__Tooltip"; explains to the fertility consumed by currently planted crop is increased because player is not rotating crops (is planting the same crop multiple times) "FarmFertilityPenaltyNoRotation" = "FarmFertilityPenaltyNoRotation"; title for farm fertility panel "FarmFertilityTitle" = "FarmFertilityTitle"; describes fertilizer to fertility conversion, example use: '1 fertilizer -> 1%' "FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversion" = "FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversion"; describes fertilizer to fertility conversion "FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversionTooltip" = "FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversionTooltip"; describes maximum achievable fertilization of current fertilizer, example use: 'Max fertilization: 100%' "FarmFertilizer__MaxFertility" = "FarmFertilizer__MaxFertility"; describes maximum fertilization target "FarmFertilizer__MaxFertilityTooltip" = "FarmFertilizer__MaxFertilityTooltip"; title for farm's stored fertilizer "FarmFertilizer__Title" = "FarmFertilizer__Title"; describes fertilizers function and storage "FarmFertilizer__Tooltip" = "FarmFertilizer__Tooltip"; button to open overview window of all the existing fertilizers, keep short "FarmFertilizersOverview__Open" = "FarmFertilizersOverview__Open"; title of a window showing overview of all the existing fertilizers "FarmFertilizersOverview__Title" = "FarmFertilizersOverview__Title"; title for farm irrigation tank "FarmIrrigation__Title" = "FarmIrrigation__Title"; tooltip explaining farm irrigation "FarmIrrigation__Tooltip" = "FarmIrrigation__Tooltip"; info text that points the player to click the plus button to plant new crop and start growing something in the farm "FarmPlantCropHelp" = "FarmPlantCropHelp"; short description "FarmT1__desc" = "FarmT1__desc"; name "FarmT1__name" = "FarmT1__name"; short description "FarmT2__desc" = "FarmT2__desc"; name "FarmT2__name" = "FarmT2__name"; example values: {0}=30%, {1}=15% "FarmT3__desc" = "FarmT3__desc"; name "FarmT3__name" = "FarmT3__name"; name "FarmT4__name" = "FarmT4__name"; title showing average water need of the farm "FarmWater__AvgNeed" = "FarmWater__AvgNeed"; title of a panel showing the current soil water level (how well is the farm watered) "FarmWater__Title" = "FarmWater__Title"; tooltip explaining how water works on farms "FarmWater__Tooltip" = "FarmWater__Tooltip"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "FarmYieldIncrease__desc" = "FarmYieldIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "FarmYieldIncrease__name" = "FarmYieldIncrease__name"; example usage of {0}: 'provide up to 12 MW of electricity' "FastBreederReactor__desc" = "FastBreederReactor__desc"; name "FastBreederReactor__name" = "FastBreederReactor__name"; short description of a machine "FermentationTank__desc" = "FermentationTank__desc"; name of a machine "FermentationTank__name" = "FermentationTank__name"; shows a location of a file, {0} is replaced with the location "FileLocation" = "FileLocation"; caption for a table header displaying file sizes "FileSize_Title" = "FileSize_Title"; "FirTree__desc" = "FirTree__desc"; short description of a machine "Flare__desc" = "Flare__desc"; name of a machine "Flare__name" = "Flare__name"; description of transport "FlatConveyorFormattedFirst__desc" = "FlatConveyorFormattedFirst__desc"; description of transport, '{0} times' used as '2 times' for instance. "FlatConveyorFormattedNext__desc" = "FlatConveyorFormattedNext__desc"; short description: small machine that allows sorting of products When there are multiple different products on a transport, this machine can filter some of them to its dedicated output port. "FlatConveyorSorter__desc" = "FlatConveyorSorter__desc"; name: small machine that allows sorting of products "FlatConveyorSorter__name" = "FlatConveyorSorter__name"; name "FlatConveyorT1__name" = "FlatConveyorT1__name"; name "FlatConveyorT2__name" = "FlatConveyorT2__name"; name "FlatConveyorT3__name" = "FlatConveyorT3__name"; name: default name of the main ship "Fleet__name" = "Fleet__name"; tooltip "FlipShortcut__Tooltip" = "FlipShortcut__Tooltip"; description of flywheel, {0} = '120 MW-seconds' "Flywheel__desc" = "Flywheel__desc"; name "Flywheel__name" = "Flywheel__name"; tooltip for a button that enables vehicle camera following "FollowVehicleTooltip" = "FollowVehicleTooltip"; title of a panel showing information about food in a settlement "Food" = "Food"; number of food categories satisfied, example use: '2 categories' "FoodCategoriesSatisfied" = "FoodCategoriesSatisfied"; name "FoodCategory_Carbs__name" = "FoodCategory_Carbs__name"; name "FoodCategory_Protein__name" = "FoodCategory_Protein__name"; name "FoodCategory_Treats__name" = "FoodCategory_Treats__name"; name "FoodCategory_Vitamins__name" = "FoodCategory_Vitamins__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "FoodConsumptionIncrease__desc" = "FoodConsumptionIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. This is a policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "FoodConsumptionIncrease__name" = "FoodConsumptionIncrease__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "FoodConsumptionReduction__desc" = "FoodConsumptionReduction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. This is a policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "FoodConsumptionReduction__name" = "FoodConsumptionReduction__name"; used as information for a food item, example use: '1 [icon of food] feeds 14 people / month' "FoodFeedInfo" = "FoodFeedInfo"; tooltip for a food category that informs that players might receive health bonus for it, if they provide it "FoodHealth__CategoryTooltip" = "FoodHealth__CategoryTooltip"; title of a panel showing information about health bonus from the food provided to the settlement "FoodHealth__Title" = "FoodHealth__Title"; tooltip "FoodHealth__Tooltip" = "FoodHealth__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing information about food in the currently selected settlement "FoodInSettlement__Title" = "FoodInSettlement__Title"; tooltip "FoodInSettlement__Tooltip" = "FoodInSettlement__Tooltip"; tooltip "FoodLeftMainPanel__Tooltip" = "FoodLeftMainPanel__Tooltip"; short description of a machine "FoodMill__desc" = "FoodMill__desc"; name of a machine "FoodMill__name" = "FoodMill__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "FoodNeed__name" = "FoodNeed__name"; short description of a machine "FoodProcessor__desc" = "FoodProcessor__desc"; name of a machine "FoodProcessor__name" = "FoodProcessor__name"; title of a panel displaying a food supply (keep it short) "FoodSupplyTitle" = "FoodSupplyTitle"; this tooltip is for a panel that shows food supply in a single settlement "FoodSupplyTitle__TooltipForSettlement" = "FoodSupplyTitle__TooltipForSettlement"; Description of forestry tower. "ForestryTower__desc" = "ForestryTower__desc"; name "ForestryTower__name" = "ForestryTower__name"; option for FpsLimitOption__NoLimit "FpsLimitOption__NoLimit" = "FpsLimitOption__NoLimit"; option for FpsLimitOption__VSync1 "FpsLimitOption__VSync1" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync1"; tooltip for FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip "FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip"; option for FpsLimitOption__VSync2 "FpsLimitOption__VSync2" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync2"; tooltip for FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip "FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip"; title for fuel information (keep it general, no diesel references) "Fuel" = "Fuel"; title of a panel that shows amount of stored fuel (keep it as general fuel) "FuelAvailable" = "FuelAvailable"; keep it as general fuel "FuelForShip__Title" = "FuelForShip__Title"; "FuelForShip__Tooltip" = "FuelForShip__Tooltip"; how much a cargo ship consumes per single journey for cargo. used as '10 / per a single journey' "FuelPerJourneySuffix" = "FuelPerJourneySuffix"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "FuelReduction__desc" = "FuelReduction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "FuelReduction__name" = "FuelReduction__name"; building or machine "FuelStationHydrogenT1__name" = "FuelStationHydrogenT1__name"; notification "FuelStationNotConnected__name" = "FuelStationNotConnected__name"; notification "FuelStationOutOfFuel__name" = "FuelStationOutOfFuel__name"; "FuelStationT1__desc" = "FuelStationT1__desc"; building or machine "FuelStationT1__name" = "FuelStationT1__name"; advanced fuel station description "FuelStationT2__desc" = "FuelStationT2__desc"; building or machine "FuelStationT2__name" = "FuelStationT2__name"; building or machine "FuelStationT3__name" = "FuelStationT3__name"; title of a panel that shows the state of a fuel tank of vehicle or ship (keep it as general fuel) "FuelTank_Title" = "FuelTank_Title"; name: ship part upgrade "FuelTankT1__name" = "FuelTankT1__name"; Label above the game name column in the load & save; game is a set of save files in one session / folder "Game__Title" = "Game__Title"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff" = "GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ComputingLow" = "GameDiff__ComputingLow"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ConstructionCostsDiff" = "GameDiff__ConstructionCostsDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__ConstructionCostsDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__ConstructionCostsDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ConsumerBroken" = "GameDiff__ConsumerBroken"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund" = "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__DiseaseMortalityDiff" = "GameDiff__DiseaseMortalityDiff"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ExtraContractsProfit" = "GameDiff__ExtraContractsProfit"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__ExtraContractsProfit_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__ExtraContractsProfit_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ExtraStartingMaterial" = "GameDiff__ExtraStartingMaterial"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__ExtraStartingMaterial_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__ExtraStartingMaterial_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__FarmsYieldDiff" = "GameDiff__FarmsYieldDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__FarmsYieldDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__FarmsYieldDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__FuelConsumptionDiff" = "GameDiff__FuelConsumptionDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__FuelConsumptionDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__FuelConsumptionDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__GroundwaterPumpLow" = "GameDiff__GroundwaterPumpLow"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__LoansDifficulty" = "GameDiff__LoansDifficulty"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__MaintenanceDiff" = "GameDiff__MaintenanceDiff"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__OreSorting" = "GameDiff__OreSorting"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__OreSorting_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__OreSorting_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__PollutionDiff" = "GameDiff__PollutionDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__PollutionDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__PollutionDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__PowerLow" = "GameDiff__PowerLow"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__PowerSetting" = "GameDiff__PowerSetting"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. {0} - PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways, {1} - PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan "GameDiff__PowerSetting_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__PowerSetting_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff" = "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__QuickRepair" = "GameDiff__QuickRepair"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__RainYieldDiff" = "GameDiff__RainYieldDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__RainYieldDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__RainYieldDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff" = "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ResourceMiningDiff" = "GameDiff__ResourceMiningDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__ResourceMiningDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__ResourceMiningDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__SettlementConsumptionDiff" = "GameDiff__SettlementConsumptionDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__SettlementConsumptionDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__SettlementConsumptionDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ShipsNoFuel" = "GameDiff__ShipsNoFuel"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff" = "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__Starvation" = "GameDiff__Starvation"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__TreesGrowthDiff" = "GameDiff__TreesGrowthDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__TreesGrowthDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__TreesGrowthDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff" = "GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__VehiclesNoFuel" = "GameDiff__VehiclesNoFuel"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__WeatherDifficulty" = "GameDiff__WeatherDifficulty"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__WorldMinesNoUnity" = "GameDiff__WorldMinesNoUnity"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__WorldMinesReservesDiff" = "GameDiff__WorldMinesReservesDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__WorldMinesReservesDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__WorldMinesReservesDiff_Tooltip"; description of difficulty setting (this is hard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__AdmiralDescription" = "GameDifficulty__AdmiralDescription"; clear description of difficulty setting (this is hard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__AdmiralExplanation" = "GameDifficulty__AdmiralExplanation"; title of game difficulty setting (this is hard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__AdmiralTitle" = "GameDifficulty__AdmiralTitle"; title of a custom game difficulty setting, in this setting the player can customize many game settings individually "GameDifficulty__CustomTitle" = "GameDifficulty__CustomTitle"; description of game difficulty setting (this is easy difficulty) "GameDifficulty__EasyDescription" = "GameDifficulty__EasyDescription"; clear description of game difficulty setting (this is easy difficulty) "GameDifficulty__EasyExplanation" = "GameDifficulty__EasyExplanation"; title of game difficulty setting (this is easy difficulty) "GameDifficulty__EasyTitle" = "GameDifficulty__EasyTitle"; description of game difficulty setting (this is standard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__NormalDescription" = "GameDifficulty__NormalDescription"; clear description of game difficulty setting (this is standard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__NormalExplanation" = "GameDifficulty__NormalExplanation"; title of game difficulty setting (this is standard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__NormalTitle" = "GameDifficulty__NormalTitle"; rendering setting name "GameFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name" = "GameFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name"; message when game initialization failed on generic failure "GameInitFail" = "GameInitFail"; message when game initialization failed likely due to an installed mod "GameInitFail__Mod" = "GameInitFail__Mod"; message when game initialization failed doe to out-of-memory error "GameInitFail__OutOrMemory" = "GameInitFail__OutOrMemory"; Title for group of related game mechanics in the new game flow "GameMechanic__Casual" = "GameMechanic__Casual"; Title for the challenge group of game mechanics in the new game flow "GameMechanic__Challenges" = "GameMechanic__Challenges"; Title for group of related game mechanics in the new game flow "GameMechanic__Realism" = "GameMechanic__Realism"; title of the game over message "GameOver__Message" = "GameOver__Message"; title of the game over message "GameOver__Title" = "GameOver__Title"; shown when save file cannot be loaded. Example: 'Cannot load someFile' "GameSaveLoad__CannotLoadFile" = "GameSaveLoad__CannotLoadFile"; shown when save file cannot be created. {0} is file path, {1} is error message "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile" = "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile"; shown when save file cannot be created. {0} is file path, {1} is error message "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile_Crash" = "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile_Crash"; message when game failed to load due to missing save file "GameSaveLoad__MissingFile" = "GameSaveLoad__MissingFile"; message when game failed to load due to missing mod "GameSaveLoad__MissingMod" = "GameSaveLoad__MissingMod"; explains to the player how they can get older version of this game to load an older save file. "GameSaveLoad__SwitchSteamVersion" = "GameSaveLoad__SwitchSteamVersion"; message when game failed to load due to save version being too new "GameSaveLoad__VersionTooHigh" = "GameSaveLoad__VersionTooHigh"; message when game failed to load due to save version being too old "GameSaveLoad__VersionTooLow" = "GameSaveLoad__VersionTooLow"; label for game seed, see "GameSeed" = "GameSeed"; tooltip explaining how is seed used in the game "GameSeed__Tooltip" = "GameSeed__Tooltip"; category for key bindings affecting game speed "GameSpeed" = "GameSpeed"; short description of a machine "GasInjectionPump__desc" = "GasInjectionPump__desc"; pump name "GasInjectionPump__name" = "GasInjectionPump__name"; Time in a game shown in the details panel of the load & save window "GateTime__Detail" = "GateTime__Detail"; title of a panel showing general information about a settlement, things like services, number of occupants, etc. "General" = "General"; category for general key bindings "GeneralShortcuts" = "GeneralShortcuts"; short description of a machine "GlassMakerT1__desc" = "GlassMakerT1__desc"; name of a machine "GlassMakerT1__name" = "GlassMakerT1__name"; short description of a machine "GlassMakerT2__desc" = "GlassMakerT2__desc"; name of a machine "GlassMakerT2__name" = "GlassMakerT2__name"; title of a panel that shows global maintenance status "GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Title" = "GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Title"; title of a panel that shows global maintenance status "GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Tooltip" = "GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Tooltip"; used to show stats of the global maintenance need, e.g. 'Global need: 40 / month' "GlobalNeedPrefix" = "GlobalNeedPrefix"; goal text, {0} - name of edict (e.g. fuel saver), {1} - Captain office "Goal__ActivateEdict" = "Goal__ActivateEdict"; title for set of goals "Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name" = "Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name"; goal text, {0} = assembly, {1} = construction parts "Goal__AnotherCpAssembly" = "Goal__AnotherCpAssembly"; goal text, {0} - (0/2), {1} - Tree harvester "Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester" = "Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester"; goal text, {0} - fuel station, {1} - name of storage, {2} - diesel "Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation" = "Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__Build" = "Goal__Build"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__BuildAndConnect" = "Goal__BuildAndConnect"; text for a goal, {0}, {1} - machine / building names "Goal__BuildAndConnect2" = "Goal__BuildAndConnect2"; text for a goal, {0}, {1}, {2} - machine / building names "Goal__BuildAndConnect3" = "Goal__BuildAndConnect3"; text for a goal, {0}, {1} - machine / building names "Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe" = "Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe"; text for a goal, {0} and {2} are machine/building names, {1} is a product "Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom" = "Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__BuildAnother" = "Goal__BuildAnother"; title for set of goals "Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name" = "Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name"; goal text, {0} - cargo dock, {1} - fluid module "Goal__BuildCargoDock" = "Goal__BuildCargoDock"; goal text, {0} - storage name, {1} - coal, {2} - boiler, {3} - conveyor belt "Goal__BuildCoalStorage" = "Goal__BuildCoalStorage"; goal text, {0} - storage, {1} - diesel, {2} - distiller "Goal__BuildDieselStorage" = "Goal__BuildDieselStorage"; goal text, {0} - farm "Goal__BuildFarm" = "Goal__BuildFarm"; goal text, {0} - fuel station, {1} - name of storage, {2} - diesel "Goal__BuildFuelStation" = "Goal__BuildFuelStation"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with the name of a housing unit "Goal__BuildHousing" = "Goal__BuildHousing"; goal text, {0} - waste dump, {1} - waste water "Goal__BuildLiquidDump" = "Goal__BuildLiquidDump"; goal text, {0} oil pump, {1} basic distiller "Goal__BuildOilPump" = "Goal__BuildOilPump"; goal text "Goal__BuildPowerGenerator" = "Goal__BuildPowerGenerator"; title for set of goals "Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name" = "Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name" = "Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name"; goal text, {0} - name of storage, {1} - blast furnace, {2} - conveyor belt, {3} - name of product "Goal__BuildSlagStorage2" = "Goal__BuildSlagStorage2"; goal text, {0} - turbine, {1} - power generator, {2} - steam, {3} - boiler "Goal__BuildSteamTurbine" = "Goal__BuildSteamTurbine"; goal text, {0} - storage, {1} - product name "Goal__BuildStorage" = "Goal__BuildStorage"; goal text "Goal__BuildWasteCollection" = "Goal__BuildWasteCollection"; text for a goal, example use: 'Construct new Excavator' "Goal__ConstructVehicle" = "Goal__ConstructVehicle"; title for set of goals "Goal__ConveyorBelts__name" = "Goal__ConveyorBelts__name"; goal text "Goal__Conveyors" = "Goal__Conveyors"; title for set of goals "Goal__CopperProduction__name" = "Goal__CopperProduction__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__CpIProduction__name" = "Goal__CpIProduction__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__CrudeOilImport__name" = "Goal__CrudeOilImport__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with name of product (e.g. slag) "Goal__DesignateDumping" = "Goal__DesignateDumping"; goal text, {0} - diesel "Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage" = "Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage"; title for set of goals "Goal__DiscoverOilRig__name" = "Goal__DiscoverOilRig__name"; text for a goal to dump a loose product (on the ground), {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Dump" = "Goal__Dump"; text for a goal to dump a liquid product (into ocean), {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__DumpLiquid" = "Goal__DumpLiquid"; goal text, {0} replaced with ore name such as limestone or iron ore "Goal__EstablishMine" = "Goal__EstablishMine"; goal text "Goal__ExploreWithShip" = "Goal__ExploreWithShip"; title for set of goals "Goal__ExploreWithShip__name" = "Goal__ExploreWithShip__name"; goal text, {0} - name of storage, {1} - slag "Goal__ExportFromSlagStorage" = "Goal__ExportFromSlagStorage"; goal text, {0} - product name, {1} - storage "Goal__FillStorage" = "Goal__FillStorage"; goal text, {0} - Light oil, {1} - Flare "Goal__FlareOff" = "Goal__FlareOff"; title for set of goals "Goal__FoodProduction__name" = "Goal__FoodProduction__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__FoodProduction2__name" = "Goal__FoodProduction2__name"; text for a goal, example with replacements: 'Build a Mine control tower near iron ore deposit, assign Excavator and Pickup to it and set up mining designations.' "Goal__ForTower" = "Goal__ForTower"; title for set of goals "Goal__FuelStation__name" = "Goal__FuelStation__name"; goal text "Goal__GrowPotatoes" = "Goal__GrowPotatoes"; goal text "Goal__HarvestTrees" = "Goal__HarvestTrees"; goal text, {0} - cargo ship, {1} - oil, {2} - oil rig "Goal__ImportCrudeOil" = "Goal__ImportCrudeOil"; goal text, {0} - storage name, {1} - coal "Goal__ImportToCoalStorage" = "Goal__ImportToCoalStorage"; title for set of goals "Goal__IronOreMining__name" = "Goal__IronOreMining__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__IronProduction__name" = "Goal__IronProduction__name"; goal text "Goal__LoadCrew" = "Goal__LoadCrew"; title for set of goals "Goal__Maintenance__name" = "Goal__Maintenance__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Mine" = "Goal__Mine"; title for set of goals "Goal__MineCoal__name" = "Goal__MineCoal__name"; goal text, {0} - beacon "Goal__PauseBeacon" = "Goal__PauseBeacon"; title for set of goals "Goal__PauseBeacon__name" = "Goal__PauseBeacon__name"; goal text, {0} - coal maker, {1} - wood "Goal__PauseCoalMaker" = "Goal__PauseCoalMaker"; title for set of goals "Goal__PopulationGrowth__name" = "Goal__PopulationGrowth__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__PowerFromCoal__name" = "Goal__PowerFromCoal__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Process" = "Goal__Process"; goal text, {0} - blast furnace, {1} - metal caster, {2} smoke stack "Goal__ProcessCopperOre" = "Goal__ProcessCopperOre"; goal text "Goal__ProcessIron" = "Goal__ProcessIron"; title for set of goals "Goal__ProcessIronOre__name" = "Goal__ProcessIronOre__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Produce" = "Goal__Produce"; goal text, {0}, {1} - name of assembly, {2} - name of construction parts II "Goal__ProduceCp2" = "Goal__ProduceCp2"; goal text, {0} - lab equipment, {1} - assembly "Goal__ProduceLabEquipment" = "Goal__ProduceLabEquipment"; text for a goal, {0} - iron scrap, {1} - radio station "Goal__ProduceScrap" = "Goal__ProduceScrap"; goal text, {0} replaced with fuel name - diesel "Goal__RefuelShip" = "Goal__RefuelShip"; goal text, {0} - cargo ship "Goal__RepairCargoShip" = "Goal__RepairCargoShip"; goal text, {0} - oil rig "Goal__RepairOilRig" = "Goal__RepairOilRig"; goal text "Goal__RepairShip" = "Goal__RepairShip"; goal text, {0} replaced with Shipyard "Goal__RepairShipyard" = "Goal__RepairShipyard"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a node to research "Goal__Research" = "Goal__Research"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__ResearchAndBuild" = "Goal__ResearchAndBuild"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade" = "Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade"; title for set of goals "Goal__RubberProduction__name" = "Goal__RubberProduction__name"; goal text, {0} - assembly, {1} - construction parts "Goal__SelectCpRecipe" = "Goal__SelectCpRecipe"; title for set of goals "Goal__SettlementWater__name" = "Goal__SettlementWater__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupBricks__name" = "Goal__SetupBricks__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupCp2__name" = "Goal__SetupCp2__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupDiesel__name" = "Goal__SetupDiesel__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupTradings__name" = "Goal__SetupTradings__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupVehicleParts__name" = "Goal__SetupVehicleParts__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__StartProducing" = "Goal__StartProducing"; title for set of goals "Goal__StockpileDiesel__name" = "Goal__StockpileDiesel__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__StockpileProducts__name" = "Goal__StockpileProducts__name"; goal text, {0} - bricks, {1} - iron "Goal__Trade" = "Goal__Trade"; goal text, {0} - Diesel, {1} - Medium oil "Goal__UseMediumOil" = "Goal__UseMediumOil"; text for a goal "Goal__WaitForRefugees" = "Goal__WaitForRefugees"; title for set of goals "Goal__WasteDumping__name" = "Goal__WasteDumping__name"; goal text, {0} - oil rig "Goal__WorldMine" = "Goal__WorldMine"; tooltip explaining that the current goal is long-term "Goal_TakeTime" = "Goal_TakeTime"; title of a button that shows / hides goals that are already completed "GoalShowCompleted__Action" = "GoalShowCompleted__Action"; title of a button that shows / hides goals that are locked (not available yet) "GoalShowLocked__Action" = "GoalShowLocked__Action"; title of a button that enables to skip the current goal / objective "GoalSkip__Action" = "GoalSkip__Action"; confirmation text of a dialog to skip a goal "GoalSkip__Confirmation" = "GoalSkip__Confirmation"; {0} = Maintenance depot "GoalTip__Maintenance" = "GoalTip__Maintenance"; "GoalTip_ActivateRecipe" = "GoalTip_ActivateRecipe"; "GoalTip_BeltsMotivation" = "GoalTip_BeltsMotivation"; "GoalTip_BuildMore" = "GoalTip_BuildMore"; "GoalTip_BuildNearShore" = "GoalTip_BuildNearShore"; {0} = liquid dump, {1} = distiller "GoalTip_ConnectWasteWithPipe" = "GoalTip_ConnectWasteWithPipe"; {0} = storage, {1} = off, {2} = vehicle import "GoalTip_DisableTruckImport" = "GoalTip_DisableTruckImport"; {0} = Shipyard "GoalTip_RefuelShip" = "GoalTip_RefuelShip"; {0} = iron ore "GoalTip_ReorderRecipes" = "GoalTip_ReorderRecipes"; button to go back (e.g. to close a window) "GoBack" = "GoBack"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Gold_TerrainSurface__name" = "Gold_TerrainSurface__name"; Map description "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__desc" = "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__desc"; Map name "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__name" = "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__name"; name of a machine "GoldFurnace__name" = "GoldFurnace__name"; Button to advance to the next step or tab in a wizard "GoNext" = "GoNext"; tooltip of a button that allows the player to manually order vehicle to go somewhere "GoTo__Tooltip" = "GoTo__Tooltip"; button that takes player a window that shows contracts overview "GoToContracts" = "GoToContracts"; tooltip "GroundReserveTooltip__Groundwater" = "GroundReserveTooltip__Groundwater"; tooltip "GroundReserveTooltip__Oil" = "GroundReserveTooltip__Oil"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "GrowthPause__desc" = "GrowthPause__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "GrowthPause__name" = "GrowthPause__name"; name: ship part upgrade "Gun0__name" = "Gun0__name"; name: ship part upgrade "Gun1__name" = "Gun1__name"; name: ship part upgrade "Gun1Rear__name" = "Gun1Rear__name"; name: ship part upgrade "Gun2__name" = "Gun2__name"; name: ship part upgrade "Gun2Rear__name" = "Gun2Rear__name"; name: ship part upgrade "Gun3__name" = "Gun3__name"; name: ship part upgrade "Gun3Rear__name" = "Gun3Rear__name"; "HeadquartersT1__desc" = "HeadquartersT1__desc"; example use 'Also adds +100% increase in quick trade volume' "HeadquartersT1__QuickTrade__desc" = "HeadquartersT1__QuickTrade__desc"; title of a panel showing health overview or statistics of people on the island "Health" = "Health"; tooltip "Health__Tooltip" = "Health__Tooltip"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "HealthBonus__desc" = "HealthBonus__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "HealthBonus__name" = "HealthBonus__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "HealthCareNeed__name" = "HealthCareNeed__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_AirPollution__name" = "HealthPointsCat_AirPollution__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionShips__name" = "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionShips__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionVehicles__name" = "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionVehicles__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Base__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Base__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Disease__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Disease__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Edicts__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Edicts__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Food__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Food__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Healthcare__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Healthcare__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_LandfillPollution__name" = "HealthPointsCat_LandfillPollution__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_WasteInSettlement__name" = "HealthPointsCat_WasteInSettlement__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_WaterPollution__name" = "HealthPointsCat_WaterPollution__name"; name: describes the current weather "HeavyRainWeather__name" = "HeavyRainWeather__name"; amount of hit points "HitPoints" = "HitPoints"; notification "Homeless__name" = "Homeless__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "HomelessLeft__name" = "HomelessLeft__name"; short description "Hospital__desc" = "Hospital__desc"; name "Hospital__name" = "Hospital__name"; tooltip for Hospital_MortalityReduction "Hospital_InputsTooltip" = "Hospital_InputsTooltip"; shows a mortality reduction provided by a hospital, example use: 'Morality reduction: 1.5%' "Hospital_MortalityReduction" = "Hospital_MortalityReduction"; tooltip for Hospital_MortalityReduction "Hospital_MortalityReductionTooltip" = "Hospital_MortalityReductionTooltip"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__desc" = "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__name" = "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "HouseholdAppliancesNeed__name" = "HouseholdAppliancesNeed__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__desc" = "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__name" = "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "HouseholdGoodsNeed__name" = "HouseholdGoodsNeed__name"; housing description, for instance {0}=60 "Housing__desc" = "Housing__desc"; building or machine "Housing__name" = "Housing__name"; explaining how settlement housing can be placed "Housing_AttachmentDesc__desc" = "Housing_AttachmentDesc__desc"; label of a chart showing total housing capacity "HousingCap" = "HousingCap"; name: toolbar category name "housingCategory__name" = "housingCategory__name"; title of a panel that lists all the increases of settlement services demands "HousingDemandIncrease" = "HousingDemandIncrease"; tooltip "HousingDemandIncrease__Tooltip" = "HousingDemandIncrease__Tooltip"; housing description, for instance {0}=120 "HousingT2__desc" = "HousingT2__desc"; building or machine "HousingT2__name" = "HousingT2__name"; building or machine "HousingT3__name" = "HousingT3__name"; title of a panel listing unity bonus of a housing "HousingUnityBonus" = "HousingUnityBonus"; tooltip "HousingUnityBonus__Tooltip" = "HousingUnityBonus__Tooltip"; short description of a machine "HydroCrackerT1__desc" = "HydroCrackerT1__desc"; name of a machine "HydroCrackerT1__name" = "HydroCrackerT1__name"; name of a machine "HydrogenReformer__name" = "HydrogenReformer__name"; "ImportantAnnouncementTitle" = "ImportantAnnouncementTitle"; message shown when blueprint string failed to import "ImportBlueprint__Fail" = "ImportBlueprint__Fail"; message shown when blueprint was successfully imported "ImportBlueprint__Success" = "ImportBlueprint__Success"; title of a dialog that allows to import blueprint from a string "ImportBlueprint__Title" = "ImportBlueprint__Title"; title of a panel that configures truck's import priority - keep it short! "ImportPriority" = "ImportPriority"; tooltip "ImportPriority__ShipCargoTooltip" = "ImportPriority__ShipCargoTooltip"; tooltip "ImportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip" = "ImportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip"; tooltip "ImportPriority__ShipRepairTooltip" = "ImportPriority__ShipRepairTooltip"; tooltip "ImportPriority__StorageTooltip" = "ImportPriority__StorageTooltip"; toggle button title, more info in ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip "ImportRoutesEnforce__Title" = "ImportRoutesEnforce__Title"; tooltip "ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip" = "ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip"; title of a panel configuring custom import routes for trucks "ImportRoutesTitle" = "ImportRoutesTitle"; short description of a machine "IncinerationPlant__desc" = "IncinerationPlant__desc"; name of a machine "IncinerationPlant__name" = "IncinerationPlant__name"; button that prioritizes actions for a selected entity (e.g. prioritize construction) - keep it short "IncreasedPriority__Action" = "IncreasedPriority__Action"; tooltip "IncreasedPriority__ConstructionTooltip" = "IncreasedPriority__ConstructionTooltip"; tooltip for a button that increases priority for the current recipe by moving it higher in the list. Keep short. "IncreasePriority" = "IncreasePriority"; tooltip "IndividualFoodSupply__Tooltip" = "IndividualFoodSupply__Tooltip"; description of a machine "IndustrialMixer__desc" = "IndustrialMixer__desc"; name of a machine "IndustrialMixer__name" = "IndustrialMixer__name"; name of a machine "IndustrialMixerT2__name" = "IndustrialMixerT2__name"; short description "InfectionDisease__desc" = "InfectionDisease__desc"; name "InfectionDisease__name" = "InfectionDisease__name"; explains that settlement has the current disease because its waste collection is poor "InfectionDisease_Reason" = "InfectionDisease_Reason"; allows trucks to deliver materials "Input__Enable" = "Input__Enable"; temporarily disables any material deliveries "Input__Pause" = "Input__Pause"; title of a panel listing all the inputs of some machine / building "InputsTitle" = "InputsTitle"; Map description "InsulaMortis__desc" = "InsulaMortis__desc"; map name, this name means 'Island of death' in latin. If your language uses similar alphabet to latin, no need to translate this "InsulaMortis__name" = "InsulaMortis__name"; notification "InvalidExportRoute__name" = "InvalidExportRoute__name"; "InvalidExportRouteSuffix" = "InvalidExportRouteSuffix"; notification "InvalidImportRoute__name" = "InvalidImportRoute__name"; "InvalidImportRouteSuffix" = "InvalidImportRouteSuffix"; Short label for input, keep it short! "IoLabel__IN" = "IoLabel__IN"; Short label for output, keep it short! "IoLabel__OUT" = "IoLabel__OUT"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the easiest one) "IslandMapDifficulty__Easy" = "IslandMapDifficulty__Easy"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__EasyTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__EasyTooltip"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__Hard" = "IslandMapDifficulty__Hard"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__HardTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__HardTooltip"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the hardest one) "IslandMapDifficulty__Insane" = "IslandMapDifficulty__Insane"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__InsaneTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__InsaneTooltip"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__Medium" = "IslandMapDifficulty__Medium"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__MediumTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__MediumTooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ApplyChanges__label" = "Kb_ApplyChanges__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ClearDesignation__label" = "Kb_ClearDesignation__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Hold while copying structures to exclude copying their configuration "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__label" = "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Copy without configuration "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__tooltip" = "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_DecreaseGameSpeed__label" = "Kb_DecreaseGameSpeed__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_DeleteEntireTransport__label" = "Kb_DeleteEntireTransport__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_DeleteWithQuickRemove__label" = "Kb_DeleteWithQuickRemove__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Flip__label" = "Kb_Flip__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_FreeLookMode__label" = "Kb_FreeLookMode__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_IncreaseGameSpeed__label" = "Kb_IncreaseGameSpeed__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition1__label" = "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition1__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition2__label" = "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition2__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition3__label" = "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition3__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_LiftSnapping__label" = "Kb_LiftSnapping__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_LowerDown__label" = "Kb_LowerDown__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveDown__label" = "Kb_MoveDown__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveLeft__label" = "Kb_MoveLeft__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveRight__label" = "Kb_MoveRight__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveUp__label" = "Kb_MoveUp__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PanCamera__label" = "Kb_PanCamera__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PanSpeedBoost__label" = "Kb_PanSpeedBoost__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PauseGame__label" = "Kb_PauseGame__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Hold to make the pause tool to only pause things instead of automatically toggling pause. "Kb_PauseMore__label" = "Kb_PauseMore__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Pause only "Kb_PauseMore__tooltip" = "Kb_PauseMore__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PhotoModeRotation__label" = "Kb_PhotoModeRotation__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PhotoModeTakePicture__label" = "Kb_PhotoModeTakePicture__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PlaceMultiple__label" = "Kb_PlaceMultiple__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PrimaryAction__label" = "Kb_PrimaryAction__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_RaiseUp__label" = "Kb_RaiseUp__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Redo__label" = "Kb_Redo__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Rotate__label" = "Kb_Rotate__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_RotateClockwise__label" = "Kb_RotateClockwise__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_RotateCounterClockwise__label" = "Kb_RotateCounterClockwise__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SaveCameraPosition1__label" = "Kb_SaveCameraPosition1__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SaveCameraPosition2__label" = "Kb_SaveCameraPosition2__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SaveCameraPosition3__label" = "Kb_SaveCameraPosition3__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Search__label" = "Kb_Search__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_SecondaryAction__label" = "Kb_SecondaryAction__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo0__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo0__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo1__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo1__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo2__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo2__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo3__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo3__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleBlueprints__label" = "Kb_ToggleBlueprints__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCaptainsOffice__label" = "Kb_ToggleCaptainsOffice__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCloneConfigTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleCloneConfigTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleConsole__label" = "Kb_ToggleConsole__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCopyTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleCopyTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCutTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleCutTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleDeleteTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleDeleteTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleDumpingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleDumpingTool__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Will also insta-copy on press while you are hovering over an entity "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Copy (insta-copy) "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__tooltip" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__tooltip"; label for a key-binding that does: Will also insta-cut on press while you are hovering over an entity "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Cut (insta-cut) "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__tooltip" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleLevelingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleLevelingTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleMap__label" = "Kb_ToggleMap__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleMiningTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleMiningTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePauseTool__label" = "Kb_TogglePauseTool__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Photo mode allows taking high-quality screenshots (better quality than default screen-grab). "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__label" = "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Toggle photo mode "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__tooltip" = "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePlanningMode__label" = "Kb_TogglePlanningMode__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePricePopup__label" = "Kb_TogglePricePopup__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePropsRemovalTool__label" = "Kb_TogglePropsRemovalTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleRecipesBook__label" = "Kb_ToggleRecipesBook__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleResearchWindow__label" = "Kb_ToggleResearchWindow__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleResVis__label" = "Kb_ToggleResVis__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleStats__label" = "Kb_ToggleStats__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleSurfacingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleSurfacingTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTradePanel__label" = "Kb_ToggleTradePanel__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTransportMenu__label" = "Kb_ToggleTransportMenu__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTreeHarvestingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleTreeHarvestingTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTutorials__label" = "Kb_ToggleTutorials__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleUnityTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleUnityTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleUpgradeTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleUpgradeTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportNoTurn__label" = "Kb_TransportNoTurn__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportPortsBlocking__label" = "Kb_TransportPortsBlocking__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportSnapping__label" = "Kb_TransportSnapping__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportTieBreak__label" = "Kb_TransportTieBreak__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Undo__label" = "Kb_Undo__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ZoomIn__label" = "Kb_ZoomIn__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ZoomOut__label" = "Kb_ZoomOut__label"; shown next to right click icon to indicate how to edit keybindings "KeybindingHowToClear" = "KeybindingHowToClear"; shown next to left click icon to indicate how to edit keybindings "KeybindingHowToEdit" = "KeybindingHowToEdit"; notification "LabCannotResearchHigherTech__name" = "LabCannotResearchHigherTech__name"; notification "LabMissingInputProducts__name" = "LabMissingInputProducts__name"; research lab is missing input products "LabStatus__MissingInput" = "LabStatus__MissingInput"; name: toolbar category name "landmarksCategory__name" = "landmarksCategory__name"; description of ground water pump "LandWaterPump__desc" = "LandWaterPump__desc"; pump name "LandWaterPump__name" = "LandWaterPump__name"; label for a dropdown that provides language setting for the game "Language" = "Language"; used to show what was the difference of maintenance in last month, e.g. 'Last month change: +20' "LastDelta" = "LastDelta"; "LastMonthUnityChanges__Title" = "LastMonthUnityChanges__Title"; "LastMonthUnityChanges__Tooltip" = "LastMonthUnityChanges__Tooltip"; Number of rocket launches shown in the details panel of the load & save window "Launches__Detail" = "Launches__Detail"; title of a buffer showing the state of fuel in launchpad's attached rocket "LaunchPad_FuelTitle" = "LaunchPad_FuelTitle"; option to toggle to launch rockets automatically when they are ready "LaunchPad_Launch__AutoStart" = "LaunchPad_Launch__AutoStart"; Shown at then end of countdown when rocket lifts off "LaunchPad_Launch__LiftOff" = "LaunchPad_Launch__LiftOff"; starts countdown and launches the current rocket "LaunchPad_Launch__Start" = "LaunchPad_Launch__Start"; title of a panel to control rocket launch "LaunchPad_Launch__Title" = "LaunchPad_Launch__Title"; title of a panel showing unity given per rocket launch "LaunchPad_UnityPerLaunch" = "LaunchPad_UnityPerLaunch"; title of a water storage buffer in a launch pad, this water is used during launch to suppress vibrations and strong sound waves. "LaunchPad_WaterBufferTitle" = "LaunchPad_WaterBufferTitle"; title of an overview that shows resources layers on top of the island terrain. Please keep this very short! "Layers" = "Layers"; small machine connected to transport belts that allows moving products vertically "LiftFlat__desc" = "LiftFlat__desc"; small machine that allows raising / lowering units of solid products vertically "LiftFlat__name" = "LiftFlat__name"; small machine connected to transport belts that allows moving products vertically "LiftLoose__desc" = "LiftLoose__desc"; small machine that allows raising / lowering loose products vertically "LiftLoose__name" = "LiftLoose__name"; name "LimestoneMine__name" = "LimestoneMine__name"; button to load the game from the currently selected save file "Load_Action" = "Load_Action"; title of a window that that enables to load existing save files "Load_Title" = "Load_Title"; Error shown for corrupt or invalid files "LoadDisabled__Corrupted" = "LoadDisabled__Corrupted"; tooltip "LoadDisabled__Error" = "LoadDisabled__Error"; tooltip "LoadDisabled__ModsMissing" = "LoadDisabled__ModsMissing"; {0} will be replaced with 'Settings' (Settings_Title) "LoadDisabled__ModsNotEnabled" = "LoadDisabled__ModsNotEnabled"; status explaining that something is just being loaded (e.g. blueprint library) "LoadInProgress" = "LoadInProgress"; Button that allows player to borrow products via loan. "Loan_Borrow__Action" = "Loan_Borrow__Action"; Tooltip for a button that accepts a loan "Loan_Borrow__Tooltip" = "Loan_Borrow__Tooltip"; used as 'Borrow: [text field to type how much quantity]' "Loan_BorrowFieldLabel" = "Loan_BorrowFieldLabel"; Arbitrary sore showing trust worthiness of the player with regards to loans "Loan_CreditScore" = "Loan_CreditScore"; Tooltip for loans credit score "Loan_CreditScore__Tooltip" = "Loan_CreditScore__Tooltip"; how much player owes, used as: 'debt: 100' "Loan_Debt" = "Loan_Debt"; Tooltip for loan duration "Loan_DurationTooltip" = "Loan_DurationTooltip"; Loan fee, how much extra needs to be paid when taking a loan "Loan_Fee" = "Loan_Fee"; Tooltip for loan fee "Loan_Fee__Tooltip" = "Loan_Fee__Tooltip"; Loan interest rate "Loan_InterestRate" = "Loan_InterestRate"; Tooltip for loan interest rate "Loan_InterestRate__Tooltip" = "Loan_InterestRate__Tooltip"; Total interest paid on the current loan so far plus extra interest added to the existing debt (used as label to show the quantity). "Loan_InterestSoFar" = "Loan_InterestSoFar"; total lifetime interest player might pay for the current loan "Loan_LifetimeInterest" = "Loan_LifetimeInterest"; Maximum number of loans, keep short, please :) "Loan_MaxLoans" = "Loan_MaxLoans"; Tooltip for maximum number of loans "Loan_MaxLoans__Tooltip" = "Loan_MaxLoans__Tooltip"; Tooltip for maximum borrowable amount "Loan_MaxToBorrowTooltip" = "Loan_MaxToBorrowTooltip"; Loan volume multiplier, keep short, please :) "Loan_Multiplier" = "Loan_Multiplier"; Tooltip for loan volume multiplier "Loan_Multiplier__Tooltip" = "Loan_Multiplier__Tooltip"; Title of a panel showing the option to take a new loan. "Loan_NewLoan" = "Loan_NewLoan"; used as: 'Next payment: [date]', keep short. Note: Player pays in products not in money. "Loan_NextPayment" = "Loan_NextPayment"; tooltip explaining how payments are being paid "Loan_NextPayment__Tooltip" = "Loan_NextPayment__Tooltip"; preposition indicating a duration within which an action occurs. used as: 'Loan_NextPayment: [X product_icon] in [20 days]'. "Loan_NextPaymentIn" = "Loan_NextPaymentIn"; "Loan_NotAvailable__LowProduction" = "Loan_NotAvailable__LowProduction"; "Loan_NotAvailable__MaxLoans" = "Loan_NotAvailable__MaxLoans"; {0} is replaced with quantity value (number) "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityHigh" = "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityHigh"; {0} is replaced with quantity value (number) "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityLow" = "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityLow"; Shown next to a loan that is overdue (player is behind with payments) "Loan_Overdue" = "Loan_Overdue"; Shown when a product buffer is not accepting any products at the moment. "Loan_PaymentBuffer__Closed" = "Loan_PaymentBuffer__Closed"; example use: 'Repayment buffer opens 6 months before each payment. This one opens in 30 days.' "Loan_PaymentBuffer__ClosedTooltip" = "Loan_PaymentBuffer__ClosedTooltip"; tooltip for payment buffer import priority "Loan_PaymentBuffer__PriorityToggle" = "Loan_PaymentBuffer__PriorityToggle"; title of panel showing list of active loan payments buffer in trade dock, more context in Loan_PaymentBuffers__Tooltip "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Title" = "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Title"; "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Tooltip" = "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Tooltip"; see Loan_PayPerYear__part2, used like this: 'Pay [X product_icon] each year for the duration of: [number of years dropdown]' "Loan_PayPerYear__part1" = "Loan_PayPerYear__part1"; see Loan_PayPerYear__part1, used like this: 'Pay [X product_icon] each year for the duration of: [number of years dropdown]' "Loan_PayPerYear__part2" = "Loan_PayPerYear__part2"; Tooltip explaining where lent products will end up "Loan_ProductsDeliveryTooltip" = "Loan_ProductsDeliveryTooltip"; The remaining lifetime interest to be paid on a loan (used as label to show the quantity). "Loan_RemainingInterest" = "Loan_RemainingInterest"; button to repay part of a loan (player pays with products, not with money) "Loan_Repay__Action" = "Loan_Repay__Action"; tooltip shown when player does not enter a valid number "Loan_Repay__InvalidQuantity" = "Loan_Repay__InvalidQuantity"; tooltip explaining that player does not have enough of products to make a loan payment "Loan_Repay__LackOfProducts" = "Loan_Repay__LackOfProducts"; tooltip "Loan_Repay__Tooltip" = "Loan_Repay__Tooltip"; the date this loan started, used as 'start date: [date]' "Loan_StartDate" = "Loan_StartDate"; The starting balance of this loan, used as 'Starting loan: 500' "Loan_StartingLoan" = "Loan_StartingLoan"; used as: '10 Years | Left', to explain how many years until loan is repaid. "Loan_TimeLeft" = "Loan_TimeLeft"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "LoanPaymentDelayed__name" = "LoanPaymentDelayed__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "LoanPaymentFailed__name" = "LoanPaymentFailed__name"; title of a panel showing currently active loans (loans that player has to pay) "Loans_Active" = "Loans_Active"; title of a panel listing all the products the player can borrow from the currently selected world map settlement "Loans_ProductsToLend" = "Loans_ProductsToLend"; title of a window that provides loans to the player (player can borrow products from other settlements) "Loans_Title" = "Loans_Title"; "Loans_Title__Tooltip" = "Loans_Title__Tooltip"; a difficulty option for loans, this is the easiest "LoansSetting__Easy" = "LoansSetting__Easy"; a difficulty option for loans, this is the hardest (although not really severe) "LoansSetting__Hard" = "LoansSetting__Hard"; Example use: 350 km away from our Island "Location_Distance" = "Location_Distance"; example usage: 2 ships with battle score: 280 "Location_EnemyScore" = "Location_EnemyScore"; Example use: This location has Oil rig "Location_HasEntity" = "Location_HasEntity"; shown in a location and explains that player's ship is on its way there "Location_ShipOnWay" = "Location_ShipOnWay"; shown in a detail of a research that is currently not available (locked behind other ones) "Locked" = "Locked"; Amount of time a difficulty setting is locked for, {0} will be a string like "2 years" or "4 months" "LockedFor__Tooltip" = "LockedFor__Tooltip"; rendering setting name "LodBiasRenderingSetting__Name" = "LodBiasRenderingSetting__Name"; keep it short, there is more info in the tooltip for player to understand "LogisticsControl__Auto" = "LogisticsControl__Auto"; "LogisticsControl__Auto_InputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__Auto_InputTooltip"; "LogisticsControl__Auto_OutputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__Auto_OutputTooltip"; title of a panel allowing to configure truck import "LogisticsControl__InputTitle" = "LogisticsControl__InputTitle"; tooltip of a panel allowing to configure if trucks can import into the selected machine / building "LogisticsControl__InputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__InputTooltip"; keep it short, there is more info in the tooltip for player to understand "LogisticsControl__Off" = "LogisticsControl__Off"; "LogisticsControl__Off_InputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__Off_InputTooltip"; "LogisticsControl__Off_OutputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__Off_OutputTooltip"; keep it short, there is more info in the tooltip for player to understand "LogisticsControl__On" = "LogisticsControl__On"; "LogisticsControl__On_InputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__On_InputTooltip"; "LogisticsControl__On_OutputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__On_OutputTooltip"; title of a panel allowing to configure truck export "LogisticsControl__OutputTitle" = "LogisticsControl__OutputTitle"; tooltip of a panel allowing to configure if trucks can export from the selected machine / building "LogisticsControl__OutputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__OutputTooltip"; shows how busy vehicles are, more info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__Busy" = "LogisticsStatus__Busy"; shows how busy vehicles are, more info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__ExtremelyBusy" = "LogisticsStatus__ExtremelyBusy"; shows how busy vehicles are. This status means that logistics is totally fine. More info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__Stable" = "LogisticsStatus__Stable"; tooltip "LogisticsStatus__Tooltip" = "LogisticsStatus__Tooltip"; shows how busy vehicles are, more info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__VeryBusy" = "LogisticsStatus__VeryBusy"; description of transport "LooseConveyorFormattedFirst__desc" = "LooseConveyorFormattedFirst__desc"; description of transport, '{0} times' used as '2 times' for instance. "LooseConveyorFormattedNext__desc" = "LooseConveyorFormattedNext__desc"; short description: small machine that allows sorting of products "LooseConveyorSorter__desc" = "LooseConveyorSorter__desc"; name: small machine that allows sorting of products "LooseConveyorSorter__name" = "LooseConveyorSorter__name"; name "LooseMaterialConveyor__name" = "LooseMaterialConveyor__name"; name "LooseMaterialConveyorT2__name" = "LooseMaterialConveyorT2__name"; name "LooseMaterialConveyorT3__name" = "LooseMaterialConveyorT3__name"; title of panel that lists all the loot received by getting new refugees "LootReceived" = "LootReceived"; notification "LowFarmFertility__name" = "LowFarmFertility__name"; notification "LowFoodSupply__name" = "LowFoodSupply__name"; notification "LowGroundwater__name" = "LowGroundwater__name"; notification "MachineIsBroken__name" = "MachineIsBroken__name"; name: toolbar category name "machinesCategory__name" = "machinesCategory__name"; name: toolbar category name "machinesElectricityCategory__name" = "machinesElectricityCategory__name"; name: toolbar category name "machinesFoodCategory__name" = "machinesFoodCategory__name"; name: toolbar category name "machinesMetallurgyCategory__name" = "machinesMetallurgyCategory__name"; name: toolbar category name "machinesOilCategory__name" = "machinesOilCategory__name"; name: toolbar category name "machinesWaterCategory__name" = "machinesWaterCategory__name"; example: 'Made in version: 1.0.0' "MadeInVersion" = "MadeInVersion"; button to subscribe for our updates "MailingList" = "MailingList"; short description "Mainframe__desc" = "Mainframe__desc"; name "Mainframe__name" = "Mainframe__name"; title of player's main ship "MainShipTitle" = "MainShipTitle"; represents general maintenance for machine, vehicle or anything else "Maintenance" = "Maintenance"; tooltip explaining why entity needs to be maintained "Maintenance__EntityTooltip" = "Maintenance__EntityTooltip"; name "MaintenanceDepotT0__name" = "MaintenanceDepotT0__name"; description of a maintenance depot "MaintenanceDepotT1__desc" = "MaintenanceDepotT1__desc"; name "MaintenanceDepotT1__name" = "MaintenanceDepotT1__name"; name "MaintenanceDepotT2__name" = "MaintenanceDepotT2__name"; name "MaintenanceDepotT3__name" = "MaintenanceDepotT3__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "MaintenanceReduction__desc" = "MaintenanceReduction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "MaintenanceReduction__name" = "MaintenanceReduction__name"; button that sets the current priority as the default one. IMPORTANT: Keep it very short!! "MakeDefault" = "MakeDefault"; tooltip "MakeDefault__ConstructionTooltip" = "MakeDefault__ConstructionTooltip"; tooltip "MakeDefault__DeconstructionTooltip" = "MakeDefault__DeconstructionTooltip"; button to click on to change the area that is managed by the selected tower "ManagedArea__EditAction" = "ManagedArea__EditAction"; size of the area managed by the selected mining tower, example 'Managed area: 132m x 142m' "ManagedArea__Info" = "ManagedArea__Info"; button to click on to change the designation that is managed by the selected forestry tower "ManagedDesignation__EditAction" = "ManagedDesignation__EditAction"; Informs the player that game is being saved (as player requested) "ManualSaveInProgress" = "ManualSaveInProgress"; To show the island map name, used like this: 'Map New Haven "Map" = "Map"; Shows the total flat area of an island. Flat are considered areas that have no cliffs or mountains and can be used for construction. Example of use: 'Flat area 2.1 km²' "MapArea__Flat" = "MapArea__Flat"; Shows the total area of an island (excluding ocean). Example of use: 'Land area 2.1 km²' "MapArea__Land" = "MapArea__Land"; Dimensions of the entire map (including ocean), shown next to "{x} x {y} km" value "MapArea__Total" = "MapArea__Total"; shown when the current map file is probably corrupted. "MapInvalid" = "MapInvalid"; "MapleTree__desc" = "MapleTree__desc"; "MapleTreeDry__desc" = "MapleTreeDry__desc"; Tooltip explaining resources toggle in the map selection screen, {0} replaced with number. "MapResources_EasyToReach_Tooltip" = "MapResources_EasyToReach_Tooltip"; Label for a checkbox in the "Map resources" section of the map selection tab of the new game wizard that toggles preview of resource locations on the map "MapResources_ShowPins" = "MapResources_ShowPins"; Label for a checkbox on the fullscreen map view that toggles preview of resource locations on the map "MapResources_ShowPinsTooltip" = "MapResources_ShowPinsTooltip"; Title shown above the map's resources in the map selection tab of the new game flow "MapResources_Title" = "MapResources_Title"; shows map area, e.g. '1.2 × 1.4 km', use the × character, not a letter x. "MapSize_XY" = "MapSize_XY"; text showing how many matches were found for a search query "MatchesFound" = "MatchesFound"; describes a chart that visualizes maximal production capacity, e.g. for electricity or computing "MaxCapacity" = "MaxCapacity"; max. fire range from all the weapons available "MaxWeaponRange" = "MaxWeaponRange"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__InfiniteMines" = "Mechanic_Casual__InfiniteMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__LogisticsPower" = "Mechanic_Casual__LogisticsPower"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__Title" = "Mechanic_Casual__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__WorldMines" = "Mechanic_Casual__WorldMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_OreSorting__OreSorting" = "Mechanic_OreSorting__OreSorting"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_OreSorting__Title" = "Mechanic_OreSorting__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__Pumps" = "Mechanic_Realism__Pumps"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__ShipsFuel" = "Mechanic_Realism__ShipsFuel"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__Starvation" = "Mechanic_Realism__Starvation"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__Title" = "Mechanic_Realism__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__VehiclesFuel" = "Mechanic_Realism__VehiclesFuel"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__BrokenConsumers" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__BrokenConsumers"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__LogisticsPower" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__LogisticsPower"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__QuickRepair" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__QuickRepair"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__Title" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__Title"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__Title" = "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__WorldMines" = "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__WorldMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__ExtraMaterials" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__ExtraMaterials"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__InfiniteMines" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__InfiniteMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Refund" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Refund"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Title" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Title"; title for difficulty settings affecting game mechanics "Mechanics" = "Mechanics"; label for auto-balance toggle to shut off steam turbine when there is an excess of mechanical power "MechPowerGenerator__AutoBalance" = "MechPowerGenerator__AutoBalance"; tooltip explaining auto-balancing toggle "MechPowerGenerator__AutoBalanceTooltip" = "MechPowerGenerator__AutoBalanceTooltip"; efficiency title for mech power generators "MechPowerGenerator__EfficiencyTitle" = "MechPowerGenerator__EfficiencyTitle"; efficiency tooltip for mech power generators "MechPowerGenerator__EfficiencyTooltip" = "MechPowerGenerator__EfficiencyTooltip"; button to leave the menu and continue playing "Menu__Continue" = "Menu__Continue"; button to edit advanced game difficulty settings in-game "Menu__DifficultySettings" = "Menu__DifficultySettings"; Label for a button that opens game's discord, keep short! "Menu__Discord" = "Menu__Discord"; button to open a window that enables to choose a saved game and load it "Menu__Load" = "Menu__Load"; button to click on to open a map editor "Menu__MapEditor" = "Menu__MapEditor"; button to start a new game "Menu__NewGame" = "Menu__NewGame"; button to click on to open a settings window "Menu__OpenSettings" = "Menu__OpenSettings"; button to open a window that enables to save the current game progress "Menu__Save" = "Menu__Save"; rendering setting name "MenusFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name" = "MenusFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name"; title of column showing a list of all messages "MessageCenter__MessagesTitle" = "MessageCenter__MessagesTitle"; title of a window containing messages to the player "MessageCenter__Title" = "MessageCenter__Title"; name of tutorial group about food production "MessageGroupFoodProduction__name" = "MessageGroupFoodProduction__name"; name of tutorial group about general topics "MessageGroupGeneral__name" = "MessageGroupGeneral__name"; name of tutorial group for initial tutorials "MessageGroupGettingStarted__name" = "MessageGroupGettingStarted__name"; name of tutorial group about logistics (truck, belts, ships) "MessageGroupLogistics__name" = "MessageGroupLogistics__name"; name of tutorial group about settlements "MessageGroupSettlement__name" = "MessageGroupSettlement__name"; name of tutorial group about terraforming (mining, dumping) "MessageGroupTerraforming__name" = "MessageGroupTerraforming__name"; name of tutorial group about game tools (copy, paste, pause) "MessageGroupTools__name" = "MessageGroupTools__name"; name of messages group for warnings "MessageGroupWarnings__name" = "MessageGroupWarnings__name"; name of tutorial group about world map (world settlements, exploration, ships) "MessageGroupWorld__name" = "MessageGroupWorld__name"; victory message (part 1) "MessageOnVictory__part1" = "MessageOnVictory__part1"; victory message (part 2) "MessageOnVictory__part2" = "MessageOnVictory__part2"; victory message (part 3) "MessageOnVictory__part3" = "MessageOnVictory__part3"; victory message caption "MessageOnVictory__title" = "MessageOnVictory__title"; title of message or tutorial "MessageWelcome__name" = "MessageWelcome__name"; "MessageWelcome__part1" = "MessageWelcome__part1"; {0} = Construction parts "MessageWelcome__part2V2" = "MessageWelcome__part2V2"; "MessageWelcome__part3V2" = "MessageWelcome__part3V2"; {0} = Research Lab "MessageWelcome__part4V2" = "MessageWelcome__part4V2"; {0} = Trading Dock "MessageWelcome__part5" = "MessageWelcome__part5"; "MessageWelcome__part6" = "MessageWelcome__part6"; Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Metal_TerrainSurface" = "Metal_TerrainSurface"; description of a machine. For the curious ones :) => "MicrochipMachine__desc" = "MicrochipMachine__desc"; name of a machine "MicrochipMachine__name" = "MicrochipMachine__name"; name of a machine "MicrochipMachineT2__name" = "MicrochipMachineT2__name"; short description "MineTower__desc" = "MineTower__desc"; building or machine "MineTower__name" = "MineTower__name"; explains that there are currently no products selected in the notification filter "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Empty" = "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Empty"; title of a panel that configures notification filter. If a truck has a product which is in this filter and cannot deliver it, we show a notification "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Title" = "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Title"; tooltip of a panel that configures notification filter. If a truck has product in this filter assigned and cannot deliver it, we show a notification "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Tooltip" = "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Tooltip"; title of a panel that sets what material should be prioritized by an excavator when mining "MiningPriority__Title" = "MiningPriority__Title"; tooltip "MiningPriority__Tooltip" = "MiningPriority__Tooltip"; small box that allows splitting and merging of transports "MiniZip_all" = "MiniZip_all"; title of other / misc settings "MiscellaneousSettings_Title" = "MiscellaneousSettings_Title"; Tooltip shown for missing mods in the details panel of the load & save window "ModMissing__Tooltip" = "ModMissing__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing list of available mods that are not yet used in the current save file "ModsAvailable__Title" = "ModsAvailable__Title"; tooltip "ModsAvailable__Tooltip" = "ModsAvailable__Tooltip"; List of mods required to load the selected save file shown in the details panel of the load & save window "ModsInSave__Detail" = "ModsInSave__Detail"; tooltip "ModsInSave__Tooltip" = "ModsInSave__Tooltip"; description of transport "MoltenConveyorFormattedFirst__desc" = "MoltenConveyorFormattedFirst__desc"; name "MoltenMetalChannel__name" = "MoltenMetalChannel__name"; explains how long is 1 month. E.g. '*1 months = 60' "MonthDurationLegend" = "MonthDurationLegend"; Power (electric or mechanical) in mega-watt-seconds. Similar unit to kWh (kilo-watt-hour) but larger. "MwSec__Unit" = "MwSec__Unit"; title of settings affecting nature - trees, crops growth "Nature" = "Nature"; tooltip suffix that explains that player can navigate through all the results by pressing {0} key "NavigateTo__KeyHint" = "NavigateTo__KeyHint"; tooltip for button that navigates to the next search result "NavigateTo__Next" = "NavigateTo__Next"; tooltip for button that navigates to the previous search result "NavigateTo__Previous" = "NavigateTo__Previous"; e.g. 'Needs: 40 / month' "Needs" = "Needs"; {0} = damaged cargo ship "NeedsRepairsDesc__Parametrized" = "NeedsRepairsDesc__Parametrized"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated Example: "Blast furnace needs a transport to output exhaust" "NeedsTransportConnected__name" = "NeedsTransportConnected__name"; placeholder for a title when a new blueprint is created, e.g. 'Blueprint #2' "NewBlueprintTitlePlaceholder" = "NewBlueprintTitlePlaceholder"; title of a panel showing new discovery, e.g. a new technology "NewDiscovery" = "NewDiscovery"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "NewErrorOccurred__name" = "NewErrorOccurred__name"; tooltip of a button that creates a new folder "NewFolder__Tooltip" = "NewFolder__Tooltip"; placeholder for a title when a new folder is created, e.g. 'New folder #2' "NewFolderTitlePlaceholder" = "NewFolderTitlePlaceholder"; In new game wizard. Title of the tab where you configure game options "NewGameWizard__Customization" = "NewGameWizard__Customization"; In new game wizard. Title of a panel that enables to configure game difficulty "NewGameWizard__Difficulty" = "NewGameWizard__Difficulty"; In new game wizard. Label for the game name entry field "NewGameWizard__GameName" = "NewGameWizard__GameName"; Shown when we fail to write a testing save file to a save folder before starting the new game "NewGameWizard__GameName__FailedToWrite" = "NewGameWizard__GameName__FailedToWrite"; In new game wizard. Warning shown next to the game name entry field when the name is already used "NewGameWizard__GameName__InUse" = "NewGameWizard__GameName__InUse"; In new game wizard. Warning shown next to the game name entry field when the name contains invalid characters. "NewGameWizard__GameName__InvalidChars" = "NewGameWizard__GameName__InvalidChars"; Button that launches a new game "NewGameWizard__Launch" = "NewGameWizard__Launch"; In new game wizard. Title of a panel that enables to pick a map and configure it "NewGameWizard__MapSelection" = "NewGameWizard__MapSelection"; In new game wizard. Title of the tab where you configure optional game meachanics "NewGameWizard__Mechanics" = "NewGameWizard__Mechanics"; Title of window that enables the player to configure and start a new game. Contains several configuration panels. "NewGameWizard__Title" = "NewGameWizard__Title"; "NewRefugees" = "NewRefugees"; "NewRefugees__Beacon" = "NewRefugees__Beacon"; notification "NoAvailableMineDesignInTowerArea__name" = "NoAvailableMineDesignInTowerArea__name"; notification "NoCropToGrow__name" = "NoCropToGrow__name"; notification "NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name" = "NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name"; status shown when there is a research in progress but no lab is available (keep it short!) "NoLabAvailable" = "NoLabAvailable"; notification "NoMineDesignInTowerArea__name" = "NoMineDesignInTowerArea__name"; used for items in a list that have no value, often used to unset something "None" = "None"; Message shown in empty dropdowns "NoOptions" = "NoOptions"; notification "NoProductAssignedToEntity__name" = "NoProductAssignedToEntity__name"; notification Example: Blast furnace has no recipe selected "NoRecipeSelected__name" = "NoRecipeSelected__name"; status shown when there is no research active (keep it short!) "NoResearchSelected" = "NoResearchSelected"; example: 'Groundwater pump has no resource to extract' "NoResourceToExtract__name" = "NoResourceToExtract__name"; notification "NotEnoughFuelToRefuel__name" = "NotEnoughFuelToRefuel__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated Example: "Not enough Maintenance I" or "Not enough Maintenance II" "NotEnoughMaintenance__name" = "NotEnoughMaintenance__name"; notification "NotEnoughPower__name" = "NotEnoughPower__name"; notification This is displayed when the accumulated unity that the player has gets to 0 but there are some demands for it on regular basis (e.g. active oil rig that needs 1 every month). "NotEnoughUpoints__name" = "NotEnoughUpoints__name"; notification "NotEnoughUpointsForEntity__name" = "NotEnoughUpointsForEntity__name"; notification "NotEnoughWorkers__name" = "NotEnoughWorkers__name"; shown when nothing is found for a search query. "NothingFound" = "NothingFound"; shown when nothing is found for a given search query where {0} is the search query. "NothingFoundFor" = "NothingFoundFor"; notification text when new world map location is explored "Notification__LocationExplored" = "Notification__LocationExplored"; notification text when refugees arrive to the island "Notification__NewRefugees" = "Notification__NewRefugees"; notification text when research is completed, {0} is research name "Notification__ResearchComplete" = "Notification__ResearchComplete"; notification text when player's ship gets into a battle (with pirates ships) "Notification__ShipInBattle" = "Notification__ShipInBattle"; mute notifications audio "Notifications__Mute" = "Notifications__Mute"; explains that there are no new notifications "Notifications__NoNew" = "Notifications__NoNew"; unmute notifications audio "Notifications__Unmute" = "Notifications__Unmute"; Toggles whether the player should get notified in case the farm has no space in its output to store harvested crop and has to throw it away. "NotifyIfFarmBufferFull" = "NotifyIfFarmBufferFull"; text of a toggle button for a low reserve notification on a ground water pump or oil pump. "NotifyOnLowReserve" = "NotifyOnLowReserve"; notification "NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name" = "NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name"; notification "NoTreesToHarvest__name" = "NoTreesToHarvest__name"; notification "NoTruckAssignedToTreeHarvester__name" = "NoTruckAssignedToTreeHarvester__name"; "NoVehicleDepotAvailable" = "NoVehicleDepotAvailable"; shown in a vehicle assignment panel in case there are no vehicles assigned "NoVehiclesAssigned" = "NoVehiclesAssigned"; short description "NoWaterDisease__desc" = "NoWaterDisease__desc"; name "NoWaterDisease__name" = "NoWaterDisease__name"; explains that settlement has the current disease due to its low water supply "NoWaterDisease_Reason" = "NoWaterDisease_Reason"; title of a checkbox that enables auto regulation of nuclear reactor, more explained in NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle" = "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle"; "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip" = "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip"; example usage of {0}: 'provide up to 12 MW of electricity' "NuclearReactor__desc" = "NuclearReactor__desc"; tooltip explaining that a reactor can't be upgraded while it's running "NuclearReactor__DisableBeforeUpgrade" = "NuclearReactor__DisableBeforeUpgrade"; title of a panel that shows status of emergency cooling buffers, see tooltip to get better context "NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTitle" = "NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTitle"; "NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTooltip" = "NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTooltip"; title of panel showing info about fuel enrichment in nuclear reactor "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTitle" = "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTitle"; title of panel showing info about fuel enrichment in nuclear reactor "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTooltip" = "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTooltip"; suffix for NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip in case the current reactor releases radiation on meltdown "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelNoRadiationSuffix" = "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelNoRadiationSuffix"; suffix for NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip in case the current reactor releases radiation on meltdown "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelRadiationSuffix" = "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelRadiationSuffix"; title of a section that shows reactor heat, see tooltip to get better context "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTitle" = "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTitle"; "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip" = "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip"; name "NuclearReactor__name" = "NuclearReactor__name"; explanation of nuclear reactor state when it has low maintenance "NuclearReactor__NotEnoughMaintenance" = "NuclearReactor__NotEnoughMaintenance"; explanation of nuclear reactor overheating state "NuclearReactor__Overheated" = "NuclearReactor__Overheated"; title of a slider that shows power level setting of nuclear reactor, see tooltip to get better context "NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTitle" = "NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTitle"; "NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTooltip" = "NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTooltip"; notification "NuclearReactorInMeltdown__name" = "NuclearReactorInMeltdown__name"; shows the minimum number of fuel required in the reactor in order for it to work, used like this: 'At least 16 units of fuel required to operate' "NuclearReactorRods__MinRequired" = "NuclearReactorRods__MinRequired"; title of a panel that shows status of fuel stored in the reactor "NuclearReactorRods__StatusTitle" = "NuclearReactorRods__StatusTitle"; tooltip explaining how fuel works in a reactor "NuclearReactorRods__Tooltip" = "NuclearReactorRods__Tooltip"; example usage of {0}: 'provide up to 12 MW of electricity' "NuclearReactorT2__desc" = "NuclearReactorT2__desc"; name "NuclearReactorT2__name" = "NuclearReactorT2__name"; short description of a machine "NuclearReprocessingPlant__desc" = "NuclearReprocessingPlant__desc"; name of a machine "NuclearReprocessingPlant__name" = "NuclearReprocessingPlant__name"; short description "NuclearWasteStorage__desc" = "NuclearWasteStorage__desc"; name "NuclearWasteStorage__name" = "NuclearWasteStorage__name"; example: '1 day', '2 days' "NumberOfDays" = "NumberOfDays"; example: '1 month', '2 months' "NumberOfMonths" = "NumberOfMonths"; e.g. 1 settlement, 2 settlements "NumberOfSettlements" = "NumberOfSettlements"; example: '1 year', '2 years' "NumberOfYears" = "NumberOfYears"; "OakTree__desc" = "OakTree__desc"; "OakTreeDry__desc" = "OakTreeDry__desc"; title of a panel showing the current population size on the island or in a settlement and amount of housing available. "Occupants__Title" = "Occupants__Title"; this tooltip is for a panel showing occupants on the whole island "Occupants__TooltipForIsland" = "Occupants__TooltipForIsland"; this tooltip is for a panel showing occupants in a single settlement "Occupants__TooltipForSettlement" = "Occupants__TooltipForSettlement"; notification "OceanAccessBlocked__name" = "OceanAccessBlocked__name"; title for ocean quality setting "OceanRenderingQuality" = "OceanRenderingQuality"; short description: {0} is an integer specifying max height such as '10' "OceanWaterPumpLarge__desc" = "OceanWaterPumpLarge__desc"; name "OceanWaterPumpLarge__name" = "OceanWaterPumpLarge__name"; short description: {0} is an integer specifying max height such as '5' "OceanWaterPumpT1__desc" = "OceanWaterPumpT1__desc"; name "OceanWaterPumpT1__name" = "OceanWaterPumpT1__name"; something is turned off - e.g. autosave: off "Off_Option" = "Off_Option"; short description of a machine "OilPump__desc" = "OilPump__desc"; pump name "OilPump__name" = "OilPump__name"; short description "OilRigCost1__desc" = "OilRigCost1__desc"; name "OilRigCost1__name" = "OilRigCost1__name"; used as for instance: / month "OneMonth" = "OneMonth"; In new game wizard. Label on a button to open the CoI Hub community website "OpenCoIHub" = "OpenCoIHub"; button to click on to open a research window, shown when some research is in progress "OpenResearch_Action" = "OpenResearch_Action"; Button to open statistics for a particular product "OpenStats" = "OpenStats"; action to open a window with a tutorial (shown as a tooltip of an icon button) "OpenTutorial" = "OpenTutorial"; checkbox to enable vehicles to refuel at this building "Option_AllowRefuelInEntity" = "Option_AllowRefuelInEntity"; a difficulty option where pumps reduce their throughput when out of groundwater instead of stopping entirely "Option_ReducesThroughput" = "Option_ReducesThroughput"; configuration option that sets something to be unlimited (e.g. oil reserve). "Option_Unlimited" = "Option_Unlimited"; title for options (to configure machine or building) "Options" = "Options"; used as value in configuration, example usage: 'Fuel consumption: 20% increased' "OptionValIncreased" = "OptionValIncreased"; example usages: '-4 meters' or '+1 meter' "OptionValMeters" = "OptionValMeters"; used as value in configuration, example usage: 'Fuel consumption: 20% reduced' "OptionValReduced" = "OptionValReduced"; used as value in configuration. Config can be -10% or +20% but if it is +0% we use 'Standard'. Example: 'Fuel consumption: Standard' "OptionValStandard" = "OptionValStandard"; title for a panel that can order a vehicle to do something (scrap, assign) "Orders" = "Orders"; more info in OreSorting_AllowedProducts__Tooltip "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Title" = "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Title"; {0} - replaced with mine tower "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Tooltip"; tooltip for toggle in ore sorting plant to set to notify if plant can't no longer work due to its output being blocked "OreSorter_BlockedAlert__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_BlockedAlert__Tooltip"; title of a container showing all the mixed input products waiting to be sorted in the sorting plant "OreSorter_InputTitle" = "OreSorter_InputTitle"; note: this will never be used in singular form, usually number will be around 8 products "OreSorter_LimitReached" = "OreSorter_LimitReached"; toggle in ore sorting plant, more info in OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Toggle" = "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Toggle"; tooltip for toggle in ore sorting plant "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip"; tooltip "OreSorter_ProductBlocked__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_ProductBlocked__Tooltip"; Call to action for player to select products to sort in ore sorting plant "OreSorter_SelectProducts" = "OreSorter_SelectProducts"; short description "OreSortingPlantT1__desc" = "OreSortingPlantT1__desc"; name "OreSortingPlantT1__name" = "OreSortingPlantT1__name"; tooltip for a dropdown that allows to select machine's output port for a particular product "OutputPort__Tooltip" = "OutputPort__Tooltip"; title of a panel listing all the outputs of some machine / building "OutputsTitle" = "OutputsTitle"; more information in OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip "OutputThisProductOnly" = "OutputThisProductOnly"; tooltip "OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip" = "OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip"; toggles visibility of mining & dumping designations "Overlays__Designations" = "Overlays__Designations"; toggles visibility of grid on terrain "Overlays__Grid" = "Overlays__Grid"; title to panel that highlights individual resources like coal, iron ore. "Overlays__Resources" = "Overlays__Resources"; title for window that shows overlays like resources, designations. "Overlays__Title" = "Overlays__Title"; highlights trees that are prioritized for harvest "Overlays__Trees" = "Overlays__Trees"; button to overwrite an already existing save file "OverwriteSave__Action" = "OverwriteSave__Action"; Confirm prompt to overwrite an existing save file, {0} is name of the file to overwrite "OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt" = "OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt"; title of panel that shows all the owned vehicles "OwnedVehicles" = "OwnedVehicles"; description of a machine "OxygenFurnace__desc" = "OxygenFurnace__desc"; name of a machine "OxygenFurnace__name" = "OxygenFurnace__name"; name of a machine "OxygenFurnaceT2__name" = "OxygenFurnaceT2__name"; "PalmTree__desc" = "PalmTree__desc"; explained in PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip "PartialTrucksToggle" = "PartialTrucksToggle"; tooltip "PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip" = "PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip"; title for particle quality setting "ParticlesRenderingQuality" = "ParticlesRenderingQuality"; title of a button to paste string from the clipboard "PasteString__Action" = "PasteString__Action"; tooltip "PasteString__Tooltip" = "PasteString__Tooltip"; button to open patch notes and title of a window with patch notes as well "PatchNotes" = "PatchNotes"; title of a window that shows new patch notes since the last time the player played the game "PatchNotes__New" = "PatchNotes__New"; button to request to pause some operation (not the game itself) "Pause" = "Pause"; displayed on the screen when the game is paused "Paused" = "Paused"; title of a tool that is used to pause / unpause machines and vehicle "PauseTool" = "PauseTool"; tooltip "PauseTool__PauseOnlyTooltip" = "PauseTool__PauseOnlyTooltip"; tooltip "PauseTool__Tooltip" = "PauseTool__Tooltip"; used to show how much something costs per a single ship's journey, used like this for instance: 2 Unity / journey. "PerJourneySuffix" = "PerJourneySuffix"; category for key-bindings used in photo-mode (photo mode allows players to control the camera in a different way and to take nice screenshots) "PhotoMode" = "PhotoMode"; description of transport "PipeFormattedFirst__desc" = "PipeFormattedFirst__desc"; description of transport, '{0} times' used as '2 times' for instance. "PipeFormattedNext__desc" = "PipeFormattedNext__desc"; name "PipeT1__name" = "PipeT1__name"; name "PipeT2__name" = "PipeT2__name"; name "PipeT3__name" = "PipeT3__name"; tooltip "PlaceMultipleTooltip" = "PlaceMultipleTooltip"; "PlaceSurface__Tooltip" = "PlaceSurface__Tooltip"; title of a button that enabled or disables a planning mode (mode in which buildings are not built immediately) "PlanningMode" = "PlanningMode"; label showing that planning mode is currently enabled, should be reasonably short "PlanningModeActive__Title" = "PlanningModeActive__Title"; tooltip "PlanningModeActive__Tooltip" = "PlanningModeActive__Tooltip"; title for pollution "Pollution" = "Pollution"; name of a machine "PolymerizationPlant__name" = "PolymerizationPlant__name"; title for population growth information / stats "PopGrowth" = "PopGrowth"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=1.5% "PopsBoostT1__desc" = "PopsBoostT1__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "PopsBoostT1__name" = "PopsBoostT1__name"; used like this: In quarantine: 20 pops, shown below PopsCannotWorkTitle "PopsCannotWork__Quarantine" = "PopsCannotWork__Quarantine"; used like this: Starving: 20 pops, shown below PopsCannotWorkTitle "PopsCannotWork__Starving" = "PopsCannotWork__Starving"; title to explain that some people can't work, followed by a list of reasons with number of people "PopsCannotWorkTitle" = "PopsCannotWorkTitle"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=1.5% "PopsEviction__desc" = "PopsEviction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "PopsEviction__name" = "PopsEviction__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. example values: {0}=15%, {1}=20% "PopsQuarantine__desc" = "PopsQuarantine__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "PopsQuarantine__name" = "PopsQuarantine__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "PopsStarvedToDeath__name" = "PopsStarvedToDeath__name"; notification "PopsStarving__name" = "PopsStarving__name"; tooltip explaining that people can't be adopted from the world settlement because there are no people available "PopsToAdoptNotAvailable" = "PopsToAdoptNotAvailable"; title for population "Population" = "Population"; title of a panel showing statistics for population increase / decrease and diseases. "PopulationGrowth__Title" = "PopulationGrowth__Title"; "PopulationGrowth__Tooltip" = "PopulationGrowth__Tooltip"; button that opens a window that shows the global population overview "PopulationOverview__OpenAction" = "PopulationOverview__OpenAction"; title of a window that shows the global population overview "PopulationOverview__Title" = "PopulationOverview__Title"; title of settings affecting electricity "Power" = "Power"; tooltip explaining how power production priority assignment works "PowerGenerationPriorityTooltip" = "PowerGenerationPriorityTooltip"; tooltip describing how electricity generation works "PowerGenerator__AutoScalingTooltip" = "PowerGenerator__AutoScalingTooltip"; example: 'Utilization: 20%' "PowerGenerator__Utilization" = "PowerGenerator__Utilization"; short description "PowerGeneratorT1__desc" = "PowerGeneratorT1__desc"; name "PowerGeneratorT1__name" = "PowerGeneratorT1__name"; short description "PowerGeneratorT2__desc" = "PowerGeneratorT2__desc"; name "PowerGeneratorT2__name" = "PowerGeneratorT2__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "PowerNeed__name" = "PowerNeed__name"; if set, belts will always require power otherwise won't work "PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways" = "PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways"; if set, belts will consume power if available "PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan" = "PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan"; if set, belts will never consumer power "PowerSetting__DoNotConsume" = "PowerSetting__DoNotConsume"; title of a panel that enabled to configure a priority or title of a button that toggle priority "Priority" = "Priority"; tooltip "Priority__ConstructionTooltip" = "Priority__ConstructionTooltip"; tooltip "Priority__DeconstructionTooltip" = "Priority__DeconstructionTooltip"; suffix added into each priority tooltip "Priority__OrderingExplanation" = "Priority__OrderingExplanation"; tooltip "PriorityGeneral__Tooltip" = "PriorityGeneral__Tooltip"; tooltip "PriorityGeneral__TooltipWithCargo" = "PriorityGeneral__TooltipWithCargo"; "ProducedLastMonth" = "ProducedLastMonth"; "ProducedThisMonth" = "ProducedThisMonth"; fluid product "Product_Acid__name" = "Product_Acid__name"; fluid product "Product_Ammonia__name" = "Product_Ammonia__name"; name: unit product "Product_Anesthetics__name" = "Product_Anesthetics__name"; name: loose product "Product_AnimalFeed__name" = "Product_AnimalFeed__name"; name: unit product "Product_Antibiotics__name" = "Product_Antibiotics__name"; name: loose product "Product_Biomass__name" = "Product_Biomass__name"; liquid content to be enriched in a fast breeder reactor, placed to wrap the reactor core as blanket, see "Product_BlanketFuel__name" = "Product_BlanketFuel__name"; see more in Product_BlanketFuel "Product_BlanketFuelEnriched__name" = "Product_BlanketFuelEnriched__name"; name: unit product "Product_Bread__name" = "Product_Bread__name"; name: unit product "Product_Bricks__name" = "Product_Bricks__name"; fluid product "Product_Brine__name" = "Product_Brine__name"; name: loose product "Product_BrokenGlass__name" = "Product_BrokenGlass__name"; name: unit product "Product_Cake__name" = "Product_Cake__name"; name: loose product "Product_Canola__name" = "Product_Canola__name"; fluid product "Product_CarbonDioxide__name" = "Product_CarbonDioxide__name"; name: virtual product "Product_CargoShip__name" = "Product_CargoShip__name"; name: unit product "Product_Cement__name" = "Product_Cement__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Chicken__name" = "Product_Chicken__name"; name: a chicken body with removed limbs and feathers, ready to be butchered "Product_ChickenCarcass__name" = "Product_ChickenCarcass__name"; fluid product "Product_ChilledWater__name" = "Product_ChilledWater__name"; fluid product "Product_Chlorine__name" = "Product_Chlorine__name"; name: loose product "Product_Coal__name" = "Product_Coal__name"; name: loose product "Product_Compost__name" = "Product_Compost__name"; name: unit product "Product_ConcreteSlab__name" = "Product_ConcreteSlab__name"; name: unit product "Product_ConstructionParts__name" = "Product_ConstructionParts__name"; name: unit product "Product_ConstructionParts2__name" = "Product_ConstructionParts2__name"; name: unit product "Product_ConstructionParts3__name" = "Product_ConstructionParts3__name"; name: unit product "Product_ConstructionParts4__name" = "Product_ConstructionParts4__name"; name: unit product "Product_ConsumerElectronics__name" = "Product_ConsumerElectronics__name"; fluid product "Product_CookingOil__name" = "Product_CookingOil__name"; name: unit product "Product_Copper__name" = "Product_Copper__name"; name: loose product "Product_CopperOre__name" = "Product_CopperOre__name"; name: loose product "Product_CopperOreCrushed__name" = "Product_CopperOreCrushed__name"; name: loose product "Product_CopperScrap__name" = "Product_CopperScrap__name"; name: unit product "Product_CopperScrapPressed__name" = "Product_CopperScrapPressed__name"; liquid fuel for a fast breeder reactor that goes into its core, see "Product_CoreFuel__name" = "Product_CoreFuel__name"; result of Product_CoreFuel after it was used in nuclear reactor, but this still gets filtered and reprocessed back to some Product_CoreFuel, so it is not entirely spent yet "Product_CoreFuelDirty__name" = "Product_CoreFuelDirty__name"; name: loose product "Product_Corn__name" = "Product_Corn__name"; fluid product "Product_CornMash__name" = "Product_CornMash__name"; fluid product "Product_CrudeOil__name" = "Product_CrudeOil__name"; fluid product "Product_Diesel__name" = "Product_Diesel__name"; name: loose product "Product_Dirt__name" = "Product_Dirt__name"; name: unit product "Product_Disinfectant__name" = "Product_Disinfectant__name"; name: unit product "Product_Eggs__name" = "Product_Eggs__name"; name: unit product "Product_Electronics__name" = "Product_Electronics__name"; name: unit product "Product_Electronics2__name" = "Product_Electronics2__name"; name: unit product "Product_Electronics3__name" = "Product_Electronics3__name"; fluid product "Product_Ethanol__name" = "Product_Ethanol__name"; fluid product "Product_Exhaust__name" = "Product_Exhaust__name"; fluid product "Product_Fertilizer__name" = "Product_Fertilizer__name"; fluid product "Product_Fertilizer2__name" = "Product_Fertilizer2__name"; fluid product "Product_FertilizerOrganic__name" = "Product_FertilizerOrganic__name"; name: loose product "Product_FilterMedia__name" = "Product_FilterMedia__name"; name: waste from nuclear fission "Product_FissionProduct__name" = "Product_FissionProduct__name"; name: unit product "Product_Flour__name" = "Product_Flour__name"; name: unit product "Product_Flowers__name" = "Product_Flowers__name"; name: unit product "Product_FoodPack__name" = "Product_FoodPack__name"; name: unit product "Product_Fruit__name" = "Product_Fruit__name"; fluid product "Product_FuelGas__name" = "Product_FuelGas__name"; name: unit product "Product_Glass__name" = "Product_Glass__name"; name: loose product "Product_GlassMix__name" = "Product_GlassMix__name"; name: unit product "Product_Gold__name" = "Product_Gold__name"; name: loose product "Product_GoldOre__name" = "Product_GoldOre__name"; name: loose product "Product_GoldOreConcentrate__name" = "Product_GoldOreConcentrate__name"; name: loose product "Product_GoldOreCrushed__name" = "Product_GoldOreCrushed__name"; name: loose product "Product_GoldOrePowder__name" = "Product_GoldOrePowder__name"; name: loose product "Product_GoldScrap__name" = "Product_GoldScrap__name"; name: unit product "Product_GoldScrapPressed__name" = "Product_GoldScrapPressed__name"; name: unit product "Product_Graphite__name" = "Product_Graphite__name"; name: loose product "Product_Gravel__name" = "Product_Gravel__name"; fluid product "Product_HeavyOil__name" = "Product_HeavyOil__name"; name: unit product "Product_HouseholdAppliances__name" = "Product_HouseholdAppliances__name"; name: unit product "Product_HouseholdGoods__name" = "Product_HouseholdGoods__name"; fluid product "Product_Hydrogen__name" = "Product_Hydrogen__name"; fluid product "Product_HydrogenFluoride__name" = "Product_HydrogenFluoride__name"; name: unit product "Product_ImpureCopper__name" = "Product_ImpureCopper__name"; name: unit product "Product_Iron__name" = "Product_Iron__name"; name: loose product "Product_IronOre__name" = "Product_IronOre__name"; name: loose product "Product_IronOreCrushed__name" = "Product_IronOreCrushed__name"; name: loose product "Product_IronScrap__name" = "Product_IronScrap__name"; name: unit product "Product_IronScrapPressed__name" = "Product_IronScrapPressed__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment__name" = "Product_LabEquipment__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment2__name" = "Product_LabEquipment2__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment3__name" = "Product_LabEquipment3__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment4__name" = "Product_LabEquipment4__name"; fluid product "Product_LightOil__name" = "Product_LightOil__name"; name: loose product "Product_Limestone__name" = "Product_Limestone__name"; name: loose product "Product_ManufacturedSand__name" = "Product_ManufacturedSand__name"; name: unit product "Product_Meat__name" = "Product_Meat__name"; name: loose product "Product_MeatTrimmings__name" = "Product_MeatTrimmings__name"; name: unit product "Product_MechanicalParts__name" = "Product_MechanicalParts__name"; name: unit product "Product_MedicalEquipment__name" = "Product_MedicalEquipment__name"; name: unit product "Product_MedicalSupplies__name" = "Product_MedicalSupplies__name"; name: unit product "Product_MedicalSupplies2__name" = "Product_MedicalSupplies2__name"; name: unit product "Product_MedicalSupplies3__name" = "Product_MedicalSupplies3__name"; fluid product "Product_MediumOil__name" = "Product_MediumOil__name"; name: unit product "Product_Microchips__name" = "Product_Microchips__name"; name: unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage1A__name" = "Product_MicrochipsStage1A__name"; name: unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage1B__name" = "Product_MicrochipsStage1B__name"; name: unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage1C__name" = "Product_MicrochipsStage1C__name"; name: unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage2A__name" = "Product_MicrochipsStage2A__name"; name: unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage2B__name" = "Product_MicrochipsStage2B__name"; name: unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage2C__name" = "Product_MicrochipsStage2C__name"; name: unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage3A__name" = "Product_MicrochipsStage3A__name"; name: unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage3B__name" = "Product_MicrochipsStage3B__name"; name: unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage3C__name" = "Product_MicrochipsStage3C__name"; name: unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage4A__name" = "Product_MicrochipsStage4A__name"; name: unit product "Product_MicrochipsStage4B__name" = "Product_MicrochipsStage4B__name"; molten product "Product_MoltenCopper__name" = "Product_MoltenCopper__name"; molten product "Product_MoltenGlass__name" = "Product_MoltenGlass__name"; molten product "Product_MoltenIron__name" = "Product_MoltenIron__name"; molten product "Product_MoltenSilicon__name" = "Product_MoltenSilicon__name"; molten product "Product_MoltenSteel__name" = "Product_MoltenSteel__name"; name: unit product "Product_Morphine__name" = "Product_Morphine__name"; name: special type of fuel for nuclear reactor called MOX, "Product_MoxRod__name" = "Product_MoxRod__name"; fluid product "Product_Naphtha__name" = "Product_Naphtha__name"; fluid product "Product_Nitrogen__name" = "Product_Nitrogen__name"; fluid product "Product_Oxygen__name" = "Product_Oxygen__name"; name: unit product "Product_Paper__name" = "Product_Paper__name"; name: unit product "Product_PCB__name" = "Product_PCB__name"; name: unit product "Product_Plastic__name" = "Product_Plastic__name"; name: unit product "Product_Plutonium__name" = "Product_Plutonium__name"; name: high purity polycrystalline form of silicon, keep short "Product_PolySilicon__name" = "Product_PolySilicon__name"; name: loose product "Product_Poppy__name" = "Product_Poppy__name"; name: loose product "Product_Potato__name" = "Product_Potato__name"; name: loose product "Product_Quartz__name" = "Product_Quartz__name"; name: loose product "Product_QuartzCrushed__name" = "Product_QuartzCrushed__name"; name: loose product "Product_Recyclables__name" = "Product_Recyclables__name"; name: unit product "Product_RecyclablesPressed__name" = "Product_RecyclablesPressed__name"; name: nuclear waste that is no longer radioactive (was retired and can be recycled) "Product_RetiredWaste__name" = "Product_RetiredWaste__name"; name: loose product "Product_Rock__name" = "Product_Rock__name"; name: unit product "Product_Rubber__name" = "Product_Rubber__name"; name: loose product "Product_Salt__name" = "Product_Salt__name"; name: loose product "Product_Sand__name" = "Product_Sand__name"; name: unit product "Product_Sausage__name" = "Product_Sausage__name"; fluid product "Product_Seawater__name" = "Product_Seawater__name"; name: unit product "Product_Server__name" = "Product_Server__name"; name: unit product "Product_SiliconWafer__name" = "Product_SiliconWafer__name"; name: by-product of smelting ores in furnace "Product_Slag__name" = "Product_Slag__name"; name: loose product "Product_SlagCrushed__name" = "Product_SlagCrushed__name"; name: loose product "Product_Sludge__name" = "Product_Sludge__name"; name: unit product "Product_Snack__name" = "Product_Snack__name"; name: unit product "Product_SolarCell__name" = "Product_SolarCell__name"; name: unit product "Product_SolarCellMono__name" = "Product_SolarCellMono__name"; fluid product "Product_SourWater__name" = "Product_SourWater__name"; name: loose product "Product_Soybean__name" = "Product_Soybean__name"; name: spent nuclear fuel, radioactive, keep short "Product_SpentFuel__name" = "Product_SpentFuel__name"; name: spent nuclear fuel called MOX, radioactive, "Product_SpentMox__name" = "Product_SpentMox__name"; fluid product This is a steam that has such a low pressure that it is consider depleted (no longer useful). So this is a product, it's not a notification that some machine ran out of steam. It goes like this steam hi > steam lo > steam depleted "Product_SteamDepleted__name" = "Product_SteamDepleted__name"; high pressure steam, keep short! High pressure steam. "Product_SteamHi__name" = "Product_SteamHi__name"; low pressure steam, keep short! Low pressure steam. "Product_SteamLP__name" = "Product_SteamLP__name"; super pressure steam (more pressure than high press steam), keep short! "Product_SteamSp__name" = "Product_SteamSp__name"; name: unit product "Product_Steel__name" = "Product_Steel__name"; name: loose product "Product_Sugar__name" = "Product_Sugar__name"; name: loose product "Product_SugarCane__name" = "Product_SugarCane__name"; name: loose product "Product_Sulfur__name" = "Product_Sulfur__name"; name: unit product "Product_Tofu__name" = "Product_Tofu__name"; fluid product "Product_ToxicSlurry__name" = "Product_ToxicSlurry__name"; name: unit product "Product_TreeSapling__name" = "Product_TreeSapling__name"; name: loose product "Product_UraniumDepleted__name" = "Product_UraniumDepleted__name"; name: unit product "Product_UraniumEnriched__name" = "Product_UraniumEnriched__name"; name: unit product "Product_UraniumEnriched20__name" = "Product_UraniumEnriched20__name"; name: loose product "Product_UraniumOre__name" = "Product_UraniumOre__name"; name: loose product "Product_UraniumOreCrushed__name" = "Product_UraniumOreCrushed__name"; name: Recycled uranium created from partially spent fuel "Product_UraniumReprocessed__name" = "Product_UraniumReprocessed__name"; name: unit product "Product_UraniumRod__name" = "Product_UraniumRod__name"; name: unit product "Product_Vegetables__name" = "Product_Vegetables__name"; name: unit product "Product_VehicleParts__name" = "Product_VehicleParts__name"; name: unit product "Product_VehicleParts2__name" = "Product_VehicleParts2__name"; name: unit product "Product_VehicleParts3__name" = "Product_VehicleParts3__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_Computing__name" = "Product_Virtual_Computing__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_Electricity__name" = "Product_Virtual_Electricity__name"; name "Product_Virtual_Groundwater__name" = "Product_Virtual_Groundwater__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_Heat__name" = "Product_Virtual_Heat__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT1__name" = "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT1__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT2__name" = "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT2__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT3__name" = "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT3__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_MechPower__name" = "Product_Virtual_MechPower__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_PollutedAir__name" = "Product_Virtual_PollutedAir__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_PollutedWater__name" = "Product_Virtual_PollutedWater__name"; abstract points that player gains for taking good care of people and making sure they are well, people unite and pull together, and player gains unity, 'togetherness' "Product_Virtual_Upoints__name" = "Product_Virtual_Upoints__name"; name: loose product "Product_Waste__name" = "Product_Waste__name"; name: unit product "Product_WastePressed__name" = "Product_WastePressed__name"; fluid product "Product_WasteWater__name" = "Product_WasteWater__name"; fluid product "Product_Water__name" = "Product_Water__name"; name: loose product "Product_Wheat__name" = "Product_Wheat__name"; name: unit product "Product_Wood__name" = "Product_Wood__name"; name: loose product "Product_Woodchips__name" = "Product_Woodchips__name"; name: uranium concentrate powder (U3O8), yellow color, "Product_Yellowcake__name" = "Product_Yellowcake__name"; "Production" = "Production"; title of a panel showing estimates of quantities required to produce some quantity of a product "ProductionCostEstimate" = "ProductionCostEstimate"; list of products "Products" = "Products"; title of a window that enables to select a product from multiple ones "ProductSelectorTitle" = "ProductSelectorTitle"; lists products that are filtered in the sorter into its special output port "ProductsToFilter" = "ProductsToFilter"; "ProductsToFilter__None" = "ProductsToFilter__None"; title of a tool that is used to remove debris such as stone, bushes and stumps. "PropsRemovalTool" = "PropsRemovalTool"; tooltip "PropsRemovalTool__Tooltip" = "PropsRemovalTool__Tooltip"; example usage: 'Provides ' - means this entity provides coal. "Provides" = "Provides"; text for a checkbox, keep short. More info on this in ConsumeSurplusPower__Tooltip "ProvideSurplusPower__Toggle" = "ProvideSurplusPower__Toggle"; option for electricity consumption for machines and buildings "ProvideSurplusPower__Tooltip" = "ProvideSurplusPower__Tooltip"; rendering preset name for 2nd best option "QualityPreset__HighQuality" = "QualityPreset__HighQuality"; rendering preset name for the worst quality but highest performance "QualityPreset__LowQuality" = "QualityPreset__LowQuality"; rendering preset name for the 2nd worst quality but balanced performance "QualityPreset__MediumQuality" = "QualityPreset__MediumQuality"; rendering preset name for best rendering option "QualityPreset__UltraQuality" = "QualityPreset__UltraQuality"; shows some quantity per month, e.g. '4 / month' "QuantityPerMonth" = "QuantityPerMonth"; name "QuartzMine__name" = "QuartzMine__name"; button to instantly deliver some materials for unity "QuickBuild__Action" = "QuickBuild__Action"; error popup shown when quick delivery is not allowed "QuickBuild__NotAllowed" = "QuickBuild__NotAllowed"; tooltip that explains quick deliver for unity "QuickBuild__Tooltip" = "QuickBuild__Tooltip"; button to instantly remove some materials something for unity "QuickRemove__Action" = "QuickRemove__Action"; tooltip that explains quick remove for unity "QuickRemove__Tooltip" = "QuickRemove__Tooltip"; exits the game entirely (back to windows) "QuitGame" = "QuitGame"; shown when player click a button to quit the game "QuitGame__ConfirmationQuestion" = "QuitGame__ConfirmationQuestion"; range of a ship radar "RadarRange" = "RadarRange"; tooltip "RadiationLevel__Tooltip" = "RadiationLevel__Tooltip"; short description "RainwaterHarvester__desc" = "RainwaterHarvester__desc"; building or machine "RainwaterHarvester__name" = "RainwaterHarvester__name"; name: describes the current weather "RainyWeather__name" = "RainyWeather__name"; title that is displayed above a list of recipes (a recipe is what a machine performs) "Recipes" = "Recipes"; title that is displayed above a list of new recipes in a research node "Recipes__New" = "Recipes__New"; "RecipesBook__OpenHint" = "RecipesBook__OpenHint"; Title of a window that shows all the recipes in the game. Recipes are used in machines for production. "RecipesBook__Title" = "RecipesBook__Title"; button to recover stuck vehicle, see 'RecoverVehicle__Tooltip' for more details on what this does "RecoverVehicle__Action" = "RecoverVehicle__Action"; vehicle recovery button tooltip "RecoverVehicle__Tooltip" = "RecoverVehicle__Tooltip"; shows recycling efficiency, more details on this in tooltip "RecyclingEfficiency__Title" = "RecyclingEfficiency__Title"; "RecyclingEfficiency__Tooltip" = "RecyclingEfficiency__Tooltip"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "RecyclingIncrease__desc" = "RecyclingIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "RecyclingIncrease__name" = "RecyclingIncrease__name"; description of research that increases recycling efficiency by {0} percent "RecyclingRatioIncrease" = "RecyclingRatioIncrease"; a difficulty option where player gets a full (100%) refund when deconstructing something "RefundOption__Full" = "RefundOption__Full"; a difficulty option where player gets only a partial refund when deconstructing something "RefundOption__Partial" = "RefundOption__Partial"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows "RelativeTime_Days" = "RelativeTime_Days"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows "RelativeTime_Hours" = "RelativeTime_Hours"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows. {0} is a positive integer "RelativeTime_Minutes" = "RelativeTime_Minutes"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows. {0} is a positive integer "RelativeTime_Seconds" = "RelativeTime_Seconds"; trying to remove a building that is not allowed to be removed (e.g. shipyard) "RemovalError__CannotRemove" = "RemovalError__CannotRemove"; could not demolish a cargo depot as it is transferring cargo right now "RemovalError__DepotMovingCargo" = "RemovalError__DepotMovingCargo"; could not demolish an animal farm as it has animals "RemovalError__FarmHasAnimals" = "RemovalError__FarmHasAnimals"; could not demolish a cargo depot / unassign its product as it has some products stored "RemovalError__HasProductsStored" = "RemovalError__HasProductsStored"; trying to remove a shipyard that can't be removed as it has the ship assigned "RemovalError__HasShipAssigned" = "RemovalError__HasShipAssigned"; could not remove a housing or square as it has a service module attached "RemovalError__HousingHasModuleAttached" = "RemovalError__HousingHasModuleAttached"; could not remove a housing as it would split the settlement into two individual ones "RemovalError__NotContiguous" = "RemovalError__NotContiguous"; could not demolish a depot as its modules need to be removed first "RemovalError__RemoveModulesFirst" = "RemovalError__RemoveModulesFirst"; could not demolish an abandoned building, it needs to be scrapped for parts "RemovalError__ScrapItFirst" = "RemovalError__ScrapItFirst"; could not demolish a cargo depot as its ship still has some cargo to unload "RemovalError__ShipHasCargo" = "RemovalError__ShipHasCargo"; button to request products removal from a transport (comes with a trash icon as well) "RemoveProducts" = "RemoveProducts"; button to stop products removal from a conveyor belt "RemoveProducts__Stop" = "RemoveProducts__Stop"; tooltip "RemoveProducts__Tooltip" = "RemoveProducts__Tooltip"; tooltip for a button that allows to remove products from machine's buffers "RemoveProductsInBuffers__Tooltip" = "RemoveProductsInBuffers__Tooltip"; option for rendering quality setting for the high quality "RenderingQuality__High" = "RenderingQuality__High"; option for rendering quality setting for low quality "RenderingQuality__Low" = "RenderingQuality__Low"; option for rendering quality setting for medium quality "RenderingQuality__Medium" = "RenderingQuality__Medium"; option for rendering quality setting, used when the feature is turned off "RenderingQuality__Off" = "RenderingQuality__Off"; option for rendering quality setting for the very high quality "RenderingQuality__VeryHigh" = "RenderingQuality__VeryHigh"; note added to rendering quality options that are not supported on current hardware "RenderingSetting_NotSupported" = "RenderingSetting_NotSupported"; title for rendering settings "RenderingSetting_Title" = "RenderingSetting_Title"; Label for the rendering quality preset buttons in the settings window "RenderingSettingPreset_Label" = "RenderingSettingPreset_Label"; button to request to repair something "Repair" = "Repair"; title of a window that enables to replace an existing ship part with a different one "ReplaceShipPart" = "ReplaceShipPart"; tooltip "ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip" = "ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__NoDepot" = "ReplaceVehicle__NoDepot"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__NoVehicleSelected" = "ReplaceVehicle__NoVehicleSelected"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__OnItsWay" = "ReplaceVehicle__OnItsWay"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__WaitingForReplace" = "ReplaceVehicle__WaitingForReplace"; button to open a page to report game issue / bug "ReportIssue" = "ReportIssue"; button to donate products to a settlement to increase player's reputation, will be deliver by ship "ReputationIncrease__DonateAction" = "ReputationIncrease__DonateAction"; title of a panel providing an option to increase player's reputation in the current world map settlement "ReputationIncrease__Title" = "ReputationIncrease__Title"; tooltip of a panel providing an option to increase player's reputation in the current world map settlement "ReputationIncrease__Tooltip" = "ReputationIncrease__Tooltip"; text of a panel that enables to donate products to a world map settlement to increase player's reputation, example use 'Increase our reputation to 4' "ReputationIncreaseTitle" = "ReputationIncreaseTitle"; title of a panel that lists requirements of something (e.g. research) "Requires" = "Requires"; title or tooltip of a button that opens research tree "Research" = "Research"; ex: 14 / 98, research progress in the details panel of the load & save window "Research__Detail" = "Research__Detail"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__desc" = "ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__name" = "ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchAdvancedSmelting__desc" = "ResearchAdvancedSmelting__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchAdvancedSmelting__name" = "ResearchAdvancedSmelting__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchArcFurnace2__name" = "ResearchArcFurnace2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchAssembler3__name" = "ResearchAssembler3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBasicComputing__name" = "ResearchBasicComputing__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBasicDiesel__desc" = "ResearchBasicDiesel__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBasicDiesel__name" = "ResearchBasicDiesel__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBasicFarming__desc" = "ResearchBasicFarming__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBasicFarming__name" = "ResearchBasicFarming__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBeacon__name" = "ResearchBeacon__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBioDiesel__name" = "ResearchBioDiesel__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBiofuel__name" = "ResearchBiofuel__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBlueprints__name" = "ResearchBlueprints__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBoilerElectric__name" = "ResearchBoilerElectric__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBricksProduction__name" = "ResearchBricksProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBurner__name" = "ResearchBurner__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCanola__name" = "ResearchCanola__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCaptainsOffice__desc" = "ResearchCaptainsOffice__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCaptainsOffice__name" = "ResearchCaptainsOffice__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__desc" = "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__name" = "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCarbonDioxideRecycling__name" = "ResearchCarbonDioxideRecycling__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCargoDepot__desc" = "ResearchCargoDepot__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCargoDepot__name" = "ResearchCargoDepot__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCargoDepot2__name" = "ResearchCargoDepot2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCargoDepot3__name" = "ResearchCargoDepot3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCargoDepot4__name" = "ResearchCargoDepot4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchChemicalPlant__name" = "ResearchChemicalPlant__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchChemicalPlant2__name" = "ResearchChemicalPlant2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchChickenFarm__name" = "ResearchChickenFarm__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCompactor__name" = "ResearchCompactor__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConcreteAdvanced__name" = "ResearchConcreteAdvanced__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConsumerElectronics__name" = "ResearchConsumerElectronics__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConveyorBelts__desc" = "ResearchConveyorBelts__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConveyorBelts__name" = "ResearchConveyorBelts__name"; description of a research that provides advanced conveyor belts "ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__desc" = "ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__name" = "ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConveyorBeltsT3__name" = "ResearchConveyorBeltsT3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConveyorRouting__name" = "ResearchConveyorRouting__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCopperRefinement__desc" = "ResearchCopperRefinement__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCopperRefinement__name" = "ResearchCopperRefinement__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCopperRefinement2__desc" = "ResearchCopperRefinement2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCopperRefinement2__name" = "ResearchCopperRefinement2__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCornCrop__desc" = "ResearchCornCrop__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCornCrop__name" = "ResearchCornCrop__name"; description of a research that provides advanced construction parts "ResearchCp2Packing__desc" = "ResearchCp2Packing__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCp2Packing__name" = "ResearchCp2Packing__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCp3Packing__name" = "ResearchCp3Packing__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCp4Packing__name" = "ResearchCp4Packing__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCpPacking__desc" = "ResearchCpPacking__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCpPacking__name" = "ResearchCpPacking__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCropRotation__name" = "ResearchCropRotation__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCrudeOilDistillation__desc" = "ResearchCrudeOilDistillation__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCrudeOilDistillation__name" = "ResearchCrudeOilDistillation__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCrusherLarge__name" = "ResearchCrusherLarge__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCustomSurfaces__name" = "ResearchCustomSurfaces__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDatacenter__name" = "ResearchDatacenter__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease__name" = "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease2__name" = "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDieselGeneratorLarge__name" = "ResearchDieselGeneratorLarge__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts1__desc" = "ResearchEdicts1__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts1__name" = "ResearchEdicts1__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts2__desc" = "ResearchEdicts2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts2__name" = "ResearchEdicts2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts3__name" = "ResearchEdicts3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts4__name" = "ResearchEdicts4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchElectricity__name" = "ResearchElectricity__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchElectrolysis__name" = "ResearchElectrolysis__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchElectrolysis2__name" = "ResearchElectrolysis2__name"; description of a research of a ship engine upgrade "ResearchEngine2__desc" = "ResearchEngine2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEngine2__name" = "ResearchEngine2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEngine3__name" = "ResearchEngine3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchExhaustFiltration__name" = "ResearchExhaustFiltration__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFarmingT2__name" = "ResearchFarmingT2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFarmingT3__name" = "ResearchFarmingT3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFarmingT4__name" = "ResearchFarmingT4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFermentation__name" = "ResearchFermentation__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFertilizers__desc" = "ResearchFertilizers__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFertilizers__name" = "ResearchFertilizers__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFoodMarket2__name" = "ResearchFoodMarket2__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFoodPacking__desc" = "ResearchFoodPacking__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFoodPacking__name" = "ResearchFoodPacking__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFruit__desc" = "ResearchFruit__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFruit__name" = "ResearchFruit__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFuelStation__desc" = "ResearchFuelStation__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFuelStation__name" = "ResearchFuelStation__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFuelStation2__name" = "ResearchFuelStation2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFuelStation3__name" = "ResearchFuelStation3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchGasCombustion__name" = "ResearchGasCombustion__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchGlassSmelting__desc" = "ResearchGlassSmelting__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchGlassSmelting__name" = "ResearchGlassSmelting__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchGlassSmeltingT2__name" = "ResearchGlassSmeltingT2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchGoldSmelting__name" = "ResearchGoldSmelting__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHeavyOilCracking__name" = "ResearchHeavyOilCracking__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHospital__name" = "ResearchHospital__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHouseholdAppliances__name" = "ResearchHouseholdAppliances__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHouseholdGoods__desc" = "ResearchHouseholdGoods__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHouseholdGoods__name" = "ResearchHouseholdGoods__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHousing2__name" = "ResearchHousing2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHousing3__name" = "ResearchHousing3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHydrogenCell__name" = "ResearchHydrogenCell__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHydrogenReforming__name" = "ResearchHydrogenReforming__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchIncinerationPlant__name" = "ResearchIncinerationPlant__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchIndustrialMixerT2__name" = "ResearchIndustrialMixerT2__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchIronSmeltingScrap__desc" = "ResearchIronSmeltingScrap__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchIronSmeltingScrap__name" = "ResearchIronSmeltingScrap__name"; short description "ResearchLab1__desc" = "ResearchLab1__desc"; building or machine "ResearchLab1__name" = "ResearchLab1__name"; description of a research lab "ResearchLab2__desc" = "ResearchLab2__desc"; building or machine "ResearchLab2__name" = "ResearchLab2__name"; building or machine "ResearchLab3__name" = "ResearchLab3__name"; building or machine "ResearchLab4__name" = "ResearchLab4__name"; building or machine "ResearchLab5__name" = "ResearchLab5__name"; {0} = Unity "ResearchLabTip" = "ResearchLabTip"; tooltip for a product & quantity that player needs to produce per lifetime "ResearchLocked_LifetimeProduction" = "ResearchLocked_LifetimeProduction"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMaintenanceDepot__name" = "ResearchMaintenanceDepot__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMechPowerStorage__desc" = "ResearchMechPowerStorage__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMechPowerStorage__name" = "ResearchMechPowerStorage__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMedicalSupplies2__name" = "ResearchMedicalSupplies2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMedicalSupplies3__name" = "ResearchMedicalSupplies3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMicrochipProduction__name" = "ResearchMicrochipProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMicrochipProduction2__name" = "ResearchMicrochipProduction2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNaphthaProcessing__name" = "ResearchNaphthaProcessing__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNaphthaReforming__name" = "ResearchNaphthaReforming__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNuclearReactor__name" = "ResearchNuclearReactor__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNuclearReactor2__name" = "ResearchNuclearReactor2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNuclearReactor3__name" = "ResearchNuclearReactor3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchOrganicFertilizer__name" = "ResearchOrganicFertilizer__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransports__desc" = "ResearchPipeTransports__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransports__name" = "ResearchPipeTransports__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransportsT2__desc" = "ResearchPipeTransportsT2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransportsT2__name" = "ResearchPipeTransportsT2__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransportsT3__desc" = "ResearchPipeTransportsT3__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPipeTransportsT3__name" = "ResearchPipeTransportsT3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPlasticProduction__name" = "ResearchPlasticProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPolySiliconProduction__name" = "ResearchPolySiliconProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPowerAndMaintenance__name" = "ResearchPowerAndMaintenance__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPowerGeneration2__desc" = "ResearchPowerGeneration2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPowerGeneration2__name" = "ResearchPowerGeneration2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPowerGeneration3__name" = "ResearchPowerGeneration3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPowerGeneration4__name" = "ResearchPowerGeneration4__name"; button to add the current research into the queue "ResearchQueue__Add" = "ResearchQueue__Add"; button to remove the current research from the queue "ResearchQueue__Remove" = "ResearchQueue__Remove"; shows what place in the queue a research node has, e.g. 'in queue (3)' "ResearchQueue__Status" = "ResearchQueue__Status"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecycling__name" = "ResearchRecycling__name"; research node description "ResearchRecyclingEdict__desc" = "ResearchRecyclingEdict__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingEdict__name" = "ResearchRecyclingEdict__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingEdict2__name" = "ResearchRecyclingEdict2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingForSettlement__name" = "ResearchRecyclingForSettlement__name"; {0}=10 "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__desc" = "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__name" = "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRepairDock__desc" = "ResearchRepairDock__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRepairDock__name" = "ResearchRepairDock__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchResearchLab2__name" = "ResearchResearchLab2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchResearchLab3__name" = "ResearchResearchLab3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchResearchLab4__name" = "ResearchResearchLab4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchResearchLab5__name" = "ResearchResearchLab5__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRetainingWalls__name" = "ResearchRetainingWalls__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRocketAssemblyAndLaunch__name" = "ResearchRocketAssemblyAndLaunch__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRotaryKilnGas__name" = "ResearchRotaryKilnGas__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRubberProduction__name" = "ResearchRubberProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSaltProduction__name" = "ResearchSaltProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSausageProduction__name" = "ResearchSausageProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSettlementDecorations__name" = "ResearchSettlementDecorations__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSettlementPower__name" = "ResearchSettlementPower__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSettlementWaste__desc" = "ResearchSettlementWaste__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSettlementWaste__name" = "ResearchSettlementWaste__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSettlementWater__name" = "ResearchSettlementWater__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipArmor__desc" = "ResearchShipArmor__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipArmor__name" = "ResearchShipArmor__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipArmor2__name" = "ResearchShipArmor2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipFuelTankUpgrade__name" = "ResearchShipFuelTankUpgrade__name"; description of a research of a ship bridge upgrade "ResearchShipRadar__desc" = "ResearchShipRadar__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipRadar__name" = "ResearchShipRadar__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipRadar2__name" = "ResearchShipRadar2__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipWeapons__desc" = "ResearchShipWeapons__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipWeapons__name" = "ResearchShipWeapons__name"; description of ship weapons "ResearchShipWeapons2__desc" = "ResearchShipWeapons2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipWeapons2__name" = "ResearchShipWeapons2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchShipWeapons3__name" = "ResearchShipWeapons3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSnacksProduction__name" = "ResearchSnacksProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSolarPanels__name" = "ResearchSolarPanels__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSolarPanels2__name" = "ResearchSolarPanels2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSoybeanCrop__name" = "ResearchSoybeanCrop__name"; title of a panel that shows current research speed of a research lab "ResearchSpeed__Title" = "ResearchSpeed__Title"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStacker__name" = "ResearchStacker__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStatueOfMaintenance__name" = "ResearchStatueOfMaintenance__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSteelSmelting__desc" = "ResearchSteelSmelting__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSteelSmelting__name" = "ResearchSteelSmelting__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStorage2__name" = "ResearchStorage2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStorage3__name" = "ResearchStorage3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStorage4__name" = "ResearchStorage4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStoragesT1__name" = "ResearchStoragesT1__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSugarCane__name" = "ResearchSugarCane__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSulfurProcessing__name" = "ResearchSulfurProcessing__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSuperPressSteam__desc" = "ResearchSuperPressSteam__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSuperPressSteam__name" = "ResearchSuperPressSteam__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTerrainLeveling__name" = "ResearchTerrainLeveling__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchThermalDesalination__name" = "ResearchThermalDesalination__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__desc" = "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__name" = "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchThermalStorage__name" = "ResearchThermalStorage__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTombOfCaptains__name" = "ResearchTombOfCaptains__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTools__desc" = "ResearchTools__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTools__name" = "ResearchTools__name"; explains that shipyard cannot be repaired until the player researches how to do it. "ResearchToRepair__Tooltip" = "ResearchToRepair__Tooltip"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTradeDock__name" = "ResearchTradeDock__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTransportsBalancing__desc" = "ResearchTransportsBalancing__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTransportsBalancing__name" = "ResearchTransportsBalancing__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTransportsLifts__desc" = "ResearchTransportsLifts__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTransportsLifts__name" = "ResearchTransportsLifts__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTreeHarvester__name" = "ResearchTreeHarvester__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTreePlanting__name" = "ResearchTreePlanting__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTrucksCapacityEdict__name" = "ResearchTrucksCapacityEdict__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchUndergroundWater__name" = "ResearchUndergroundWater__name"; shows that a new research was unlocked, example: 'Efficient concrete unlocked!' "ResearchUnlocked" = "ResearchUnlocked"; label of a panel showing icons of all the new buildings and machines that player unlocked "ResearchUnlocked__NewBuildings" = "ResearchUnlocked__NewBuildings"; label of a panel showing icons of all the new products that player unlocked "ResearchUnlocked__NewProducts" = "ResearchUnlocked__NewProducts"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchUraniumEnrichment__name" = "ResearchUraniumEnrichment__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVacuumDesalination__desc" = "ResearchVacuumDesalination__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVacuumDesalination__name" = "ResearchVacuumDesalination__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVegetables__desc" = "ResearchVegetables__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVegetables__name" = "ResearchVegetables__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAndMining__desc" = "ResearchVehicleAndMining__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAndMining__name" = "ResearchVehicleAndMining__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAssembly2__desc" = "ResearchVehicleAssembly2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAssembly2__name" = "ResearchVehicleAssembly2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAssembly3__name" = "ResearchVehicleAssembly3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAssembly3H__name" = "ResearchVehicleAssembly3H__name"; {0}=25 "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__desc" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__name" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease2__name" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease3__name" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease4__name" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease5__name" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease5__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease6__name" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease6__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleRamps__name" = "ResearchVehicleRamps__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchWaterRecovery__name" = "ResearchWaterRecovery__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchWaterTreatment__name" = "ResearchWaterTreatment__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchWaterTreatment2__desc" = "ResearchWaterTreatment2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchWaterTreatment2__name" = "ResearchWaterTreatment2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchWheatCrop__name" = "ResearchWheatCrop__name"; title of a panel that shows how much is left of a ground deposit resource (oil, groundwater) "ReserveStatus" = "ReserveStatus"; title for screen resolution setting "Resolution" = "Resolution"; example: 'Groundwater resource is getting low' "ResourceIsLow__name" = "ResourceIsLow__name"; title of settings affecting resources - mining, starting resources "Resources" = "Resources"; used with a setting that requires restart. Example: 'Scale (restart required)' "RestartRequiredSuffix" = "RestartRequiredSuffix"; button to restore defaults "RestoreDefaults" = "RestoreDefaults"; name "RetainingWallCorner__name" = "RetainingWallCorner__name"; name "RetainingWallCross__name" = "RetainingWallCross__name"; Plural title of a structure that holds terrain in place to prevent it from a collapse "RetainingWallsTitle" = "RetainingWallsTitle"; description of retaining wall "RetainingWallStraight1__desc" = "RetainingWallStraight1__desc"; name "RetainingWallStraight1__name" = "RetainingWallStraight1__name"; name "RetainingWallStraight4__name" = "RetainingWallStraight4__name"; name "RetainingWallTee__name" = "RetainingWallTee__name"; informs how much time is left until the current radioactive waste gets converted into nonradioactive waste. Example use: 'Next disposal in: 40 years' "RetiredWaste__NextDisposal" = "RetiredWaste__NextDisposal"; tooltip "RetiredWaste__Tooltip" = "RetiredWaste__Tooltip"; tooltip explaining that mouse right click remove the hovered element "RightClickToRemove" = "RightClickToRemove"; error popup when player tried to destroy rocket assembly depot but the rocket transporter is not parked inside, {0} is 'rocket transporter' "RocketAssemblyDepot__CannotDestroy" = "RocketAssemblyDepot__CannotDestroy"; short description: rocket assembly building description, {0} is launch pad "RocketAssemblyDepot__desc" = "RocketAssemblyDepot__desc"; name "RocketAssemblyDepot__name" = "RocketAssemblyDepot__name"; short description "RocketLaunchPad__desc" = "RocketLaunchPad__desc"; name "RocketLaunchPad__name" = "RocketLaunchPad__name"; name "RockMine__name" = "RockMine__name"; description of a machine "RotaryKiln__desc" = "RotaryKiln__desc"; name of a machine "RotaryKiln__name" = "RotaryKiln__name"; name of a machine "RotaryKilnGas__name" = "RotaryKilnGas__name"; tooltip "RotateShortcut__Tooltip" = "RotateShortcut__Tooltip"; short description "Ruins__desc" = "Ruins__desc"; building or machine "Ruins__name" = "Ruins__name"; starts recycling a building for metal scraps "RuinsRecycle__Action" = "RuinsRecycle__Action"; tooltip that explains how building recycling works, {0} - iron scrap, {1} - blast furnace "RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip" = "RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip"; title of a button that allows to spend Unity when a ship is out of fuel. More info in RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip. "RunOnLowFuel__Action" = "RunOnLowFuel__Action"; tooltip for a button "RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip" = "RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip"; Message shown when a save is unsuccessful "Save__FailureMessage" = "Save__FailureMessage"; {0} is name of the file that was saved "Save__SuccessMessage" = "Save__SuccessMessage"; Label above the save name column in the load & save windows "Save__Title" = "Save__Title"; button to save the game after the player clicks it "Save_Action" = "Save_Action"; title of a window that that enables to save the current game progress "Save_Title" = "Save_Title"; Label for the date of the save in the details panels of the load & save windows "Saved__Detail" = "Saved__Detail"; a message shown on the screen when save or auto-save is in progress "SaveInProgress" = "SaveInProgress"; note about blueprints "SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote" = "SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote"; {0} - Update 1, {1} - branch name "SaveMigration__Intro" = "SaveMigration__Intro"; Label next to the save name entry box in the save window "SaveName__Label" = "SaveName__Label"; button to click on to create a new save file (shows a new text field where player can type name of the save file) "SaveNew" = "SaveNew"; UI scaling option. Example: 'Scale: 120%' "Scale" = "Scale"; button to send the current vehicle to a depot to have it scrapped for parts "ScrapVehicle__Action" = "ScrapVehicle__Action"; vehicle scrap button tooltip "ScrapVehicle__InProgress" = "ScrapVehicle__InProgress"; vehicle scrap button tooltip "ScrapVehicle__Tooltip" = "ScrapVehicle__Tooltip"; title of graphical settings (resolution, quality, etc.) "ScreenSetting_Title" = "ScreenSetting_Title"; placeholder used in a search text box "Search" = "Search"; explains the player what they need to do in order to get access to seeds - wheat seeds, canola seeds etc. "SeedsTech_Description" = "SeedsTech_Description"; title of a panel that allows to select a fuel type for a consumer like a ship for instance "SelectFuel_Title" = "SelectFuel_Title"; Title on the "Select mods" tab of the new game window "SelectMods_Title" = "SelectMods_Title"; Message shown in dropdown buttons when no value is selected "SelectOption" = "SelectOption"; title of a panel that allows to select a vehicle from multiple vehicle types "SelectVehicle_Title" = "SelectVehicle_Title"; title of a panel that enables to manage server racks in data center "ServerRacks__Title" = "ServerRacks__Title"; tooltip in data center "ServerRacks__Tooltip" = "ServerRacks__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing limit of population this building can serve, more details in ServiceLimit__Tooltip "ServiceLimit__Title" = "ServiceLimit__Title"; "ServiceLimit__Tooltip" = "ServiceLimit__Tooltip"; title of the settings window "Settings_Title" = "Settings_Title"; short description "SettlementBiomassModule__desc" = "SettlementBiomassModule__desc"; name "SettlementBiomassModule__name" = "SettlementBiomassModule__name"; short description "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__desc" = "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__desc"; building or machine "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__name" = "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__name"; short description "SettlementFoodModule__desc" = "SettlementFoodModule__desc"; name "SettlementFoodModule__name" = "SettlementFoodModule__name"; short description "SettlementFoodModuleT2__desc" = "SettlementFoodModuleT2__desc"; name "SettlementFoodModuleT2__name" = "SettlementFoodModuleT2__name"; name "SettlementFountain__name" = "SettlementFountain__name"; notification "SettlementFullOfLandfill__name" = "SettlementFullOfLandfill__name"; notification "SettlementHasNoFoodModule__name" = "SettlementHasNoFoodModule__name"; short description "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__desc" = "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__desc"; building or machine "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__name" = "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__name"; short description "SettlementHouseholdGoodsModule__desc" = "SettlementHouseholdGoodsModule__desc"; building or machine "SettlementHouseholdGoodsModule__name" = "SettlementHouseholdGoodsModule__name"; notification "SettlementIsStarving__name" = "SettlementIsStarving__name"; short description "SettlementLandfillModule__desc" = "SettlementLandfillModule__desc"; name "SettlementLandfillModule__name" = "SettlementLandfillModule__name"; name "SettlementPillar__name" = "SettlementPillar__name"; short description "SettlementPowerModule__desc" = "SettlementPowerModule__desc"; name "SettlementPowerModule__name" = "SettlementPowerModule__name"; {0} can be household goods for instance "SettlementRecyclablesModule__descToFormat" = "SettlementRecyclablesModule__descToFormat"; name "SettlementRecyclablesModule__name" = "SettlementRecyclablesModule__name"; title of a panel showing status of all the services in the settlement or globally "SettlementServices" = "SettlementServices"; tooltip of a panel that shows status of all the services in the selected settlement "SettlementServices__Tooltip" = "SettlementServices__Tooltip"; name "SettlementSmall1__name" = "SettlementSmall1__name"; name "SettlementSquare1__name" = "SettlementSquare1__name"; name "SettlementSquare2__name" = "SettlementSquare2__name"; title of a window showing individual settlement information "SettlementTitle" = "SettlementTitle"; shows the current title of a world map settlement ({0}) and the reputation the player has there, example use: 'Settlement (Reputation 4)' "SettlementTitleWithReputation" = "SettlementTitleWithReputation"; title of a panel showing amount of waste accumulated in a settlement "SettlementWaste__Title" = "SettlementWaste__Title"; tooltip "SettlementWaste__Tooltip" = "SettlementWaste__Tooltip"; short description "SettlementWaterModule__desc" = "SettlementWaterModule__desc"; building or machine "SettlementWaterModule__name" = "SettlementWaterModule__name"; name of a machine Used to extract gold ore concentrate from gold ore powder. "SettlingTank__name" = "SettlingTank__name"; rendering setting name "ShadowsQualityRenderingSetting__Name" = "ShadowsQualityRenderingSetting__Name"; name "Shaft__name" = "Shaft__name"; shaft status, currently showing maximum output percentage "Shaft__Status" = "Shaft__Status"; title for section that shows connected shaft overview "ShaftOverview" = "ShaftOverview"; tooltip explaining shafts, {0} = throughput in MW "ShaftOverview__Tooltip" = "ShaftOverview__Tooltip"; describes the number of shifts per day that pops will work in a mine / oil rig, for instance: '2 shifts' "ShiftsCount" = "ShiftsCount"; used as: '[checkbox] Auto-repair'. When enabled ship will automatically request its repairs. "ShipAutoRepair__Toggle" = "ShipAutoRepair__Toggle"; tooltip for a checkbox that when enabled requests repairs of the ship anytime it is damaged "ShipAutoRepair__Tooltip" = "ShipAutoRepair__Tooltip"; used as: '[checkbox] Automatically return home'. When enabled ship will automatically return home when there is nothing else to do. "ShipAutoReturn__Toggle" = "ShipAutoReturn__Toggle"; tooltip for ShipAutoReturn__Toggle "ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip" = "ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip"; displayed when the ship has cargo but can't unload it "ShipCannotUnload" = "ShipCannotUnload"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__BeingModified" = "ShipCantVisit__BeingModified"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__BeingRepaired" = "ShipCantVisit__BeingRepaired"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__Damaged" = "ShipCantVisit__Damaged"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__MovingToDock" = "ShipCantVisit__MovingToDock"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__NoAccess" = "ShipCantVisit__NoAccess"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__NoCrew" = "ShipCantVisit__NoCrew"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__NoFuel" = "ShipCantVisit__NoFuel"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__Ok" = "ShipCantVisit__Ok"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__OnWay" = "ShipCantVisit__OnWay"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__TooFar" = "ShipCantVisit__TooFar"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated Example: Ship delivered cargo to oil rig "ShipCargoDelivered__name" = "ShipCargoDelivered__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated Example: Done loading cargo for oil rig "ShipCargoLoaded__name" = "ShipCargoLoaded__name"; ship crew label "ShipCrew" = "ShipCrew"; button to request to load a crew onto the ship "ShipCrew__Load" = "ShipCrew__Load"; ship crew tooltip "ShipCrew__Tooltip" = "ShipCrew__Tooltip"; button to request to unload the crew from the ship "ShipCrew__Unload" = "ShipCrew__Unload"; title of a window that provides ship modifications & upgrades "ShipDesigner" = "ShipDesigner"; shown when modifications cannot proceed because the ship is being repaired "ShipDesigner_ShipBeingRepaired" = "ShipDesigner_ShipBeingRepaired"; shown when modifications cannot proceed because the ship needs repairs first "ShipDesigner_ShipNeedsRepairs" = "ShipDesigner_ShipNeedsRepairs"; title of a panel that shows button to confirm current modifications of the ship "ShipDesignerConfirmation__Text" = "ShipDesignerConfirmation__Text"; title of a panel that shows costs & confirmation of pending ship modifications "ShipDesignerConfirmation__Title" = "ShipDesignerConfirmation__Title"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "ShipFuelReduction__desc" = "ShipFuelReduction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "ShipFuelReduction__name" = "ShipFuelReduction__name"; ship's fuel replacement is in progress "ShipFuelSwitch__InProgress" = "ShipFuelSwitch__InProgress"; can't switch fuel type for ship as the selected fuel is already in use "ShipFuelSwitch__InUse" = "ShipFuelSwitch__InUse"; "ShipFuelSwitch__MissingMaterials" = "ShipFuelSwitch__MissingMaterials"; can't switch fuel for ship as the ship is busy "ShipFuelSwitch__ShipBusy" = "ShipFuelSwitch__ShipBusy"; "ShipFuelSwitch__Tooltip" = "ShipFuelSwitch__Tooltip"; title of a button that unloads fuel from the ship "ShipFuelUnload" = "ShipFuelUnload"; tooltip of a button that performs this action "ShipFuelUnload__Tooltip" = "ShipFuelUnload__Tooltip"; "ShipHealth__Title" = "ShipHealth__Title"; "ShipHealth__Tooltip" = "ShipHealth__Tooltip"; requests to start loading material onto the ship "ShipLoading__Action" = "ShipLoading__Action"; "ShipLoading__CancelProject" = "ShipLoading__CancelProject"; tooltip "ShipLoading__Desc" = "ShipLoading__Desc"; "ShipLoading__Done" = "ShipLoading__Done"; "ShipLoading__InProgress" = "ShipLoading__InProgress"; "ShipLoading__NotStarted" = "ShipLoading__NotStarted"; lists all the world map repairs and upgrades in progress "ShipLoading__Title" = "ShipLoading__Title"; notification Notification that the player gets after ship modifications are done. "ShipModified__name" = "ShipModified__name"; notification "ShipRepaired__name" = "ShipRepaired__name"; name: title of ship upgrade slot "ShipSlotGroupArmor__name" = "ShipSlotGroupArmor__name"; name: title of ship upgrade slot "ShipSlotGroupBridge__name" = "ShipSlotGroupBridge__name"; name: title of ship upgrade slot "ShipSlotGroupEngine__name" = "ShipSlotGroupEngine__name"; name: title of ship upgrade slot "ShipSlotGroupFuelTank__name" = "ShipSlotGroupFuelTank__name"; name: title of ship upgrade slot "ShipSlotGroupGunsFront__name" = "ShipSlotGroupGunsFront__name"; name: title of ship upgrade slot "ShipSlotGroupGunsRear__name" = "ShipSlotGroupGunsRear__name"; properties / stats of a ship "ShipStats" = "ShipStats"; modifications are being performed "ShipUpgrade_Performing" = "ShipUpgrade_Performing"; tooltip - modifications are being performed "ShipUpgrade_Performing__Tooltip" = "ShipUpgrade_Performing__Tooltip"; modifications are being prepared (e.g. materials are being loaded to the shipyard) "ShipUpgrade_Preparing" = "ShipUpgrade_Preparing"; tooltip - modifications are being prepared (e.g. materials are being loaded to the shipyard) "ShipUpgrade_Preparing__Tooltip" = "ShipUpgrade_Preparing__Tooltip"; modifications are ready but ship needs to come back so they can be applied "ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting" = "ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting"; tooltip - modifications are ready but ship needs to come back so they can be applied "ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting__Tooltip" = "ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting__Tooltip"; short description "Shipyard__desc" = "Shipyard__desc"; name "Shipyard__name" = "Shipyard__name"; short description "Shipyard2__desc" = "Shipyard2__desc"; name "Shipyard2__name" = "Shipyard2__name"; tooltip of a panel showing all the cargo stored in a shipyard "ShipyardCargo__Tooltip" = "ShipyardCargo__Tooltip"; shown when the shipyard has too much cargo that it can't keep unloading the ship "ShipyardFullMessage" = "ShipyardFullMessage"; tooltip explaining full shipyard "ShipyardFullMessage__Tooltip" = "ShipyardFullMessage__Tooltip"; truck will prioritize products remove to keep this building empty "ShipyardKeepEmpty" = "ShipyardKeepEmpty"; tooltip "ShipyardKeepEmpty__Tooltip" = "ShipyardKeepEmpty__Tooltip"; button to set the current shipyard as primary, more is explained in ShipyardMakePrimary__Tooltip "ShipyardMakePrimary" = "ShipyardMakePrimary"; tooltip "ShipyardMakePrimary__Tooltip" = "ShipyardMakePrimary__Tooltip"; tooltip "ShipyardMakePrimary__TooltipInProgress" = "ShipyardMakePrimary__TooltipInProgress"; explains that current action is not available until the shipyard is repaired "ShipyardNeedsRepairs" = "ShipyardNeedsRepairs"; tooltip explaining what ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button does "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__BtnTooltip" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__BtnTooltip"; button that allows recovering ocean access by digging ground "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button"; title for a panel providing option to recover access to shipyard's docking area "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Title" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Title"; tooltip explaining what ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button does "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Tooltip" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Tooltip"; button to open current directory in OS explorer "ShowInExplorer" = "ShowInExplorer"; example: 'show / 60 [clock icon]', when this is on, recipes durations are normalized to some duration (e.g. 60). "ShowPerDuration" = "ShowPerDuration"; short description of a machine "Shredder__desc" = "Shredder__desc"; name of a machine "Shredder__name" = "Shredder__name"; short description of a machine "SiliconCrystallizer__desc" = "SiliconCrystallizer__desc"; name of a machine "SiliconCrystallizer__name" = "SiliconCrystallizer__name"; short description of a machine "SiliconReactor__desc" = "SiliconReactor__desc"; name of a machine "SiliconReactor__name" = "SiliconReactor__name"; Action to skip something (e.g. skip a task) "Skip" = "Skip"; short description of a machine "SmeltingFurnaceT1__desc" = "SmeltingFurnaceT1__desc"; name of a machine "SmeltingFurnaceT1__name" = "SmeltingFurnaceT1__name"; short description of a machine "SmeltingFurnaceT2__desc" = "SmeltingFurnaceT2__desc"; name of a machine "SmeltingFurnaceT2__name" = "SmeltingFurnaceT2__name"; description of a smoke stack "SmokeStack__desc" = "SmokeStack__desc"; name of a machine "SmokeStack__name" = "SmokeStack__name"; name of a machine "SmokeStackLarge__name" = "SmokeStackLarge__name"; short description "SolarPanel__desc" = "SolarPanel__desc"; name "SolarPanel__name" = "SolarPanel__name"; solar panel description, example use of {0}: 'they provide 25% more energy' "SolarPanelMono__desc" = "SolarPanelMono__desc"; name "SolarPanelMono__name" = "SolarPanelMono__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "SolarPowerIncrease__desc" = "SolarPowerIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "SolarPowerIncrease__name" = "SolarPowerIncrease__name"; notification "SortingPlantBlockedOutput__name" = "SortingPlantBlockedOutput__name"; notification "SortingPlantNoProductSet__name" = "SortingPlantNoProductSet__name"; short description of a machine "SourWaterStripper__desc" = "SourWaterStripper__desc"; name of a machine "SourWaterStripper__name" = "SourWaterStripper__name"; example replacements: {0} => 50% "SpeedReduced__Machine" = "SpeedReduced__Machine"; example replacements: {0} => 50% "SpeedReduced__Vehicle" = "SpeedReduced__Vehicle"; "SpruceTree__desc" = "SpruceTree__desc"; short description "Stacker__desc" = "Stacker__desc"; name "Stacker__name" = "Stacker__name"; title of a panel that shows what products are dumped by the stacker "StackerProducts__Title" = "StackerProducts__Title"; shows stage of some building or process, {0} is building or process name, {1} is stage number like 1 or 2 "StageStr" = "StageStr"; Title shown above the starting location description in the map selection tab of the new game flow "StartingLocation_Title" = "StartingLocation_Title"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__InsaneTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__InsaneTooltip"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__MediumTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__MediumTooltip"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the easiest one) "StartingLocationDifficulty_Easy" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Easy"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty_Hard" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Hard"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the hardest one) "StartingLocationDifficulty_Insane" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Insane"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty_Medium" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Medium"; button to click on to open a research window to pick a new research, shown when no research is in progress "StartNewResearch_Action" = "StartNewResearch_Action"; requests to start repairs "StartRepairs" = "StartRepairs"; tooltip "StartRepairs__Tooltip" = "StartRepairs__Tooltip"; button to start researching the currently selected research node "StartResearch_Action" = "StartResearch_Action"; "StarvationMode__Death" = "StarvationMode__Death"; "StarvationMode__ReducedWorkers" = "StarvationMode__ReducedWorkers"; title of a window containing statistics "Statistics" = "Statistics"; shown when statistics have no data yet "Stats_NoDataYet" = "Stats_NoDataYet"; statistics category referring to usage of fuel in cargo ships "StatsCat__CargoShips" = "StatsCat__CargoShips"; statistics category referring to usage of fuel in the main player's ship "StatsCat__MainShip" = "StatsCat__MainShip"; statistics category referring to usage of products in power production "StatsCat__PowerProduction" = "StatsCat__PowerProduction"; statistics category referring to usage of fuel in vehicles "StatsCat__Vehicles" = "StatsCat__Vehicles"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product via costs in construction "StatsEntry__Construction" = "StatsEntry__Construction"; label of a chart showing production of a product by getting it back via deconstruction "StatsEntry__Deconstruction" = "StatsEntry__Deconstruction"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product by dumping it (on terrain or into ocean) or disposing it (burning it) "StatsEntry__Dumping" = "StatsEntry__Dumping"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product by exporting it into the world "StatsEntry__Export" = "StatsEntry__Export"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product via farming (e.g. by irrigation) "StatsEntry__Farming" = "StatsEntry__Farming"; label of a chart showing production of a product by importing it from world map "StatsEntry__Import" = "StatsEntry__Import"; label of a chart showing production of a product by mining "StatsEntry__Mining" = "StatsEntry__Mining"; label of a chart showing production of a product by recycling it "StatsEntry__Recycling" = "StatsEntry__Recycling"; label of a chart showing total consumption of a product "StatsEntry__TotalConsumption" = "StatsEntry__TotalConsumption"; label of a chart showing total production of a product "StatsEntry__TotalProduction" = "StatsEntry__TotalProduction"; title of a chart that shows total global quantity of a product in factory / island over time. "StatsEntry__TotalQuantity" = "StatsEntry__TotalQuantity"; statistics category referring to people born on the island "StatsPops__Born" = "StatsPops__Born"; statistics category referring to people lost (people who died / left the island) "StatsPops__Lost" = "StatsPops__Lost"; statistics category referring to people that joined they island as refuges or the player adopted them "StatsPops__Refugees" = "StatsPops__Refugees"; title of a chart that shows quantity statistics of a product over time. "StatsProduct_Quantity" = "StatsProduct_Quantity"; shows stats for the last {0} day "StatsRange__Days" = "StatsRange__Days"; title of a column showing sum of data from previous year "StatsRange__LastYear" = "StatsRange__LastYear"; title of a column showing sum of lifetime data - sum of data for the whole gameplay duration "StatsRange__Lifetime" = "StatsRange__Lifetime"; shows max range of statistics chart "StatsRange__Max" = "StatsRange__Max"; shows stats for the last {0} month "StatsRange__Months" = "StatsRange__Months"; title of a column showing sum of data from this year "StatsRange__ThisYear" = "StatsRange__ThisYear"; shows stats for the last {0} years "StatsRange__Years" = "StatsRange__Years"; title of a tab that shows breakdown data for some statistics (keep short) "StatsTab__Breakdown" = "StatsTab__Breakdown"; title of a tab that shows a summary chart for some statistics (e.g. power) (keep short) "StatsTab__Chart" = "StatsTab__Chart"; e.g. {0} - '5%', {1} - 'Fuel gas' "StatueOfMaintenance__desc" = "StatueOfMaintenance__desc"; name "StatueOfMaintenance__name" = "StatueOfMaintenance__name"; name "StatueOfMaintenanceGolden__name" = "StatueOfMaintenanceGolden__name"; label of a panel showing current entity status "Status" = "Status"; Some feature or trade in a settlement isn't available because player has a low reputation. An example use: Requires reputation to be at least 1 "Status_LowReputation" = "Status_LowReputation"; Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Stone_TerrainSurface" = "Stone_TerrainSurface"; title of a button that opens a panel with storage alerts setup "StorageAlert__BtnTitle" = "StorageAlert__BtnTitle"; used in the following context '[checkbox] notify if Empty' "StorageAlert__Empty" = "StorageAlert__Empty"; used in the following context '[checkbox] notify if Full' "StorageAlert__Full" = "StorageAlert__Full"; used in the following context '[checkbox] notify if Empty / Full' "StorageAlert__Prefix" = "StorageAlert__Prefix"; building or machine "StorageFluid__name" = "StorageFluid__name"; description for storage "StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc" = "StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc"; building or machine "StorageFluidT2__name" = "StorageFluidT2__name"; building or machine "StorageFluidT3__name" = "StorageFluidT3__name"; building or machine "StorageFluidT4__name" = "StorageFluidT4__name"; building or machine "StorageLoose__name" = "StorageLoose__name"; description for storage "StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc" = "StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc"; building or machine "StorageLooseT2__name" = "StorageLooseT2__name"; building or machine "StorageLooseT3__name" = "StorageLooseT3__name"; building or machine "StorageLooseT4__name" = "StorageLooseT4__name"; appended at the end of a description to explain that a storage consumes power "StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix" = "StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix"; name: toolbar category name "storagesCategory__name" = "storagesCategory__name"; description for storage "StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc" = "StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "StorageSupplyTooHigh__name" = "StorageSupplyTooHigh__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "StorageSupplyTooLow__name" = "StorageSupplyTooLow__name"; building or machine "StorageUnit__name" = "StorageUnit__name"; building or machine "StorageUnitT2__name" = "StorageUnitT2__name"; building or machine "StorageUnitT3__name" = "StorageUnitT3__name"; building or machine "StorageUnitT4__name" = "StorageUnitT4__name"; explains that player needs to assign a product which they want to convert to heat and back by using a heat storage "StoredHeat__NoProductSelected" = "StoredHeat__NoProductSelected"; Title of a panel that shows total amount of heat in a thermal storage (imagine it as a heat battery) "StoredHeat__Title" = "StoredHeat__Title"; tooltip for a heat bar in a thermal storage "StoredHeat__Tooltip" = "StoredHeat__Tooltip"; tooltip "StoredProduct__Clear_Tooltip" = "StoredProduct__Clear_Tooltip"; tooltip "StoredProduct__ClearActive_Tooltip" = "StoredProduct__ClearActive_Tooltip"; note: keep this short!! - label of a slider that requires the storage to be empty "StoredProduct__KeepEmpty" = "StoredProduct__KeepEmpty"; note: keep this short!! - label of a slider that requires the storage to be full "StoredProduct__KeepFull" = "StoredProduct__KeepFull"; explains that no product was assigned to a storage so far "StoredProduct__NothingStored" = "StoredProduct__NothingStored"; Title of a panel that shows product that is stored in a some entity "StoredProduct__Title" = "StoredProduct__Title"; storage tooltip "StoredProduct__Tooltip" = "StoredProduct__Tooltip"; world mine tooltip "StoredProduct__WorldMapTooltip" = "StoredProduct__WorldMapTooltip"; button to open a page for posting suggestions "Suggestions" = "Suggestions"; name "SulfurMine__name" = "SulfurMine__name"; name: describes the current weather "SunnyWeather__name" = "SunnyWeather__name"; title of a panel that shows products support by a given storage or transport "SupportedProducts" = "SupportedProducts"; title of a panel showing icons of trucks that are supported by this vehicle / compatible with this vehicle. E.g. trucks that are supported by an excavator. As some excavators require small trucks and some require bigger trucks. "SupportedTrucks__Title" = "SupportedTrucks__Title"; Title above maps from the supporter's edition of the game "SupporterMaps__Title" = "SupporterMaps__Title"; name: toolbar category name "surfaceCategory__name" = "surfaceCategory__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Areas__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Areas__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces Contains letters and numbers. "SurfaceDecalsCat_Characters__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Characters__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Hazard__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Hazard__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Lines__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Lines__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_LinesDouble__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_LinesDouble__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Symbols__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Symbols__name"; short description "TechnologyBlueprints__desc" = "TechnologyBlueprints__desc"; name "TechnologyBlueprints__name" = "TechnologyBlueprints__name"; name "TechnologyCanolaSeeds__name" = "TechnologyCanolaSeeds__name"; short description "TechnologyCargoShip__desc" = "TechnologyCargoShip__desc"; name "TechnologyCargoShip__name" = "TechnologyCargoShip__name"; name "TechnologyCornSeeds__name" = "TechnologyCornSeeds__name"; short description "TechnologyCropRotation__desc" = "TechnologyCropRotation__desc"; name "TechnologyCropRotation__name" = "TechnologyCropRotation__name"; {0}=list of buildings "TechnologyCustomRoutes__desc" = "TechnologyCustomRoutes__desc"; name "TechnologyCustomRoutes__name" = "TechnologyCustomRoutes__name"; short description "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__desc" = "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__desc"; name "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__name" = "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__name"; name "TechnologyElectronics2__name" = "TechnologyElectronics2__name"; name "TechnologyFruitSeeds__name" = "TechnologyFruitSeeds__name"; name "TechnologyHydrogenCargoShip__name" = "TechnologyHydrogenCargoShip__name"; short description "TechnologyMechPowerAutoBalance__desc" = "TechnologyMechPowerAutoBalance__desc"; name "TechnologyMechPowerAutoBalance__name" = "TechnologyMechPowerAutoBalance__name"; name "TechnologyMicrochip__name" = "TechnologyMicrochip__name"; name "TechnologyNuclearPower__name" = "TechnologyNuclearPower__name"; short description "TechnologyOilDrilling__desc" = "TechnologyOilDrilling__desc"; name "TechnologyOilDrilling__name" = "TechnologyOilDrilling__name"; name "TechnologyPoppySeeds__name" = "TechnologyPoppySeeds__name"; short description "TechnologyRecycling__desc" = "TechnologyRecycling__desc"; name "TechnologyRecycling__name" = "TechnologyRecycling__name"; name "TechnologyShipRadar__name" = "TechnologyShipRadar__name"; name "TechnologyShipRadarT2__name" = "TechnologyShipRadarT2__name"; name "TechnologySoybeansSeeds__name" = "TechnologySoybeansSeeds__name"; name "TechnologySugarCaneSeeds__name" = "TechnologySugarCaneSeeds__name"; short description "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__desc" = "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__desc"; name "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__name" = "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__name"; name "TechnologyWheatSeeds__name" = "TechnologyWheatSeeds__name"; rendering setting name "TerrainDetailsRenderDistance" = "TerrainDetailsRenderDistance"; rendering setting name "TerrainQuality" = "TerrainQuality"; short description: rocket description, {0} is fuel like 'hydrogen' "TestingRocketT0__desc" = "TestingRocketT0__desc"; name "TestingRocketT0__name" = "TestingRocketT0__name"; short description of a machine "ThermalDesalinator__desc" = "ThermalDesalinator__desc"; name of a machine "ThermalDesalinator__name" = "ThermalDesalinator__name"; title of a panel with recipe that explains how a thermal storage is charged (with steam to store heat) "ThermalStorage__ChargingRecipeTitle" = "ThermalStorage__ChargingRecipeTitle"; description of a thermal storage "ThermalStorage__desc" = "ThermalStorage__desc"; title of a panel with recipe that explains how a thermal storage is discharged (by using its heat to create steam) "ThermalStorage__DischargingRecipeTitle" = "ThermalStorage__DischargingRecipeTitle"; name "ThermalStorage__name" = "ThermalStorage__name"; "ThisVehicleCannotDriveUnderTransports" = "ThisVehicleCannotDriveUnderTransports"; throughput of something, e.g. 'Throughput: 20%' "ThroughputWithParam" = "ThroughputWithParam"; tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__BuildClose" = "TipOnLoad__BuildClose"; tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__BuildTransports" = "TipOnLoad__BuildTransports"; tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__Diesel" = "TipOnLoad__Diesel"; tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__Food" = "TipOnLoad__Food"; tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__OilRig" = "TipOnLoad__OilRig"; tip displayed on the loading screen, example: 'Tip #2: have fun!' "TipOnLoad__Prefix" = "TipOnLoad__Prefix"; tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__TransportStraight" = "TipOnLoad__TransportStraight"; tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__TransportUX" = "TipOnLoad__TransportUX"; tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__Unity" = "TipOnLoad__Unity"; tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__Unity2" = "TipOnLoad__Unity2"; button to flip transport - conveyor belt, pipe, etc. "ToggleDirection" = "ToggleDirection"; a description of tomb of captains "TombOfCaptainsStage1__desc" = "TombOfCaptainsStage1__desc"; name of a building "TombOfCaptainsStageFinal__name" = "TombOfCaptainsStageFinal__name"; tooltip "Toolbox__HideCosts" = "Toolbox__HideCosts"; title of a menu containing editing tools such as copy paste or delete. "ToolsTitle" = "ToolsTitle"; title of a last row in a table that serves as a sum, e.g. 'Total 2 Unity' "Total" = "Total"; label of a chart showing total population "TotalPopulation" = "TotalPopulation"; tooltip shown when player has homeless people on the island "TotalPopulation__HomelessTooltip" = "TotalPopulation__HomelessTooltip"; tooltip explaining total population view "TotalPopulation__Tooltip" = "TotalPopulation__Tooltip"; used like this 'Total settlement need: 40 / month' "TotalSettlementNeed" = "TotalSettlementNeed"; used like this 'Total settlement production: 40 / month' "TotalSettlementOutput" = "TotalSettlementOutput"; could not place a transport as it the other being connected to it is being destroyed "TrAdditionError__BeingDestroyed" = "TrAdditionError__BeingDestroyed"; could not place an entity because it is blocked by other entity, {0} = name of blocked entity "TrAdditionError__Blocked" = "TrAdditionError__Blocked"; could not place reverse a transport "TrAdditionError__CannotReverse" = "TrAdditionError__CannotReverse"; could not place a transport as its direction could not be resolved "TrAdditionError__IncompatibleDirection" = "TrAdditionError__IncompatibleDirection"; could not place a transport due to incompatible port at transport end "TrAdditionError__IncompatiblePortAtEnd" = "TrAdditionError__IncompatiblePortAtEnd"; could not place a transport due to incompatible port at transport start "TrAdditionError__IncompatiblePortAtStart" = "TrAdditionError__IncompatiblePortAtStart"; could not connect a transport "TrAdditionError__InvalidConnection" = "TrAdditionError__InvalidConnection"; generic message for invalid transport "TrAdditionError__InvalidTransport" = "TrAdditionError__InvalidTransport"; generic message for invalid transport split position "TrAdditionError__InvalidTransportCut" = "TrAdditionError__InvalidTransportCut"; could not place a transport because its start and end are connected to the same transport "TrAdditionError__Loop" = "TrAdditionError__Loop"; transport of this type cannot be split/merged "TrAdditionError__NoMiniZipper" = "TrAdditionError__NoMiniZipper"; could not place a transport because of no valid pillars (supports) placement "TrAdditionError__NoPillars" = "TrAdditionError__NoPillars"; could not merge a transport due to not being flat "TrAdditionError__NotFlat" = "TrAdditionError__NotFlat"; could not find a valid transport to selected position "TrAdditionError__PathNotFound" = "TrAdditionError__PathNotFound"; could not place a transport because it is self-colliding "TrAdditionError__SelfColliding" = "TrAdditionError__SelfColliding"; could not place a transport because of collision with terrain "TrAdditionError__TerrainCollision" = "TrAdditionError__TerrainCollision"; could not create a connector because it is too close to other connector, {0} is translated name of the connector "TrAdditionError__TooCloseToOtherMiniZipper" = "TrAdditionError__TooCloseToOtherMiniZipper"; could not connect a transport to another one as they don't match "TrAdditionError__TypesNoMatch" = "TrAdditionError__TypesNoMatch"; performs a trade with another settlement "Trade__Action" = "Trade__Action"; displayed when trade action is no longer available "Trade__SoldOut" = "Trade__SoldOut"; short description "TradeDock__desc" = "TradeDock__desc"; name "TradeDock__name" = "TradeDock__name"; tooltip of a panel showing all the cargo stored in a trade dock "TradeDockCargo__Tooltip" = "TradeDockCargo__Tooltip"; shown after player makes a trade that the products were delivered "TradeOfferDelivered" = "TradeOfferDelivered"; shown after player makes a trade that the products were delivered "TradeOfferDelivered__Animal" = "TradeOfferDelivered__Animal"; shown after player makes a trade that the products were delivered "TradeOfferDelivered__CargoShip" = "TradeOfferDelivered__CargoShip"; title of a panel that shows trade offer from a world map settlement "TradeOffers" = "TradeOffers"; title of a panel that shows trade offer from a world map settlement "TradeOffers__Tooltip" = "TradeOffers__Tooltip"; player can't afford the current trade as it requires more products than they have "TradeStatus__CantAfford" = "TradeStatus__CantAfford"; tooltip explaining how trade works "TradeStatus__Info" = "TradeStatus__Info"; tooltip explaining how buying animals works "TradeStatus__Info_Animal" = "TradeStatus__Info_Animal"; tooltip explaining how buying cargo ships works "TradeStatus__Info_CargoShip" = "TradeStatus__Info_CargoShip"; player can't trade an animal (e.g. chicken) as they have no farm where they could place it into, note: players confuse regular farm with animal farm, try to make it clear "TradeStatus__NoSpaceInFarm" = "TradeStatus__NoSpaceInFarm"; player can't trade as they are missing a trade dock building that enables them to trade "TradeStatus__NoTradeDock" = "TradeStatus__NoTradeDock"; player lack unity to afford the current trade or feature "TradeStatus__NoUnity" = "TradeStatus__NoUnity"; trade is 'sold out' "TradeStatus__SoldOut" = "TradeStatus__SoldOut"; player can't trade as their trade dock is not operational "TradeStatus__TradeDockNotOperational" = "TradeStatus__TradeDockNotOperational"; title of a window that provides overview on trading - buying, selling products "TradeTitle" = "TradeTitle"; Button that takes player to a world so they can trade with some village they'd like "TradeWithVillage" = "TradeWithVillage"; title of a panel showing all the products transported by a selected transport "TransportedProducts" = "TransportedProducts"; height of the current transport that is being build - e.g. 'Height: 2' "TransportHeightTooltip" = "TransportHeightTooltip"; category for key bindings used during transport build / editing (when players builds / places transports) "TransportMode" = "TransportMode"; name: toolbar category name "transportsCategory__name" = "transportsCategory__name"; label showing that transport snapping is currently disabled (we show it as it can confuse players), please be consistent with TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip "TransportSnappingOff__Title" = "TransportSnappingOff__Title"; tooltip, be consistent with TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip "TransportSnappingOff__Tooltip" = "TransportSnappingOff__Tooltip"; short description "TransportsPillar__desc" = "TransportsPillar__desc"; name "TransportsPillar__name" = "TransportsPillar__name"; tooltip "TransportTool__NoTurnTooltip" = "TransportTool__NoTurnTooltip"; tooltip "TransportTool__PortBlockTooltip" = "TransportTool__PortBlockTooltip"; tooltip "TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip" = "TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip"; tooltip "TransportTool__TieBreakTooltip" = "TransportTool__TieBreakTooltip"; explanation how to make transport shorter "TransportTooLong__HowToResolve" = "TransportTooLong__HowToResolve"; notification "TransportTooLong__name" = "TransportTooLong__name"; could not cut transport as it is already being constructed "TrCutError__ConstructionAlreadyStarted" = "TrCutError__ConstructionAlreadyStarted"; short description "TreeHarvesterT1__desc" = "TreeHarvesterT1__desc"; name "TreeHarvesterT1__name" = "TreeHarvesterT1__name"; "TreeHarvesterT2__desc" = "TreeHarvesterT2__desc"; name "TreeHarvesterT2__name" = "TreeHarvesterT2__name"; name "TreeHarvesterT2H__name" = "TreeHarvesterT2H__name"; {0} = 'key binding that open the tool' "TreeHarvesting__part1" = "TreeHarvesting__part1"; {0} = 'Tree harvester' "TreeHarvesting__part2" = "TreeHarvesting__part2"; "TreeHarvesting__part3" = "TreeHarvesting__part3"; "TreePlanterT1__desc" = "TreePlanterT1__desc"; name "TreePlanterT1__name" = "TreePlanterT1__name"; name "TreePlanterT1H__name" = "TreePlanterT1H__name"; explains when trees are going to be cut / harvested, example use: 'Cut after: 4 years' "Trees__CutAfter" = "Trees__CutAfter"; Title of a panel that allows to configure when trees are harvested "Trees__HarvestingOptions" = "Trees__HarvestingOptions"; tooltip "Trees__HarvestingOptionsTooltip" = "Trees__HarvestingOptionsTooltip"; Used to signify trees should not be cut. Tooltip. "Trees__NoCut" = "Trees__NoCut"; description of tree in a build menu "TreesInMenuDescription" = "TreesInMenuDescription"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated Example: "Truck cannot deliver coal. No valid destination" "TruckCannotDeliver__name" = "TruckCannotDeliver__name"; notification "TruckCannotDeliverMixedCargo__name" = "TruckCannotDeliverMixedCargo__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "TruckCapacityIncrease__desc" = "TruckCapacityIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "TruckCapacityIncrease__name" = "TruckCapacityIncrease__name"; notification "TruckHasNoValidExcavator__name" = "TruckHasNoValidExcavator__name"; Tab that contains more insights into jobs done by vehicles and the cargo they exchanged "TrucksAnalytics__Title" = "TrucksAnalytics__Title"; number of jobs done by a vehicle, example use: '1 job', '2 jobs' "TrucksStats__JobsCnt" = "TrucksStats__JobsCnt"; "TrucksStats__OptionGeneral" = "TrucksStats__OptionGeneral"; "TrucksStats__OptionGeneralTooltip" = "TrucksStats__OptionGeneralTooltip"; "TrucksStats__OptionMining" = "TrucksStats__OptionMining"; "TrucksStats__OptionMiningTooltip" = "TrucksStats__OptionMiningTooltip"; "TrucksStats__OptionRefueling" = "TrucksStats__OptionRefueling"; "TrucksStats__OptionRefuelingTooltip" = "TrucksStats__OptionRefuelingTooltip"; Title of a panel showing aggregated overview of products transported by trucks in some selected time period. "TrucksStats__Title" = "TrucksStats__Title"; truck description, for instance {0}=20,{1}=2 "TruckT1__desc" = "TruckT1__desc"; vehicle "TruckT1__name" = "TruckT1__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=20,{1}=2 "TruckT2__desc" = "TruckT2__desc"; vehicle "TruckT2__name" = "TruckT2__name"; vehicle "TruckT2H__name" = "TruckT2H__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3Fluid__desc" = "TruckT3Fluid__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3Fluid__name" = "TruckT3Fluid__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3FluidH__desc" = "TruckT3FluidH__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3FluidH__name" = "TruckT3FluidH__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3Loose__desc" = "TruckT3Loose__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3Loose__name" = "TruckT3Loose__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3LooseH__desc" = "TruckT3LooseH__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3LooseH__name" = "TruckT3LooseH__name"; description of a high pressure turbine "TurbineHighPress__desc" = "TurbineHighPress__desc"; name "TurbineHighPress__name" = "TurbineHighPress__name"; name "TurbineHighPressT2__name" = "TurbineHighPressT2__name"; description of a low pressure turbine "TurbineLowPress__desc" = "TurbineLowPress__desc"; name "TurbineLowPress__name" = "TurbineLowPress__name"; name "TurbineLowPressT2__name" = "TurbineLowPressT2__name"; description of a super pressure turbine "TurbineSuperPress__desc" = "TurbineSuperPress__desc"; name "TurbineSuperPress__name" = "TurbineSuperPress__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnAdvancedLogistics__name" = "TutorialOnAdvancedLogistics__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnCargoShip__name" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__name"; {0} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnCargoShip__part1" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part1"; "TutorialOnCargoShip__part2" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part2"; {0} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3a" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3a"; {0} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3b" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3b"; "TutorialOnCargoShip__part4Heading" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part4Heading"; "TutorialOnCargoShip__part4V2" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part4V2"; "TutorialOnCargoShip__part5V2" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part5V2"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnCoalPower__name" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__name"; "TutorialOnCoalPower__part1" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part1"; "TutorialOnCoalPower__part2" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part2"; {0} = Flywheel "TutorialOnCoalPower__part3" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part3"; {0} = Flywheel "TutorialOnCoalPower__part4" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part4"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnContracts__name" = "TutorialOnContracts__name"; {0} = Cargo ship "TutorialOnContracts__part1" = "TutorialOnContracts__part1"; {0} = Cargo ship, {1} = Cargo depot, {2} = Food Packs, {3} = Crude Oil "TutorialOnContracts__part2" = "TutorialOnContracts__part2"; {0} = Cargo Ship, {1} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnContracts__part3" = "TutorialOnContracts__part3"; "TutorialOnCopySettings__part1" = "TutorialOnCopySettings__part1"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnCopySettings__part2" = "TutorialOnCopySettings__part2"; "TutorialOnCopyTool__part1" = "TutorialOnCopyTool__part1"; {0}, {1} = shortcut keys "TutorialOnCopyTool__part2" = "TutorialOnCopyTool__part2"; {0} shortcut key "TutorialOnCopyTool__part3" = "TutorialOnCopyTool__part3"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnCrisis__name" = "TutorialOnCrisis__name"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part1" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part1"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part2" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part2"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part2Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part2Heading"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part3" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part3"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part3Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part3Heading"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part4" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part4"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part4Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part4Heading"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part5" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part5"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part5Heading"; {0} - keep full "TutorialOnCrisis__part6V2" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part6V2"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part7a" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part7a"; {0} - Diesel generator "TutorialOnCrisis__part7b" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part7b"; {0} - Unity "TutorialOnCrisis__part8V2" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part8V2"; "TutorialOnCutTool__part1" = "TutorialOnCutTool__part1"; {0}, {1} = shortcut keys "TutorialOnCutTool__part2" = "TutorialOnCutTool__part2"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnDiesel__name" = "TutorialOnDiesel__name"; {0} = diesel, {1} = crude oil, {2} = basic distiller, {3} = oil pump "TutorialOnDiesel2__part1" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part1"; "TutorialOnDiesel2__part2" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part2"; {0} = oil pump, {1} = basic distiller "TutorialOnDiesel2__part3" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part3"; {0} = crude oil "TutorialOnDiesel2__part4" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part4"; {0} = waste water, {1} = exhaust, {2} = Smoke stack, {3} = Liquid dump "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5"; "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5Heading"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnDumping__name" = "TutorialOnDumping__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnFarmFertility__name" = "TutorialOnFarmFertility__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnFarming__name" = "TutorialOnFarming__name"; "TutorialOnFarming__part2" = "TutorialOnFarming__part2"; "TutorialOnFarming__water" = "TutorialOnFarming__water"; "TutorialOnFarming__water2" = "TutorialOnFarming__water2"; "TutorialOnFarming__waterHeading" = "TutorialOnFarming__waterHeading"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers1" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers1"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers2" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers2"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers3" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers3"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizersHeading" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizersHeading"; "TutorialOnFertility__part1" = "TutorialOnFertility__part1"; "TutorialOnFertility__part2" = "TutorialOnFertility__part2"; fertility equilibrium is an established term in the game, e.g. in FarmFertility__Equilibrium, please make sure to use it consistently "TutorialOnFertility__part3" = "TutorialOnFertility__part3"; {0} - replaced with percentage (e.g. 50%), {1} - green manure "TutorialOnFertility__rotation1" = "TutorialOnFertility__rotation1"; "TutorialOnFertility__rotation2" = "TutorialOnFertility__rotation2"; "TutorialOnFertility__rotationHeading" = "TutorialOnFertility__rotationHeading"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnFurnace__name" = "TutorialOnFurnace__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnHealth__name" = "TutorialOnHealth__name"; "TutorialOnHealth__part1" = "TutorialOnHealth__part1"; "TutorialOnHealth__part2" = "TutorialOnHealth__part2"; "TutorialOnHealth__part2Heading" = "TutorialOnHealth__part2Heading"; "TutorialOnHealth__part3" = "TutorialOnHealth__part3"; "TutorialOnHealth__part3Heading" = "TutorialOnHealth__part3Heading"; "TutorialOnHealth__part4" = "TutorialOnHealth__part4"; "TutorialOnHealth__part5a" = "TutorialOnHealth__part5a"; "TutorialOnHealth__part5b" = "TutorialOnHealth__part5b"; "TutorialOnHealth__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnHealth__part5Heading"; {0} = blast furnace, {1} = iron ore, {2} = iron scrap "TutorialOnIronOre__part1" = "TutorialOnIronOre__part1"; {0} = iron ore, {1} = iron scrap "TutorialOnIronOre__part2" = "TutorialOnIronOre__part2"; {0} = iron ore, {1} = slag, {2} = Blast furnace "TutorialOnIronOre__part3" = "TutorialOnIronOre__part3"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnIronOreSmelting__name" = "TutorialOnIronOreSmelting__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnMaintenance__name" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__name"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnMaintenance__part1" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__part1"; {0} = Maintenance depot "TutorialOnMaintenance__part2" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__part2"; "TutorialOnMaintenance__part3" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__part3"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnMineTower__name" = "TutorialOnMineTower__name"; "TutorialOnMining__part1" = "TutorialOnMining__part1"; "TutorialOnMining__part10" = "TutorialOnMining__part10"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part11" = "TutorialOnMining__part11"; "TutorialOnMining__part11Header" = "TutorialOnMining__part11Header"; "TutorialOnMining__part12" = "TutorialOnMining__part12"; "TutorialOnMining__part13" = "TutorialOnMining__part13"; "TutorialOnMining__part13Header" = "TutorialOnMining__part13Header"; {0} = Mine control tower, {1} = Edit area "TutorialOnMining__part2" = "TutorialOnMining__part2"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnMining__part3" = "TutorialOnMining__part3"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part4" = "TutorialOnMining__part4"; "TutorialOnMining__part4Header" = "TutorialOnMining__part4Header"; "TutorialOnMining__part5" = "TutorialOnMining__part5"; {0} = shortcut key, {1} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part6" = "TutorialOnMining__part6"; {0} = shortcut key, {1} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part7" = "TutorialOnMining__part7"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part8" = "TutorialOnMining__part8"; "TutorialOnMining__part9" = "TutorialOnMining__part9"; "TutorialOnPathing__part1" = "TutorialOnPathing__part1"; "TutorialOnPathing__part3" = "TutorialOnPathing__part3"; "TutorialOnPathing__part4" = "TutorialOnPathing__part4"; "TutorialOnPauseTool__part1" = "TutorialOnPauseTool__part1"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnPauseTool__part2" = "TutorialOnPauseTool__part2"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part1" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part1"; {0} - Planning tool, {1} - Planning mode "TutorialOnPlanning__part3V2" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part3V2"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part5Heading"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part6" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part6"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part7" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part7"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__name" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__name"; "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part1" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part1"; "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part2" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part2"; "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part3" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part3"; {0} = Captain’s office "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part4" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part4"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part5" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part5"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part6" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part6"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part7" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part7"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part8" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part8"; "TutorialOnRoutes__part1V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part1V2"; {0} = Mine control tower, {1} = +/-, name of the button, {2} - export routes (ExportRoutesTitle) "TutorialOnRoutes__part2V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part2V2"; {0} - export routes (ExportRoutesTitle), {1} = +/-, name of the button "TutorialOnRoutes__part3V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part3V2"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnRoutes__part4V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part4V2"; {0} = Fuel station, {1} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnRoutes__part7V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part7V2"; "TutorialOnRoutes__part8" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part8"; {0} = Keep full (StoredProduct__KeepFull) "TutorialOnRoutes2__part5V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes2__part5V2"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnRoutes2__part6V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes2__part6V2"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnShipRepair__name" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__name"; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part1" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part1"; {0} -> key-binding that opens the map, {1} = 'Explore' "TutorialOnShipRepair__part2" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part2"; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part2Heading" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part2Heading"; {0} = Shipyard, {1} = Keep empty (ShipyardKeepEmpty) "TutorialOnShipRepair__part3V2" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part3V2"; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part4Heading" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part4Heading"; {0} = Shipyard "TutorialOnShipRepair__part4V2" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part4V2"; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part5" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part5"; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part5Heading"; {0} - Shipyard "TutorialOnShipRepair__part6" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part6"; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part6Heading" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part6Heading"; {0} = Blast furnace, {1} = Metal caster "TutorialOnSmelting__part1" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part1"; {0} = Iron scrap, {1} = Iron ore "TutorialOnSmelting__part2" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part2"; {0} = Blast furnace, {1} = Metal caster, {2} - molten channel "TutorialOnSmelting__part3" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part3"; {0} = Smoke stack, {1} = Blast furnace "TutorialOnSmelting__part4" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part4"; {0} = Coal maker, {1} = Smoke stack, {2} = Blast furnace, {3} = Tree harvesting "TutorialOnSmelting__part6" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part6"; {0} = Iron scrap, {1} = Metal caster "TutorialOnSmelting__part7" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part7"; "TutorialOnStorage__part1" = "TutorialOnStorage__part1"; {0} = blast furnace, {1} = iron ore, {2} = coal "TutorialOnStorage__part2" = "TutorialOnStorage__part2"; {0} = Keep full (StoredProduct__KeepFull) "TutorialOnStorage__part3" = "TutorialOnStorage__part3"; {0} = Slag, {1} = Empty (StoredProduct__KeepEmpty) "TutorialOnStorage__part4" = "TutorialOnStorage__part4"; {0} = Keep full (StoredProduct__KeepFull) "TutorialOnStorage__part5" = "TutorialOnStorage__part5"; "TutorialOnStorage__part6" = "TutorialOnStorage__part6"; {0} = Truck Import (LogisticsControl__InputTitle), {1} = Truck Export (LogisticsControl__OutputTitle) "TutorialOnStorage__part7" = "TutorialOnStorage__part7"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnStoragesAndTransports__name" = "TutorialOnStoragesAndTransports__name"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc1" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc1"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc2" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc2"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc3" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc3"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc4" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc4"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc5" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc5"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part1" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part1"; {0} = Mine control tower, {1} - waste "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10Heading" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10Heading"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part2" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part2"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part3" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part3"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part4" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part4"; {0} = key shortcut, {1} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part5" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part5"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part7" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part7"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8Heading" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8Heading"; {0} = Dirt, {1} = Rock "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9Heading" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9Heading"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnTransports__name" = "TutorialOnTransports__name"; {0} = 2, {1} = Ramp "TutorialOnTransports2__height" = "TutorialOnTransports2__height"; "TutorialOnTransports2__part1" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part1"; {0} = analytics (TrucksAnalytics__Title) "TutorialOnTransports2__part2" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part2"; {0} = technology title "TutorialOnTransports2__part3" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part3"; "TutorialOnTransports2__part4" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part4"; {0} = molten channel, {1} = key-bindings, e.g. E/Q "TutorialOnTransports2__part5" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part5"; {0} = key-binding "TutorialOnTransports2__part7" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part7"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__name" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__name"; "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part1" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part1"; {0} - Forestry Control Tower, {1} - Edit designation, {2} - Mine tower "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part2" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part2"; {0} - Tree planter, {1} - Forestry Control Tower "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part3" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part3"; "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part4" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part4"; {0} - Tree planter "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part5" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part5"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnTrucks__name" = "TutorialOnTrucks__name"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part1" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part1"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part2" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part2"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part3" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part3"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part4" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part4"; {0} = Allow partially loaded trucks (PartialTrucksToggle) "TutorialOnTrucks__part5" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part5"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part6" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part6"; "TutorialOnUnityTool__part1" = "TutorialOnUnityTool__part1"; "TutorialOnUnityTool__part2" = "TutorialOnUnityTool__part2"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnUnityTool__part3" = "TutorialOnUnityTool__part3"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnVehiclesAccessibility__name" = "TutorialOnVehiclesAccessibility__name"; "TutorialOnWalls__part1" = "TutorialOnWalls__part1"; "TutorialOnWalls__part2" = "TutorialOnWalls__part2"; {0} = Retaining walls (RetainingWallsTitle), {1} = number (e.g. 5) "TutorialOnWalls__part3" = "TutorialOnWalls__part3"; {0} = shortcut, {1} = shortcut "TutorialOnWalls__part4" = "TutorialOnWalls__part4"; {0} = number (e.g. 5) "TutorialOnWalls__part5" = "TutorialOnWalls__part5"; {0} = Retaining walls (RetainingWallsTitle) "TutorialOnWalls__part6" = "TutorialOnWalls__part6"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnWasteDumping__name" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__name"; "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part1" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part1"; {0} = waste module "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part2" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part2"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3a" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3a"; {0} = waste module, {1} = dumping tutorial name "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3b" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3b"; "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part4" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part4"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnWorldEntities__name" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__name"; {0} = Start repairs (StartRepairs), {1} = Shipyard "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part1" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part1"; {0} = World map (WorldMap), {1} = production level (WorldMineProductionLvl__Title), {2} = Unity "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part2" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part2"; {0} = Cargo Ship (name of the tutorial) "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part3" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part3"; button to reset tutorial progress, more info in TutorialReset__Tooltip "TutorialReset__Action" = "TutorialReset__Action"; text displayed after tutorial progress gets reset, keep short! "TutorialReset__ResetDone" = "TutorialReset__ResetDone"; title for a button that enables to reset tutorial progress "TutorialReset__Title" = "TutorialReset__Title"; tooltip "TutorialReset__Tooltip" = "TutorialReset__Tooltip"; Description of the tutorials mechanic in the new game flow "Tutorials__Description" = "Tutorials__Description"; Title of the tutorials mechanic in the new game flow "Tutorials__Title" = "Tutorials__Title"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialTreeHarvesting__name" = "TutorialTreeHarvesting__name"; title for user interface settings "UiSettings_Title" = "UiSettings_Title"; prefix of a button to unassign a vehicle, example: 'UNASSIGN Mine Tower' "Unassign" = "Unassign"; tooltip explaining what unassign does "Unassign__VehicleTooltip" = "Unassign__VehicleTooltip"; virtual & abstract currency expressing how people 'pull together' to achieve higher goals "Unity__Tooltip" = "Unity__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing the current global Unity capacity "UnityCap__Title" = "UnityCap__Title"; "UnityCap__Tooltip" = "UnityCap__Tooltip"; example of use: '2.2 Unity / ship', used to denote how much Unity player pays per one full cargo ship to participate in a contract "UnityPerShip" = "UnityPerShip"; virtual & abstract 'currency' expressing how people 'pull together' to achieve higher goals, example: '1 Unity' "UnityStr_Format" = "UnityStr_Format"; title of a tool that is used to spent unity for things such as quick boost or quick delivery. Please keep this short! "UnityTool" = "UnityTool"; tooltip "UnityTool__Tooltip" = "UnityTool__Tooltip"; title of a panel that lists all the things that player unlocks by a research "Unlocks" = "Unlocks"; Group heading for all saves with no game name shown in the game column of the load & save window "UnsortedSaves__Title" = "UnsortedSaves__Title"; "Update1__BlueprintsCopied" = "Update1__BlueprintsCopied"; "Update1__LocationChange" = "Update1__LocationChange"; shows new blueprint files location "Update1__NewBlueprintsLocation" = "Update1__NewBlueprintsLocation"; shows new save files location "Update1__NewSaveLocation" = "Update1__NewSaveLocation"; "Update1__OldLocationStillExists" = "Update1__OldLocationStillExists"; shows old save files location "Update1__OldSaveLocation" = "Update1__OldSaveLocation"; placeholder of a text area for description input "UpdateDescription__Placeholder" = "UpdateDescription__Placeholder"; title of a dialog to update description of a blueprint or blueprint folder "UpdateDescription__Title" = "UpdateDescription__Title"; tooltip of a button to open a dialog to update description of a blueprint or blueprint folder "UpdateDescription__Tooltip" = "UpdateDescription__Tooltip"; button to upgrade something "Upgrade" = "Upgrade"; explains that upgrade is currently being in progress "UpgradeInProgress" = "UpgradeInProgress"; title of a tool that is used to mass upgrade already existing buildings and machines. Please keep this short! "UpgradeTool" = "UpgradeTool"; tooltip "UpgradeTool__CancelTooltip" = "UpgradeTool__CancelTooltip"; tooltip "UpgradeTool__Tooltip" = "UpgradeTool__Tooltip"; name "UpointsCat_Boost__name" = "UpointsCat_Boost__name"; name "UpointsCat_Contract__name" = "UpointsCat_Contract__name"; name "UpointsCat_ContractEstablish__name" = "UpointsCat_ContractEstablish__name"; name "UpointsCat_Decorations__name" = "UpointsCat_Decorations__name"; name "UpointsCat_Edict__name" = "UpointsCat_Edict__name"; name "UpointsCat_FreeUnity__name" = "UpointsCat_FreeUnity__name"; name "UpointsCat_Health__name" = "UpointsCat_Health__name"; name "UpointsCat_Homeless__name" = "UpointsCat_Homeless__name"; name "UpointsCat_IslandBuildings__name" = "UpointsCat_IslandBuildings__name"; name "UpointsCat_OneTimeActions__name" = "UpointsCat_OneTimeActions__name"; name "UpointsCat_OtherDecorations__name" = "UpointsCat_OtherDecorations__name"; name "UpointsCat_PopsAdoption__name" = "UpointsCat_PopsAdoption__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickBuild__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickBuild__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickRemove__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickRemove__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickRepair__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickRepair__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickTrade__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickTrade__name"; name "UpointsCat_Rockets__name" = "UpointsCat_Rockets__name"; name "UpointsCat_ShipFuel__name" = "UpointsCat_ShipFuel__name"; name "UpointsCat_Starvation__name" = "UpointsCat_Starvation__name"; name "UpointsCat_VehicleRecovery__name" = "UpointsCat_VehicleRecovery__name"; title of category that shows unity given for settlements decorations "UpointsCategory__Decorations" = "UpointsCategory__Decorations"; title of category that shows unity given for settlements decorations "UpointsCategory__DecorationsLong" = "UpointsCategory__DecorationsLong"; name "UpointsStatsCat_Services__name" = "UpointsStatsCat_Services__name"; name "UpointsStatsCat_WorldMapMines__name" = "UpointsStatsCat_WorldMapMines__name"; short description of a machine "UraniumEnrichmentPlant__desc" = "UraniumEnrichmentPlant__desc"; name of a machine "UraniumEnrichmentPlant__name" = "UraniumEnrichmentPlant__name"; name "UraniumMine__name" = "UraniumMine__name"; short description of a machine "VacuumDistillationTower__desc" = "VacuumDistillationTower__desc"; name of a machine "VacuumDistillationTower__name" = "VacuumDistillationTower__name"; notification "VehicleGoalStruggling__name" = "VehicleGoalStruggling__name"; notification "VehicleGoalStrugglingCannotGoUnder__name" = "VehicleGoalStrugglingCannotGoUnder__name"; notification "VehicleGoalUnreachable__name" = "VehicleGoalUnreachable__name"; notification "VehicleGoalUnreachableCannotGoUnder__name" = "VehicleGoalUnreachableCannotGoUnder__name"; notification "VehicleIsBroken__name" = "VehicleIsBroken__name"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__DrivingToGoal" = "VehicleJob__DrivingToGoal"; truck job status message when a job is in invalid state "VehicleJob__InvalidState" = "VehicleJob__InvalidState"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__Loading" = "VehicleJob__Loading"; vehicle job status message, vehicle is searching for a path to its destination "VehicleJob__Navigating" = "VehicleJob__Navigating"; truck status when truck is adding / removing a ground surface (e.g. concrete) "VehicleJob__ProcessingSurface" = "VehicleJob__ProcessingSurface"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__SearchingForDesignation" = "VehicleJob__SearchingForDesignation"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__Unloading" = "VehicleJob__Unloading"; vehicles cap increase increase, all caps Example: 15 vehicle cap. Meaning: this will increase the global limit of vehicles that the player can have. "VehicleLimitIncrease" = "VehicleLimitIncrease"; shown when max number of allowed vehicles was reached and thus a new vehicle can't be built "VehicleLimitReached" = "VehicleLimitReached"; notification Example: "Truck has no fuel" "VehicleNoFuel__name" = "VehicleNoFuel__name"; notification "VehicleNoReachableDesignations__name" = "VehicleNoReachableDesignations__name"; description for vehicle ramps "VehicleRamp__desc" = "VehicleRamp__desc"; name "VehicleRamp__name" = "VehicleRamp__name"; name "VehicleRamp2__name" = "VehicleRamp2__name"; name "VehicleRamp3__name" = "VehicleRamp3__name"; vehicle role which means the vehicle will harvest trees "VehicleRole__TreeHarvesting" = "VehicleRole__TreeHarvesting"; list of vehicles assigned to buildings - fuel station, storage "VehiclesAssignedToBuildings" = "VehiclesAssignedToBuildings"; list of vehicles assigned to mining "VehiclesAssignedToMining" = "VehiclesAssignedToMining"; list of vehicles assigned to tree harvesting "VehiclesAssignedToTreeHarvesting" = "VehiclesAssignedToTreeHarvesting"; description of a machine "VehiclesDepot__desc" = "VehiclesDepot__desc"; building or machine "VehiclesDepot__name" = "VehiclesDepot__name"; building or machine "VehiclesDepotT2__name" = "VehiclesDepotT2__name"; building or machine "VehiclesDepotT3__name" = "VehiclesDepotT3__name"; tooltip "VehiclesLimit__Tooltip" = "VehiclesLimit__Tooltip"; example use: 'vehicles maintenance: -20%' "VehiclesMaintenance" = "VehiclesMaintenance"; window that provides management & overview of all the vehicles "VehiclesManagement" = "VehiclesManagement"; shows how many drivers are in use for a group of vehicles, {0} = number, e.g. '2 drivers' "VehiclesManagement__Drivers" = "VehiclesManagement__Drivers"; shows how many vehicles are idle, {0} = number, e.g. 'idle: 5' "VehiclesManagement__IdleCount" = "VehiclesManagement__IdleCount"; example: 'Version: alpha 1.0.0' "Version" = "Version"; title of video settings "VideoSettings_Title" = "VideoSettings_Title"; shown when the UI is waiting for the player to press a key to assign a key-binding "WaitingForKeyPress" = "WaitingForKeyPress"; title of message or tutorial "WarningLowDiesel__name" = "WarningLowDiesel__name"; "WarningLowDiesel__part1" = "WarningLowDiesel__part1"; {0} = Oil Pump "WarningLowDiesel__part2" = "WarningLowDiesel__part2"; title of message or tutorial "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__name" = "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__name"; "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part1" = "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part1"; {0} = Maintenance depot "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part2" = "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part2"; "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part3" = "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part3"; title of message or tutorial "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__name" = "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__name"; "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part1" = "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part1"; {0} = Beacon "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part2" = "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part2"; "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part3" = "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part3"; "WarningPrefix" = "WarningPrefix"; name: toolbar category name "wasteCategory__name" = "wasteCategory__name"; short description: {0} is an integer specifying max height such as '5' Dumps liquids into the ocean. "WasteDump__desc" = "WasteDump__desc"; name Dumps liquids into the ocean. "WasteDump__name" = "WasteDump__name"; "WasteSortingOutputs__Tooltip" = "WasteSortingOutputs__Tooltip"; {0} stands for recyclables product, {1} stands for recycling efficiency (RecyclingEfficiency__Title) "WasteSortingPlant__desc" = "WasteSortingPlant__desc"; name "WasteSortingPlant__name" = "WasteSortingPlant__name"; name of a machine Keep datacenter cool by providing chilled water. "WaterChiller__name" = "WaterChiller__name"; title of a panel that shows the amount of water collected in a rainwater harvester "WaterCollected" = "WaterCollected"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "WaterConsumptionReduction__desc" = "WaterConsumptionReduction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "WaterConsumptionReduction__name" = "WaterConsumptionReduction__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "WaterNeed__name" = "WaterNeed__name"; short description of a machine "WaterTreatmentPlant__desc" = "WaterTreatmentPlant__desc"; name of a machine "WaterTreatmentPlant__name" = "WaterTreatmentPlant__name"; short description "WaterWell__desc" = "WaterWell__desc"; name "WaterWell__name" = "WaterWell__name"; sets weather configuration to be dry "WeatherOption_Dry" = "WeatherOption_Dry"; sets weather configuration to be less dry than it normally is "WeatherOption_LessDry" = "WeatherOption_LessDry"; option in WindowMode__Title setting "WindowMode__Option_Borderless" = "WindowMode__Option_Borderless"; option in WindowMode__Title setting "WindowMode__Option_Fullscreen" = "WindowMode__Option_Fullscreen"; option in WindowMode__Title setting "WindowMode__Option_Windowed" = "WindowMode__Option_Windowed"; title for window mode (options are: Fullscreen, Borderless, Windowed) "WindowMode__Title" = "WindowMode__Title"; category for key bindings to open different windows like research, world-map, etc. "WindowsShortcuts" = "WindowsShortcuts"; used like this '4 workers available' "Workers__Available" = "Workers__Available"; used like this '4 workers needed' "Workers__Needed" = "Workers__Needed"; tooltip "WorkersAvailable__Tooltip" = "WorkersAvailable__Tooltip"; label of a chart showing total workers demand - number of workers needed over time "WorkersDemand" = "WorkersDemand"; title of a panel showing quantities available to pick up by a cargo ship in the world "WorldCargo__Title" = "WorldCargo__Title"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated Example: "Oil rig was fully repaired" "WorldEntityRepaired__name" = "WorldEntityRepaired__name"; title of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__BeingExplored_Title" = "WorldLocation__BeingExplored_Title"; description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Explored_Desc" = "WorldLocation__Explored_Desc"; title of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Explored_Title" = "WorldLocation__Explored_Title"; description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Home_Desc" = "WorldLocation__Home_Desc"; title of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Home_Title" = "WorldLocation__Home_Title"; description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Unknown_Desc" = "WorldLocation__Unknown_Desc"; title of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__Unknown_Title" = "WorldLocation__Unknown_Title"; description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__UnknownOnWay_Desc" = "WorldLocation__UnknownOnWay_Desc"; description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Desc" = "WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Desc"; title of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Title" = "WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Title"; description of a location in the world map "WorldLocation__WithEnemyOnWay_Desc" = "WorldLocation__WithEnemyOnWay_Desc"; button to request ship to visit an already explored location "WorldLocation_EnemyFound" = "WorldLocation_EnemyFound"; title for ship orders "WorldLocation_Orders" = "WorldLocation_Orders"; button to request ship to enter a battle for a location "WorldLocation_Orders__Battle" = "WorldLocation_Orders__Battle"; button to request ship to deliver cargo to the selected location "WorldLocation_Orders__DeliverCargo" = "WorldLocation_Orders__DeliverCargo"; button to request ship to explore a selected location "WorldLocation_Orders__Explore" = "WorldLocation_Orders__Explore"; button to request ship to return back to the home island "WorldLocation_Orders__GoHome" = "WorldLocation_Orders__GoHome"; button to request ship to load cargo at the selected location "WorldLocation_Orders__LoadCargo" = "WorldLocation_Orders__LoadCargo"; button to request ship to visit an already explored location "WorldLocation_Orders__Visit" = "WorldLocation_Orders__Visit"; button to request ship to visit an already explored location "WorldLocation_StructureFound" = "WorldLocation_StructureFound"; title/tooltip of a button that opens the world map "WorldMap" = "WorldMap"; description of a world mine, example use: This site mines Coal when assigned with workers. "WorldMine__Desc" = "WorldMine__Desc"; shown when e.g. an oil rig has a production penalty (the output is not just reduced, the non-mined product also gets wasted), example substitutes: {0} => 20% {1} => 12 "WorldMine_ReducedOutput" = "WorldMine_ReducedOutput"; provides estimate on how many years is left to mine in current mine or oil rig, example use 'Years left: 3.5 (estimate)' "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate" = "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate"; tooltip "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate__Tooltip" = "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate__Tooltip"; tooltip for a bar that displays the total reserve left in a deposit. For instance how much uranium is left to extract in a uranium mine. "WorldMine_ReserveTooltip" = "WorldMine_ReserveTooltip"; example use: {0} = Oil rig | Mine "WorldMineInfo__NeedsRepair" = "WorldMineInfo__NeedsRepair"; example use: {0} = Oil rig "WorldMineInfo__ProvidesResources" = "WorldMineInfo__ProvidesResources"; production / mining level of an oil rig / mine - more details explained in WorldMineProductionLvl__Tooltip "WorldMineProductionLvl__Title" = "WorldMineProductionLvl__Title"; station can represent an oil rig, mine or forestry "WorldMineProductionLvl__Tooltip" = "WorldMineProductionLvl__Tooltip"; shows the current title of a world map mine ({0}) and the level the mine has, example use: 'Oil rig (Level 4)' "WorldMineTitleWithLevel" = "WorldMineTitleWithLevel"; describes a settlement in the world map "WorldSettlement_NeutralDesc" = "WorldSettlement_NeutralDesc"; Map description "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__desc" = "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__desc"; Map name "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__name" = "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__name"; short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__desc" = "Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__desc"; name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__name" = "Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__name"; short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_LooseMaterialConveyor__desc" = "Zipper_IoPortShape_LooseMaterialConveyor__desc"; name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_LooseMaterialConveyor__name" = "Zipper_IoPortShape_LooseMaterialConveyor__name"; short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_MoltenMetalChannel__desc" = "Zipper_IoPortShape_MoltenMetalChannel__desc"; name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_MoltenMetalChannel__name" = "Zipper_IoPortShape_MoltenMetalChannel__name"; short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_Pipe__desc" = "Zipper_IoPortShape_Pipe__desc"; name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_Pipe__name" = "Zipper_IoPortShape_Pipe__name";