Context English
CargoDepotT1__name Cargo depot (2)
CargoDepotT2__name Cargo depot (4)
CargoModuleLooseCommon__desc Cargo depot module for transferring loose materials (such as coal). It can be built in any empty slot of a cargo depot.
CargoShip__NoModulesBuilt No cargo depot modules built.
CargoShip__NotEnoughToPickUp Waiting until there is enough cargo to pick up.
CargoShip__NothingToPickUp There is nothing to pick up.
CargoShip__ShipIsBeingUnloaded Ship is being unloaded.
CargoShipMissingFuel__name {entity} is low on fuel
CargoShipsLimitTooltip Number of ships available (repaired) / number of ships discovered.
CargoShipT1__name Cargo Ship
CargoShipT2__name Cargo Ship
CargoShipWreckCost1__name Damaged cargo ship
CargoTitle Cargo
Caster__desc Casts molten materials into slabs.
Caster__name Metal caster
CasterCooled__desc Casts molten materials into slabs. This one also utilizes water for cooling.
CasterCooled__name Cooled caster
ChangeHistory__ConfirmPrompt Once applied, you won't be able to change these options again for {0} (in-game):
CharcoalMaker__desc Uses wood to create coal but it is quite inefficient.
CharcoalMaker__name Coal maker