Context English Thai
ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__name Advanced logistics control
ResearchAdvancedSmelting__desc Provides smelting with higher throughput and increased efficiency for crushed ores.
ResearchArcFurnace2__name Arc furnace II
ResearchAssembler3__name Assembly (robotic) II
ResearchBasicComputing__name Basic computing
ResearchBasicDiesel__desc Enables to pump island's limited reserve of oil and convert it to diesel. Not very efficient.
ResearchBasicDiesel__name Basic diesel
ResearchBasicFarming__desc Basic farming of potatoes. We just need to hope it will rain.
ResearchBasicFarming__name Basic farming
ResearchBiofuel__name Biofuel
ResearchBlueprints__name Blueprints
ResearchBoilerElectric__name Electric boiler
ResearchBricksProduction__name Bricks production
ResearchCaptainsOffice__desc Your own office! This is where all the important decision are made.
ResearchCaptainsOffice__name Captain's office
ResearchCaptainsOffice2__desc A bit more spacious office. It provides access to advanced edicts and gives a passive increase in quick trade volume.
ResearchCaptainsOffice2__name Captain's office II
ResearchCarbonDioxideRecycling__name CO2 recycling
ResearchCargoDepot__desc Enables to automate the transportation process of resources that are outside of the island (crude oil for instance).
ResearchCargoDepot__name Cargo depot