Context English Persian
Overlays__Grid Terrain grid
Overlays__Resources Resources
Overlays__Title Overlays
Overlays__Trees Tree harvesting
OverwriteSave__Action Overwrite
OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt Are you sure you want to overwrite {0}?
OwnedVehicles Owned
OxygenFurnace__desc Creates steel by blowing pure oxygen under high-pressure into molten iron, lowering its carbon content.
OxygenFurnace__name Oxygen furnace
OxygenFurnaceT2__name Oxygen furnace II
PalmTree__desc Palm tree
PartialTrucksToggle Allow partially loaded trucks
PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip If this is enabled and there are no jobs in the queue, trucks can be assigned delivery jobs that don’t necessarily utilize their cargo capacity fully (e.g. 50% cargo utilization). This makes logistics more responsive in the early phases of your island. However, later on, it is reasonable to disable this to save on fuel costs.
ParticlesRenderingQuality Particles quality
PasteString__Action Paste
PasteString__Tooltip Click to paste a string from the clipboard.
PatchNotes Patch notes
PatchNotes__New New changes since you last played
Pause Pause
Paused Paused