Context English Serbian
AudioEffectsVolume__Entities Entities (e.g. machines, vehicles)
AudioEffectsVolume__Master Master volume
AudioEffectsVolume__Music Music volume
AudioEffectsVolume__UI User interface
AudioSettings_Title Audio
Autosave__Interval Autosave interval
Autosave__Interval_Minutes Every {0} minute
AvailableToAssign Available to assign
AverageProduction Avg. production
AvgDamage Avg. damage
BakingUnit__desc Bakes organic products such as bread.
BakingUnit__name Baking unit
BalancerPrioritization__Title Prioritization
BeachStaticIslandMap__desc A beach vacation awaits! Because, of course, all of the best vacations come with mining, heavy industry, and factory automation. Farming and lumber challenges await you on these sandy shores, but abundant crude oil will sustain your infrastructure as the sunshine sustains your workers.
BeachStaticIslandMap__name The Beach
Beacon__desc Strong light helps other refugees to find your island and join you. This can help you to get more workers and some extra starting loot.
Beacon__name Beacon
Beacon__NoMoreRefugees No more refugees available!
Beacon__Notice Note: active progress gets reset if the beacon gets interrupted
Beacon__Status Expecting {0} refugee in less than: