Context English Danish
WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part3 In the meantime, you can pause some buildings that you need the least to free up some workers. In the meantime, you can pause some buildings that you need the least to free up some workers.
WarningPrefix Warning: Warning:
WasteDump__desc Dumps liquid into the ocean. Some liquid will cause water pollution which can affect health and happiness of your people. Works at the maximum height of {0} from the ocean level. Tillader væske dumping i havet. Noget væske vil forårsage vandforurening, som kan påvirke dit folks sundhed og lykke.
WaterChiller__name Water chiller Water chiller
WaterCollected Water collected Water collected
WaterTreatmentPlant__desc Converts not so nice water to nice water. Just don't tell this to the people who drink it. Converts not so nice water to nice water. Just don't tell this to the people who drink it.
WaterTreatmentPlant__name Wastewater treatment Wastewater treatment
WaterWell__desc This station can extract fresh water. This station can extract fresh water.
WaterWell__name Groundwater well Groundwater well
WeatherOption_Dry Dry Dry
WeatherOption_LessDry Less dry Less dry
WindowMode__Option_Borderless Borderless Borderless
WorldEntityRepaired__name {0} was fully repaired {0} was fully repaired
WorldLocation_Orders__DeliverCargo Deliver cargo Deliver cargo
WorldLocation_StructureFound Structure found Structure found
WorldMine_ReserveTooltip Shows the overall status of the reserve available in this deposit. This is a limited resource. Shows the overall status of the reserve available in this deposit. This is a limited resource.
WorldSettlement_NeutralDesc This is a peaceful settlement we can trade with. We can also give them donations to increase our reputation and motivate some of their people to join our island or provide us with more trade deals. This is a peaceful settlement we can trade with. We can also invest in their infrastructure to motivate some of their people to join our island.
Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__desc Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports. Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports.
Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__name Flat balancer Flat balancer
Zipper_IoPortShape_LooseMaterialConveyor__desc Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports. Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports.